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Asia - Wikipedia


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considered Asia
Different conceptions of Asia

Ti Asia ti kadakkelan ken kaaduan iti populasion a kontinente iti lubong. Sakupenna ti 8.6% ti pakabuklan a rabaw ti Daga wenno 29.4% iti sakupna a daga, ken addaan iti 60% iti population ti tao iti lubong.

[baliwan] Dagiti teritorio ken rehion

Nadumaduma a panangkita iti Asia
United Nations BBC News

Nagkaykaysa a Pagpagilian

Umabagatan-a-daya nga Asia
Umabagatan nga Asia
Lumaud nga Asia
Tengnga nga Asia
Dumaya nga Asia
Umamianan nga Asia

Tengnga a Daya
Abagatan nga Asia

BBC News regional classifications [1]
United States Census Australian Census

The Indian
Southeast Asia
The Far East

Central and South Asia
Southeast Asia
East Asia
of Asia
Name of region[1] and
territory, with flag
(1 July 2002 est.)
Population density
(per km²)
Eastern Asia:
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias China|25px|Template:Country alias China]] People's Republic of China[2] 9,584,492 1,384,303,705 134.0 Beijing
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Hong Kong|25px|Template:Country alias Hong Kong]] Hong Kong (PRC)[3] 1,092 7,303,334 6,688.0 Hong Kong
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Japan|25px|Template:Country alias Japan]] Japan 377,835 126,974,628 336.1 Tokyo
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Macau|25px|Template:Country alias Macau]] Macau (PRC)[4] 25 461,833 18,473.3
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Mongolia|25px|Template:Country alias Mongolia]] Mongolia 1,565,000 2,694,432 1.7 Ulaanbaatar
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias North Korea|25px|Template:Country alias North Korea]] North Korea 120,540 22,224,195 184.4 Pyongyang
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias South Korea|25px|Template:Country alias South Korea]] South Korea 98,480 48,324,000 490.7 Seoul
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Taiwan|25px|Template:Country alias Taiwan]] Republic of China (Taiwan) [5] 35,980 22,548,009 626.7 Taipei
Southeastern Asia:
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Brunei|25px|Template:Country alias Brunei]] Brunei 5,770 350,898 60.8 Bandar Seri Begawan
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Cambodia|25px|Template:Country alias Cambodia]] Cambodia 181,040 12,775,324 70.6 Phnom Penh
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Indonesia|25px|Template:Country alias Indonesia]] Indonesia[6] 1,419,588 227,026,560 159.9 Jakarta
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Laos|25px|Template:Country alias Laos]] Laos 236,800 5,777,180 24.4 Vientiane
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Malaysia|25px|Template:Country alias Malaysia]] Malaysia 329,750 22,662,365 68.7 Kuala Lumpur
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Myanmar|25px|Template:Country alias Myanmar]] Myanmar (Burma) 678,500 42,238,224 62.3 Naypyidaw[7]
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Philippines|25px|Template:Country alias Philippines]] Philippines 300,000 84,525,639 281.8 Manila
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Singapore|25px|Template:Country alias Singapore]] Singapore 693 4,452,732 6,425.3 Singapore
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Thailand|25px|Template:Country alias Thailand]] Thailand 514,000 62,354,402 121.3 Bangkok
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Timor-Leste|25px|Template:Country alias Timor-Leste]] Timor-Leste (East Timor)[8] 15,007 952,618 63.5 Dili
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Vietnam|25px|Template:Country alias Vietnam]] Vietnam 329,560 81,098,416 246.1 Hanoi
Southern Asia:
Image:Afghanistan Afghanistan 647,500 27,755,775 42.9 Kabul
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Bangladesh|25px|Template:Country alias Bangladesh]] Bangladesh 144,000 133,376,684 926.2 Dhaka
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Bhutan|25px|Template:Country alias Bhutan]] Bhutan 47,000 672,425 14.3 Thimphu
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias India|25px|Template:Country alias India]] India[9] 3,287,590 1,045,845,226 318.2 New Delhi
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Maldives|25px|Template:Country alias Maldives]] Maldives 300 320,165 1,067.2 Malé
