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For ōðrum brȳcum, sēo Virginia (scīrung).
Gemǣngestrēon Virginian
Underríces fana þæs Virginian State seal of Virginia
(Fana Virginia) (Seal of Virginia)
Ríces éacnama: Eald Ānweald
Landcarte þára U.S. mid Virginia gemearcodum
Óðeru U.S. Underrícu
Héafod Richmond
Sídoste burg Virginia Beach
Rícesreccend Mark R. Warner
Ambihtlicu sprǽc Englisc
Mearc 110,862 km² (35oða)
 - Land 102,642 km²
 - Wæter 8,220 km² (7.4%)
Landwaru (2000)
 - Landwaru 7,196,750 (12ta)
 - Þicnes 69.03 /km² (14ða)
Underfangennes in Gaderunge
 - Tælmearc Sēremōnaþ 25, 1788
 - Grad 10ða
Tídgyrtel Eastern: UTC-5/-4
Latitude 36°31'N to 39°37'N
Longitude 75°13'W to 83°37'W
Wídu 320 km
Lengþu 690 km
 - Híehst 1,746 m
 - Mǽte 290 m
 - Niðemest 0 m
 - ISO 3166-2 US-VA
Webbstede www.virginia.gov

Virginia is ān þāra frumra 13 rīca þāra Geānlǣhtra Rīca þe ongēan Brytta gewealde ūpārās on þǣre American Oferweorpennesse. Hē biþ gemǣnelice geteald tō dǣle þæs Sūðdǣles. His ambihtlica nama is þæt Gemǣngestrēon Virginian; hē is ān fēower Gemǣngestrēona of þǣm fīftig Geānlǣhtum Rīcum.

Kentucky and West Virginia wǣron dǣlas Virginian æt þǣre tīde þǣre staðelunge þāra Geānlǣhtra Rīca, ac se ǣrra wearþ underfangen in þā Geānlǣcunge swā sundorrīce in 1792 and se ōðer oþbærst of Virginian in þǣm Americaniscan Ingefeohte.

Virginia is gecweden "Foresittenda Mōdor" for þǣm þe wǣron mā U.S. Foresittendra (8) on þissum rīce geboren þonne on ǣnigum ōðrum. Fīf þāra wǣron geedcoren tō ōðerre ambihttīde: George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and James Monroe and Woodrow Wilson. Þā ōðre Virginianisce Foresittend sindon William Henry Harrison and John Tyler and Zachary Taylor.

[ādihtan] Ōðere stedas

There are also places named Virginia in the States of Illinois and Minnesota: see

  • Virginia, Illinois.
  • Virginia, Minnesota.

[ādihtan] Útanwearde bendas

Mearca Virginian Fana Virginian
Appomattox Basin | Baltimore-Washington Metro Area | Eastern Shore | Hampton Roads | Middle Peninsula | Northern Neck | Northern Virginia | Piedmont | Ridge-and-valley Appalachians | Richmond-Petersburg | Southside Virginia | Tidewater | Virginia Peninsula
Accomack | Albemarle | Alleghany | Amelia | Amherst | Appomattox | Arlington | Augusta | Bath | Bēdesford | Bland | Botetourt | Brunswick | Buchanan | Buckingham | Campbell | Caroline | Carroll | Charles City | Charlotte | Chesterfield | Clarke | Craig | Culpeper | Cumberland | Dickenson | Dinwiddie | Essex | Fairfax | Fauquier | Floyd | Fluvanna | Franklin | Frederick | Giles | Gloucester | Goochland | Grayson | Greene | Greensville | Halifax | Hanover | Henrico | Henry | Highland | Isle of Wight | James City | King and Queen | King George | King William | Lancaster | Lee | Loudoun | Louisa | Lunenburg | Madison | Mathews | Mecklenburg | Middlesex | Montgomery | Nelson | Nīwe Cent | Northampton | Northumberland | Nottoway | Orange | Page | Patrick | Pittsylvania | Powhatan | Ēadweard Æðeling | Prince George | Wilhelm Æðeling | Pulaski | Rappahannock | Richmond | Roanoke | Rockbridge | Rockingham | Russell | Scott | Shenandoah | Smyþ | Southampton | Spotsylvania | Stæfford | Surry | Sussex | Tazewell | Warren | Washington | Westmoreland | Wise | Wythe | Eoforwīċ
Selfstandenda Byrg
Alexandria | Bēdesford | Bristol | Buena Vista | Charlottesville | Chesapeake | Colonial Heights | Covington | Danville | Emporia | Fairfax | Falls Church | Franklin | Fredericksburg | Galax | Hampton | Harrisonburg | Hopewell | Lexington | Lynchburg | Manassas | Manassas Park | Martinsville | Newport News | Norþfolc | Norton | Petresburg | Poquoson | Portsmouth | Radford | Richmond | Roanoke | Salem | Staunton | Sūþfolc | Virginia Ȳðlāf | Waynesboro | Williamsburg | Winċeaster

