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Википеди:Ныхас — Wikipedia


Сæрибар энциклопеди Википедийы æрмæг.


[баив æй] Википедийы ныхас

Сæрмагонд кнопкæ къухфыст бавæрынæн
Сæрмагонд кнопкæ къухфыст бавæрынæн

Дæ фыстæджы фæстæ цыппар тильдæйы (афтæ: ~~~~) æвæр, цæмæй дын иннæ ныхасгæнджытæ феной дæ ном!

[баив æй] Информационное сообщение

17-18 октября в г. Санкт-Петербурге состоится ВикиКонференция, посвященная проблемам развития Википедии. На конференцию приглашаются все участники русскоязычного раздела, других разделов и братских проектов. Планируется выступление участников с докладами, проведение круглых столов и другие мероприятия. Более полную информацию вы можете получить на странице Русской Википедии [1], либо у участника Кондратьев, либо по электронной почте ancondratyev__peterlink.ru.

Определиться с участием и информировать об этом оргкомитет (по любому из указанных вариантов связи) желательно до 4 сентября. Просьба распространить эту информацию среди участников этого раздела. -- 11:46, 30 августа 2007 (UTC)

[баив æй] Cyrilic and Latin characters in the titles/links

Hi everyone, not sure if you want this or not, but i made a bot that creates pages like this: ru:Википедия:Проект:Работа для бота/Смесь раскладок - список. The bot can also automatically fix many obvious errors. If you would like it to run here, write at ru:user talk:yurik. Make sure you create a page for this list, and put a template at the top explaining what it is. --Yurik 17:33, 1 августа 2006 (UTC)

[баив æй] Робот

Фæнды мæ, фæлхатгæ куыстытæ чи араздзæн, ахæм робот саразын. Йæ ном уыдзæн IronBot æмæ йæ фыццаг куыст уыдзæн азты фæрстæ скæнын. - Amikeco.

Ахæм робот арæзт æрцыд. Йæ бавæрд ын фен. --Amikeco 23:43, 12 октябры 2005 (UTC)

[баив æй] Техникон фыстытæ

[баив æй] «Перенаправление»

Куыд ратæлмац кæнæн ис дзырд «перенаправление», «страница перенаправления»? Уый у, автоматон æгъдауæй æндæр фарсмæ чи арвиты, ахæм фарс. - Amikeco 13:38, 9 ноябры 2005 (UTC)

[баив æй] «Настройки»

Рагæй мæ фæнды дзырд «настройки» ирон æвзагмæ ратæлмац кæнын. Фæлæ куыд? Бæргæ, мивдисæг «аразын»-æй исты саразæм? «Аразæн», «аразæнуат», «аразæнтæ»?.. Смахмæ гæсгæ та куыд, Википедийы архайджытæ? - Amikeco 10:03, 30 октябры 2005 (UTC)

Ис ахæм ныхас - æрмадз - означает «мастерская». Кæнæ ахæм ныхас - ныццаразын - настроить. Номон хауæны уыдзæн - ныццаразæн. — Reva
Æрмадз мæ зæрдæмæ тынг фæцыди. Дзырд «мастерская»-йæ уырыссагау дæр narod.ru пайда кæны. Тынг хорз идейæ. - Amikeco 22:05, 30 октябры 2005 (UTC)
Макæзæгъæг мын нæ уыд, æмæ уый тыххæй ныффыстон «æрмадз». Бузныг Reva-йæн. Фæстæдæ уыцы фыст ис раивæн (кæд исты хуыздæр идейæ нæм фæзындзæн). - Amikeco 13:38, 9 ноябры 2005 (UTC)

[баив æй] Бавдис/Бацамон

"Системæйæн дæхи бавдис" --> "Системæйæн дæхи бацамон". Чи цы зæгъдзæн? --Amikeco 14:39, 16 Мар 2005 (UTC)

Мæнмæ гæсгæ, "Системæйæн дæхи бацамон" зæгъын растдæр у. Alard 08:34, 15 октябры 2005 (UTC)
Раивтон æй. --Amikeco 14:45, 23 октябры 2005 (UTC)

[баив æй] Interwiki Bot Status

Hi. I would like to get my interwiki bot YurikBot marked as a bot in your language. The bot is already operating in almost 50 languages, and it would lower the server load and improve the quality of articles if all interwikies are updated at the same time. You can read more or ask questions here. I always run the latest version of the Pywikipediabot (i am also one of the developers of this project). The request for the bot status is here. Please support. Thank you. --Yurik (en) 23:38, 5 январы 2006 (UTC)

Support is given. - Amikeco 04:33, 6 январы 2006 (UTC)

[баив æй] Thijs!bot

I request that User:Thijs!bot get a bot flag. The bot adds interwiki links at articles in os:. It is currently performing this task on >75 wikipedia's, so it is very efficient and adding extra languages will hardly increase server load. Currently it is working on, among others, en, nl, fr, de, sv, nn, no, da, fi, hu, pl, ru, pt, fr, gl, ca, es, it, he, hr, ja, nds, nds-nl, li, lt, io, id, ia, ie and simple. As a source it uses both the Dutch wikipedia and Flacus' warnfiles. I am using the pywikipedia-platform. Thank you! Thijs! 08:23, 27 августа 2006 (UTC)

Yes, the bot is already working and showing its efficiency. It'd be great to mark it as a bot to make it possible not to see its changes in the RecentChanges list. - Amikeco 17:42, 28 августа 2006 (UTC)
Bot flag granted. Sorry if it took so long. -- 19:27, 27 сентября 2006 (UTC) meta:User:Paginazero not logged

[баив æй] Other bot requests

Please, put your requests to a special page: Wikipedia:Bots. Thank you for you willingness to help. - Amikeco 17:16, 5 октября 2006 (UTC)

[баив æй] Wikimania 2007 Team Bulletin

Published by the Wikimania 2007 Taipei Team, Wikimania 2007 Team Bulletin provides the latest news of the Team's organizing work to everyone who is interested in Wikimania; it also gives the Team chances to announce calls for help/participation, so assistance in human and other resources can be sought in a wider range. Team Bulletin is published at the official website of Wikimania 2007 and released to the public domain. Issue 1 and Issue 2 has already published.-- 02:07, 29 октября 2006 (UTC)

[баив æй] Wikimedia Election Notice

If you are able, please translate this notice to as many possible languages and post it anywhere applicable.

