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Northren Ireland - Wikipedia

Northren Ireland

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Featurt Airticle Featurt version: September 16 2007 (diff tae current)
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Norlin Airlann*
(Ulster Scots)
Tuaisceart Éireann
Northern Ireland
(Unoffeecial Banner) (Semioffeecial Coat o Airms)
Ryal Ensenyie: Quis separabit
(Laitin: Wha will sinder?)
Northren Ireland's airt
Northren Ireland's airt athin the UK
Northren Ireland's airt athin the UK
Offeecial leids Scots, Inglis,
Caipital an
lairgest ceety
First Meenister Ian Paisley
 - Tot

13,843 km²
 - Tot (2001)
 - Density

Foondin Pairteetion o Ireland (1920)
Siller Poond sterling (£) (GBP)
Time zone
 - in Simmer
Cawin Code +44 281
Naitional flouer Shamrock
Patron saunt Saunt Patrick
1. 048 fae the Republic o Ireland.
* This wrangous neologism wis niver uised bi native speakers onywhaur at onytime. It wis cleckit in the late 1990s bi Ulstèr-Scotch enthusiasts.

Northren Ireland (Ulster Scots: Norlin Airlann*) is ane o fower pairts o the Unitit Kinrick. It is seetuate on the island o Ireland, whaur it haes a laund mairch wi the Republic o Ireland, the ae pairt o the Unitit Kinrick wi an internaitional laund mairch. It wis foondit by the Govrenment o Ireland Act, 1920.

It kivers 5,459 mi² in the nor-aest o the island o Ireland, aboot a saxt o the hale area o the island, an haes 1,685,000 indwallers (Aprile 2001) — atween a quarter an a thrid o the island's hail population.

Table o contents

[edit] Demographics an politics

Main airticle: Demographics an politics o Northren Ireland

The feck o the praisent-day population (59%, gaun bi a 2004 survey) is unionist an wisses tae bide pairt o the Unitit Kinrick, but a signeeficant minority (22%), kent as naitionalists, is efter a unitit Ireland. The composeetion o the Northren Ireland Assembly reflects thir diveesions amang the indwallers. O the 108 members, 59 is unionists an 42 is naitionalist (the ither sieven is kent as "ither"). The lairgest releegious denomination o Northren Ireland is the Roman Catholic kirk, follaed bi the Presbyterian kirk in Ireland an the Kirk o Ireland, wi the Methodist Kirk o Ireland comin fowert. Thir twa views is inhauden tae deeper cultural diveesions. Unionists is maistlins Protestant an aften the descendants o Scots an Inglis (maist bein Scots) settlement in the aforegaun centuries, while naitionalists is maistlins Catholic an for ordinar descends frae the indeeginous fowk. Discreemination agin naitionalists unner the Stormont govrenment (1920–1972) gied rise tae the naitionalist "Ceevil Richts Muivement" in the 1960s, an at lang an lenth tae an ongaun strauchle kent as The Truibles. Polietical unrest haes gane throu its maist veeolent phase in recent times atween 1968–1994. The main actors haes been parameelitaries representin minorities frae baith sides o the divide an the Ryal Ulster Constabular an Breetish airmy representin the Breetish authorities an the Northren Ireland state. As an affcome o the warsenin security siteeation, sel-govrenment for Northren Ireland wis suspendit in 1972. Syne the mid 1990s, the main parameelitar group, the Proveesional IRA haes observed an uneasy ceasefire. Follaein negotiations, the Belfast Greement o 1998 provides for an electit Northren Ireland Assembly, an a pouer-sharin Northren Ireland Executive pitten thegither frae representatives o aw the main pairties. Thir institutions haes been suspendit syne 2002 acause o PSNI allegations o spyin bi fowk wirkin for Sinn Fein at the Assembly, awtho naebody wis conveectit efter a hie-profile operation.

On 28 Julie, 2005, the Proveesional IRA declared an end tae its 'war'.

[edit] Seembols

The day, Northren Ireland comprises a diverse patchwark o community rivalries, representit in some areas bi hail communities whaur laump posts an some hames flees the Irish naitional banner, the tricolour, or the Union Banner, the seembol o Breetish identity, whiles e'en the kerbstanes in less affluent areas gets pentit green-white-orange or reid-white-blue, lippnin on whither a local community expresses naitionalist/republican or unionist/lealist seempathies.

