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Wikipedia:Taverna - Wikipedia, le encyclopedia libere


De Wikipedia, le encyclopedia libere

Wikipedia:Activitates pendente contine le activitates proponite in le taverna.


Tabula de contento

[modificar] Bon anno nove 2008

Car interlinguistas, io vos desira un felice anno 2008!

Recorda etiam que le 15 de januario es le international Die de Interlingua!

Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 23:58, 8 januario 2008 (UTC)

Bon anno nove a tu Julian e totes! :D --Jondel 07:55, 10 januario 2008 (UTC)
Io non sapeva que il ha un die international de interlingua! Felice anno nove a totes e congratulationes! --André. 13:35, 10 januario 2008 (UTC)

[modificar] Portal namespace

Io ha requestate le creation de un spatio de nomine (namespace) pro le portales e lor discussiones. Le numero de requesta es: 12557 . Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 00:12, 9 januario 2008 (UTC)

Le requesta ha essite jam processate. Nunc, nos ha portales in su proprie namespace. Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 00:01, 10 januario 2008 (UTC)

Illo me sembla un bon idea, e io spera que isto nos encoragia a crear nove portales. Gratias, Julian. Amicalmente, —André. 22:40, 15 januario 2008 (UTC).

[modificar] 4000 articulos e Die International de Interlingua

Congratulationes a tote le wikipedianos que ha contribuite al creation e melioration de Wikipedia!

Etiam, congratulationes perque hodie es le die international de interlingua! Cordialmente, —André. 14:02, 15 januario 2008 (UTC)

Felice die international de interlingua! --Julian (disc.) 21:17, 15 januario 2008 (UTC)

[modificar] Patrono e categoria pro le articulos eminente

Salute! Io ha create un patrono e un categoria pro le articulos eminente monstrate in le Frontispicio. Io ha ponite le patrono al 5 articulos monstrate previemente (Geometria-Installation radioamatori), sed nos necessita adder le patrono a tote le articulos eminente. Le patrono adde automaticmente le articulo al Categoria:Articulos eminente. Per iste ration, io suggere cambiar iste lista pro le categoria que io creava. In le lista del articulo Wikipedia:Articulo eminente nos poterea monstrar solmente le articulo e le data in que illo esseva monstrate. Per exemplo, nos poterea monstrar solmente

in vice de

  • Installation radioamatori (2008-01-01 — …): Le construction del prime installation radioamatori depende multo del classe del certificato radioamatori e le desiros proprie. Radioamatori con signo de appello de classe E comencia sovente con un apparato de radio a mano o usa un apparato de radio mobile a un antenna montate fixemente.

Que pensa vos? Cordialmente, —André. 16:07, 15 januario 2008 (UTC).

Il me sembla un bon idea. Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 21:17, 15 januario 2008 (UTC)

[modificar] Betawiki: better support for your language in MediaWiki

Dear community. I am writing to you to promote a special wiki called Betawiki. This wiki facilitates the localisation (l10n) of the MediaWiki interface. You may have changed many messages here to use your language in the interface, but if you would log in to for example the Japanese language Wiktionary, you would not be able to use the interface as well translated as here. In fact, of 1,762 messages in the core of MediaWiki, 24.12% of the messages have been translated. Betawiki also supports the translation of messages for 126 extensions, with 2,174 messages. Many of them are used in WMF projects and they are vital for understanding the wiki. Currently 0.00% of the WMF extension messages have been translated. Translators for over 90 languages contribute their work to MediaWiki this way every month.

If you wish to contribute to better support of your language in MediaWiki, as well as for many MediaWiki extensions, please visit Betawiki, create an account and request translator privileges. You can see the current status of localisation of your language on MediaWiki.org and do not forget to get in touch with others that may already be working on your language on Betawiki.

If you have any further questions, please let me know on my talk page on Betawiki. We will try and assist you as much as possible, for example by importing all messages from a local wiki for you to start with, if you so desire.

You can also find us on the Freenode IRC network in the channel #mediawiki-i18n where we will be happy to help you get started.

Thank you very much for your attention and I do hope to see some of you on Betawiki soon! Thanks, Malafaya@Betawiki 17:53, 8 februario 2008 (UTC)

Iste message ha essite lassate in mi pagina de discussion pro su divulgation in le taverna. --Julian (disc.) 18:25, 8 februario 2008 (UTC)
  • Currently 28.77% of the MediaWiki messages and 0.00% of the messages of the extensions used by the Wikimedia Foundation projects have been localised. Please help us help your language by localising at Betawiki. This is the recent localisation activity for your language. Thanks, GerardM 17:33, 30 april 2008 (UTC)

[modificar] Declaration universal...

