[ođasmahte] Buoridanevttohusat sámegielat Wikipediijai
[ođasmahte] Fonttat
Livččiigo moge vejolaš oaččut maid sámegielat Wikipediijai juohke editeren-siiddu vuolabeallái lođa mas sáhtašii darbbu mielde válljet erenoamáš fonttaid. Dalle maid mii geaid dihtoriin ii leat sámegielat boallobeavddit sáhtašeimmet ođasmáhttit siidduid alkibut. --Balva 10:31, 5 geassemánu 2006 (UTC)
[ođasmahte] Jienasteamit
[ođasmahte] Bot flag in meta for Superzerocool
I request bot status an this wiki in order to update interwikis.
- Bot User: User:Superzerocool
- The bot uses pywikipedia software and is constantly updated with CVS.
- Bot status granted. --Skuolfi 21:43, 2 čakčamánu 2007 (UTC)
[ođasmahte] Approval
- For. Trondtr 22:00, 16 miessemánu 2006 (UTC).
- For. Skuolfi 09:43, 19 miessemánu 2006 (UTC).
- For. Balva 10:31, 5 geassemánu 2006 (UTC).
- For. Alfred Dengan 05:37, 6 geassemánu 2006 (UTC)
[ođasmahte] Reject
[ođasmahte] Wikipedia:Hálddašeaddjit
Wikipedia:Hálddašeaddjit siiddus jienastit dán Wikipedia hálddašeddjiin.
[ođasmahte] Domenet
Det foregår for tida ein diskusjon om bruken av domenet
- Bør det berre vera ei automatisk omdirigering til
- Bør bli ei form for portal til alle norske wikipediaar (bokmål, nynorsk, samisk)? (Sjå døme.)
- Eller bør det leggjast ut eigne sider på (på alle språk med offisiell status i Noreg)?
Diskusjonen pågår mellom anna på Skanwiki. Ettersom .no er meir eit domene for landet Noreg enn for språket norsk, er samisk-brukarane velkomne til å vera med og diskutera dette (og til eventuelt å røysta over spørsmålet)!
--Verdlanco\ordskifte 11:37, 13 cuoŋománu 2006 (UTC)
[ođasmahte] Jimbo in Bergen
I forbindelse med at Jimmy Wales kommer til Bergen ønsker vi å få kontakt med den eller de som startet og driver samisk Wikipedia. Hvis noen kan gi meg en status på aktivitetene og om det er noen fremdrift så kontakt meg på epost.
Se også no:Wikipedia:Jimbo in Norway
— John Erling Blad (no) 20:31, 18 miessemánu 2006 (UTC)
Because Jimmy Wales is coming to Bergen, we want to get in touch with the one or those who started and are running the Sami Wikipedia. It would be nice if someone could write me a report about the current status and if there are any progress, please use my email adress!
Se also no:Wikipedia:Jimbo in Norway
— John Erling Blad (no) 20:31, 18 miessemánu 2006 (UTC)
[ođasmahte] History of the Sámi Wikipedia
Is this a sketch that the implied persons may recognise? (Čálán eŋgelašgillii, go in dieđe mákkar gielat vuosttaš administrahtorat ja čállit máhtte.)
It seems this Wikipedia was started a Swede and a Norwegian with interest for, but not knowledge of Sámi: Den fjättrade ankan and Dittaeva. Later, Hapsiainen, Tsujigiri, joined. The user with most edits, more than the rest of us together, is Skuolfi. She is the one who has filled this infrastructure. Lately, some other users have joined in, such as Albbas. The Sámi Wikipedia has 120 users and 3 administrators. With 750 articles, the wikipedia now has a full fledged infrastructure ready to be filled with content. Compared to other wikipedias of the same bitsize, it thus is in a good position to grow. Trondtr 21:36, 18 miessemánu 2006 (UTC).
- That seems pretty accurate to me. When I joined, there were literally no articles in Sami here. I made some stubs and started translating the interface using dictionaries -- I don't know much Sami myself. Soon after that Skuolfi arrived, and started contributing on a higher level than I was ever able to.
