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韦唯 - Wikipedia



原名 Zhang Ju Xia Wei
英文名 Wei Wei
國籍 中华人民共和国 中华人民共和国
出生 1963年8月21日 (1963-08-21) (44歲)
中华人民共和国 中华人民共和国內蒙古自治區呼和浩特市
職業 歌手、演員
音樂類型 華語流行
活躍年代 1986年至今
唱片公司 Wei Wei Music
網站 www.weiweimusic.com


韋唯在中國出道超過20年時間後,她可以說是當代中國最傑出的歌手之一。中國的主流媒體把韋唯稱呼為「中國的惠妮休斯頓」、「中國的瑪丹娜」和「中國的席琳迪翁」等等。根據估計她的音樂專輯僅僅是在中國銷售就達到2億張[1] ,她也是世界上最賣座的歌手之一。她不但可以演唱中文英文歌曲,並且在中國及海外與中國相關的大型活動儀式和電視節目經常受邀出席演出,她也常常獲邀代表中國出席參與一些國際性的活動。

韋唯1993年起擔任中國的奧運大使,當時中國奧委會準備進行第一次申奧活動。她也通過參與在中國及海外的主要奧運活動節目演出,來表現對北京奧運的支持。In 2004 she received the highest number of votes[2] in an Internet survey as to who shall sing the theme song of the Chinese Olympics. 韋唯也是在亞特蘭大奧運的奧運100周年慶祝活動上,唯一一位參與演出的亞洲代表。

2006年9月韋唯的歌"I want to fly" (中文版為"Where we are") was appointed Official Song for the 2008 Olympic Sailing City of Qingdao by the Chinese Olympic Committee and the Sailing Committee (Qingdao) of Beijing For the Games of the XXIX Olympiad.

2006年韋唯出道20周年。The anniversary is highlighted by the production of new recordings of her 20 greatest hits – The Wei Wei 20X20 Celebration Collection. 這張專輯是在斯德哥爾摩倫敦洛杉磯所錄製。

她於1986年出道並開始掘起,當年她贏得National Young Singers contest on Chinese電視。隔年中國派她作為代表參與international pop competition for the first time ever: 在波蘭舉行的第24屆Sopot International Song Festival 。她贏得競賽,and the "Miss Photo-category” as well, 這一些都帶給她更多參與演出的機會。3年後,她在北京亞運中參與表演演初,並在1993年上海東亞運時,與知名西班牙語歌手胡立歐進行合唱。



[编辑] 生平

[编辑] 早年


[编辑] 1986年-1987年 突破

1986年,韋唯憑著演唱一首Wanna Take One More Chance to Look at You贏得電視台National Young Singers大賽。

1987年,她又在波蘭贏得第24屆Sopot國際音樂節,這也是中國第一位she won the 24th International Music Festival in Poland as China's first representative to an international pop competition.

[编辑] 1988年-1992年 掘起新星

1988年her fame rose with the theme song for 央視春節除夕夜聯歡晚會,Gathering of the Year of the Dragon. The song was also presented at CCTV’s Spring Festival Live Show. Later that year, she received a special award for the hit song, Enamored Pursue at the Mysamy International Music Festival and Same Song won the gold medal in the Beijing International Song Festival.

1989年她的歌曲愛的奉獻 became a national hit as she became the symbol for charity fund raising activities. Wei Wei was crowned "The Icon of Love" by the media . In the same year, her song Today is Your Birthday won the gold medal at Jian Brand Cup and Beijing Radio Song Competition. It has since been used as the theme song for the national day

The 1990 song Asian Mighty Winds was introduced at the Asian Games and immediately became a national hit. Wei Wei was dubbed the "Queen of Sports" in Chinese media and has since been considered the "Icon of Sports Music"

She founded and staged a charity fundraising show in China for saving victims of flooded areas in Eastern China in 1991. Her song Our Shared Homeland crowned the event. It became a hit and the show was the most successful fundraising event of the year She then starred in the musical film The Diva's Story

She performed at the 1992年在香港舉辦的亞洲小姐選美活動。She became the lead singer in the first concert tour in American major cities arranged by the 中國中央歌舞團。

[编辑] 1993年-1996年 走向國際

韋唯在1993年東亞運開幕與閉幕典禮儀式時,她與巨星級的西班牙語歌手胡立歐共同合作演唱歌曲,and then performed at the 亚洲运动会 opening show in 日本廣島。Later that year, representing China, she visited 摩納哥 for a campaign concerning the Beijing Summer Olympic Games.

