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Amsterdam - Wikipedia


Ibat king Wikipedia

—  '  —
Canal houses alongside the Prinsengracht
Canal houses alongside the Prinsengracht
Bandera ningAmsterdam
Coat of arms of Amsterdam
Coat of arms
Palayo: Mokum
Motto: Heldhaftig, Vastberaden, Barmhartig
(Valiant, Determined, Compassionate)
Location of Amsterdam
Location of Amsterdam
Coordinates: 52°22′23″N, 4°53′32″E
Country Netherlands
Province North Holland
 - Mayor Job Cohen (PvdA)
 - Aldermen Lodewijk Asscher
Hennah Buyne
Carolien Gehrels
Tjeerd Herrema
Maarten van Poelgeest
Marijke Vos
 - Secretary Erik Gerritsen
Lualas [1][2]
 - City  dunams (219 km² / Expression error: Unexpected * operator sq mi)
 - Gabun Template:Areadisp
 - Danum Template:Areadisp
 - Kabalenan Template:Areadisp
 - Greater Amsterdam Template:Areadisp
Populasyun (January 1, 2006)[3][4]
 - City 742,884
 - Pangasiksik Template:Densdisp
 - Kabalenan 1,021,870
 - Greater Amsterdam 1,468,122
 - Randstad 6,659,300
Oras Zona CET (UTC+1)
 - Summer (DST) CEST (UTC+2)
Website: www.amsterdam.nl

Ing Amsterdam  iya ing tungkung lakanbalen na ning Netherlands, atiu king mauli ning lalawigan North Holland. Ing lagyung Amsterdam ing kabaldugan na Amstel dam.[5] Ing lakanbalen mitatag ya inyang pang12ng dilanwa bilang malating pipanasan a barangay. Ing maalat a kalibudtan bantug ya keng kayang pakadurut a canal, keraklan megawa la inyang Dutch Golden Age inyang pang17ng dilanwa.[6][7][8][9] The city has been compared with Venice. Beyond the canals, the similaraties have a basis in the cities' long histories of overseas trading, translating in openess and tolerance.

Agpang inyang Eneru 1, 2006, ing lakanbalen ning Amsterdam atin yang populasyun a 743,027 pakatuknang at ing kayang sukad ning populasyun iya ingpekamaragul diling lakanbalen king Netherlands. Ing urban area atin yang populaysun a 1,021,870 pakatuknang at dake ne ning conglomerate metropolitan area Randstad, a atin populasyun a 6,659,300 pakatuknang.

[mag-edit] Dalerayan

  1. Kerncijfers voor Amsterdam en de stadsdelen, 1 januari 2006. www.os.amsterdam.nl. Research and Statistics Service, City of Amsterdam. Retrieved on 2007-04-04.
  2. Area, population density, dwelling density and average dwelling occupation, 1 January 2006. www.os.amsterdam.nl. Research and Statistics Service, City of Amsterdam. Retrieved on 2007-04-04.
  3. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named CBS
  4. Randstadmonitor 2006. www.regio-randstad.nl. Regio Randstad (January 2007). Retrieved on 2007-04-04.
  5. Encyclopædia Britannica Eleventh Edition, Vol 1, p896-898.
  6. Amsterdamhotspots.nl. Retrieved on 2007-04-19.
  7. Amsterdam Tourist Information - Seven Bridges Festival. Retrieved on 2007-04-19.
  8. World Executive City Guides - Amsterdam. Retrieved on 2007-04-19.
  9. WorldMayor.com - Job Cohen, Mayor of Amsterdam 2006. Retrieved on 2007-04-19.

[mag-edit] Sugung Palwal

Ing Wikimedia Commons atin yang mediang maki kaugnayan king:


Template:Province North Holland Template:European Capital of Culture

Template:Olympic Summer Games Host Cities Ining artikulu atin yang dakeng mekopia king Encyclopædia Britannica Eleventh Edition, metung a kasulatan a makapaintulut na king malda.

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