- I think I'm going to request that my sysop status here be removed. There's not much left here for me to do. But it's been great to see this Wikipedia make so much progress :) • 辻斬り? 15:33, 21 miessemánu 2006 (UTC)
[ođasmahte] Sitenotice at Norsk (bokmål)
I've added a sitenotice at Norsk (bokmål) Wikipedia about the existece of this Wp. Hopefully it will attract some interest. — John Erling Blad (no) 06:18, 20 miessemánu 2006 (UTC)
[ođasmahte] Possible problem with the template system
There is an upcoming problem with the template system. For a description see Sjekk malene! — John Erling Blad (no) 00:46, 8 geassemánu 2006 (UTC)
- Seems like there is no problem at all at this wp! :D — John Erling Blad (no) 16:54, 9 geassemánu 2006 (UTC)
[ođasmahte] Welcome -page
Could someone please do welcomepage to sami -language wikipedia too. Thank you beforehand. --Icepenguin 08:05, 4 suoidnemánu 2006 (UTC)
[ođasmahte] Wikikafé i Oslo - Bergen
Det er nå wikikafé en gang i måneden i Oslo og Bergen. Foreløpig på andre lillelørdag (onsdag) i hver måned. I Oslo er stedet Kristiania, en brun pub på sørsiden i gamle Østbanen. Stedet har trådløst internett, fullt kjøkken og matservering. Tiden er noe løst fra 18-19 og utover. I Bergen er det foreløpig bare valgt et oppmøtested, den blå-aktige steinen som kalles den blå steinen klokken 19.00. Sjekk også diskusjonssiden — John Erling Blad (jeb) 12. juli 2006 kl. 11:25 (UTC)
[ođasmahte] TuvicBot
I would like a bot flag to run my interwiki-bot TuvicBot (using Pywikipedia). This bot will run in manually assisted mode, adding and updating interwiki-links, using the Dutch wiki as a starting point. I'm mostly planning to solve interwikis that autonomous bot skip because they're ambigious. (And sorry for not speaking in your language :-() --Tuvic 17:46, 15 suoidnemánu 2006 (UTC)
- If nobody has any objection, I'll start my bot tomorrow. --Tuvic 10:20, 22 suoidnemánu 2006 (UTC)
[ođasmahte] Nils Joachim Christian Vibe Stockfleth
Noen har kanskje ønske om å oversette denne artikkelen til samisk, som jeg nettopp har opprettet på bokmåls-wikipedia? -- 18:42, 7 čakčamánu 2006 (UTC)
[ođasmahte] Polynesia/Micronesia/jna. sámegillii?
Leago dát Polynesia, Polynesiija, Polineesiija ?? -Yupik 07:39, 19 čakčamánu 2006 (UTC)
- Sámi Atlasis (Hans Ragnar Mathisen, Samuli Aikio & Anders Henriksen, Romssavárdu 1996) Polynesia lea Polynesia, Indonesia lea Indonesia jna. --Jurdi 10:55, 23 čakčamánu 2006 (UTC)
- Ná giitu! -Yupik 20:30, 1 golggotmánu 2006 (UTC)
- Gč. min giellateknologiija analyserensiiddu: (sámeg.) ja (eŋgg.), gos lea vejolaš čállit sihke Polynesia ja Polynesiija (vástidus lea Polynesia N Prop Sg N ja Polynesiija ?). Lea maid vejolaš kopieret artihkkala (maks. 250 sáni), ja geahččát, boahtágo analysa. Trondtr 16:17, 20 golggotmánu 2006 (UTC).
- Ná giitu! -Yupik 20:30, 1 golggotmánu 2006 (UTC)
[ođasmahte] no:Samer
En artikkel på bokmålspedia virker noe unøyaktig, kan noen med innsikt i samisk historie se over den? Det virker som en del årstall og annet om tidlig historie er noe optimistisk, og gjennomgående dårlig dokumentert. Et alternativ er å oversette den engelske artikkelen. — John Erling Blad (no) 09:03, 8 golggotmánu 2006 (UTC)
[ođasmahte] Wikimania 2007 Team Bulletin
Published by the Wikimania 2007 Taipei Team, Wikimania 2007 Team Bulletin provides the latest news of the Team's organizing work to everyone who is interested in Wikimania; it also gives the Team chances to announce calls for help/participation, so assistance in human and other resources can be sought in a wider range. Team Bulletin is published at the official website of Wikimania 2007 and released to the public domain. Issue 1 and Issue 2 has already published.-- 02:13, 29 golggotmánu 2006 (UTC)
[ođasmahte] Kanal for vandalismebekjemping
På tantekanalen har me hatt ein eigen kanal for vandalismebekjemping ein tid. Denne har vist seg særs effektiv for å fange opp vandalisme frå faste gjengangarar. Eg tenker å sette opp ein tilsvarande for nynorsk og ein for samisk. Utover at kanalen blir satt opp og det verta konfigurert ein bot for kanalen vil det ikkje skje så mykje om ikkje nokon med adminrettigheiter ligger på kanalen. Det kan væra aktuelt for meg å gjera litt revertering no og då men mesteparten tå dette arbeidet må nok målførets eigne administratorer stå for.
Det var eg som starta vandalismekanalen for no.wp og eg reknar med å bruke mykje tå dei same konfigureringane. I tillegg vil det bli satt opp ein løpande overføring av blokkerings- og beskyttelsesinformasjon mellom kanalane slik at ein blokkering eller beskyttelse på det eine målføret medfører at det samme skjer på det andre målføret. Desse informasjonane er statusinformasjon knytt til brukarar og artiklar, boten vil aldri sjølv iverksette blokkering eller beskyttelse.