The Wikimedia Election Committee is accepting candidates for the 2007 Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees election. Please see [2] for more information.

There is still time for a new candidate to be considered for election, and you may now endorse the candidate of your choice (up to 3 candidates) on the endorsements page, [3]. Please read the instructions carefully prior to endorsing. If you can translate the instructions, please do.

If you have any questions, please contact any member of the election committee, who are listed here [4].

Posted on behalf of the Election Committee,

[баив æй] Preparation of Fundraiser 2007

Hi, this is just a first introduction message to tell you: there is more to come. I am dealing with the Project Management of the Fundraiser 2007 and therefore will search for contacts of wikimedians who can help us to do our tasks on all projects. I am actually also building the structure for the fundraiser on Meta. We will need people who help to design buttons, translate texts of buttons, documents, sitenotices etc. Should you feel you want to co-operate please let me know. You can reach me on my meta user page or by e-mail at scretella (at) wikimedia (dot) org. If you wish to notify us that you would like to co-operate on translations, it would be nice if you used e-mail and copied the e-mail to me and Aphaia (aphaia (at) gmail (dot) com). Thank you for your attention and I hope to meet you soon! Cheers :-) -- 4 September 2007 Sabine

[баив æй] Betawiki: better support for your language in MediaWiki

Dear community. I am writing to you to promote a special wiki called Betawiki. This wiki facilitates the localisation (l10n) of the MediaWiki interface. You may have changed many messages here to use your language in the interface, but if you would log in to for example the Japanese language Wiktionary, you would not be able to use the interface as well translated as here. In fact, of 1,736 messages in the core of MediaWiki, 9.14% of the messages have been translated. Betawiki also supports the translation of messages for 126 extensions, with 2,174 messages. Many of them are used in WMF projects and they are vital for understanding the wiki. Currently 0.00% of the WMF extension messages have been translated. Translators for over 90 languages contribute their work to MediaWiki this way every month.

If you wish to contribute to better support of your language in MediaWiki, as well as for many MediaWiki extensions, please visit Betawiki, create an account and request translator privileges. You can see the current status of localisation of your language on MediaWiki.org and do not forget to get in touch with others that may already be working on your language on Betawiki.

If you have any further questions, please let me know on my talk page on Betawiki. We will try and assist you as much as possible, for example by importing all messages from a local wiki for you to start with, if you so desire.

You can also find us on the Freenode IRC network in the channel #mediawiki-i18n where we will be happy to help you get started.

Thank you very much for your attention and I do hope to see some of you on Betawiki soon! Thanks, GerardM@Betawiki

  • Currently 9.65% of the MediaWiki messages and 0.00% of the messages of the extensions used by the Wikimedia Foundation projects have been localised. Please help us help your language by localising at Betawiki. This is the recent localisation activity for your language. Thanks, GerardM 08:26, 21 апреля 2008 (UTC)
  • Currently 18.69% of the MediaWiki messages and 4.81% of the messages of the extensions used by the Wikimedia Foundation projects have been localised. Please help us help your language by localising at Betawiki. This is the recent localisation activity for your language. Thanks, GerardM 07:51, 27 майы 2008 (UTC)

[баив æй] The village pump

Could someome be so kind and move my contribution to your "village pump" and also, could someone please add a link to your village pump on meta GerardM 09:04, 30 января 2008 (UTC)

[баив æй] Bot Status Purbo_T

Hi, I'd like to request a bot flag for Purbo_T (contribs)

Thank you! --Purodha Blissenbach 22:26, 3 февраля 2008 (UTC)

Good idea to use your bot here, thank you for the effort. Our bot policy is a standard one, you can see it here. Amikeco 22:46, 3 февраля 2008 (UTC)

[баив æй] Election Notice, Please Translate

The 2008 Board election committee announces the 2008 election process. Wikimedians will have the opportunity to elect one candidate from the Wikimedia community to serve as a representative on the Board of Trustees. The successful candidate will serve a one-year term, ending in July 2009.

Candidates may nominate themselves for election between May 8 and May 22, and the voting will occur between 1 June and 21 June. For more information on the voting and candidate requirements, see <http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Board_elections/2008>.

The voting system to be used in this election has not yet been confirmed, however voting will be by secret ballot, and confidentiality will be strictly maintained.

Votes will again be cast and counted on a server owned by an independent, neutral third party, Software in the Public Interest (SPI). SPI will hold cryptographic keys and be responsible for tallying the votes and providing final vote counts to the Election Committee. SPI provided excellent help during the 2007 elections.

Further information can be found at <http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Board_elections/2008/en>. Questions may be directed to the Election Committee at <http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:Board_elections/2008/en>. If you are interested in translating official election pages into your own language, please see <http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Board_elections/2008/Translation>.

For the election committee,
Philippe Beaudette

Æндæр æвзæгтыл

< Static Wikipedia 2008 (no images)

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Static Wikipedia 2006 (no images)

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