As a constituent pairt o the Unitit Kinrick, the ae offeecial Banner o Northren Ireland is the Union Banner. The 'Ulster Banner' (or 'Reid Haund Banner') is nae langer offeecial acause o the aboleetion o the Pairliament o Northren Ireland in 1972. Unionists tends tae uise the Union Banner an whiles the 'Ulster Banner', while naitionalists for ordinar uises the Irish tricolour. Some unionists whiles uises the flags o the secular an releegious organisations they belang. The 'Ulster Banner' is foondit on the Banner o Ulster. Some groups, includin the Irish Rugby Fitbaw Union haes uised the Banner o St. Patrick as a seembol o Ireland that wants the same naitionalist or unionist connotations, but e'en this is felt bi some tae be a lealist banner, acause it was designed bi the Breetish an is uised bi some Breetish airmy regiments. Nae universally acceptable seembol haes been fund yet.

Seemilar, there's nae langer an offeecial naitional anthem. At maist events requirin a Northren Irish naitional anthem, God Save the Queen is played. At the Commonwealth Gemmes the auld anthem o Northren Ireland is played, alang side the Ulster Banner (abuin), A Londonderry Air, aiblins better kent ootwi Northren Ireland as the tuin o Danny Boy, is uised.

[edit] Geography an climate

Cairt o Northren Ireland
Cairt o Northren Ireland
Main airticle: Geography o Ireland, Geography o the Unitit Kinrick

Northren Ireland wis shaippit by an ice sheet for maist o the last ice age an on mony occasions afore, the legacy o whit can be seen in the extensive coverage o drumlins in Coonties Fermanagh, Armagh, Antrim an in parteecular Doun. The centrepiece o Northren Ireland's geography is Loch Neagh, at 392 km² the maist muckle freshwatter loch in the Breetish Isles. A seicont extensive loch seestem is centred on Lawer an Upper Loch Erne in Fermanagh.

There's substantial uplands in the Sperrin Muntains (an extension o the Caledonian fauld muntains) wi extensive gowd deposits, granite Mourne Muntains an bawsaut Antrim Plateau, wi smawer reenges in Sooth Armagh an alang the Fermanagh–Tyrone border an aw. Nane o the hills is specially heich, wi Slieve Donard in the dramatic Mournes raxin tae 848 metres, Northren Ireland's heichmaist pynt. The volcanic activity that shaippit the Antrim Plateau formit the eerily geometric pillars o the Giant's Causey an aw.

The Lawer an Upper River Bann, River Foyle an River Blackwatter forms extensive fertile lawlands, wi excellent arable laund foond in North an East Doun an aw, forby maist o the hill kintra is mairginal an tae the maist pairt suitable only for ainimal husbandry.

The glen o the River Lagan is dominatit bi Belfast, that's metropolitan area includes ower a third o the population o Northren Ireland, wi hivy urbanisation an industrialisation alang the Lagan glen an baith shores o the Belfast Loch.

The hail o Northren Ireland haes a temperate maritime climate, mair wat in the wast nor the east, awtho clood kiver is persistent ower the region. The wather is unpredictable year aboot, an awtho the saisons is distinct, they are conseederably less pronoonced nor in interior Europe or the eastern seabuird o North Americae. Average daytime maximums in Belfast is 6.5°C (43.7°F) in Januar an 17.5°C (63.5°F) in Julie. The dank climate an extensive deforestation in the 16t an 17t centuries resultit in maist o the region bein kivered in rich green gressland.

[edit] The Coonties in Northren Ireland

Mussenden Temple/Co. Derry
Mussenden Temple/Co. Derry

Northren Ireland conseests o sax Irish coonties:

Thir coonties is nae langer uised for local govrenment purposes; insteid there's twinty-sax districts o Northren Ireland that haes differin geographical stents, e'en in the case them cried efter the coonties that their names comes frae. Fermanagh District Cooncil follaes the borders o the coonty it taks its name frae maist close.