Om nokon tå administratorane på samisk ynskjer å gjere jobben sjølv er det greit for meg men då kan ein synkronisering mellom kanalane verta noko vanskelegare. — John Erling Blad (no) 02:12, 27 november 2006 (CET)
- Det ser ut som om det blir en felles vandalismekanal og separate språk-kanaler for de litt større språkene og målførene. Felleskanalen vil bli #vandalism-scan-wp. De små språkene (fo, is, se, kl) vil gå rett i felleskanalen i tillegg til «hotte» redigeringer. — John Erling Blad (no) 22:06, 4 desember 2006 (CET)
Flott! Eg har ikkje tilgang til dei kanalane, men det er bra at fo, is, se, kl er med. Vi har eit problem med søppel og vandalisme her. Trondtr 13:21, 7 juovlamánu 2006 (UTC).
- Kanalane er no oppretta, men utan at botane er ferdigkonfigurerde. Det blir en eigen samisk kanal (#vandalism-se-wp) men trafikken der blir særs liten, kanskje ikkje meir enn 2-3 rapportar dagleg. Desse meldingane vil gå i parallell til felleskanalen (#vandalism-scan-wp) slik at dei som overvakar denne vil sjå at noko er på gang på samisk. Diverre vil det vera vanskeleg for dei fleste å gjere noko med vandalisme kor ein må kunna språket for å forstå kva som skjer. Noko seinare håpar me å få til ein digest versjon tå kanalen kor dei rapportane som ikkje lir akta på blir publisert. Denne vil bli posta på ei valgfri side på samisk Wikipedia. Det vil bli lagd ei svarteliste over ip-adressar, og denne trur me er uproblematisk. Så treng me ei kviteliste over gode brukarar, men her trur me at å bruke administratorane på samisk er tilrekkeleg. Det vil seia at me ikkje treng ei eigen kviteliste, adminlista til samisk wp er tilrekkeleg. John Erling Blad 16:44, 7 juovlamánu 2006 (UTC)
[ođasmahte] Tearbmagažaldat
What is the word for national anthem in Sámi? I've always heard álbmotlašlávlla, but našunallávlla seems to be being used (e.g., Maamme). Knowing Sámi, there's probably at least three or four other versions out there, but we should probably agree on one for consistency's sake, no? (And sorry I wrote in English, it's too late for me to think properly in Sámi :)). -Yupik 00:03, 20 juovlamánu 2006 (UTC)
- I use álbmotlávla for Sámi soga lávlla and našunallávlla for e.g. Maamme because Sámi soga lávlla is for Sami people and Sami people are living in four countries so álbmotlávla is better then. Našunallávlla is more for some coutry. It is quite difficult to say wich is "correct" because in Northern Sami is many dialects and they use different words in different dialects and all the words are correct. (e.g. mon ~ mun = I) If there is some Sami linguistic who could help with this better. - Balva (who can´t remember the password for logging in)
- A good answer, thanks! And I was wondering where you had gone to :) BTW, I translated the various Sámi soga lávlla articles on the English and Finnish wikipedias and on the Finnish one they're questioning the legality of being able to use the translated words and/or the sheet music for it. Do you have any info I can give them? -Yupik 13:00, 21 juovlamánu 2006 (UTC)
[ođasmahte] Congratulations, same-wikipedia! (important message from your all owns Absolute Top Chief!)
Hello! I'll greatly congratulate you with your new samisk wikipedia! I'm sorry I not have speaked to yo before, but ya know, I'm a very busy business man! I think you are doing a great job here! Especially since it's only operated by robots! You have learned it, in our community today, the best thing is to automatize things. By the way, will you greet Administrator Ekko at Spynorsk Wikipedia from Rodelero; for me? Thanks! Yours sincerely- Jimbo Wales 22:18, 12 ođđajagimánu 2007 (UTC)
- (This is an impersonator, so I took the liberty of blocking xem indefinately. Jon Harald Søby 12:29, 17 guovvamánu 2007 (UTC))
[ođasmahte] Local chapter
- Om du ynskjer at det skapast ein lokal avdeling så set deg opp på lista på Wikimedia Noreg! Jeblad 21:23, 21 mars 2007 (CET)
- If anyone wants a local chapter of Wikimediayou should enlist yourself on Wikimedia Norway! Jeblad 21:23, 21 mars 2007 (CET)
[ođasmahte] User
Hello! I am a learner of Sápmi and wanted to know, for our wiki, wuoldnt it be better to use geavaheaddji instead of User? Under the boxes too? --Ice201 23:23, 14 cuoŋománu 2007 (UTC)
- Right now I use "user" becouse I dont know the sapmi version, and user works on all wiki's -- 22:07, 8 miessemánu 2007 (UTC) (aka Atluxity)
[ođasmahte] Wikimedia Norga
Stiftelsesmøte for Wikimedia Norga
- nb: Jeg tenker bare å si ifra om at dato for stiftelsesmøte for Wikimedia Noreg er spirka fast til å være 23. juni. vi leter etter lokale, så mer info kommer.
