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नापोलेओं बोनापार्त - Wikipedia

नापोलेओं बोनापार्त

नेपाली विकिपीडियाबाट

आफ्नो कार्यालयमा नापोलेओं बोनापार्त। १८१२ मा झाक-लुई दाभिदले बनाएको चित्र
आफ्नो कार्यालयमा नापोलेओं बोनापार्त। १८१२ मा झाक-लुई दाभिदले बनाएको चित्र

नापोलेओं बोनापार्त (फ्रान्सिसी: Napoléon Bonaparte) (अगस्ट १५, १७६९ – मे ५, १८२१) फ्रान्सका प्रधान सेनापति र सम्राट थिए।


[परिवर्तन्] सुरुवाति जीवन

नापोलेओंको जन्म नापोलेओने दि ब्वोनापार्ते का रुपमा कोर्सिकाको आजाच्चोमा बुवा कार्लो ब्वोनापार्ते, एक वकिल र राजनेता, र आमा मारी-लेतित्सिया ब्वोनापार्तेको कोखबाट भएको थियो। ब्वोनापार्तेहरू कोर्सिकाका संभ्रान्त र धनि परिवार थिए। फ्रान्सेली जस्तो बनाउन, नापोलेओंले आफ्नो नाम परिवर्तन गरेका थिए।

[परिवर्तन्] सुरुवाति सैनिक जागिर

नापोलेओंले सन् १७७९ मा ब्रिएनको सैनिक प्रतिष्ठानमा प्रवेश पाउन सफल भए। सन् १७८४ मा उनी पेरिसको एकोल र्‌वायाल मिलितेर (राजकीय सैनिक विद्यालय) सरे र एक वर्ष पश्चात सहायक उपरथीका रुपमा स्नातक भए।

त्यसपछिका ८ वर्ष नापोलेओं कोर्सिकामा बिताउन सफल भए। त्यहाँ उनि राजनैतिक र सैनिक मामलामा सक्रिय भए। सेनामा उनको पदोन्नति भयो।

फ्रान्सिसी क्रान्तिले फ्रान्समा धेरै द्वन्द र अव्यवस्था फैलायो। At times, Napoleon was connected to those in power. Other times, he was in jail. He helped the French Republic from those who supported the former king of France. He became a general in the French army. He led troops in Italy and he began to gain fame and power.

नापोलेओंले मार्च ९, १७९६ मा झोजेफिन द बोआर्ने सँग बिवाह गरे।

मे १७९८ मा, Napoleon left for a campaign in Egypt and Syria. The French needed to threaten Britain's empire in India and the French Directory's concerns that Napoleon would take control of France. The Egyptian campaign was a military failure. Napoleon went back to France because of a change in the French government. Some believe that Napoleon should not have left his soldiers in Egypt. Napoleon helped lead the ब्रुमेर coup of November 1799.

[परिवर्तन्] फ्रान्सका सम्राट

१८०२ मा प्रथम कन्सुलका रुपमा नापोलेओंको चित्र
१८०२ मा प्रथम कन्सुलका रुपमा नापोलेओंको चित्र

By February 1800, Napoleon was the First Consul of France. France was still at war with most of Europe. Peace was gained for a short time after the Battle of मारेङ्गो.

Bonaparte changed many ways of life in France. His changes to the legal system, the Napoleonic Code, are considered to be a good change. Napoleon became First Consul for Life in 1802 and Emperor of France in 1804. This means that he was essentially a dictator.

Europe was not at peace for long. Fighting resumed. Napoleon and France won many battles against a range of alliances between Austria, Great Britain, Russia, and Prussia. Early on, Napoleon won many battles like the Battle of आउस्टेरलित्स. Napoleon made his relatives rulers of some of the countries he beat.

Napoleon also made mistakes and suffered setbacks. The French navy was kept firmly in check by British navy. The British victory at the Battle of Trafalgar let the British control the ocean and sea.

Napoleon made his brother the ruler of Spain. This caused some in Spain to begin guerilla warfare against the French.

On March 11, 1810, Napoleon married his second wife, मारी लुइज, Duchess of पार्मा. Many people were upset that he divorced Josephine.

[परिवर्तन्] पराजय र निर्वासन

In 1812, Napoleon went to war with Russia. They defeated many Russian cities and villages, but by the time they reached Moscow it was winter and his army did not have enough food. Napoleon's army was unable to defeat the Russians. The Russians began to attack. Napoleon and his army had to go back to France. Only 10,000 soldiers were able to fight at the end of the retreat.

On March 30, 1814, Paris surrendered. Napoleon gave up rule of France on April 11, 1814. He went into exile on the small island of Elba in the Mediterranean Sea.

[परिवर्तन्] सय दिन

Napoleon made a surprise return to France on March 1, 1815. His former troops joined him and he again became ruler of France for a length of 100 days. Napoleon was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo, which was his last battle. Napoleon was captured in Waterloo and taken to his second exile on the island of Saint Helena.

[परिवर्तन्] दोस्रो निर्वासन र मृत्यु

Napoleon was sent to the island of Saint Helena off the coast of Africa. He died on May 5, 1821, of stomach cancer.

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