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விக்கிப்பீடியா:பன்மொழி விக்கிப்பீடியாப் பட்டியல் - தமிழ் விக்கிபீடியா (Tamil Wikipedia)

விக்கிப்பீடியா:பன்மொழி விக்கிப்பீடியாப் பட்டியல்

கட்டற்ற கலைக்களஞ்சியமான விக்கிபீடியாவில் இருந்து.


இப்பக்கத்தில் விக்கிமீடியா நிறுவனத்தில் உள்ள ஏற்புபெற்ற பன்மொழி விக்கிப்பீடியாக்காலின் பட்டில் உள்ளது. இது ஆங்கிலத்தில் உள்ள தரவுகள் போல அடிக்கடி மாற்ரப்பெறுவதில்லை. இங்குள்ல தகவல்கள் மே 27, 2008க் கானவை.

உள்ள மொத்த கலைக்களஞ்சியங்களான 255 விக்கிப்பீடியாக்களும் கட்டுரை எண்ணிக்கைவாரியாகத் தரப்பட்டுள்ளது.

[தொகு] கட்டுரை எண்ணிக்கைவாரியாக எல்லா மொழி விக்கிப்பீடியாக்களும்

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See also:

  • Wiki Stats, the source of the information below — other data formats are available.
  • List of Wikipedias by edits per article
  • List of Wikipedias by language family and List of Wikipedias by language macrofamily
  • List of Wikipedias by speakers per article
  • Wikipedia Milestones and List of largest wikis


  • The "Total" column refers to the number of pages in all namespaces, including both Articles (the official article count of each wiki) and Non-Articles (User pages, Images, talk pages, "project" pages, categories, and templates).
  • The "Depth" column (Edits/Articles × Non-Articles/Articles) is a rough indicator of a Wikipedia’s quality, showing how frequently its articles are updated; depths above 200 for Wikipedias below 10 000 articles are dismissed as irrelevant.

[தொகு] 1 000 000+ கட்டுரைகள்

எண் மொழி மொழி (தன்மொழியில்) விக்கி கட்டுரை ஆழம்
மொத்தம் தொகுப்புகள் நிவாகிகால் பயனர்கள் படிமங்கள்
1 English [../../../../../en/articles/e/n/g/English_language.html English] en [../../../../../en/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 2 389 136] 13 303 032 226 417 363 1 549 7 187 535 786 675 355

[தொகு] 100 000+ கட்டுரைகள்

எண் மொழி மொழி (தன்மொழியில்) விக்கி கட்டுரை ஆழம்
மொத்தம் தொகுப்புகள் நிவாகிகால் பயனர்கள் படிமங்கள்
2 German [../../../../../de/articles/d/e/u/Deutsche_Sprache_5dee.html Deutsch] de [../../../../../de/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 754 329] 2 138 305 48 358 955 300 562 468 142 145 76
3 French [../../../../../fr/articles/f/r/a/Fran%C3%A7ais.html Français] fr [../../../../../fr/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 663 485] 2 516 097 31 601 614 178 403 475 38 386 98
4 Polish [../../../../../pl/articles/j/%C4%99/z/J%C4%99zyk_polski.html Polski] pl [../../../../../pl/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 504 647] 866 303 13 335 539 146 194 678 16 827 8
5 Japanese [../../../../../ja/articles/%E6%97%A5/%E6%9C%AC/%E8%AA%9E/%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E8%AA%9E.html 日本語] ja [../../../../../ja/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 493 444] 1 228 427 20 357 426 61 214 522 56 838 37
6 Italian [../../../../../it/articles/l/i/n/Lingua_italiana.html Italiano] it [../../../../../it/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 457 269] 1 295 459 17 449 023 94 273 337 56 651 45
7 Dutch [../../../../../nl/articles/n/e/d/Nederlands.html Nederlands] nl [../../../../../nl/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 440 696] 1 006 823 12 840 556 82 168 335 4 386 21
8 Portuguese [../../../../../pt/articles/l/%C3%AD/n/L%C3%ADngua_portuguesa.html Português] pt [../../../../../pt/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 380 706] 1 497 496 10 833 834 92 389 453 524 62
9 Spanish [../../../../../es/articles/i/d/i/Idioma_espa%C3%B1ol.html Español] es [../../../../../es/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 364 562] 1 084 532 18 391 695 135 719 141 0 66
10 Russian [../../../../../ru/articles/%D1%80/%D1%83/%D1%81/%D0%A0%D1%83%D1%81%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9_%D1%8F%D0%B7%D1%8B%D0%BA.html Русский] ru [../../../../../ru/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 285 819] 1 009 176 9 349 418 70 129 000 61 745 59
11 Swedish [../../../../../sv/articles/s/v/e/Svenska.html Svenska] sv [../../../../../sv/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 283 761] 660 548 6 704 611 83 63 640 139 18
12 Chinese [../../../../../zh/articles/%E6%B1%89/%E8%AF%AD/_/%E6%B1%89%E8%AF%AD.html 中文] zh [../../../../../zh/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 177 847] 587 481 7 023 843 91 458 712 23 631 63
13 Norwegian (Bokmål) [../../../../../no/articles/n/o/r/Norsk_spr%C3%A5k.html Norsk (Bokmål)] no [../../../../../no/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 167 606] 401 871 3 997 903 63 77 684 753 19
14 Finnish [../../../../../fi/articles/s/u/o/Suomen_kieli.html Suomi] fi [../../../../../fi/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 163 576] 424 725 4 980 092 42 81 501 15 020 30
15 Catalan [../../../../../ca/articles/c/a/t/Catal%C3%A0.html Català] ca [../../../../../ca/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 117 381] 270 255 2 245 586 19 13 496 3 805 14
16 Volapük [../../../../../vo/articles/v/o/l/Volap%C3%BCk_perevid%C3%B6l.html Volapük] vo [../../../../../vo/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 116 292] 241 550 1 567 808 5 539 56 8
17 Ukrainian [../../../../../uk/articles/%D1%83/%D0%BA/%D1%80/%D0%A3%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%97%D0%BD%D1%81%D1%8C%D0%BA%D0%B0_%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0.html Українська] uk [../../../../../uk/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 111 543] 256 563 1 570 249 16 12 671 13 861 10
18 Romanian [../../../../../ro/articles/l/i/m/Limba_rom%C3%A2n%C4%83.html Română] ro [../../../../../ro/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 108 594] 307 812 2 167 323 21 59 023 26 403 24
19 Turkish [../../../../../tr/articles/t/%C3%BC/r/T%C3%BCrk%C3%A7e.html Türkçe] tr [../../../../../tr/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 107 906] 382 628 3 668 617 20 156 647 15 288 62