1994年,she gained more fame by being the "star" of the Chinese New Year Show in 卡内基大厅, New York, broadcasted by CCTV. In the same year, the song Wind Coming From the East became a hit at a show in 上海東方衛視, and subsequently became the TV station's theme song. Her first English album was released, titled The Twilight.

1995韋唯展開巡迴演唱會-"Wei Wei and the World" ,演唱會在中國大陸幾個重要城市舉辦,包括北京上海廣州昆明



[编辑] 1997年-2002年 國內巨星

1997年6月30日晚上,中國在北京天安門廣場上現場舉辦了「香港回歸中國之夜」活動,韋唯成為該場活動的主要參與演出者。and her song Broad Highway became a national hit

She was the "star of the night" with the song 愛的奉獻 in what is considered 1998年長江水災的受難者所舉行的大型慈善募集活動。這場活動是在北京人民大會堂所舉行並由央視進行轉播放送。

In 1999, her compilation album titled Wei Wei's Devotion was the most popular pop music album in China . To further promote the album, she held a concert at American Caesar's Palace in 法國巴黎



2002年,she was again the "star of the night" at 央視的在北京的春節節慶活動。

[编辑] 2003年-2005年 新的韋唯


Special invited artist at galas arranged in Beijing in the honor of healthcare staff after the SARS epidemic.

Initiated an international management company, Wei Wei International Management, in Stockholm for the purpose of developing her international career - weiweiint.com.


Released the Western-produced songs "All There Is" and "Where We Are". Launched a photo book.

Main performer at several major Olympic events: Celebration as the Chinese Olympic medalists were welcomed home from the Olympic Games in Athens, Olympic Cooperation Show in 香港, the presentation of the Beijing 2008 logo, the symbolic construction start of the new Olympic Stadium in 北京.

Voted "The most requested opening singer at the 北京奧運" on an internet survey

Lead singer at the opening ceremony show for the Formula 1 Racetrack in Shanghai.


Star of the largest New Year’s celebration show in China, with a song of praise dedicated to China and the rest of the world. The show was broadcast to several hundreds of millions of television viewers in China and internationally.

Lead singer at several Olympic Shows, the launch of the Olympic Games mascots and the countdown from 1000 days. Opening artist at the opening ceremony of the 10th China National Games. At the show for the international unveiling of China's Olympic slogan: "One World – One Dream”, Wei Wei performed Andrew Lloyd Webber's song "Love Changes Everything".

Named one of the "Top Ten Heroic Women in China." Nomination and selection were made by Unesco Beijing, Peking University, China Youth Daily, China Reform Daily, CETV, Sohu.com and Macau STV.

[编辑] 2006年-2007年 出道20周年


韋唯慶祝自己出道20周年,highlighted by the release of twenty new recordings of her 20 greatest hits. The first one, a medley that consists of parts of her five greatest hits, was launched on May 8: The 20X20 Dance Loop.

Wei Wei released worldwide on digital download distributor iTunes Music Store.

Launched a new official website – [www.weiweimusic.com]

International tour for the celebration of the Chinese New Year: Los Angeles, Vienna, Toronto and Barcelona. Star of the evening at the Olympic Show held in Toronto.

Jury member in China’s largest song competition: "The National Young Singers Grand Award."

Performing with her new theme song One World One Dream at an Olympic Show at the Great Wall and the same evening in a Beijing performance together with Olympic athletes.

[编辑] 2008年

韋唯和Soprano Giorgia Fumanti二重奏演唱(2008年1月18日)
韋唯和Soprano Giorgia Fumanti二重奏演唱(2008年1月18日)

在2008年的一開始,韋唯performed for a TV audience of over a billion people , as part of the Fairchild Media Group, and 上海文廣新聞傳媒集團的"2008年中國春節群星會",該節目於2008年1月18日在加拿大溫哥華進行錄製and included a duet from Classical-Crossover Soprano Giorgia Fumanti and Wei Wei。韋唯演唱了一些她自己的歌曲,包含"Go Girl Go" (The Women's World Cup theme song)以及"One World One Dream" 在這聯歡節目上。[3]

[编辑] 歌曲和音樂

[编辑] Singer and training

韋唯從小在幼稚園時就接受古典音樂訓練,而她的專輯總共收錄超過1000首歌,演出過數千次並且regularly performs in front of massive audiences, both live and on television.

She has made film music and also acted in the popular music film "The Singer’s Story".

[编辑] 歌曲


中文歌曲(names translated to English) from three of her latest records:
  • 《爱的奉献》
  • 《亚洲雄风》
  • The red flower
  • Tears of a lover
  • Love song to the moon
  • Understanding
  • Looking at you
  • You are the one
  • Woman like a bird
  • True feelings
  • A soft world
  • The same homeland
  • Today is your birthday
  • The lolo song
  • True love
  • Searching for love
  • Telling to the spring
  • The same song
  • Welcome to Beijing
  • This wonderful world
  • Common holiday
  • Good luck to you
  • Sparkling sky
  • Love for Chishui
  • Green snares of love
  • Look up at the sparkling sky
  • Thanks
  • I believe in China
  • All there is / Multiplay
  • Where we are /Multiplay
  • Love Changes Everything / Andrew Lloyd Webber
  • If you believe / Peter Jöback/Anders Bagge

[编辑] 西方的影響

韋唯在她很小的時候,就受到西方音樂影響,小時候她會和她朋友偷偷地聽當時被禁播的西方廣播。像瑞典音樂團體ABBA 就是一個激勵韋唯要成為一位流行歌手和學習英文的榜樣。

Wei Wei has an international career and has performed with several western artists.2003年以來,她開始進行新的音樂製作,由西方人的音樂團隊製作,在斯德哥爾摩倫敦洛杉磯錄音。

All there is (中文:Its all different) / Multiplay Music – Vinny Vero, Peter Malmrup, Andreas Hedlund, Erik Nova

Where we are (中文:I want to fly) / Multiplay Music – Fatima Rainey, Brian Hobbs, Andreas Aleman, Andreas Hedlund, Erik Nova

"Love Changes Everything" / Andrew Lloyd Webber

If you believe (Duet with Peter Jöback) / Murlin Music – Anders Bagge

The Dance loop / Eclectic – Johan Åberg

- Broad Highway
- It’s all different
- Asian Wind
- The lolo song
- Welcome to Beijing

[编辑] 奧林匹克

[编辑] 奧運大使

韋唯從1993年起就成為中國的音樂奧運大使,她經常代表中國奧委會並支持他們爭取北京申奧的工作。當2001年7月13日北京申奧在莫斯科勝利後,韋唯has performed as leading star at most of the shows held to celebrate the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics.


  • 爭取申奧會議(Olympic Application Campaign)摩納哥



  • 爭取申奧會議(Olympic Application Campaign)莫斯科


  • Launch of Olympic Logo. 中國北京
  • 北京奧運體育場"鳥巢"動工 中國北京
  • Olympic Investment Meeting Hong Kong-Mainland. 香港
  • Athén Olympic Medalist Celebration Show. 中國北京
  • Olympic Song Program Show. 中國北京
  • Olympic Sports Film Festival. 中國北京


  • Launch Olympic Slogan “One World One Dream”.中國北京
  • Launch of Olympic Mascots. 中國北京
  • 1000 Days Countdown Show. 中國北京



  • 央視奧運倒數500天活動。中國北京
  • 500 Days countdown at Hunan Super Girl TV. 中國北京
  • Olympic Fire Show on CCTV. 中國北京

圖片參見:Olympic Ambassador Shows


韋唯is currently a member of the Chinese Olympic Committee and is working closely together with the different groups arranging the ceremonies and events for the Olympics.

[编辑] 慈善事業

In 1989 her song Dedication of love became a national hit as she became the symbol for charity fund raising activities. Then in 1991 she staged a charity fundraising show in China for victims of floods in Eastern China. She performed her song Our shared homeland, which became a hit.


2003年 she was special invited artist at two galas arranged in Beijing in the honor of healthcare staff after the SARS epidemic. In 2004 she performed at China’s largest charity ball for the handicapped. 前中國領導人鄧小平的兒子鄧樸方,organized a charity gala for disabled people in Beijing. Wei Wei performed with her song Dedication of Love, which she sang with a blind artist, Yang Haito. In 2005 she performed at the charity show "The Happiness Project" for mothers in 深圳.[4]

In 2006, Wei Wei initiated a charity fund in Sweden with the purpose of supporting charity organizations and projects in China. The purpose is also to bridge cultural gaps and help to overcome difficulties between Eastern and Western fund raising projects.

[编辑] 家庭

韋唯在1994年美國作曲家Michael Joseph Smith結婚,不過在2004年4月17日離婚,維持了10年的婚姻。


[编辑] 參考

[编辑] 連結


aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - bcl - be - be_x_old - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - co - cr - crh - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dsb - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - ext - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gan - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - hak - haw - he - hi - hif - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kaa - kab - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mdf - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - mt - mus - my - myv - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - quality - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - rw - sa - sah - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sr - srn - ss - st - stq - su - sv - sw - szl - ta - te - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu -