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Polan - Wikipedia


From Wikipedia

Yumi wetim wanpela manmeri husat i save gut long Tok Pisin long stretim stail bilong dispela pes.
This page is awaiting review by a fluent speaker of Tok Pisin.
Rzeczpospolita Polska
Republic of Poland
Plak bilong Polan Koat bilong ams bilong Polan
Mazurek Dąbrowskiego  (Tok Polan)
Dąbrowski's Mazurek

Polan i stap we
Template:Map caption
(na lajes siti)
52°13′N, 21°02′E
Ol tokples bilong gavman Tok Polan²
Gavman Parliamentary republic
 -  President Lech Kaczyński
 -  Prime Minister Donald Tusk
 -  Christianisation4 April 14 966 
 -  Redeclared November 11 1918 
Accession to
the European Union
May 1 2004
 -  Olgeta 312,679³ km² (69th)
120,728 sq mi 
 -  Wara (%) 3.07
 -  2007 estimate 38,518,241 (31st)
 -  2002 census 38,530,080 
 -  Densiti 122 /km² (83rd)
319.9 /sq mi
GDP (PPP) 2005 estimate
 -  Olgeta $566.886 billion (23rd)
 -  Long wanwan manmeri $14,880 (52nd)
HDI (2004) 0.862 (high) (37th)
Karensi Złoty (PLN)
Taim hap CET (UTC+1)
 -  Sama (DST) CEST (UTC+2)
Intanet kod .pl5
Telefon kod +48
1 See, however, Unofficial mottos of Poland.
² Although not official languages, Kashubian, Lithuanian and German are used in sixteen communal offices.
³ The total area of Poland according to the administrative division, as given by the Central Statistical Office,[1] amounts to 312,679 km²: land area (311 888 km²) and part of internal waters (791 km²) cut by the coast line. The area of Poland's territory, including all internal waters and the territorial sea, is 322 575 km².
4 The adoption of Christianity in Poland is seen by many Poles, regardless of their religious affiliation, as one of the most significant national historical events; the new religion was used to unify the tribes in the region.
5 Also .eu, as Poland is a member of the European Union.

Polan (Tok Inglis: Poland; Tok Polan: Polska) emi wanpela kantri long Yurop.

Ol kantri bilong Yurop
Plak bilong Aialan Aialan Plak bilong Aislan Aislan Plak bilong Albenia Albenia Plak bilong Andora Andora Plak bilong Asebejan Asebejan Plak bilong Balgeria Balgeria Plak bilong Belaras Belaras Plak bilong Beljiam Beljiam Plak bilong Bosnia na Hesegovina Bosnia na Hesegovina Plak bilong Denmak Denmak Plak bilong Estonia Estonia Plak bilong Pinlan Pinlan Plak bilong Gris Gris Plak bilong Hangari Hangari Flag of the Netherlands Ol Nitelan Plak bilong Itali Itali Plak bilong Jek Ripablik Sek Ripablik Plak bilong Jojia (kantri) Jojia Plak bilong Kasakstan Kasakstan Plak bilong Krowesia Krowesia Plak bilong Laksembog Laksembog Plak bilong Latvia Latvia Plak bilong Liktenstain Liktenstain Plak bilong Lituwenia Lituwenia Plak bilong Molta Molta Flag of the Republic of Macedonia Ripablik bilong Masedonia Plak bilong Moldova Moldova Plak bilong Monako Monako Plak bilong Montenegro Montenegro Plak bilong Nowe Nowe Plak bilong Ostria Ostria Plak bilong Polan Polan Plak bilong Posugol Posugol Plak bilong Pranis Pranis Plak bilong Rasia Rasia Plak bilong Romenia Romenia Plak bilong San Marino San Marino Plak bilong Sebia Sebia Plak bilong Siamani Siamani Plak bilong Slovakia Slovakia Plak bilong Slovenia Slovenia Plak bilong Spen Spen Plak bilong Suwidan Suwidan Plak bilong Suwisalan Suwisalan Plak bilong Teki Teki Plak bilong Vatikan Siti Vatikan Siti Plak bilong Yukren Yukren Plak bilong Yunaitet Kingdom Yunaitet Kingdom

(Dispela pes Polan emi liklik tumas. Yu inap raitim mo sapos yu laik halivim Wikipedia.)

Long ol narapela tokples

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