[தொகு] 10 000+ கட்டுரைகள்

எண் மொழி மொழி (தன்மொழியில்) விக்கி கட்டுரை ஆழம்
மொத்தம் தொகுப்புகள் நிவாகிகால் பயனர்கள் படிமங்கள்
20 Esperanto [../../../../../eo/articles/e/s/p/Esperanto.html Esperanto] eo [../../../../../eo/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 99 103] 224 094 1 683 983 13 4 146 18 674 12
21 Czech [../../../../../cs/articles/%C4%8D/e/%C5%A1/%C4%8Ce%C5%A1tina.html Čeština] cs [../../../../../cs/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 97 889] 245 546 2 685 563 20 38 033 3 436 25
22 Hungarian [../../../../../hu/articles/m/a/g/Magyar_nyelv.html Magyar] hu [../../../../../hu/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 95 583] 289 206 3 456 462 27 54 249 33 013 49
23 Slovak [../../../../../sk/articles/s/l/o/Sloven%C4%8Dina.html Slovenčina] sk [../../../../../sk/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 95 363] 183 644 1 623 692 26 13 928 66 8
24 Danish [../../../../../da/articles/d/a/n/Dansk_%28sprog%29.html Dansk] da [../../../../../da/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 86 744] 216 546 2 242 591 40 41 183 2 562 23
25 Indonesian [../../../../../id/articles/b/a/h/Bahasa_Indonesia_26b7.html Bahasa Indonesia] id [../../../../../id/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 82 744] 235 342 1 616 849 14 63 066 13 750 23
26 Hebrew [../../../../../he/articles/%D7%A2/%D7%91/%D7%A8/%D7%A2%D7%91%D7%A8%D7%99%D7%AA.html עברית] he [../../../../../he/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 76 664] 303 130 5 449 714 46 55 986 23 541 157
27 Lithuanian [../../../../../lt/articles/l/i/e/Lietuvi%C5%B3_kalba.html Lietuvių] lt [../../../../../lt/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 64 751] 146 884 1 211 258 20 11 426 12 520 13
28 Korean [../../../../../ko/articles/%ED%95%9C/%EA%B5%AD/%EC%96%B4/%ED%95%9C%EA%B5%AD%EC%96%B4.html 한국어] ko [../../../../../ko/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 63 106] 167 783 1 960 748 18 35 024 2 163 32
29 Serbian [../../../../../sr/articles/%D1%81/%D1%80/%D0%BF/%D0%A1%D1%80%D0%BF%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8_%D1%98%D0%B5%D0%B7%D0%B8%D0%BA.html Српски / Srpski] sr [../../../../../sr/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 62 392] 205 447 1 727 817 41 18 190 12 203 44
30 Slovenian [../../../../../sl/articles/s/l/o/Sloven%C5%A1%C4%8Dina.html Slovenščina] sl [../../../../../sl/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 62 094] 151 169 1 357 902 31 18 050 5 343 18
31 Arabic [../../../../../ar/articles/%D9%84/%D8%BA/%D8%A9/%D9%84%D8%BA%D8%A9_%D8%B9%D8%B1%D8%A8%D9%8A%D8%A9.html العربية] ar [../../../../../ar/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 60 050] 268 323 2 467 115 14 126 753 3 331 111
32 Bulgarian [../../../../../bg/articles/%D0%B1/%D1%8A/%D0%BB/%D0%91%D1%8A%D0%BB%D0%B3%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8_%D0%B5%D0%B7%D0%B8%D0%BA.html Български] bg [../../../../../bg/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 56 798] 141 065 1 842 795 13 25 583 12 968 29
33 Estonian [../../../../../et/articles/e/e/s/Eesti_keel.html Eesti] et [../../../../../et/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 49 637] 114 979 1 051 218 27 7 712 4 924 16
34 Croatian [../../../../../hr/articles/h/r/v/Hrvatski_jezik.html Hrvatski] hr [../../../../../hr/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 43 443] 101 699 1 268 010 21 13 490 4 484 22
35 Newar / Nepal Bhasa [../../../../../new/articles/%E0%A4%A8/%E0%A5%87/%E0%A4%AA/%E0%A4%A8%E0%A5%87%E0%A4%AA%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%B2%E0%A4%AD%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%B7%E0%A4%BE.html नेपाल भाषा] new [../../../../../new/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 42 062] 86 893 236 556 1 278 45 3
36 Vietnamese [../../../../../vi/articles/t/i/%E1%BA%BF/Ti%E1%BA%BFng_Vi%E1%BB%87t_6c46.html Tiếng Việt] vi [../../../../../vi/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 41 049] 203 486 1 292 820 19 74 090 9 820 99
37 Telugu [../../../../../te/articles/%E0%B0%A4/%E0%B1%86/%E0%B0%B2/%E0%B0%A4%E0%B1%86%E0%B0%B2%E0%B1%81%E0%B0%97%E0%B1%81.html తెలుగు] te [../../../../../te/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 40 139] 72 767 301 583 14 5 665 3 444 3
38 Norwegian (Nynorsk) [../../../../../nn/articles/n/y/n/Nynorsk.html Nynorsk] nn [../../../../../nn/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 37 806] 91 576 630 595 22 3 799 292 14
39 Persian [../../../../../fa/articles/%D9%81/%D8%A7/%D8%B1/%D9%81%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%B3%DB%8C.html فارسی] fa [../../../../../fa/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 36 530] 183 663 1 272 627 8 94 536 9 439 112
40 Thai [../../../../../th/articles/%E0%B8%A0/%E0%B8%B2/%E0%B8%A9/%E0%B8%A0%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%A9%E0%B8%B2%E0%B9%84%E0%B8%97%E0%B8%A2.html ไทย] th [../../../../../th/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 36 022] 136 284 1 200 511 17 43 748 17 268 68
41 Galician [../../../../../gl/articles/l/i/n/Lingua_galega.html Galego] gl [../../../../../gl/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 35 467] 73 900 821 845 11 3 364 5 004 13
42 Greek [../../../../../el/articles/%CE%B5/%CE%BB/%CE%BB/%CE%95%CE%BB%CE%BB%CE%B7%CE%BD%CE%B9%CE%BA%CE%AE_%CE%B3%CE%BB%CF%8E%CF%83%CF%83%CE%B1.html Ελληνικά] el [../../../../../el/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 34 226] 84 697 1 023 578 16 19 372 6 729 26
43 Cebuano [../../../../../ceb/articles/s/i/n/Sinugboanon.html Sinugboanong Binisaya] ceb [../../../../../ceb/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 33 848] 36 645 200 938 2 565 305 0
44 Simple English [../../../../../simple/articles/s/i/m/Wikipedia%7ESimple_English_Wikipedia_51b9.html Simple English] simple [../../../../../simple/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 29 141] 81 343 888 849 29 18 159 22 35
45 Malay [../../../../../ms/articles/b/a/h/Bahasa_Melayu_27dd.html Bahasa Melayu] ms [../../../../../ms/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 28 500] 85 701 601 223 10 21 577 11 163 28
46 Basque [../../../../../eu/articles/e/u/s/Euskara.html Euskara] eu [../../../../../eu/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 26 258] 62 286 759 036 6 2 236 8 23
47 Haitian [../../../../../ht/articles/l/a/n/Lang_krey%C3%B2l_ayisyen.html Krèyol ayisyen] ht [../../../../../ht/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 25 873] 30 885 176 867 2 369 69 0
48 Bosnian [../../../../../bs/articles/b/o/s/Bosanski_jezik.html Bosanski] bs [../../../../../bs/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 23 541] 61 470 674 243 20 5 122 3 796 28
49 Bishnupriya Manipuri [../../../../../bpy/articles/%E0%A6%AC/%E0%A6%BF/%E0%A6%B7/%E0%A6%AC%E0%A6%BF%E0%A6%B7%E0%A7%8D%E0%A6%A3%E0%A7%81%E0%A6%AA%E0%A7%8D%E0%A6%B0%E0%A6%BF%E0%A6%AF%E0%A6%BC%E0%A6%BE_%E0%A6%AE%E0%A6%A3%E0%A6%BF%E0%A6%AA%E0%A7%81%E0%A6%B0%E0%A7%80.html ইমার ঠার/বিষ্ণুপ্রিয়া মণিপুরী] bpy [../../../../../bpy/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 23 357] 53 953 284 310 1 262 144 9
50 Luxembourgish [../../../../../lb/articles/l/%C3%AB/t/L%C3%ABtzebuergesch.html Lëtzebuergesch] lb [../../../../../lb/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 22 235] 49 670 475 928 7 1 626 9 008 15
51 Georgian [../../../../../ka/articles/%E1%83%A5/%E1%83%90/%E1%83%A0/%E1%83%A5%E1%83%90%E1%83%A0%E1%83%97%E1%83%A3%E1%83%9A%E1%83%98_%E1%83%94%E1%83%9C%E1%83%90.html ქართული] ka [../../../../../ka/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 21 624] 57 953 461 974 5 3 233 6 118 23
52 Icelandic [../../../../../is/articles/%C3%AD/s/l/%C3%8Dslenska.html Íslenska] is [../../../../../is/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 21 513] 56 153 496 904 22 2 840 1 326 23
53 Latin [../../../../../la/articles/l/i/n/Lingua_Latina_d5ef.html Latina] la [../../../../../la/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 20 347] 43 808 520 600 19 3 117 1 16
54 Albanian [../../../../../sq/articles/g/j/u/Gjuha_shqipe.html Shqip] sq [../../../../../sq/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 20 339] 49 467 404 709 10 5 526 3 597 17
55 Hindi [../../../../../hi/articles/%E0%A4%B9/%E0%A4%BF/%E0%A4%A8/%E0%A4%B9%E0%A4%BF%E0%A4%A8%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%A6%E0%A5%80.html हिन्दी] hi [../../../../../hi/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 19 917] 37 673 199 544 18 3 983 1 328 4
56 Breton [../../../../../br/articles/b/r/e/Brezhoneg.html Brezhoneg] br [../../../../../br/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 19 756] 41 527 329 839 7 829 3 852 10
57 Azeri [../../../../../az/articles/a/z/%C9%99/Az%C9%99rbaycan_dili.html Azərbaycan] az [../../../../../az/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 18 324] 45 779 274 499 3 3 524 9 640 13
58 Marathi [../../../../../mr/articles/%E0%A4%AE/%E0%A4%B0/%E0%A4%BE/%E0%A4%AE%E0%A4%B0%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%A0%E0%A5%80_%E0%A4%AD%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%B7%E0%A4%BE.html मराठी] mr [../../../../../mr/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 17 532] 43 601 236 675 7 2 176 1 308 12
59 Bengali [../../../../../bn/articles/%E0%A6%AC/%E0%A6%BE/%E0%A6%82/%E0%A6%AC%E0%A6%BE%E0%A6%82%E0%A6%B2%E0%A6%BE_%E0%A6%AD%E0%A6%BE%E0%A6%B7%E0%A6%BE.html বাংলা] bn [../../../../../bn/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 17 484] 69 143 312 174 7 2 067 1 245 39
60 Macedonian [../../../../../mk/articles/%D0%BC/%D0%B0/%D0%BA/%D0%9C%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8_%D1%98%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B8%D0%BA.html Македонски] mk [../../../../../mk/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 17 381] 46 458 302 627 10 3 632 5 539 18
61 Serbo-Croatian [../../../../../sh/articles/s/r/p/Srpskohrvatski_jezik.html Srpskohrvatski / Српскохрватски] sh [../../../../../sh/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 16 881] 41 615 201 868 8 3 904 1 419 10
62 Tagalog [../../../../../tl/articles/w/i/k/Wikang_Tagalog_7d83.html Tagalog] tl [../../../../../tl/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 16 471] 34 115 218 903 7 5 665 926 7
63 Welsh [../../../../../cy/articles/c/y/m/Cymraeg.html Cymraeg] cy [../../../../../cy/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 16 130] 41 206 326 530 14 1 059 1 963 19
64 Ido [../../../../../io/articles/i/d/o/Ido.html Ido] io [../../../../../io/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 15 439] 20 325 249 054 6 592 302 1
65 Piedmontese [../../../../../pms/articles/l/e/n/Lenga_piemont%C3%A8isa.html Piemontèis] pms [../../../../../pms/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 15 211] 23 932 89 639 6 344 477 1
66 Latvian [../../../../../lv/articles/l/a/t/Latvie%C5%A1u_valoda.html Latviešu] lv [../../../../../lv/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 15 061] 47 774 317 033 12 5 084 6 456 31
67 Tamil தமிழ் [[:ta:|ta]] 13 887 36 746 244 309 14 3 122 2 818 18
68 Sundanese [../../../../../su/articles/b/a/s/Basa_Sunda_ab3b.html Basa Sunda] su [../../../../../su/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 13 808] 25 309 127 381 5 628 294 3
69 Occitan [../../../../../oc/articles/o/c/c/Occitan.html Occitan] oc [../../../../../oc/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 13 109] 34 560 320 162 6 675 765 25
70 Javanese [../../../../../jv/articles/b/a/s/Basa_Jawa_8989.html Basa Jawa] jv [../../../../../jv/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 12 986] 23 367 120 100 8 1 003 1 234 3
71 Neapolitan [../../../../../nap/articles/l/e/n/Lengua_napulitana.html Nnapulitano] nap [../../../../../nap/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 12 747] 22 285 230 426 5 805 300 6
72 Low Saxon [../../../../../nds/articles/p/l/a/Plattd%C3%BC%C3%BCtsch.html Plattdüütsch] nds [../../../../../nds/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 12 186] 17 893 194 199 6 963 0 2
73 Sicilian [../../../../../scn/articles/l/i/n/Lingua_siciliana.html Sicilianu] scn [../../../../../scn/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 12 074] 32 465 231 593 9 1 048 1 232 20
74 Belarusian [../../../../../be/articles/%D0%B1/%D0%B5/%D0%BB/%D0%91%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%83%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0.html Беларуская] be [../../../../../be/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 11 719] 22 383 161 775 5 596 301 6
75 Asturian [../../../../../ast/articles/a/s/t/Asturianu.html Asturianu] ast [../../../../../ast/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 11 402] 19 785 260 867 6 902 30 7
76 Kurdish [../../../../../ku/articles/z/i/m/Ziman%C3%AA_kurd%C3%AE.html Kurdî / كوردی] ku [../../../../../ku/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 11 299] 22 821 146 451 4 1 213 1 108 7
77 Walloon [../../../../../wa/articles/w/a/l/Walon.html Walon] wa [../../../../../wa/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 10 212] 26 303 128 289 5 416 1 979 12