[edit] Touns an Clachans

Main airticles: Touns in Northren Ireland an Clachans in Northren Ireland See the list o places in Northeren Ireland for aw clachans, touns an ceeties an aw

  • Ahoghill, Armagh, Antrim
  • Ballycastle, Ballyclare, Ballymena, Ballymoney, Banbrig, Bangor, Belfast, Bushmills
  • Carnmoney, Craigfergus,Comber, Coleraine, Cookstoun, Craigavon
  • Donaghadee, Dounpatrick,Dromore, Coonty Doun, Dundonald, Dungannon, Dungiven
  • Enniskillen
  • Glengormley
  • Hillsborough, Halywid
  • Larne, Limavady, Lisburn, Lunnonderry, Lurgan
  • Magherafelt
  • Newcastle, Newry, Newtounairds, Newtounstewart
  • Omagh
  • Portrush, Portstewart, Portadoun, Portaferry
  • Strabane
  • Warrenpynt

[edit] Places o interest

  • The Muntains o Mourne
  • Loch Neagh, the biggest loch in the Breetish Isles, 153 square miles
  • Loch Erne
  • Strangford Loch
  • Carlinfuird Loch
  • The Giant's Causey
  • The Glens o Antrim
  • The lochs oFermanagh
  • The Sperrin Muntains
  • Naitional pairks o Northren Ireland
  • Naitional Trust Properties in Northren Ireland
  • Dromore, Coonty Doun

[edit] Variations in Geographic nomenclatur

Mony fowk athin an ootwi Northren Ireland uises ither names for the entity, as pairt o a lingueestic agenda for tae define the naitur ofi the state frae their historic, cultural or poleetical sicht.

The maist common names uised is

[edit] Unionist

  • Ulster - for tae pit ower that Northren Ireland haes an aulder ancestry that predates its foondin in 1921, dating back baith tae the Plantation o Ulster in the late middle ages an to the millennium-auld province o Ulster, ane o fower provinces on the island o Ireland. The province o Ulster kivers a graeter landmass nor Northren Ireland: 6 o its coonties is in Northren Ireland, 3 in the Republic o Ireland.
  • The Province - for tae ance mair cleek in wi the historic Irish province o Ulster, with its meethology.

[edit] Naitionalist

  • North o Ireland - for tae eik Northren Ireland tae the lave o the island, b descrievin the state as bein in the 'north o Ireland' an sae bi implication playin doun Northren Ireland's links wi Breetain. (The northren maist pynt in Ireland, in Coonty Donegal, is in fact in the Republic.)

[edit] Pro-Belfast Greement Republican

  • The Sax Coonties - langage that evites uisin the name gien tae the state bi the Breetish-enactit Government o Ireland Act, 1920. (The Republic is seemilarly descrieved as the Twinty-Sax Coonties.) Some o the uisers o this term contends that uisin the offeecial name o the region wad implee acceptance o the legeetimacy o the Government o Ireland Act.

[edit] Conter-Belfast Greement Republicans

  • The Occupee'd Sax Counties. The Republic, that's exeestence is opposed b sicna groups an aw, is descrieved as bein "The Free State," referrin tae the Irish Free State, the Republic's auld name.

[edit] The uiss o language for Northren Irish geography

Template:NIPMs Disagreement on nomenclatur, an the readin o poleetical seembolism intae the uiss or non-uiss o a wird, beirs on some urban centres an aw. The maist weel-kent example is whither Northren Ireland's seicont ceety shoud be cried Derry or Lunnonderry.

Chyce o langage an nomenclatur in Northren Ireland aften reveals the cultural, ethnic an releegious identity o the speaker. The first Depute First Meenister o Northren Ireland, Seamus Mallon wis creeticised bi unionists for crying the state the "North o Ireland" while Sinn Féin haes been creeticised in some newspapers in the Republic for conteenain tae refer tae the "Sax Coonties". Naitionalists haes in turn creeticised unionist leaders, for referrin constant tae the region as "Ulster".

Them that disna belang ony group but leans tae ae side aften tends tae uise the language o that group. Uphauders o unionism in the Breetish media (maist merkit the Daily Telegraph an the Daily Express) cries Northren Ireland "Ulster" raigular while naitionalist an republican-leanin media ootlats in Ireland (sic as Daily Ireland) awmaist aye uises "the North o Ireland" or "the Sax Coonties".