- en: I would just like to inform you that a dato for setting the local chapter is set to 23. June. We are looking for a place to hold it and will get out more info later. -- 00:00, 9 mai 2007 (CEST) (aka Atluxity)
[ođasmahte] Permission to run an interwiki bot
- da: Jeg søger om tilladelse til at bruge min interwikibot, Byrialbot, her og eventuelt få den markeret som en bot. Den bruger Pywikipediabot-programmet og vil lave interwikilenker med udgangspunkt fra de dansk-, svensk- og norsksprogede Wikipediaer. Botten kører nu med botflag på da:, en:, eo:, nds:, nn:, no:, sv: og der er søgt om adskillige flere. Tak.
- PS. Hvis I sørger for give botflag til TXiKiBoT, Robbot, VolkovBot, EDUCA33E, Escarbot og måske flere vil seneste ændringer blive lettere at overskue.
- en: I ask for permission to run my interwiki bot, Byrialbot, here and maybe get a botflag for it. It wil do interwiki linking starting from the Danish, Norwegian or Swedish Wikipedias using the Pywikipediabot framework. The bot is already running with a bot flag at da:, en:, eo:, nds:, nn:, no:, sv: and it is requested many others places as well. Thank you.
- PS. If you arrange for bot flags to TXiKiBoT, Robbot, VolkovBot, EDUCA33E, Escarbot and maybe more Special:Recentchanges will be easier to overview.
Byrial 19:39, 7 geassemánu 2007 (UTC)
- Eg kan ikkje prosedyrane for dette, er det slik at du må ha konsensus her? Robotar som gjer fornuftige ting er vel fint. Kva må vi gjere for å få det til? Trondtr 16:43, 10 geassemánu 2007 (UTC).
- En bot kan tildeles et såkaldt botflag. Det betyder at deres bidrag ikke vises i Siste endringar medmindre man trykker på lenken "vis robotar", og dermed bliver listen meget mere overskuelig. Kun brugere med status som "bureaukrat" kan tildele botflag (almindelige administratorer kan ikke). Der er ingen bureaukrater her på sewiki endnu, men så kan man søge om at få det gjort på MetaWiki hvis der er lokal konsensus om det. Jeg synes I skulle overveje at give de mange botter som nu fylder op i Siste endringar, samt min bot som ikke er aktiv her endnu, et botflag. Hvis der er konsensus (eller bare ingen modstand), kan man henvise til denne side når man søger på meta. Med venlig hilsen, Byrial 20:49, 10 geassemánu 2007 (UTC)
- Der er ingen indvendinger, så jeg vil nu starte botten for denne wiki. Hilsen, Byrial 13:47, 14 geassemánu 2007 (UTC)
- En bot kan tildeles et såkaldt botflag. Det betyder at deres bidrag ikke vises i Siste endringar medmindre man trykker på lenken "vis robotar", og dermed bliver listen meget mere overskuelig. Kun brugere med status som "bureaukrat" kan tildele botflag (almindelige administratorer kan ikke). Der er ingen bureaukrater her på sewiki endnu, men så kan man søge om at få det gjort på MetaWiki hvis der er lokal konsensus om det. Jeg synes I skulle overveje at give de mange botter som nu fylder op i Siste endringar, samt min bot som ikke er aktiv her endnu, et botflag. Hvis der er konsensus (eller bare ingen modstand), kan man henvise til denne side når man søger på meta. Med venlig hilsen, Byrial 20:49, 10 geassemánu 2007 (UTC)
[ođasmahte] Wikimedia Election Notice
If you are able, please translate this notice to as many possible languages and post it anywhere applicable.
The Wikimedia Election Committee is accepting candidates for the 2007 Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees election. Please see [1] for more information.
There is still time for a new candidate to be considered for election, and you may now endorse the candidate of your choice (up to 3 candidates) on the endorsements page, [2]. Please read the instructions carefully prior to endorsing. If you can translate the instructions, please do.
If you have any questions, please contact any member of the election committee, who are listed here [3].
Posted on behalf of the Election Committee,
[ođasmahte] Giv bot-status til interwiki-botterne
da:: Hej! Det er umuligt at finde de få lokale ændringer i Siste endringar på grund af interwiki-botterne. Så jeg foreslår at der tildeles botflag til disse botter:
en:: Hello! It is almost impossible to find the local changes in Special:Recentchanges due to the interwiki bots. So I suggest that these bots are given bot flag:
- Robbot styret af User:Andre Engels
- TXiKiBoT styret af eu:User:TXiKi
- Byrialbot styret af User:Byrial (mig)
- BOT-Superzerocool styret af es:User:Superzerocool
- Escarbot styret af fr:User:Vargenau
- Thijs!bot styret af nl:User:Thijs!