[தொகு] 1 000+ கட்டுரைகள்

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மொத்தம் தொகுப்புகள் நிவாகிகால் பயனர்கள் படிமங்கள்
78 Belarusian (Tarashkevitsa) [../../../../../be-x-old/articles/%D0%B1/%D0%B5/%D0%BB/%D0%91%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%83%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0.html Беларуская (тарашкевіца)] be-x-old [../../../../../be-x-old/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 9 872] 25 182 215 845 9 1 102 1 121 21
79 Afrikaans [../../../../../af/articles/a/f/r/Afrikaans.html Afrikaans] af [../../../../../af/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 9 805] 24 555 326 325 11 2 859 663 30
80 Ripuarian [../../../../../ksh/articles/r/i/p/Ripoar%C4%97sch_%28Shprooch%29_027f.html Ripoarisch] ksh [../../../../../ksh/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 9 006] 340 068 742 905 6 395 62 --
81 Aragonese [../../../../../an/articles/i/d/i/Idioma_aragon%C3%A9s.html Aragonés] an [../../../../../an/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 8 906] 21 357 231 313 3 614 185 21
82 Tajik [../../../../../tg/articles/%D0%B7/%D0%B0/%D0%B1/%D0%97%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B8_%D1%82%D0%BE%D2%B7%D0%B8%D0%BA%D3%A3.html Тоҷикӣ] tg [../../../../../tg/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 8 750] 14 415 85 613 4 493 236 2
83 West Frisian [../../../../../fy/articles/f/r/y/Frysk.html Frysk] fy [../../../../../fy/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 8 271] 16 173 140 657 8 683 768 8
84 Chuvash [../../../../../cv/articles/%D1%87/%C4%83/%D0%B2/%D0%A7%C4%83%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%88_%D1%87%C4%95%D0%BB%D1%85%D0%B8.html Чăваш] cv [../../../../../cv/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 7 779] 13 335 130 267 3 408 353 5
85 Venetian [../../../../../vec/articles/%C5%82/%C3%A9/n/%C5%81%C3%A9ngua_v%C3%A8neta.html Vèneto] vec [../../../../../vec/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 7 693] 17 965 149 638 7 560 733 15
86 Cantonese [../../../../../zh-yue/articles/%E7%B2%B5/%E8%AA%9E/_/%E7%B2%B5%E8%AA%9E.html 粵語] zh-yue [../../../../../zh-yue/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 7 679] 29 571 167 925 11 4 914 395 46
87 Urdu [../../../../../ur/articles/%D8%A7/%D8%B1/%D8%AF/%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%AF%D9%88.html اردو] ur [../../../../../ur/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 7 604] 25 244 118 407 11 1 570 2 446 25
88 Tarantino [../../../../../roa-tara/index.html Tarandíne] roa-tara [../../../../../roa-tara/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 7 595] 8 003 10 409 3 166 0 0
89 Quechua [../../../../../qu/articles/q/h/i/Qhichwa_simi.html Runa Simi] qu [../../../../../qu/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 7 341] 22 034 103 809 2 406 49 19
90 Swahili [../../../../../sw/articles/k/i/s/Kiswahili.html Kiswahili] sw [../../../../../sw/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 7 108] 15 262 133 009 9 615 803 11
91 Uzbek [../../../../../uz/articles/o/%CA%BB/z/O%CA%BBzbek_tili.html O‘zbek] uz [../../../../../uz/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 6 679] 16 927 177 254 4 632 1 152 25
92 Irish [../../../../../ga/articles/g/a/e/Gaeilge.html Gaeilge] ga [../../../../../ga/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 6 664] 14 388 160 492 7 1 080 679 15
93 Samogitian [../../../../../bat-smg/articles/%C5%BE/e/m/%C5%BDemaitiu_kalba.html Žemaitėška] bat-smg [../../../../../bat-smg/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 6 571] 13 088 74 150 7 273 1 080 6
94 Maori [../../../../../mi/articles/r/e/o/Reo_M%C4%81ori_715f.html Māori] mi [../../../../../mi/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 6 411] 10 767 44 426 11 359 73 2
95 Malayalam [../../../../../ml/articles/%E0%B4%AE/%E0%B4%B2/%E0%B4%AF/%E0%B4%AE%E0%B4%B2%E0%B4%AF%E0%B4%BE%E0%B4%B3%E0%B4%82.html മലയാളം] ml [../../../../../ml/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 6 362] 35 699 184 605 13 5 205 4 655 110
96 Scottish Gaelic [../../../../../gd/articles/g/%C3%A0/i/G%C3%A0idhlig.html Gàidhlig] gd [../../../../../gd/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 6 330] 12 409 105 617 8 522 362 8
97 Yoruba [../../../../../yo/articles/%C3%A8/d/%C3%A8/%C3%88d%C3%A8e_Yor%C3%B9b%C3%A1_eea9.html Yorùbá] yo [../../../../../yo/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 5 992] 8 896 23 898 2 421 111 1
98 Corsican [../../../../../co/articles/l/i/n/Lingua_corsa.html Corsu] co [../../../../../co/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 5 716] 9 703 126 183 2 397 79 6
99 Kannada [../../../../../kn/articles/%E0%B2%95/%E0%B2%A8/%E0%B3%8D/%E0%B2%95%E0%B2%A8%E0%B3%8D%E0%B2%A8%E0%B2%A1.html ಕನ್ನಡ] kn [../../../../../kn/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 5 527] 13 768 63 743 4 1 498 1 142 10
100 Kapampangan [../../../../../pam/articles/k/a/p/Kapampangan_%28amanu%29.html Kapampangan] pam [../../../../../pam/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 5 368] 9 464 53 453 2 400 567 3
101 Yiddish [../../../../../yi/articles/%D7%99/%D7%99/%D7%93/%D7%99%D7%99%D7%93%D7%99%D7%A9.html ייִדיש] yi [../../../../../yi/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 5 042] 22 475 159 455 6 1 115 1 256 85
102 Upper Sorbian [../../../../../hsb/articles/h/o/r/Hornjoserb%C5%A1%C4%87ina.html Hornjoserbsce] hsb [../../../../../hsb/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 4 949] 10 392 66 366 2 321 136 8
103 Nahuatl [../../../../../nah/articles/n/%C4%81/h/N%C4%81huatlaht%C5%8Dlli.html Nāhuatl] nah [../../../../../nah/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 4 438] 9 258 71 943 6 402 79 9
104 Interlingua [../../../../../ia/articles/i/n/t/Interlingua.html Interlingua] ia [../../../../../ia/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 4 177] 8 426 134 728 12 661 1 17
105 Limburgian [../../../../../li/articles/l/i/m/Limburgs.html Limburgs] li [../../../../../li/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 3 965] 11 587 114 792 5 603 566 37
106 Alemannic [../../../../../als/articles/a/l/e/Alemannische_Dialekte_2be1.html Alemannisch] als [../../../../../als/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 3 896] 12 718 136 106 7 1 745 421 55
107 Sanskrit [../../../../../sa/articles/%E0%A4%B8/%E0%A4%82/%E0%A4%B8/%E0%A4%B8%E0%A4%82%E0%A4%B8%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%95%E0%A5%83%E0%A4%A4.html संस्कृतम्] sa [../../../../../sa/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 3 884] 5 709 29 163 3 477 20 1
108 Armenian [../../../../../hy/articles/%D5%B0/%D5%A1/%D5%B5/%D5%80%D5%A1%D5%B5%D5%A5%D6%80%D5%A5%D5%B6.html Հայերեն] hy [../../../../../hy/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 3 788] 10 292 110 062 2 762 1 091 32
109 Tatar [../../../../../tt/articles/t/a/t/Tatar_tele.html Tatarça / Татарча] tt [../../../../../tt/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 3 654] 10 021 150 358 6 400 211 46
110 Aromanian [../../../../../roa-rup/articles/l/i/m/Limba_arm%C3%A3neasc%C3%A3.html Armãneashce] roa-rup [../../../../../roa-rup/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 3 469] 5 489 12 841 2 298 150 1
111 Min Nan [../../../../../zh-min-nan/articles/b/%C3%A2/n/B%C3%A2n-l%C3%A2m-g%C3%BA.html Bân-lâm-gú] zh-min-nan [../../../../../zh-min-nan/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 3 171] 9 485 85 070 5 484 416 36
112 Wu [../../../../../wuu/articles/%E5%90%B4/%E8%AF%AD/_/%E5%90%B4%E8%AF%AD.html 吴语] wuu [../../../../../wuu/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 3 162] 6 423 21 554 2 421 334 4
113 Pangasinan [../../../../../pag/articles/s/a/l/Salitan_Pangasinan_c449.html Pangasinan] pag [../../../../../pag/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 3 135] 3 995 11 079 1 194 43 0
114 Banyumasan [../../../../../map-bms/articles/b/a/s/Basa_Banyumasan_9ec3.html Basa Banyumasan] map-bms [../../../../../map-bms/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 3 125] 4 569 40 515 4 496 180 2
115 Amharic [../../../../../am/articles/%E1%8A%A0/%E1%88%9B/%E1%88%AD/%E1%8A%A0%E1%88%9B%E1%88%AD%E1%8A%9B.html አማርኛ] am [../../../../../am/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 3 103] 8 886 78 470 4 546 236 31