United States of America
Geānlǣht Rīcu Americans fana Geānlǣht Rīcu Americans scild
(Fana) (Scild)
Þēodlic Cwide :
(1776 - nū) E Pluribus Unum
(Lǣden : « Of manigum ān »)
(1956 - nū) In God We Trust
(Nīwu Englisc sprǣc : « In Gode trēowaþ wē »)
Ambihtlicu sprǣc Nān; Nīwu Englisc is þæt gemǣne gereord. 1
- Hǣrarōd
38° 53' N, 77° 02' W
Hēafodburg Nīwe Eoforwīc
- Foresittend
- Underforesittend
Nǣmingce Lēodarīce
George W. Bush
Dick Cheney
Ǣwfæstnes Crīstendōm
- Gerīm
- Wæter (%)
3a stæpe
9 629 047 km²
- Hēafodgerīm (2005)
- Þiccnes
3a stæpe
295 267 686 būenda
30,25 būend/km²
Þēodstefn American
- Āstellung

- Cenning
- Nǣming
Fram Englalandum
13 Þrimilcemōnaþ 1607 (Iohn Smiþ ǣt Iemstūne)
4 Mǣdmōnaþ 1776
3 Hāligmōnaþ 1783
Þēodlic ymen Sē Stēorrena-Specfāga Gierela
Feoh Americanisc Doler (USD)
Tīdgyrdel UTC -5 tō -10
Betwuxnettes lēodstafas .us
Feorspræcan forerīm +1
1 Nis ambihtlicu sprǣc in þǣm Nǣmingcum ambihtum, ac ealle þā ambiht sprecaþ Nīwe Englisce. Ǣghwilc rīc mæg cēosan his āgen ambihtlic gereord, oþþe nān.

Þā Geānlǣtan Rīcu American is trēowiendlicu cynewīse þe ligþ mǣst in Norðamerican. Hīe gebyrdaþ norþ Canadan and sūþ Mexico. Hīe habbaæ 50 rīca and āne trēowiendlice scīre, and habbaþ sume foldan mid syndrigum gradum sibbe. Man spricþ ymbe hīe, in syndrigum fiellum, swā þā Geānlǣhtan Rīcan, America[1], þā U.S., þa U.S.A., þā U.S. of A., þā Rīcu, oþþe (leōþlīce) Columbia.

Rīcu in Norðum American
Antīga and Barbūda | Bahāmas | Barbēdos | Belīs | Canada | Costa Rīca | Cuba | Domīnica | Domīnican Cynewīse | Se Neriend | Grenēda | Guatemala | Haīti | Hondūras | Iamaica | Mecsico | Nicaragua | Panama | Sanctus-Kitts and Nefis | Sancta Lucīa | Sanctus-Finsent and þā Grenadingas | Þrines and Tobāgo | Geānlǣht Rīcu
Nēatlandu: Anguilla | Arūba | Bermiūda | Bryttisc Īega Idese | Cēman Īega | Grēneland | Guadelūp | Martinīc | Mongserrā | Nafāssa-Īeg | Niðerlandisc Antilles | Port Rīce | Sanctus-Petrus and Micelong | Turcena and Caicena Īega | U.S. Īega Idese
Ōðera sprǣca

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