Med venlig hilsen, Byrial 11:03, 27 geassemánu 2007 (UTC)
- Bot status granted for these bots. --Skuolfi 12:59, 7 čakčamánu 2007 (UTC)
[ođasmahte] ʒǯǥǧȞǩ
- In English: Hello! I can't see all those Sami letters (ʒǯǥǧȞǩ). How is it possible to see all of them?
- Suomeksi: Terve! En näe kaikkia näitä saamelaisia aakkosia (ʒǯǥǧȞǩ), joten miten olisi mahdollista saada ne näkyviin? Tabasco 23:54, 27 geassemánu 2007 (UTC)
[ođasmahte] Scientific classification
- Hello! Does anybody know the proper sámi terms for taxonomic ranks? I found the the following terms from Sammallahti's Sami-Finnish dictionary:
lahko - order - sierrasearvi heimo - family - čearda
[ođasmahte] Bot status for PipepBot
Hello! I ask for permission to run my interwiki bot PipepBot here, and to get a bot flag for it.
- Operator: it:User:Pipep
- Purpose: Interwiki
- Software: Pywikipedia
- Have bot flag at: als, am, an, ar, az, bat-smg, be-x-old, bn, bs, ca, ceb, cs, cv, da, en, eo, et, fo, fy, ga, hr, id, is, ka, ksh, la, li, lv, nap, nn, no, pms, simple, sl, sr, sv, th, uk, vec
- Details: Interwiki using Pywikipediabot. It mostly runs manually assisted. May run automatically in some cases.
Thank you! --it:User:Pipep 18:28, 9 borgemánu 2007 (UTC)
- PipepBot has now bot status. Thank you. it:User:Pipep 00:41, 3 čakčamánu 2007 (UTC)
[ođasmahte] Wikimedia Sverige
A start up meeting for a Wikimedia Sverige is due on October 20, at. Relevant info will be found on Meta:Wikimedia Sverige, preparation dicussions can be found on sv:Wikipedia:Wikimedia Sverige. Some discussion has also taken place on wikisv-l.
Please translate above text to local language, thanks! Micke 20:41, 26 borgemánu 2007 (UTC)
[ođasmahte] Preparation of Fundraiser 2007
Hi, this is just a first introduction message to tell you: there is more to come. I am dealing with the Project Management of the Fundraiser 2007 and therefore will search for contacts of wikimedians who can help us to do our tasks on all projects. I am actually also building the structure for the fundraiser on Meta. We will need people who help to design buttons, translate texts of buttons, documents, sitenotices etc. Should you feel you want to co-operate please let me know. You can reach me on my meta user page or by e-mail at scretella (at) wikimedia (dot) org. If you wish to notify us that you would like to co-operate on translations, it would be nice if you used e-mail and copied the e-mail to me and Aphaia (aphaia (at) gmail (dot) com). Thank you for your attention and I hope to meet you soon! Cheers :-) -- 4 September 2007 Sabine
[ođasmahte] BotMultichill
Hi, i request a bot bit for BotMultichill.
- Botmaster : Multichill
- Bot's name : BotMultichill
- List of botflags on others wikipedias: about 100+ atm (see meta:User:Multichill for the current list)
- Purpose: Interwiki (pywikipedia)
- Technical details : BotMultichill is an interwiki bot starting at the Dutch wikipedia. The bot uses the pywikipedia framework and runs day and night in autonomous mode. Sometimes the bot will run in manual assisted mode to solve interwiki conflicts. Multichill 15:52, 6 čakčamánu 2007 (UTC)
- Bot status granted.--Skuolfi 12:59, 7 čakčamánu 2007 (UTC)
[ođasmahte] AlleborgoBot
Hi, i request a bot flag for AlleborgoBot
- Operator: Alleborgo
- Automatic or Manually Assisted: Automatic, in "-autonomous" mode. Sometimes the bot will run in manual assisted mode to solve interwiki conflicts.
- Programming Language(s): Pywikipedia framework daily updated to the last SVN version
- Function Summary: interwiki
- Already has a bot flag in: ar, an, az, bar, bg, br, bpy, bs, ca, ceb, cs, da, de, el, en, eo, es, eu, fa, fi, fr, frp, gl, he, hr, ht, hu, hy, id, is, it, ja, jv, ka, ksh, ku, lb, li, lmo, ln, lt, mk, mi, ml, ms, nap, nds, nds-nl, nl, nn, no, pl, pt, ro, roa-tara, ru, sco, sk, simple, sl, sq, sr, su, sv, th, tr, tt, uk, ur, vec, vi, vo, zh, zh-yue. On has done more than 65000 edit.