Salute, es un nove usator de le Wikipedia in Interlingua. Ha scribite justo nunc un articulo-pecietta: Declaration universal del derectos del homine, in sequer le rubie ligamentos a partir da le articulos del linguages. Ergo io notava que estava un articulo Declaration Universal del Derectos Human. Que face? --Cryptex 17:57, 16 februario 2008 (UTC)

Multe gratias pro tu contributiones Cryptex, e benvenite!. Io jam ha fusionate le articulos. Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 18:51, 16 februario 2008 (UTC)
Perfecte! --Cryptex 13:28, 17 februario 2008 (UTC)

[modificar] Apertura del Wikiprojecto de Mathematica

Salute! Io ha aperite le Wikiprojecto:Mathematica. Le mechanica que essera usate in iste wikiprojecto totevie non es official, assi que tu pote suggerer cambios. Si il non ha objectiones, le mechanica essera approbate le 15 martio 2008. Cordialmente, André. 01:34, 5 martio 2008 (UTC)

Il me sembla un idea multo bon. Io faceva un parve cambio: scindeva le nomine Wikiprojecto en Wikipedia:Projecto. Assi, io poneva le pagina in namespace 4 (Wikipedia) in vice de namespace 0 (Articulo). Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 14:56, 5 martio 2008 (UTC)

Multo ben, Julian, multe gratias. Io habeva le dubita del spatio de nomine... Etiam gratias pro adder le interwikis. —André. 02:37, 6 martio 2008 (UTC)

[modificar] Betawiki update

Currently 23.26% of the MediaWiki message and 0.00% of the messages used in the extensions used by the Wikimedia Foundation have been localised. Please help your language by localising at Betawiki. Thanks, GerardM 07:30, 28 martio 2008 (UTC)

[modificar] Election Notice - Please translate

The 2008 Board election committee announces the 2008 election process. Wikimedians will have the opportunity to elect one candidate from the Wikimedia community to serve as a representative on the Board of Trustees. The successful candidate will serve a one-year term, ending in July 2009.

Candidates may nominate themselves for election between May 8 and May 22, and the voting will occur between 1 June and 21 June. For more information on the voting and candidate requirements, see <http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Board_elections/2008>.

The voting system to be used in this election has not yet been confirmed, however voting will be by secret ballot, and confidentiality will be strictly maintained.

Votes will again be cast and counted on a server owned by an independent, neutral third party, Software in the Public Interest (SPI). SPI will hold cryptographic keys and be responsible for tallying the votes and providing final vote counts to the Election Committee. SPI provided excellent help during the 2007 elections.

Further information can be found at <http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Board_elections/2008/en>. Questions may be directed to the Election Committee at <http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:Board_elections/2008/en>. If you are interested in translating official election pages into your own language, please see <http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Board_elections/2008/Translation>.

For the election committee,
Philippe Beaudette

[modificar] Imagine principal

Il me sembla que il ha un error technic: io non pote vider le imagine principal de Wikipedia! —André. 02:11, 19 maio 2008 (UTC)

Etiam io non pote vider imagine.--Jondel 05:09, 19 maio 2008 (UTC)
Io ha corrigite isto. Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 09:23, 19 maio 2008 (UTC)
Multo bone! Gratias!--Jondel 11:51, 25 maio 2008 (UTC)

[modificar] Unification de login

Car communitate, nunc le login unificate es utilisabile publicamente per omnes. Isto permitte haber un sol conto (SUL, single-user login) pro tote le projectos Wikimedia. Io vos recommenda unificar vostre contos. Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 11:24, 30 maio 2008 (UTC)

[modificar] Patrono: docpatrono

Salute! Io ha facite un nove patrono: {{docpatrono}}, pro adder un documentation a cata patrono. Il esserea bon que nos adde iste documentation al patronos existente e etiam al nove patronos. Cordialmente, —André. 01:10, 1 junio 2008 (UTC)

[modificar] Manual de stilo

Salute! Io invita a tote le communitate al creation del manual de stilo de Wikipedia in interlingua. In iste manual nos definira le formato que nos usara in tote le articulos. Propone ideas e da opiniones in le Discussion Wikipedia:Manual de stilo/Temp. Quando nos ha consenso, le manual essera convertite in un directiva official. —André. 02:06, 7 junio 2008 (UTC)

[modificar] Lo que Wikipedia non es

Salute! Io invita a tote le communitate a emmiter su opinion, discuter e cercar consenso super Wikipedia:Lo que Wikipedia non es. Io volerea que nos converte iste proposition in politica official de Wikipedia in interlingua. Io ha basate le construction del pagina in le homonymo del Wikipedia in anglese. Cordialmente, –André. 15:48, 17 junio 2008 (UTC)

Altere linguas

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Static Wikipedia 2006 (no images)

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