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सुरिनाम - विकिपीडिया


विकिपीडिया, एक मुक्त ज्ञानकोष से

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सुरिनाम (also spelled Surinam) is a country in northern South America, in between French Guiana to the east and Guyana to the west. The southern border is shared with Brazil and the northern border is the Atlantic coast. The most southern part of the border with Guyana is disputed (upper Corantijn river - the map shows the Guyana version of the border).

Republiek Suriname
(In Detail)
National motto: Justitia - Pietas - Fides
(Latin: Justice - Piety - Loyalty)
Official language Dutch
Capital Paramaribo
President Ronald Venetiaan
 - Total
 - % water
Ranked 90th
163,270 km²

 - Total (2001)

 - Density
Ranked 163rd


 - Date
From the Netherlands
November 25, 1975
Currency Suriname dollar
Time zone UTC -4
National anthem God zij met ons Suriname
Internet TLD .SR
Calling Code 597


[संपादित करें] History

Main article: History of Suriname

Though Dutch traders had established several colonies in the Guiana region before, the Dutch did not get hold of what is now Suriname until the Treaty of Breda, settling the end of the Second Anglo-Dutch War.

After becoming an autonomous part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in 1954, independence was granted in 1975. A military regime led by Desi Bouterse ruled the country in the 1980s, until democracy was re-established in 1988.

[संपादित करें] Politics

Main article: Politics of Suriname

Suriname is a democracy based on the 1987 constitution. The government's legislative branch is the National Assembly, consisting of 51 members. These members are elected every five years.

The National Assembly elects the head of the executive branch, the president, by a two-third majority. If no candidate achieves such a majority, the president is elected by the People's Assembly, a 340 member institute consisting of the National Assembly and regional representatives.

[संपादित करें] Districts

Main article: Districts of Suriname

Suriname is divided into ten districts:

  • Brokopondo
  • Commewijne
  • Coronie
  • Marowijne
  • Nickerie
  • Para
  • Paramaribo
  • Saramacca
  • Sipaliwini
  • Wanica

[संपादित करें] Geography

Main article: Geography of Suriname

Map of Suriname

Suriname is the smallest country in South America (not counting French Guiana, as this is part of France). It is situated on the Guiana Shield, the highest point being the Julianatop (1,286 m above sea level). The land can be artificially divided into two parts. The northern, coastal area has been cultivated, and most of the population lives here. The southern part consists of sparsely inhabited tropical rainforest.

Lying near the equator, the climate in Suriname is tropical, and temperatures do not vary a lot throughout the year. The year has two rainy seasons, from December to early February and from late April to mid-August.

Located in the northeast portion of the country is the W.J. van Blommesteinmeer, a large reservoir lake, created in 1964 by a dam (Brokopondo project). The dam was built to provide electricity for the bauxite mining industry (which consumes about 75% of the output) and for domestic consumption.

[संपादित करें] Economy

Main article: Economy of Suriname

The economy of Suriname is dominated by the bauxite industry, which accounts for more than 15% of GDP and 70% of export earnings. Other main export products include sugar, and Suriname has some oil and gold reserves. About a quarter of the people work in the agricultural sector. The Surinamese economy is very dependent on other countries, its main trade partners being the Netherlands, the United States and countries in the Caribbean.

After assuming power in the fall of 1996, the Wijdenbosch government ended the structural adjustment program of the previous government, claiming it was unfair to the poorer elements of society. Tax revenues fell as old taxes lapsed and the government failed to implement new tax alternatives. By the end of 1997, the allocation of new Dutch development funds was frozen as Surinamese Government relations with the Netherlands deteriorated. Economic growth slowed in 1998, with decline in the mining, construction, and utility sectors. Rampant government expenditures, poor tax collection, a bloated civil service, and reduced foreign aid in 1999 contributed to the fiscal deficit, estimated at 11% of GDP. The government sought to cover this deficit through monetary expansion, which led to a dramatic increase in inflation and exchange rate depreciation. Suriname's economic prospects for the medium term will depend on renewed commitment to responsible monetary and fiscal policies and to the introduction of structural reforms to liberalize markets and promote competition.

[संपादित करें] Demographics

Main article: Demographics of Suriname

The Surinamese population is made up of several minority groups. The largest part is formed by the Hindustani, descendants of 19th century immigrants from India, about 37% of the population. The Creole, mixed white and black form about 31%, while the Javanese ("imported" from the former Dutch East Indies) and Maroons (descendants of escaped African slaves) make up 15 and 10 percent, respectively. The remainder is formed by Amerindians, Chinese and whites.

Because of the great number of ethnic groups in the country, there is no main religion. Most of the Hindustani are Hindu, but Islam and Christianity are also widespread. Christianity is dominant among Creoles and Maroons.

While Dutch is the official language of Suriname, Sranang Tongo, originally a Creole language, is the lingua franca. The Surinamese of Asian descent often also speak their own languages. Also, the original Carib and Arowak Amerindians of Suriname speak their own languages, as do the descendants of escaped slaves in the interior; Aucan (n'Djuga) and Saramaccan.

[संपादित करें] Culture

Main article: Culture of Suriname

Due to the mix of population groups, the Surinamese culture is very diverse.

  • Music of Suriname

[संपादित करें] Miscellaneous topics

  • Communications in Suriname
  • Transportation in Suriname
  • Military of Suriname
  • Foreign relations of Suriname
  • List of cities in Suriname

[संपादित करें] External links

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