116 Faroese [../../../../../fo/articles/f/%C3%B8/r/F%C3%B8royskt_%28m%C3%A1l%29.html Føroyskt] fo [../../../../../fo/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 3 064] 7 441 63 484 7 602 303 17
117 Norman [../../../../../nrm/articles/n/o/r/Normaund.html Nouormand/Normaund] nrm [../../../../../nrm/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 3 059] 5 844 65 790 3 230 1 9
118 West Flemish [../../../../../vls/articles/w/e/s/West-Vlams_648c.html West-Vlams] vls [../../../../../vls/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 2 871] 8 874 96 187 4 725 467 47
119 Lombard [../../../../../lmo/articles/l/e/n/Lengua_Lumbarda_8361.html Lumbaart] lmo [../../../../../lmo/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 2 807] 5 639 421 472 10 506 199 76
120 Dutch Low Saxon [../../../../../nds-nl/articles/n/e/d/Nederlaands_Leegsaksisch_d99d.html Nedersaksisch] nds-nl [../../../../../nds-nl/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 2 736] 7 826 67 474 7 469 424 30
121 Romansh [../../../../../rm/articles/r/u/m/Rumantsch.html Rumantsch] rm [../../../../../rm/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 2 730] 5 347 28 804 2 411 163 5
122 Northern Sami [../../../../../se/articles/d/a/v/Davvis%C3%A1megiella.html Sámegiella] se [../../../../../se/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 2 680] 5 101 44 023 5 355 37 7
123 Nepali [../../../../../ne/articles/%E0%A4%A8/%E0%A5%87/%E0%A4%AA/%E0%A4%A8%E0%A5%87%E0%A4%AA%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%B2%E0%A5%80_%E0%A4%AD%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%B7%E0%A4%BE.html नेपाली] ne [../../../../../ne/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 2 653] 6 385 21 016 3 621 165 7
124 Waray-Waray [../../../../../war/articles/w/i/n/Winaray.html Winaray] war [../../../../../war/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 2 604] 6 377 39 930 1 273 591 13
125 Friulian [../../../../../fur/articles/l/e/n/Lenghe_furlane.html Furlan] fur [../../../../../fur/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 2 576] 4 807 48 824 2 387 281 8
126 Ligurian [../../../../../lij/articles/l/e/n/Lengua_ligure.html Líguru] lij [../../../../../lij/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 2 441] 4 101 28 296 2 272 79 3
127 Scots [../../../../../sco/articles/s/c/o/Scots_leid.html Scots] sco [../../../../../sco/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 2 440] 6 038 53 369 4 803 432 19
128 Novial [../../../../../nov/articles/n/o/v/Novial.html Novial] nov [../../../../../nov/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 2 432] 3 608 47 456 3 169 17 3
129 Divehi [../../../../../dv/articles/%DE%8B/%DE%A8/%DE%88/%DE%8B%DE%A8%DE%88%DE%AC%DE%80%DE%A8.html ދިވެހިބަސް] dv [../../../../../dv/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 2 423] 6 904 28 114 2 433 791 14
130 Bihari [../../../../../bh/articles/%E0%A4%AD/%E0%A5%8B/%E0%A4%9C/%E0%A4%AD%E0%A5%8B%E0%A4%9C%E0%A4%AA%E0%A5%81%E0%A4%B0%E0%A5%80_%E0%A4%AD%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%B7%E0%A4%BE.html भोजपुरी] bh [../../../../../bh/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 2 409] 2 686 25 992 1 272 8 0
131 Kazakh [../../../../../kk/articles/%D2%9B/%D0%B0/%D0%B7/%D2%9A%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B0%D2%9B_%D1%82%D1%96%D0%BB%D1%96.html Қазақша] kk [../../../../../kk/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 2 341] 8 875 60 047 3 778 362 53
132 Zazaki [../../../../../diq/articles/z/a/z/Zazaki.html Zazaki] diq [../../../../../diq/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 2 339] 4 894 33 790 4 212 285 8
133 Pali [../../../../../pi/articles/%E0%A4%AA/%E0%A4%BE/%E0%A4%B2/%E0%A4%AA%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%B2%E0%A5%80_%E0%A4%AD%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%B7%E0%A4%BE.html पाऴि] pi [../../../../../pi/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 2 315] 2 487 19 751 1 203 0 0
134 Ilokano [../../../../../ilo/articles/p/a/g/Pagsasao_nga_Iloko_d18f.html Ilokano] ilo [../../../../../ilo/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 2 294] 4 379 38 525 2 315 622 7
135 Ossetian [../../../../../os/articles/%D0%B8/%D1%80/%D0%BE/%D0%98%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BD_%C3%A6%D0%B2%D0%B7%D0%B0%D0%B3.html Иронау] os [../../../../../os/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 2 048] 7 512 72 568 1 312 431 69
136 Classical Chinese [../../../../../zh-classical/articles/%E6%96%87/%E8%A8%80/_/%E6%96%87%E8%A8%80.html 古文 / 文言文] zh-classical [../../../../../zh-classical/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 2 043] 12 845 70 132 1 1 076 2 153
137 Maltese [../../../../../mt/articles/l/i/n/Lingwa_Maltija_4f12.html Malti] mt [../../../../../mt/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 2 039] 6 943 45 314 3 565 868 38
138 Franco-Provençal/Arpitan [../../../../../frp/articles/a/r/p/Arpitan.html Arpitan] frp [../../../../../frp/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 2 006] 5 061 61 005 2 263 81 28
139 Ladino [../../../../../lad/articles/i/d/i/Idioma_djudeo-espanyol.html Dzhudezmo] lad [../../../../../lad/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 1 824] 4 317 33 445 5 346 36 14
140 Võro [../../../../../fiu-vro/articles/v/%C3%B5/r/V%C3%B5ro_kiil.html Võro] fiu-vro [../../../../../fiu-vro/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 1 776] 3 209 22 491 3 232 118 5
141 Pennsylvania German [../../../../../pdc/articles/p/e/n/Pennsilfaanisch_Deitsch_38f5.html Deitsch] pdc [../../../../../pdc/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 1 688] 2 982 21 048 2 327 225 4
142 Kashubian [../../../../../csb/articles/k/a/s/Kasz%C3%ABbsczi_j%C3%A3z%C3%ABk.html Kaszëbsczi] csb [../../../../../csb/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 1 672] 3 497 44 146 5 345 93 15
143 Bavarian [../../../../../bar/articles/b/o/a/Boarische_Spr%C3%A5ch_1930.html Boarisch] bar [../../../../../bar/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 1 630] 6 149 53 848 9 661 124 67
144 Cornish [../../../../../kw/articles/k/e/r/Kernewek.html Kernewek/Karnuack] kw [../../../../../kw/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 1 539] 4 305 45 052 2 329 136 34
145 Tongan [../../../../../to/articles/l/e/a/Lea_fakatonga.html faka Tonga] to [../../../../../to/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 1 432] 4 822 14 825 2 248 375 17
146 Mongolian [../../../../../mn/articles/%D0%BC/%D0%BE/%D0%BD/%D0%9C%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%BB_%D1%85%D1%8D%D0%BB.html Монгол] mn [../../../../../mn/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 1 374] 5 874 33 654 6 1 619 216 61
147 Hawaiian [../../../../../haw/articles/%E2%80%98/%C5%8D/l/%E2%80%98%C5%8Clelo_Hawai%E2%80%98i_1000.html Hawai`i] haw [../../../../../haw/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 1 357] 2 820 7 629 1 249 12 3
148 Manx [../../../../../gv/articles/g/a/e/Gaelg.html Gaelg] gv [../../../../../gv/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 1 319] 3 624 15 571 2 280 88 13
149 Khmer [../../../../../km/articles/%E1%9E%97/%E1%9E%B6/%E1%9E%9F/%E1%9E%97%E1%9E%B6%E1%9E%9F%E1%9E%B6%E1%9E%81%E1%9F%92%E1%9E%98%E1%9F%82%E1%9E%9A.html ភាសាខ្មែរ] km [../../../../../km/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 1 314] 5 403 21 583 3 419 234 39
150 Pashto [../../../../../ps/articles/%D9%BE/%DA%9A/%D8%AA/%D9%BE%DA%9A%D8%AA%D9%88.html پښتو] ps [../../../../../ps/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 1 255] 4 479 34 410 3 429 500 51
151 Anglo-Saxon [../../../../../ang/articles/e/n/g/Englisc_spr%C7%A3c.html Englisc] ang [../../../../../ang/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 1 200] 5 604 35 393 2 513 245 85
152 Turkmen [../../../../../tk/articles/t/%C3%BC/r/T%C3%BCrkmen_dili.html تركمن / Туркмен] tk [../../../../../tk/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 1 062] 3 456 16 571 3 347 194 24
153 Lingala [../../../../../ln/articles/l/i/n/Ling%C3%A1la.html Lingala] ln [../../../../../ln/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 1 045] 3 639 23 714 2 232 11 40
154 Gujarati [../../../../../gu/articles/%E0%AA%97/%E0%AB%81/%E0%AA%9C/%E0%AA%97%E0%AB%81%E0%AA%9C%E0%AA%B0%E0%AA%BE%E0%AA%A4%E0%AB%80_%E0%AA%AD%E0%AA%BE%E0%AA%B7%E0%AA%BE.html ગુજરાતી] gu [../../../../../gu/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 1 026] 4 093 17 942 5 756 73 39

[தொகு] 100+ கட்டுரைகள்

எண் மொழி மொழி (தன்மொழியில்) விக்கி கட்டுரை ஆழம்
மொத்தம் தொகுப்புகள் நிவாகிகால் பயனர்கள் படிமங்கள்
155 Interlingue [../../../../../ie/articles/i/n/t/Interlingue.html Interlingue] ie [../../../../../ie/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 945] 2 364 16 140 2 252 8 15
156 Tok Pisin [../../../../../tpi/articles/t/o/k/Tok_Pisin_54f4.html Tok Pisin] tpi [../../../../../tpi/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 812] 3 075 13 749 4 323 10 35
157 Tahitian [../../../../../ty/articles/r/e/o/Reo_Tahiti_a8e9.html Reo Mā`ohi] ty [../../../../../ty/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 734] 1 960 8 943 4 188 9 13
158 Crimean Tatar [../../../../../crh/articles/q/%C4%B1/r/Q%C4%B1r%C4%B1mtatar_tili.html Qırımtatarca] crh [../../../../../crh/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 719] 2 401 14 734 2 169 0 34
159 Sinhalese [../../../../../si/articles/%E0%B7%83/%E0%B7%92/%E0%B6%82/%E0%B7%83%E0%B7%92%E0%B6%82%E0%B7%84%E0%B6%BD_%E0%B6%B7%E0%B7%8F%E0%B7%82%E0%B7%8F%E0%B7%80.html සිංහල] si [../../../../../si/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 686] 5 824 29 169 5 609 1 958 281
160 Wolof [../../../../../wo/articles/w/o/l/Wolof.html Wolof] wo [../../../../../wo/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 658] 3 368 14 365 3 251 12 72
161 Lojban [../../../../../jbo/articles/l/o/j/lojban_35eb.html Lojban] jbo [../../../../../jbo/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 642] 3 071 21 187 4 292 17 99
162 Aymara [../../../../../ay/articles/a/y/m/Aymar_aru.html Aymar] ay [../../../../../ay/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 638] 2 456 9 164 2 296 9 30
163 Sardinian [../../../../../sc/articles/l/i/m/Limba_sarda.html Sardu] sc [../../../../../sc/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 629] 2 768 12 313 3 328 40 51
164 Zealandic [../../../../../zea/articles/z/e/%C3%AA/Ze%C3%AAuws.html Zeêuws] zea [../../../../../zea/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 603] 1 596 11 674 3 222 13 20
165 Emilian-Romagnol [../../../../../eml/articles/l/a/n/Langua_emigli%C3%A8na-rumagn%C3%B4la.html Emiliàn e rumagnòl] eml [../../../../../eml/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 590] 1 699 14 609 2 263 344 30
166 Kirghiz [../../../../../ky/articles/%D0%BA/%D1%8B/%D1%80/%D0%9A%D1%8B%D1%80%D0%B3%D1%8B%D0%B7_%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B8.html Кыргызча] ky [../../../../../ky/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 578] 2 523 9 576 1 322 126 43
167 Igbo [../../../../../ig/articles/a/s/u/Asusu_Igbo_74f3.html Igbo] ig [../../../../../ig/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 548] 2 261 8 336 1 251 40 36
168 Oriya [../../../../../or/articles/%E0%AC%93/%E0%AC%A1/%E0%AC%BC/%E0%AC%93%E0%AC%A1%E0%AC%BC%E0%AC%BF%E0%AC%86.html ଓଡ଼ିଆ] or [../../../../../or/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 543] 817 12 414 0 185 2 4
169 Malagasy [../../../../../mg/articles/f/i/t/Fiteny_malagasy.html Malagasy] mg [../../../../../mg/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 540] 2 260 10 953 4 272 13 49
170 Zamboanga Chavacano [../../../../../cbk-zam/articles/c/h/a/Chavacano.html Chavacano de Zamboanga] cbk-zam [../../../../../cbk-zam/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 539] 1 158 9 221 2 218 16 11
171 Kongo [../../../../../kg/articles/k/i/k/Kikongo_Kituba_1c2f.html KiKongo] kg [../../../../../kg/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 504] 1 870 6 904 2 194 8 27
172 Gilaki [../../../../../glk/articles/%DA%AF/%DB%8C/%D9%84/%DA%AF%DB%8C%D9%84%DA%A9%DB%8C.html گیلکی] glk [../../../../../glk/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 485] 1 222 5 959 1 192 152 11
173 Assyrian Neo-Aramaic [../../../../../arc/articles/%DC%A0/%DC%AB/%DC%A2/%DC%A0%DC%AB%DC%A2%DC%90_%DC%90%DC%AA%DC%A1%DC%9D%DC%90.html ܐܪܡܝܐ] arc [../../../../../arc/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 475] 2 083 15 383 3 264 32 85
174 Romani [../../../../../rmy/articles/r/o/m/Romani_chib.html romani - रोमानी] rmy [../../../../../rmy/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 467] 1 485 13 578 2 205 47 43
175 Guarani [../../../../../gn/articles/a/v/a/Ava%C3%B1e%27%E1%BA%BD.html Avañe'ẽ] gn [../../../../../gn/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 448] 2 499 7 934 2 293 2 67
176 Kabyle [../../../../../kab/articles/t/a/q/Taqbaylit.html Taqbaylit] kab [../../../../../kab/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 403] 945 7 391 1 168 12 14
177 Moldovan [../../../../../mo/articles/%D0%BB/%D0%B8/%D0%BC/%D0%9B%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%B1%D0%B0_%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%8F%D1%81%D0%BA%D1%8D.html Молдовеняскэ] mo [../../../../../mo/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 401] 2 330 9 971 3 283 31 99
178 Somali [../../../../../so/articles/a/f/_/Af_Soomaali_18d7.html Soomaaliga] so [../../../../../so/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 394] 2 114 10 837 2 312 29 98
179 Papiamentu [../../../../../pap/articles/o/r/t/Ortografia_di_papiamentu.html Papiamentu] pap [../../../../../pap/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 383] 1 103 8 389 1 288 26 27
180 Kashmiri [../../../../../ks/articles/%E0%A4%95/%E0%A5%89/%E0%A4%B6/%E0%A4%95%E0%A5%89%E0%A4%B6%E0%A5%81%E0%A4%B0_%E0%A4%9C%E0%A4%BC%E0%A4%AC%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%A8.html कश्मीरी / كشميري] ks [../../../../../ks/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 376] 1 736 6 767 2 270 3 51
181 Saterland Frisian [../../../../../stq/articles/s/e/e/Seeltersk.html Seeltersk] stq [../../../../../stq/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 373] 892 4 883 2 101 0 11
182 Chechen [../../../../../ce/articles/%D0%BD/%D0%BE/%D1%85/%D0%9D%D0%BE%D1%85%D1%87%D0%B8%D0%B9%D0%BD_%D0%BC%D0%BE%D1%82%D1%82.html Нохчийн] ce [../../../../../ce/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 360] 2 811 11 644 3 276 99 192
183 Central_Bicolano [../../../../../bcl/articles/b/i/k/Bikol.html Bikol] bcl [../../../../../bcl/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 344] 700 4 236 0 117 6 6
184 Udmurt [../../../../../udm/articles/%D1%83/%D0%B4/%D0%BC/%D0%A3%D0%B4%D0%BC%D1%83%D1%80%D1%82_%D0%BA%D1%8B%D0%BB.html Удмурт кыл] udm [../../../../../udm/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 337] 1 231 12 460 1 203 55 71
185 Mazandarani [../../../../../mzn/articles/t/a/b/Tab%C9%99rski_zivun.html مَزِروني] mzn [../../../../../mzn/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 336] 723 3 664 2 152 9 7
186 Old Church Slavonic [../../../../../cu/articles/%D1%81/%D0%BB/%D0%BE/%D0%A1%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%A3%D0%BD%D1%8C%D1%81%D0%BA%D1%8A_%D1%A9%D0%B7%D1%8B%D0%BA%D1%8A.html Словѣньскъ] cu [../../../../../cu/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 326] 1 376 12 528 2 230 30 94
187 Tetum [../../../../../tet/articles/l/i/a/Lia-tetun.html Tetun] tet [../../../../../tet/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 317] 993 15 541 3 223 8 71
188 Sindhi [../../../../../sd/articles/%D8%B3/%D9%86/%DA%8C/%D8%B3%D9%86%DA%8C%D9%8A_%D9%BB%D9%88%D9%84%D9%8A.html سنڌي، سندھی ، सिन्ध] sd [../../../../../sd/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 310] 2 677 9 623 1 322 236 210
189 Lao [../../../../../lo/index.html ລາວ] lo [../../../../../lo/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 306] 2 853 7 519 2 284 34 183
190 Bashkir [../../../../../ba/articles/%D0%B1/%D0%B0/%D1%88/%D0%91%D0%B0%D1%88%D2%A1%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%82_%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B5.html Башҡорт] ba [../../../../../ba/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 304] 2 875 8 032 3 262 116 200
191 Punjabi [../../../../../pa/articles/%E0%A8%AA/%E0%A9%B0/%E0%A8%9C/%E0%A8%AA%E0%A9%B0%E0%A8%9C%E0%A8%BE%E0%A8%AC%E0%A9%80.html ਪੰਜਾਬੀ] pa [../../../../../pa/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 297] 1 937 5 121 1 373 116 81
192 Inuktitut [../../../../../iu/articles/%E1%90%83/%E1%93%84/%E1%92%83/%E1%90%83%E1%93%84%E1%92%83%E1%91%8E%E1%91%90%E1%91%A6_inuktitut_3375.html ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ] iu [../../../../../iu/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 293] 2 501 8 338 3 227 33 189
193 Nauruan [../../../../../na/articles/d/o/r/Dorerin_Naoero_733c.html dorerin Naoero] na [../../../../../na/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 266] 2 364 19 046 5 263 11 --
194 Gothic [../../../../../got/articles/%F0%90%8C%B2/%F0%90%8C%BF/%F0%90%8D%84/%F0%90%8C%B2%F0%90%8C%BF%F0%90%8D%84%F0%90%8C%B0%F0%90%8D%82%F0%90%8C%B0%F0%90%8C%B6%F0%90%8C%B3%F0%90%8C%B0.html 𐌲𐌿𐍄𐌹𐍃𐌺] got [../../../../../got/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 236] 1 721 5 289 3 237 13 122
195 Tibetan [../../../../../bo/index.html བོད་སྐད] bo [../../../../../bo/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 220] 1 995 8 161 1 278 25 266
196 Lower Sorbian [../../../../../dsb/articles/d/o/l/Dolnoserb%C5%A1%C4%87ina.html Dolnoserbski] dsb [../../../../../dsb/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 206] 1 623 8 753 2 144 1 255
197 Cherokee [../../../../../chr/articles/%E1%8F%A3/%E1%8E%B3/%E1%8E%A9/%E1%8F%A3%E1%8E%B3%E1%8E%A9_%E1%8E%A7%E1%8F%AC%E1%8F%82%E1%8E%AF%E1%8F%8D%E1%8F%97.html ᏣᎳᎩ] chr [../../../../../chr/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 197] 1 703 6 900 4 298 43 237
198 Min Dong [../../../../../cdo/articles/m/%C3%AC/n/M%C3%ACng-d%C4%95%CC%A4ng-ng%E1%B9%B3%CC%84.html Mìng-dĕ̤ng-ngṳ̄] cdo [../../../../../cdo/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 196] 1 603 8 566 2 178 57 275
199 Oromo [../../../../../om/articles/a/f/a/Afaan_Oromoo_fec0.html Oromoo] om [../../../../../om/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 192] 1 758 4 436 2 192 11 168
200 Hakka [../../../../../hak/articles/h/a/k/Hak-k%C3%A2-fa.html Hak-kâ-fa / 客家話] hak [../../../../../hak/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 192] 497 3 995 1 149 6 20
201 Uyghur [../../../../../ug/articles/u/y/g/Uyghur_tili.html Oyghurque] ug [../../../../../ug/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 190] 2 190 21 280 2 271 241 --
202 Burmese [../../../../../my/articles/%E1%80%97/%E1%80%99/%E1%80%AC/%E1%80%97%E1%80%99%E1%80%AC%E1%80%85%E1%80%AC.html မ္ရန္‌မာစာ] my [../../../../../my/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 189] 1 672 4 560 5 327 46 168
203 Samoan [../../../../../sm/articles/g/a/g/Gagana_fa%27a_S%C4%81moa_4af6.html Gagana Samoa] sm [../../../../../sm/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 184] 1 793 5 124 1 226 13 219
204 Ewe [../../../../../ee/articles/e/%CA%8B/e/E%CA%8Begbe.html Eʋegbe] ee [../../../../../ee/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 183] 1 694 3 663 4 201 4 147
205 Assamese [../../../../../as/articles/%E0%A6%85/%E0%A6%B8/%E0%A6%AE/%E0%A6%85%E0%A6%B8%E0%A6%AE%E0%A7%80%E0%A6%AF%E0%A6%BC%E0%A6%BE_%E0%A6%AD%E0%A6%BE%E0%A6%B7%E0%A6%BE_%E0%A6%86%E0%A7%B0%E0%A7%81_%E0%A6%B2%E0%A6%BF%E0%A6%AA%E0%A6%BF.html অসমীয়া] as [../../../../../as/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 180] 1 824 4 421 4 318 18 202
206 Tigrinya [../../../../../ti/articles/%E1%89%B5/%E1%8C%8D/%E1%88%AD/%E1%89%B5%E1%8C%8D%E1%88%AD%E1%8A%9B_%E1%8D%8A%E1%8B%B0%E1%88%8D.html ትግርኛ] ti [../../../../../ti/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 178] 377 6 205 1 187 1 21
207 Avar [../../../../../av/articles/%D0%BC/%D0%B0/%D0%B3/%D0%9C%D0%B0%D0%B3I%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%83%D0%BB_%D0%BC%D0%B0%D1%86I_dbad.html Авар] av [../../../../../av/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 162] 1 484 7 774 2 239 15 --
208 Bambara [../../../../../bm/articles/b/a/m/Bamanankan.html Bamanankan] bm [../../../../../bm/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 156] 1 460 4 437 3 225 6 212
209 Zulu [../../../../../zu/articles/i/s/i/IsiZulu_0d57.html isiZulu] zu [../../../../../zu/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 143] 1 456 4 550 2 228 6 263
210 Navajo [../../../../../nv/articles/d/i/n/Din%C3%A9_bizaad.html Diné bizaad] nv [../../../../../nv/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 142] 1 308 3 963 2 215 4 204
211 Cree [../../../../../cr/index.html Nehiyaw] cr [../../../../../cr/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 128] 1 369 4 633 3 247 10 --
212 Norfolk [../../../../../pih/index.html Norfuk] pih [../../../../../pih/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 127] 428 5 214 2 201 3 68
213 Swati [../../../../../ss/articles/s/i/s/SiSwati_f909.html SiSwati] ss [../../../../../ss/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 117] 662 9 313 2 200 17 --
214 Venda [../../../../../ve/articles/t/s/h/TshiVenda_e386.html Tshivenda] ve [../../../../../ve/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 112] 315 4 945 1 202 5 52
215 Bislama [../../../../../bi/articles/b/i/s/Bislama.html Bislama] bi [../../../../../bi/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 106] 306 8 150 2 219 12 95
216 Kinyarwanda [../../../../../rw/articles/k/i/n/Kinyarwanda.html Ikinyarwanda] rw [../../../../../rw/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 106] 295 7 060 1 194 2 76
217 Chamorro [../../../../../ch/index.html Chamoru] ch [../../../../../ch/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 102] 1 272 3 207 1 242 3 --
218 Xhosa [../../../../../xh/articles/i/s/i/IsiXhosa_92f3.html isiXhosa] xh [../../../../../xh/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 100] 427 7 067 2 217 3 177