State institutions an cultural organisations in Northren Ireland, in particular them that's frae afore the 1980s, aften uised the wird "Ulster" in their teetle; for example, the Varsity o Ulster the Ulster Orchestra, an BBC Radio Ulster.

Mony news bulletins syne the 1990s haes ettelt tae evite aw contentious terms an uise aither the offeecial name, Northren Ireland, or the cutty term, "the North". For Northren Ireland's seicont lairgest ceety, braidcastin ootlats that's no aligned tae aither community an braidcasts tae baith, uises baith names interchangeable, aften stairtin a report wi "Lunnonderry" an syne uisin "Derry" in the lave o the report. Houaniver athin Northren Ireland, prent media that's leal tae aither community (the Belfast Newsletter is leal tae the Unionist Community while the Irish News is leal tae the Naitionalist Community) for ordinar uises their community's preferred term. Breetish newspapers wi Unionist leaning, sic as the Daily Telegraph[1], for ordinar uises the langage o the Unionist Community, while ithers, sic as The Guardian uises the terms interchangeable [2] [3] The media in the Republic o Ireland uises the nomenclatur preferred bi Naitionalists, eg RTÉ News.

The diveesion in nomenclatur is seen in particular in sports an releegions associate wi ane o the communities. Gaelic gemmes an fitbaw uises Derry in club names for example. Houaniver, for tae complicate maiters baith the lairgely unionist Kirk o Ireland an the lairgely naitionalist Roman Catholic Kirk aw cries their local beeshop Beeshop o Derry an Raphoe. Nor is there clear greement on hou tae decide on a name. Whan the naitionalist-controlled local cooncil votit tae cry the ceety Derry unionists objectit, statin that as its city status wis aucht a Ryal Chairter, only a chairter issued bi Queen Elizabeth II coud chynge the name. Queen Elizabeth refuised tae intervene on the maiter.

Oweraw the uiss o nomenclatur exclusive tae ae community bi ae community is a merkit featur o Northren Ireland. At times o heich communal tension, ilka side compleins raigular anent the uiss o the nomenclatur associate wi the ither community b a third pairty sic as a media organisation, threapin sic uiss indicates evident "bias" agin their community.

[edit] History

Main airticle: History o Northren Ireland; for events afore 1900 see History o Ireland.

The area that's nou kent as Northren Ireland haes haed a diverse history. Frae servin as the bedrock o Irish resistance in the era o the plantations o Queen Elizabeth an James VI & I in ither pairts o Ireland, it becam the subject o major plantin o Scots an Inglish settlers itsel efter the Flicht o the Earls in 1607 (whan the native Gaelic aristocracy left en masse for Catholic Europe).

The aw-island Kinrick o Ireland (1541-1801) wis incorporate intae the Unitit Kinrick o Graet Breetain an Ireland in 1801 unner the terms o the Act o Union, the kinricks o Ireland an Graet Bretain an merged unner a central pairlament, government an monarchy based in Lunnon. In the early 20t century Unionists, led bi Sir Edward Carson, opposed the introduction o Hame Rule in Ireland. Unionists wis in a minority on the island o Ireland as a hail, but formed a majority in the Northren province o Ulster. An example o the Unionists' sheer determination no tae hae Hame Rule forced upon them wis whan they resortit tae the Larne Gun Runnin in 1912, whan they smuggelt thoosands o rifles an roonds o ammuneetion frae Imperial Germany. Therefore, efter the First Warld War, Ireland wis parteetiont in 1921 unner the terms o the Government o Ireland Act 1920 atween sax o the nine Ulster coonties in the nor'east (formin Northren Ireland) an the ither twinty-sax coonties o the sooth an wast (formin the Irish Free State in 1922). Whan the latter achieved domeenion status, the sax Northren Ireland coonties — unner the procedurs setten oot in the Anglo-Irish Treaty, 1921 — optit oot, an sae bides as pairt o the Unitit Kinrick.

The Ireland Act 1949 gied the first legal guarantee tae the Pairlament an Government that Northren Ireland wadna cease tae be pairt o the Unitit Kinrick athoot consent o the majority o its ceetizens, an this wis maist recent reaffirmed bi the Northren Ireland Act 1998. This status wis echoed in the Anglo-Irish Greement in 1985, that wis signed bi the governments o the United Kinrick an the Republic o Ireland. Bunreacht na hÉireann, the constitution o the Republic, wis amendit in 1999 for tae remuive a claim tae owerance ower the hail o Ireland (in Airticle 2), a claim qualifee'd bi an acknawledgement o Breetish rule in the nor'east. The new Airticles 2 an 3, addit tae the Bunreacht for tae replace the earlier airticles, acknwwledge impleecit that the status o Northren Ireland, an its relationships wi the Unitit Kinrick an the Republic o Ireland, wad only be chynged wi the greement o the feck o voters in Northren Ireland. An acknawledgement that a deceesion on whither tae bide in the Unitit Kingrick or jyne the Republic o Ireland bides wi the fowk o Northren Ireland wis central tae the Belfast Greement an aw, that wis signed in 1998 an raitifee'd bi simultanous plebiscites hauden in baith Northren Ireland an the Republic. Houaniver, mony unionist leaders equivocate whan speirt if they wad accept a reunitit Ireland peacefu if a majority in Northren Ireland socht it. Template:First MeenistersNI A plebiscite athin Northren Ireland anent whither it shoud bide in the Unitit Kinrick, or jyne the Republic, wis hauden in 1973. The vote gaed heavily in favour o mainteinin the status quo, in piart acause mony naitionalists boycotted it. Tho legal proveesion bides for haudin anither plebiscite, an the Ulster Unionist Pairty leader David Trimble some years syne advocatit the haudin o sican a vote, nae plans for sican a vote haes been adoptit as o 2005.

[edit] Culture

See Culture of Northren Ireland, Culture of Ireland, Culture of the United Kingdom

With its improved international reputation, Northren Ireland has recently witnessed rising numbers of tourists who come to appreciate the area's unique heritage. Attractions include cultural festivals, musical and artistic traditions, countryside and geographical sites of interest, pubs, welcoming hospitality and sports (especially golf and fishing). In 1987, pubs were allowed to open on Sundays.

[edit] Leids

The Mid Ulster dialect o English that's spak in Northren Ireland shaws influence frae baith the Wast Midlands an Scotland, thereby giein it a distinct accent compeared wi Hiberno-English, alang wi the uisi o sic Scots wirds as wee and aye. Some jocularly cry this dialect phonetically bi the name Norn Iron. There's supposedly some wee differs in pronunciation atween Protestants an Catholics, the best kent o them is the name of the letter h, that Protestants tends tae pronoonce as "aitch", as in Breetish English, an Catholics tends tae pronoonce as "haitch", as in Hiberno-English. Houaniver, geography is a sicht mair important determinant o dialect nor ethnic backgrund. English is by far the maist braid spoken langage in Northren Ireland.

Unner the Guid Friday Greement, Irish an Scots haes offeecial recogneetion on a par wi that o English. Aften the uiss o the Irish langage in Northren Ireland haes met wi the considerable suspeecion o Unionists, that haes associate it wi the lairgely Catholic Republic o Ireland, an maire recent, wi the republican muivement in Northren Ireland itsel.

Ulster Scots comprises varieties o the Scots leid that's spak in Northren Ireland. Mony threaps that it haes become a separate langage, descendit frae Scots in Scotland, whaur as ithers quaisten whither Scots is a separate language frae English, or juist a hatter o local dialects o Scots an Northren Ireland Hiberno-English.

Chinese an Urdu is spoken bi Northren Ireland's Asian communities an aw. Gaun bi the maist recent census returns, Chinese is nou the seicont maist spoken language, tho the 8000-strang Chinese community — while aften referred tae as the "third lairgest" community in Northren Ireland — is awfu wee bi internaitional staundarts.

[edit] Further readin

  • Jonathan Bardon, A History of Ulster (Blackstaff Press, Belfast, 1996)
  • Robert Kee, The Green Flag: A History of Irish Nationalism (Penguin, 1972–2000), ISBN 0140291652

[edit] Fremmit Airtins

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Confessione d'un amore fascista




Debito formativo


Adina Spire


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Project Gutenberg

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Static Wikipedia (June 2008)

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Static Wikipedia (2006)

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Other Websites:

Bach - Goldberg Variations

Lazarillo de Tormes

Madame Bovary

Il Fu Mattia Pascal

The Voice in the Desert

Confessione d'un amore fascista


Debito formativo

Adina Spire