Thanks --AlleborgoBot 13:56, 13 golggotmánu 2007 (UTC)
[ođasmahte] Moht oaččut eambo čallit?
Lean ovddal čallan eanas engelas Wikipedias. Leat leamaš golbma ákka manin in leat dáppe čallan: 1. Leat beara unnán lohkit 2. Leat beara unnán čallit 3. Ii gávdnon spell-checkar sámegilli
Mus leat moadde jurdaga moht daid sáhtašii čoavddit: 1. Sáhtašii jearat máhkkas Norga Sámediggis ahte eat go sahte doppe teavstta kopieret Wikipediai. De doaivvun ahte bohtet eambo lohkit go dáppe de sáhtašii leahkit buot buoremus dieđut Sámiid birra. 2. Sáhtašeimmet ohcat ruđaid nu ahte sáhtit bálkáhit muhtun (nuoraid) čállit ja jorgalit artihkkaliid. Ođđa dárogiel Wikipedia lea dáhkan dan jo. 3. Váldosiidus galggašii čuoččut ahte dal gávdno spell-checkar, dát gávdno dáppe, ja ahte mii atnit eambo čallit. 4. Muhtun sáhtášii muitalit medias ahte dal gávdno sámegiel Wikipedia. 5. (mun galggašin ieš álggahit artihkkaliid). Labongo 13:19, 5 skábmamánu 2007 (UTC)
- Buorre evttohusat. Moađđe kommentára:
- Spellchecker sámegillii: gč.
- Ođđadarogiel stipenda (50000 NOK) lea boahtán Noregs Mållagis. Nubbi gáldu lea Wikimedia Norgga bokte. Wikimedia Norggas lea leamaš formálalaš váttisvuođat, muhto doaivvun, ahte fargga lea vejolaš bargat. Lunddolaš ulbmil livččii ohcat sihka kulturruđaid ja omd. Fritt Ord-ruđaid. Sámegiel Wikipedia stuorimus váttisvuohta lea dieđusge, ahte lea dušše moađđe čálli.
- Teavsttat Sámedikkis lea buorre evttohus.
Obanassige lea buorre, ahte dál lea beroštupmi. Trondtr 23:11, 3 ođđajagimánu 2008 (UTC).
[ođasmahte] Visitor statistics
After 7 years of Wikipedia operation with webserver log files being thrown away, sysadmin Domas Mituzas has now made some log files available. In the last 72 hours, the following were the 200 most visited pages of the Sami Wikipedia: 1st place Special:Random (1683 page views), 2 Váldosiidu (1656), 3 Special:Search (456), 4 Oxford (420), 5 Help:Contents (182), 6 Special:Statistics (135), 7 User:AlleborgoBot (127), 8 Special:Recentchanges (116), 9 Main Page (109), 10 2007 (109), 11 Wikipedia:Gáffestohpu (94), 12 Amerihká ovttastuvvan stáhtat (88), 13 Eaŋgalsgiella (82), 14 2006 (82), 15 Special:Specialpages (77), 16 Eurohpá (74), 17 2005 (74), 18 Frankriika (73), 19 Special:Upload (72), 20 Fránskkagiella (68), 21 2004 (68), 22 2001 (68), 23 2000 (68), 24 Wikipedia:Privacy policy (67), 25 Wikipedia:Áigeguovdil (67), 26 Veahkki:Sisdoallu (67), 27 Duiska (67), 28 2003 (66), 29 Wikipedia:Dieđut (65), 30 Japána (61), 31 Ruoŧŧa (60), 32 Kasakstan (60), 33 Wikipedia:Friijavuohta vástideamis (59), 34 Polen (59), 35 Special:Categories (58), 36 2002 (54), 37 Nuortariika (53), 38 1996 (52), 39 Suopma (51), 40 User:TXiKiBoT (50), 41 1940-lohku (50), 42 Vuolleeatnamat (49), 43 Látvia (49), 44 Spánia (47), 45 Greika (47), 46 Egypta (47), 47 1998 (47), 48 03 (47), 49 Durka (46), 50 1997 (45), 51 1986 (45), 52 Itália (44), 53 1995 (44), 54 1970-lohku (44), 55 London (43), 56 India (43), 57 Eana (43), 58 1992 (43), 59 1988 (43), 60 Vietnam (42), 61 Paris (42), 62 1980-lohku (42), 63 Suoidnemánnu (41), 64 Ruošša (41), 65 Brasil (41), 66 1991 (41), 67 1985 (41), 68 Kanáda (40), 69 Eurohpa Uniovdna (40), 70 Cuoŋománnu (40), 71 