[தொகு] 10+ கட்டுரைகள்

எண் மொழி மொழி (தன்மொழியில்) விக்கி கட்டுரை ஆழம்
மொத்தம் தொகுப்புகள் நிவாகிகால் பயனர்கள் படிமங்கள்
219 Komi [../../../../../kv/articles/%D0%BA/%D0%BE/%D0%BC/%D0%9A%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%B8_%D0%BA%D1%8B%D0%B2.html Коми] kv [../../../../../kv/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 98] 417 7 439 1 185 4 189
220 Tumbuka [../../../../../tum/articles/c/h/i/ChiTumbuka_8475.html chiTumbuka] tum [../../../../../tum/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 96] 260 4 365 1 171 1 49
221 Greenlandic [../../../../../kl/articles/k/a/l/Kalaallisut.html Kalaallisut] kl [../../../../../kl/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 92] 1 457 3 934 1 281 6 --
222 Inupiak [../../../../../ik/articles/i/%C3%B1/u/I%C3%B1upiak_uqautchit.html Iñupiak] ik [../../../../../ik/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 78] 1 320 2 410 2 192 0 --
223 Buginese [../../../../../bug/articles/b/a/s/Basa_Ugi_898b.html Basa Ugi] bug [../../../../../bug/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 78] 629 4 081 3 198 11 --
224 Tsonga [../../../../../ts/articles/x/i/t/Xitsonga.html Xitsonga] ts [../../../../../ts/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 72] 245 6 228 1 173 2 147
225 Dzongkha [../../../../../dz/articles/%E0%BD%A2/%E0%BE%AB/%E0%BD%BC/%E0%BD%A2%E0%BE%AB%E0%BD%BC%E0%BD%84%E0%BC%8B%E0%BD%81%E0%BC%8B.html ཇོང་ཁ] dz [../../../../../dz/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 70] 249 8 924 1 200 6 234
226 Tswana [../../../../../tn/articles/s/e/t/Setswana.html Setswana] tn [../../../../../tn/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 66] 356 6 395 3 201 6 --
227 Kalmyk [../../../../../xal/articles/%D1%85/%D0%B0/%D0%BB/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BC%D0%B3_%D0%BA%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%BD.html Хальмг] xal [../../../../../xal/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 59] 725 3 962 3 162 1 --
228 Sesotho [../../../../../st/articles/s/e/s/Sesotho.html Sesotho] st [../../../../../st/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 53] 1 364 2 448 1 232 7 --
229 Twi [../../../../../tw/articles/t/w/i/Twi.html Twi] tw [../../../../../tw/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 52] 191 6 065 2 247 6 227
230 Buryat (Russia) [../../../../../bxr/index.html Буряад] bxr [../../../../../bxr/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 49] 313 2 015 1 149 2 187
231 Akan [../../../../../ak/index.html Akana] ak [../../../../../ak/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 48] 281 4 727 1 229 1 --
232 Abkhazian [../../../../../ab/articles/%D0%B0/%D2%A7/%D1%81/%D0%90%D2%A7%D1%81%D1%83%D0%B0_%D0%B1%D1%8B%D0%B7%D1%88%D3%99%D0%B0.html Аҧсуа] ab [../../../../../ab/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 46] 1 349 2 322 1 278 23 --
233 Chichewa [../../../../../ny/articles/c/h/i/Chiche%C5%B5a.html Chi-Chewa] ny [../../../../../ny/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 44] 246 4 467 1 165 1 --
234 Fijian [../../../../../fj/index.html Na Vosa Vakaviti] fj [../../../../../fj/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 40] 377 7 453 2 199 5 --
235 Lak [../../../../../lbe/articles/%D0%BB/%D0%B0/%D0%BA/%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%BA%D1%83_%D0%BC%D0%B0%D0%B7.html Лакку] lbe [../../../../../lbe/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 37] 750 2 011 0 166 2 --
236 Kikuyu [../../../../../ki/articles/g/%C4%A9/g/G%C4%A9g%C4%A9k%C5%A9y%C5%A9.html Gĩkũyũ] ki [../../../../../ki/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 35] 216 4 518 1 172 2 --
237 Zhuang [../../../../../za/articles/s/a/w/Sawcuengh.html Cuengh] za [../../../../../za/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 33] 224 12 662 0 186 0 --
238 Fula [../../../../../ff/articles/f/u/l/Fulfulde.html Fulfulde] ff [../../../../../ff/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 31] 337 4 824 2 201 1 --
239 Hausa [../../../../../ha/index.html هَوُسَ] ha [../../../../../ha/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 31] 209 6 864 3 193 0 --
240 Luganda [../../../../../lg/index.html Luganda] lg [../../../../../lg/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 30] 513 5 128 2 180 8 --
241 Shona [../../../../../sn/articles/c/h/i/ChiShona_5e9c.html chiShona] sn [../../../../../sn/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 28] 185 5 688 1 178 0 --
242 Sango [../../../../../sg/index.html Sängö] sg [../../../../../sg/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 25] 249 5 827 0 175 2 --
243 Sichuan Yi [../../../../../ii/index.html ꆇꉙ] ii [../../../../../ii/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 19] 158 11 502 0 132 3 --
244 Choctaw [../../../../../cho/articles/c/h/a/Chahta_Anumpa_a090.html Choctaw] cho [../../../../../cho/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 15] 135 4 041 1 177 2 --
245 Kirundi [../../../../../rn/articles/k/i/r/Kirundi.html Kirundi] rn [../../../../../rn/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 14] 149 5 645 0 171 1 --
246 Marshallese [../../../../../mh/articles/k/a/j/Kajin_M%CC%A7aje%C4%BC_a1de.html Ebon] mh [../../../../../mh/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 11] 159 4 080 2 190 2 --
247 Cheyenne [../../../../../chy/index.html Tsetsêhestâhese] chy [../../../../../chy/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 10] 148 4 266 2 193 0 --

