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Ass Wikipedia.

Failt erriu gys Wikipedia Gaelg Vanninagh! Ta 1,421 artyn ec Wikipedia Gaelg Vanninagh.

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Charon, Ynnyd rollageagh (AU), Pluto, Arc ny Twoaie, Towl doo, Trimmid, Anna Chakvetadze, Lusaka, Ellanyn ny Geyrragh, Shetlynn, Fockreeaght, Çhengoaylleeaght, Yn Chanadey, Ardjyn Frangagh, Impiraght Romanagh Bannee, Çheer Valencianagh, Çheer Bascagh, Ny h-Ellanyn Balearagh, Baarle Albinagh, Yn Vooir Ruy, Catalonish.

Laaghyn bleeaney shennyssagh

18 Mean Souree, 2008

Art ghrooishagh

Ta Ellanyn ny Geyrragh (Faaroish: Føroyar, Danvargish: Færøerne) ellanragh t'ayns y Keayn Sheear co`aggys eddyr Shetlynn, yn Eeslynn as Norlynn. Ta reill thie ec yn ellanragh veih'n blein 1948, as t'eh ny voayl jeh'n Rigsfællesskabet. Ta faggys-chianglaghyn oc lesh yn Eeslynn, Shetlynn, yn Orkaid, ny h-Ellanyn Sheear as Greenlynn. Va'n ellanragh rheynnit magh ass Norlynn 'sy vlein 1814. Ta Tórshavn ard-valley yn ellanragh.

Cha nel shennaghys ny traaghyn toshee yn ellanragh dy mie er fys. Haink monnee Yernagh gys yn ellanragh 'sy sheyoo eash, as hug ad lhieu stiagh kirree as corkey, as y çhenn-Yernish ayns y çheer. Mygeayrt y vlein 650, haink ny Loghlynee lesh y çhengey oc. Ec jerrey y chied eash jeig va'n ellanragh currit stiagh myr cooid jeh Norlynn. As tooilley

Caslys ghrooishagh

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Jupiter, y planaid smoo ayns Corys ny Greiney

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