Bulgária (40), 72 Ukraina (39), 73 Šveica (39), 74 Islam (39), 75 Čeahkka (39), 76 1945 (39), 77 Duiskkagiella (38), 78 (38), 79 1999 (38), 80 1990-lohku (38), 81 1800-lohku (jahkečuohti) (38), 82 Norga (37), 83 Guovvamánnu (37), 84 2000-lohku (37), 85 1990 (37), 86 1989 (37), 87 1987 (37), 88 1975 (37), 89 1917 (37), 90 Malesia (36), 91 Chile (36), 92 Burma (36), 93 1994 (36), 94 1960 (36), 95 1947 (36), 96 Vatikána (35), 97 Miessemánnu (35), 98 Mátta-Korea (35), 99 Geassemánnu (35), 100 Estlánda (35), 101 Afghanistan (35), 102 1982 (35), 103 1980 (35), 104 1950 (35), 105 1927 (35), 106 Spánskagiella (34), 107 Sámit (34), 108 Ođđa-Selánda (34), 109 Ođđajagimánnu (34), 110 Gregoriánalaš kaleandar (34), 111 Áigeavádat (34), 112 1970 (34), 113 1966 (34), 114 1952 (34), 115 Somália (33), 116 Slovákia (33), 117 Luxemburg (33), 118 Lietuva (33), 119 Japánagiella (33), 120 Golggotmánnu (33), 121 Belgia (33), 122 Bahrain (33), 123 Austrália (33), 124 1993 (33), 125 1925 (33), 126 1898 (33), 127 Singapore (32), 128 Portugála (32), 129 Máilmmi riikkat (32), 130 Iran (32), 131 Gárgádusjahki (32), 132 Filippiinnat (32), 133 1957 (32), 134 1936 (32), 135 1919 (32), 136 1901 (32), 137 Ungár (31), 138 Skábmamánu 30. (31), 139 Marokko (31), 140 Kypros (31), 141 Kroátia (31), 142 Juovlamánnu (31), 143 Israel (31), 144 Islánda (31), 145 Bosnia-Hercegovina (31), 146 Atlánta (31), 147 Afrihkká (31), 148 1984 (31), 149 1974 (31), 150 1973 (31), 151 1924 (31), 152 1906 (31), 153 Usbekistan (30), 154 Tažikistan (30), 155 Románia (30), 156 Politisk filosofi (30), 157 Pakistan (30), 158 Kirgisistan (30), 159 Irlánda (30), 160 Indonesia (30), 161 Davvi-Korea (30), 162 Brunei (30), 163 Albánia (30), 164 1978 (30), 165 1960-lohku (30), 166 1954 (30), 167 1949 (30), 168 1944 (30), 169 1921 (30), 170 Vilges-Ruošša (29), 171 Thaieana (29), 172 Ođđajagimánu 1. (29), 173 Meksiko (29), 174 Libanon (29), 175 Kaleandar (29), 176 Ghana (29), 177 Dánmárku (29), 178 Čakčamánu 13. (29), 179 Čakčamánnu (29), 180 1971 (29), 181 1965 (29), 182 1956 (29), 183 1953 (29), 184 1935 (29), 185 1920-lohku (29), 186 1911 (29), 187 1909 (29), 188 1900 (29), 189 1863 (29), 190 Váldosiidu (28), 191 Monaco (28), 192 ISO 639 (28), 193 Borgemánnu (28), 194 Bolivia (28), 195 Ásia (28), 196 1979 (28), 197 1976 (28), 198 1941 (28), 199 1916 (28), 200 1867 (28). How can you use these statistics? Perhaps you can see if these pages are as well-written as they should be. I guess we will learn better ways to use statistics as time goes by. --LA2 21:56, 12 juovlamánu 2007 (UTC)
[ođasmahte] Jorgalusat ja mállet
Lean jorgalan sámegillii málliid dáid guhtaliid, ovd. Template:Girjegáldu jaTemplate:Jietnadeapmi, muhto giellagáhtten livččii buorre idea. -Yupik 01:38, 1 guovvamánu 2008 (UTC)
- Ná, vajálduhtten lohkat: sámegielat málliid gáldut ledje suomagielat mállet Malline:Kirjaviite ja Malline:Lausunta. -Yupik 01:41, 1 guovvamánu 2008 (UTC)
[ođasmahte] SilvonenBot
Hello! Can I get a bot flag here?
- Operator: Silvonen
- Automatic or Manually Assisted: Automatic, in -autonomous mode. Sometimes assisted manually to resolve conflicts.
- Programming Language(s): Pywikipedia framework, updated daily from svn.