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Nepal|25px|Template:Country alias Nepal]] Nepal 140,800 25,873,917 183.8 Kathmandu
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Pakistan|25px|Template:Country alias Pakistan]] Pakistan 803,940 147,663,429 183.7 Islamabad
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Sri Lanka|25px|Template:Country alias Sri Lanka]] Sri Lanka 65,610 19,576,783 298.4 Colombo
not always
Central Asia:
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Kazakhstan|25px|Template:Country alias Kazakhstan]] Kazakhstan[10] 2,346,927 13,472,593 5.7 Astana
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Kyrgyzstan|25px|Template:Country alias Kyrgyzstan]] Kyrgyzstan 198,500 4,822,166 24.3 Bishkek
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Tajikistan|25px|Template:Country alias Tajikistan]] Tajikistan 143,100 6,719,567 47.0 Dushanbe
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Turkmenistan|25px|Template:Country alias Turkmenistan]] Turkmenistan 488,100 4,688,963 9.6 Ashgabat
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Uzbekistan|25px|Template:Country alias Uzbekistan]] Uzbekistan 447,400 25,563,441 57.1 Tashkent
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Iran|25px|Template:Country alias Iran]] Iran 1,648,000 68,467,413 41.5 Tehran
not always
Northern Asia:
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Russia|25px|Template:Country alias Russia]] Russia[11] 13,115,200 39,129,729 3.0 Moscow
Western Asia:
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Armenia|25px|Template:Country alias Armenia]] Armenia[12] 29,800 3,330,099 111.7 Yerevan
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Azerbaijan|25px|Template:Country alias Azerbaijan]] Azerbaijan[13] 41,370 3,479,127 84.1 Baku
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Bahrain|25px|Template:Country alias Bahrain]] Bahrain 665 656,397 987.1 Manama
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Cyprus|25px|Template:Country alias Cyprus]] Cyprus[14] 9,250 775,927 83.9 Nicosia
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Palestine|25px|Template:Country alias Palestine]] Gaza[15] 363 1,203,591 3,315.7 Gaza
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Georgia|25px|Template:Country alias Georgia]] Georgia[16] 20,460 2,032,004 99.3 Tbilisi
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Iraq|25px|Template:Country alias Iraq]] Iraq 437,072 24,001,816 54.9 Baghdad
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Israel|25px|Template:Country alias Israel]] Israel 20,770 6,029,529 290.3 Jerusalem
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Jordan|25px|Template:Country alias Jordan]] Jordan 92,300 5,307,470 57.5 Amman
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Kuwait|25px|Template:Country alias Kuwait]] Kuwait 17,820 2,111,561 118.5 Kuwait City
Lebanon 10,400 3,677,780 353.6 Beirut
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Azerbaijan|25px|Template:Country alias Azerbaijan]] Naxçivan (Azerbaijan)[17] 5,500 365,000 66.4 Naxçivan
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Oman|25px|Template:Country alias Oman]] Oman 212,460 2,713,462 12.8 Muscat
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Qatar|25px|Template:Country alias Qatar]] Qatar 11,437 793,341 69.4 Doha
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Saudi Arabia|25px|Template:Country alias Saudi Arabia]] Saudi Arabia 1,960,582 23,513,330 12.0 Riyadh
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Syria|25px|Template:Country alias Syria]] Syria 185,180 17,155,814 92.6 Damascus
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Turkey|25px|Template:Country alias Turkey]] Turkey[18] 756,768 57,855,068 76.5 Ankara
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias United Arab Emirates|25px|Template:Country alias United Arab Emirates]] United Arab Emirates 82,880 2,445,989 29.5 Abu Dhabi
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Palestine|25px|Template:Country alias Palestine]] West Bank[19] 5,860 2,303,660 393.1
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Yemen|25px|Template:Country alias Yemen]] Yemen 527,970 18,701,257 35.4 Sanaá
Total 43,810,582 3,902,404,193 89.07

iti sabali a pagsasao

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