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Beijing - Wikipedia


Ibat king Wikipedia

—  Municipality  —
The Temple of Heaven, a symbol of Beijing
The Temple of Heaven, a symbol of Beijing
Location within China
Location within China
Coordinates: 39°54′20″N, 116°23′29″E
Country People's Republic of China
County-level divisions 18
Township divisions 273
Settled ca. 473 BC
 - CPC Beijing Liu Qi Committee Secretary
 - Mayor Guo Jinlong
Lualas (ranked 29th)
 - Municipality  dunams (16,801.25 km² / 6,487 sq miles sq mi)
Katas Template:Lengthdisp
Populasyun (2007)
 - Municipality 17,200,000[1] (26th)
 - Pangasiksik Template:Densdisp
 - Kabalenan 8,495,000[2]
 - Mun. Density rank (4th)
 - Major nationalities Han - 96%
Manchu - 2%
Hui - 2%
Mongolian - 0.3%
Oras Zona China Standard Time (UTC+8)
Postal code 100000 - 102600
Laparan codiku +86/10
License plate prefixes 京A, C, E, F, H, J, K, L
京B (taxis)
京G (outside urban area)
京O (police and authorities)
京V (military headquarters
& central government)
ISO 3166-2 cn-11
GDP (2006) CNY 772.03 billion (15th)
 - per capita CNY 49,505 (2nd)
HDI (2005) 0.882 (2nd) — high
City trees
Chinese arborvitae (Platycladus orientalis)
Pagoda tree (Styphnolobium japonicum)
City flowers
Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium)
Chinese rose (Rosa chinensis)
Website: www.beijing.gov.cn
www.ebeijing.gov.cn (English)

Ing Beijing (Chinese: 北京; pinyin: Běijīng; Wade-Giles: Peiching o Pei-ching; IPA: [peɪ˨˩ tɕɪŋ˥˥]; Chinese Postal Map Romanization: Peking; kabaldugan na "Pangulung Tungku"; pronunciation ), metung yang metropolis king pangulung Tsina, at iti ing tungku ning People's Republic of China (PRC). Dati yang kebaluan keng amanung English bilang Peking (Template:Audio-nohelp).

Chrysanthemum x morifolium
Chrysanthemum x morifolium


[mag-edit] Amlat

Ding mitatagan ning Beijing city wall, 2006
Ding mitatagan ning Beijing city wall, 2006
Tian'anmen Gate neng bengi
Tian'anmen Gate neng bengi
Main article: History of Beijing
Ing Bawal a Lakanbalen
Ing Bawal a Lakanbalen


A simulated-color image of Beijing, taken by NASA's Landsat 7.
A simulated-color image of Beijing, taken by NASA's Landsat 7.

[mag-edit] Deng Pakelele

Image:Wangfujing Nankou.jpg
Mauling sepu ning Wangfujinga Dalan (July 2004 image).
Beijing neng bengu
Beijing neng bengu
Image:Xidan Xinhuashudian.jpg
Beijing a aklatan king Xidan
Ing Wangjing a siping, in Chaoyang District, Beijing
Ing Wangjing a siping, in Chaoyang District, Beijing
Wangfujing Cathedral
Wangfujing Cathedral

[mag-edit] Lakanbalen at pamakiabe kareng labuad

Ing Beijing mamantinian na ing kayang pamakiabe o "pamikapatad lakanbalen" a kabilyan kareng makatuking international a karinan. (Ustan: deng aliwang karinan ilapin deng lalawigan o panglabuad a antas, ela lakanbalen. Ing Beijing mismu eya lakanbalen, mabibilang yang balen).

See www.ebeijing.gov.cn

[mag-edit] Dalerayan

[mag-edit] Lawen ya rin

  • Lao zihao
  • List of mayors of Beijing
  • List of hospitals in Beijing
  • 2045 Peking - the name of an asteroid
  • Yanjing Beer

[mag-edit] Aklat

  • Lillian M. Li, Alison J. Dray-Novey Haili Kong, Beijing : From Imperial Capital to Olympic City (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007). [3]

[mag-edit] Suglung Palwal


[mag-edit] Kalinangan at Pamibiebie

Template:S-start |- style="text-align:center;" |width="30%" align="center" rowspan="1"|Preceded by
Lin'an (Song Dynasty) |width="40%" style="text-align: center;" rowspan="1"|Capital of China (as Dadu)
1264-1368 |width="30%" align="center" rowspan="1"| Succeeded by
Nanjing (Ming Dynasty) |- |- style="text-align:center;" |width="30%" align="center" rowspan="1"|Preceded by
Nanjing(Ming Dynasty) |width="40%" style="text-align: center;" rowspan="1"|Capital of China
1420-1928 |width="30%" align="center" rowspan="1"| Succeeded by
Nanjing (ROC) |- |- style="text-align:center;" |width="30%" align="center" rowspan="1"|Preceded by
Nanjing (ROC) |width="40%" style="text-align: center;" rowspan="1"|Capital of the People's Republic of China
1949-present |width="30%" align="center" rowspan="1"| Succeeded by
present capital |- |}


Template:Olympic Summer Games Host Cities Template:Major cities of Greater China

Template:Contains Chinese text

Kareng aliwang amanu

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