- Function Summary: interwiki
- Already has a bot flag in: da, et, fi, sv (other languages pending)
Thank you in advance! --SilvonenBot 15:06, 11 guovvamánu 2008 (UTC)
- Bot status granted. --Skuolfi 10:00, 19 njukčamánu 2008 (UTC)
[ođasmahte] Betawiki: better support for your language in MediaWiki
Dear community. I am writing to you to promote a special wiki called Betawiki. This wiki facilitates the localisation (l10n) of the MediaWiki interface. You may have changed many messages here to use your language in the interface, but if you would log in to for example the Japanese language Wiktionary, you would not be able to use the interface as well translated as here. In fact, of 1,736 messages in the core of MediaWiki, 60.28% of the messages have been translated. Betawiki also supports the translation of messages for 126 extensions, with 2,174 messages. Many of them are used in WMF projects and they are vital for understanding the wiki. Currently 0.00% of the WMF extension messages have been translated. Translators for over 90 languages contribute their work to MediaWiki this way every month.
If you wish to contribute to better support of your language in MediaWiki, as well as for many MediaWiki extensions, please visit Betawiki, create an account and request translator privileges. You can see the current status of localisation of your language on and do not forget to get in touch with others that may already be working on your language on Betawiki.
If you have any further questions, please let me know on my talk page on Betawiki. We will try and assist you as much as possible, for example by importing all messages from a local wiki for you to start with, if you so desire.
You can also find us on the Freenode IRC network in the channel #mediawiki-i18n where we will be happy to help you get started.
Thank you very much for your attention and I do hope to see some of you on Betawiki soon! Thanks, GerardM@Betawiki
- Currently 58.27% of the MediaWiki messages and 0.00% of the messages of the extensions used by the Wikimedia Foundation projects have been localised. Please help us help your language by localising at Betawiki. This is the recent localisation activity for your language. Thanks, GerardM 10:06, 19 cuoŋománu 2008 (UTC)
- Currently 56.35% of the MediaWiki messages and 0.00% of the messages of the extensions used by the Wikimedia Foundation projects have been localised. Please help us help your language by localising at Betawiki. This is the recent localisation activity for your language. Thanks, GerardM 03:58, 19 miessemánu 2008 (UTC)
[ođasmahte] Bot Status for Purbo_T
Hi, I'd like to ask for a bot flag for Purbo_T (contributions)
- Operator: User:Purodha = ksh:User:Purodha
- Function: interwiki link maintenance
- Operation: manually-assisted, occasionally in automatic or autonomous mode, starting mostly from the Wikipedia of Ripuarian languages
- Software: pywikipediabot framework updated daily from svn
- Already has bot flag on: [../../../../../aa/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html aa], [../../../../../ab/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html ab], [../../../../../ak/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html ak], [../../../../../als/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html als], [../../../../../am/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html am], [../../../../../an/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html an], [../../../../../ang/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html ang], [../../../../../ar/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html ar], [../../../../../ar/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html arc], [../../../../../as/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html as], [../../../../../ast/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html ast], [../../../../../av/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html av], [../../../../../ay/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html ay], [../../../../../ba/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html ba], [../../../../../bar/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html bar], [../../../../../bat-smg/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html bat-smg], [../../../../../bcl/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html bcl], [../../../../../be/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html be], [../../../../../be-x-old/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html be-x-old], [../../../../../bg/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html bg], [../../../../../bh/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html bh], [../../../../../bi/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html bi], [../../../../../bm/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html bm], [../../../../../bn/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html bn], [../../../../../bo/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html bo], [../../../../../bpy/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html bpy], [../../../../../bs/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html bs], [../../../../../bug/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html bug], 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- cumulated data on the bot is available from the toolserver
Thank you! --Purodha Blissenbach 11:07, 23 guovvamánu 2008 (UTC)
- Bot status granted. --Skuolfi 10:00, 19 njukčamánu 2008 (UTC)
[ođasmahte] Idioma-bot
Hi, I request a bot flag for Idioma-bot
- Operator: lt:User:Hugo.arg
- Automatic or Manually Assisted: Automatic and manually
- Programming Language(s): Pywikipedia framework daily updated to the last SVN version
- Function Summary: interwiki
- Already has a bot flag in: more than 100 wikipedias (en, es, et, fr, de, lt, pl, ru, ja, zh, lv, pt, hr, sr...)
lt:User:Hugo.arg14:31, 18 njukčamánu 2008 (UTC)
- Bot status granted. --Skuolfi 10:00, 19 njukčamánu 2008 (UTC)
[ođasmahte] EjsBot
Hi! Would it be possible to have a bot flag for EjsBot here?
- Operator: Ejs-80
- Programming Language(s): Python (pywikipedia)
- Function Summary: interwiki
- Function Details: I would run (nearly always in autonomous mode). Max. 6 edits/minute.
- Miscellaneous: I practically always update the software by running
svn update
before starting the bot. - Already has a bot flag in: en, fi, is, it, sv
–Ejs-80 02:45, 29 njukčamánu 2008 (UTC)
[ođasmahte] User cat.
What is it better for se.wikipedia? User en or Geavaheaddji en? 19:41, 14 miessemánu 2008 (UTC)