[தொகு] 1+ கட்டுரைகள்

எண் மொழி மொழி (தன்மொழியில்) விக்கி கட்டுரை ஆழம்
மொத்தம் தொகுப்புகள் நிவாகிகால் பயனர்கள் படிமங்கள்
248 Afar [../../../../../aa/index.html Afar] aa [../../../../../aa/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 6] 1 299 2 244 4 306 0 --
249 Ndonga [../../../../../ng/index.html Oshiwambo] ng [../../../../../ng/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 6] 150 4 249 3 170 0 --
250 Kuanyama [../../../../../kj/index.html Kuanyama] kj [../../../../../kj/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 6] 64 3 414 2 116 0 --
251 Hiri Motu [../../../../../ho/index.html Hiri Motu] ho [../../../../../ho/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 4] 70 3 616 1 131 0 --
252 Muscogee [../../../../../mus/articles/m/v/s/Mvskoke.html Muskogee] mus [../../../../../mus/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 3] 69 3 482 2 112 0 --
253 Kanuri [../../../../../kr/index.html Kanuri] kr [../../../../../kr/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 2] 76 4 378 1 177 0 --

[தொகு] 0 கட்டுரைகள் உள்ள மொழிகள் (முதற்பக்கம் தவிர)

எண் மொழி மொழி (தன்மொழியில்) விக்கி கட்டுரை ஆழம்
மொத்தம் தொகுப்புகள் நிவாகிகால் பயனர்கள் படிமங்கள்
254 Herero [../../../../../hz/index.html Otsiherero] hz [../../../../../hz/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 0] 1 026 1 349 0 145 0 -
255 Tokipona [../../../../../tokipona/index.html Tokipona] tokipona [../../../../../tokipona/articles/s/t/a/Special%7EStatistics_969e.html 0] 0 1 700 0 50 0 -

[தொகு] எல்லா மொழிகளிலும் சேர்த்து மொத்தம்

கட்டுரைகள் மொத்தம் தொகுப்புகள் நிர்வாகிகள் பயனர்கள் படிமங்கள்
10 456 043 36 047 968 499 944 619 4 395 12 120 832 1 584 750

[தொகு] தவிர்க்கப் பரிந்துரைத்த, நகர்த்திய, மற்றும் பிற விக்கிப்பீடியாக்கள்

வழிமாற்று பெற்றது:

  1. , showing up in Special:SiteMatrix as existing Wikimedia language code but without any wiki, redirects to.

தவிர்க்கப் பரிந்துரைத்தது:

  1. Alsatian wiki: als – extended when having 19 persistent articles; now for Alemannic dialects in general, no change in address. als is the code for; gsw is considered.
  2. Akanakstatisticsall articles – deprecated: Akan is now considered a family of languages. There is a Wikipedia; if you'd like to write articles in another Akan language you can request a new Wikipedia.

படிக்கமட்டுமே, மாற்றம் செய்ய முடியாதவை (இப்பொழுது இருக்கும் பயனர்கள் புகுபதிகை செய்ய இயலும், ஆனால் மாற்றங்கள் செய்ய இயலாது):

  1. Klingon (tlhIngan Hol) – tlh – 62 articles – statistics – link on this page is not functional, the statistics meaningless.
  2. The Kanuri Wikipedia has been closed, following a community vote. The reason was the absence of both content and community.
  3. The Choctaw Wikipedia has been closed following a community vote. The existing minimal content will possibly be moved to the incubator Wiki.
  4. Moldovan (). See Proposals for closing projects/Closure of Moldovan Wikipedia.
  5. The Hiri Motu Wikipedia was closed on 2007-07-09.
  6. The Kwanyama Wikipedia was closed on 2007-07-10.
  7. The Muscogee Wikipedia was closed on 2007-07-10.
  8. The ii Wikipedia was closed on 2007-07-29.

Emptied and locked (this is different from "non-existing" in that it is in Special:SiteMatrix; also gives a non-existing "Main Page" as opposed to a browser message that the URL is wrong):

  1. Toki Pona wiki: tokipona – Wikipedia no longer hosted by Wikimedia (now hosted by). The link on this page is not functional, the statistics meaningless.
  2. The Herero Wikipedia was closed on 2007-07-24, but the original user pages still exist.

இதுகாறும் ஏற்புபெற்ற விக்கிப்பீடியாவாக இல்லாதன:

  1. Lingua Franca Nova Wiki. The Wiki of this language has been noted on this page for some months. It now has 1,198 articles.

[தொகு] புதுமுயற்சி விக்கிப்பீடியாக்கள்

[தொகு] See also

[தொகு] Additional resources and statistics

  • See Template:Active Wikipedias for a simple enumeration of all the Wikipedias ordered by local language name. For a list ordered by the language names in English, see Wikipedia:Multilingual coordination.
  • See Special:SiteMatrix for an automatically maintained table, with one row for each language, ordered by language code; the local names are also given, but not the English names.
  • List of Wikipedias/sortable - sortable, also by language family
  • List of Wikipedias by language family
  • List of Wikipedias by edits per article
  • List of Wikipedias by articles per population
  • Wikipedia Milestones
  • Wikipedia Statistics
  • Interlanguage link (software feature)
  • Administrators of various Wikipedias - with the numbers of users
  • Names.php – The list gives, and is ordered by, the language codes built into the Mediawiki software, and includes the local language name and the language name in English.
  • The name "Wikipedia" in different languages including logos
  • Meta:Templates for translating language names
  • GeoNames

[தொகு] Additional projects

  • Wikimedia projects - with a link to each "Village Pump" etc.
  • Complete lists of Wikimedia projects: separate lists | table

aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - bcl - be - be_x_old - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - co - cr - crh - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dsb - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - ext - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gan - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - hak - haw - he - hi - hif - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kaa - kab - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mdf - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - mt - mus - my - myv - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - quality - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - rw - sa - sah - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sr - srn - ss - st - stq - su - sv - sw - szl - ta - te - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu -