विकिपीडिया, एक मुक्त ज्ञानकोष से
फलज्योतिषं फलज्योति:शास्त्रानुरूपं भाविविषयकथक:.
[संपादित करें] बाह्य
[संपादित करें] इतिहास:
- अमेरिकन वैदिक-ज्योतिषं परिषदं
- Modern Astrology
- Astrology: Between Religion and the Empirical
- The real romance in the stars - A critical view of astrology by Richard Dawkins.
- The Chinese Astrology
[संपादित करें] प्रमाणं
- Astrology and Science - A series of articles in which believers and skeptics debate the merits of astrology.
- The Astrotest - An account of a test of the predictive power of astrology, with references to other experiments.
- The True Disbelievers by Richard Kamann and Marcello Truzzi is a report of alleged internal events at CSICOP regarding their own claimed confirmation of M. Gauquelin's 'Mars Effect'
- The Skeptic's Dictionary on astrology
- The Skeptic's Dictionary on the Mars effect
- An Astrophysicist's Sympathetic and Critical View of Astrology - by Victor Mansfield.