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Philosophy - Wikipedia


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Philosophy is a Greek wird for 'love o wit.' It can be uised ti mean mony things.

  • A personal wey tae think aboot the warld, or a pairt o it.
  • A set o conceits that gangs thegither, wrocht oot bi a body that haes studied weys o thinking aboot the warld.
  • The study o abstract conceits

Philosophy in this airticle means a group o conceits that haes been thocht on by academic philosophers (fowk that daes philosophy) for a lang time. Thir conceits haes come tae form a body o knawledge an quaistens that is unco lairge. There's mony different kynds o philosophy, some o them comin frae Europe, in parteecular (Auld) Greece, whaur as ithers comes frae Asie or ither pairts o the warld.

Table o contents

[edit] Innin

Ae defineetion o Philosophy is that it is the study o human beins an the warld bi thinking an speirin; anither defineetion is that it is the study o abstract conceits (that is the conceits theirsels). It isna a pairt o science sin it daesna observe or study the things an events in the warld (the scientific method) tae find oot whit wey it wirks. Insteid it ettles tae answer mony quaistens bi comin up wi realistic answers an speirin "whit for no?"

Philosophy is sib tae science an tae releegion an can compete wi thae twa in answerin some quaistens. Some fowk says that Philosophy ligs atween science an releegion. Ither fowk says that it shoud be studied its lane. Maist Philosophers (fowk that studies philosophy) disna come up wi the same answers tae quaistens an it is aften thocht that, in contrast wi science or releegion, there's nae richt answers in philosophy, juist better anes.

Some important quaistens that philosophy speirs, amang ithers, is "Whit is guid an whit is bonny?", "Daes God exeest?", "Daes the warld aboot us exeest?", "Whit is a body?", and "Whit is Truith?".

[edit] Fields or Brainches o Philosophy

Philosophy can be sindert intil fields or brainches (that we coud cry disciplines or sorts) foondit on the kynds o quaistens that it speirs. Here is a fuller leet o quaistens sindert intil fields or brainches. Ae possible leet o answers tae thir quaistens can be cried a 'philosophy'. There's mony differrin 'philosophies' sin aw thae quaistens haes mony differrin answers.

In metapheesics :

Metapheisics is whiles sindert intil ontology (the philosophy o reality an bein), the philosophy o mynd an the philosophy o releegion, houaniver thir sub-brainches is awfu seemlar.


  • Whit is the warld that we see aboot us? (whit is reality?)
    • Is there mair tae the warld nor juist the things that we see or hear?
    • Whan naebody sees a thing happen daes that mean that it didna happen?
    • Coud there be ither warlds? For exemplar coud there be a warld whaur Bill Clinton haedna won the 1992 US presidential election?
  • Is there onything byordinar aboot being Human or e'en aboot bein Alive at aw ?
    • Gin no, whit for daes some fowk think that there is ?
  • Whit is space ? Whit is time ?

The philosophiy o mynd:

  • Whit is a mynd ?
  • Whit is a body ?
  • Whit is Consciousness ?
  • Daes fowk mak chyces or are they weirdit tae dae the ae thing ? (Daes fowk hae free will ?)

The philosophy o releegion:

  • Daes fowk hae Sowels ?
  • Is there a God ?

In epistemology

  • Whit is knawledge ?
  • Whit for can we ken onything ?
  • Whit is Science ?
  • Whit is Truith

In ethics :

  • Whit is Richt an Wrang, Guid an Ill ?
  • Shoud fowk dae some things an no ithers ?
  • Whit is Juistice ?

In Aesthetics :

  • Whit is Beauty ?
  • Is true things beautiful ?
  • Is guid things beautiful ?
  • Whit is Airt ?

In Logic :

  • Whit daes the wirds we uise mean ?
  • Whit for can we say things (conceits in parteecular) sae that they juist hae the ae meanin ?
  • Can aw conceits be expressed uisin wirds ?
  • Whit is truith ?

[edit] Is Philosophy uissfu?

Daes philosophy dae ony guid? Fowk disna gree anent this. Some fowk thinks that philosophy hairms the Kirk or the State, as philosophy is a kin o free-thinking an aften quaistens the beliefs that ithers hauds.

Ither fowk thinks that philosophy is juist ordinar rummle-gumption or politics. Philosophers believes that speirin philosophical quaistens is uissfu acause it brings wit an holps fowk ti lairn anent the warld an ilk ither. Some thinks politics is juist a competeetion or argiement atween philosophies, that can end up wi fowk ettlin tae gar ilk ither dae things bi law an veeolence. This collogue haes been gaun on for thoosands o years - as haes collogues anent aw the quaistens abuin.

[edit] Whit for dae fowk dae philosophy

Some philosophers is full-time thinkers (cried academics), ithers is juist "hobby" thinkers, or approaches philosophy frae anither job, for exemplar a monk, an airtist or a scientist. Maist Philosophers wirks bi speirin quaistens an leukin for guid defineetions (meanins) o wirds for tae unnerstaund whit a quaisten means. Some philosophers says the ae thing ye maun hae for tae answer a quaisten is tae find oot whit it means an that the ae thing that maks philosophical quaistens sic as thir abuin difficult is that fowk disna raelly ken whit they mean (for exemplar Ludwig Wittgenstein).

Philosophers will aften uise exemplars frae rael life for tae mak a pynt forby, for exemplar they micht scrieve anent a rael or feectional chiel for tae shaw their conceit o a guid cheil or an ill ane.

Some philosophers graip for the semplest gate for tae answer a quaisten an says that thon is maist like tae be the richt answer. That is a process cried Occam's Razor. Ithers believes that complicate answers ti quaistens can be richt an aw.

For an exemplar o a philosophical kinch, leuk at the god paradox.

[edit] Some philosophers

[edit] The first Greek philosophers

  • Pythagoras
  • Socrates
  • Plato
  • Aristotle
  • Epicurus

[edit] Later European Philosophers

  • Saint Augustine
  • Saint Thomas Aquinas
  • Niccolo Machiavelli
  • Thomas Hobbes
  • René Descartes
  • John Locke
  • Benedict de Spinoza
  • Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
  • Bishop George Berkeley
  • David Hume
  • Immanuel Kant
  • Mary Wollstonecraft
  • John Stewart Mill
  • Karl Marx
  • Friedrich Nietszche
  • Søren Kierkegaard

[edit] Modren European an American Philosophers

  • Bertrand Russel
  • Ludwig Wittgenstein
  • Jean-Paul Sartre
  • Simone de Beauvoir
  • Ayn Rand
  • Karl Popper
  • Willard Van Orman Quine

[edit] Asie Philosophers (whiles cried Eastren Philosophers)

  • Confucius
  • Lao Tzu
  • Siddhārta Gautama (The Gautama Buddha)

[edit] Fremmit airtins

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