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Roushie - Wikipedia


Frae Wikipedia

Российская Федерация
Rossiyskaya Federatsiya

Roushie Federation
Banner o Roushie Ryal Coat o Airms o Roushie
(Banner) (Coat o Airms)
Roushie's airt in the warld
Offeecial leid Roushie offeecial throughout nation; thirty ithers co-offeecial in various regions
Caipital Moscow
Lairgest ceety Moscow

 - Preses
 - Prime Meenister
Semi-presidential federal republic
Dmitry Medvedev
Mikhail Fradkov  
 - Tot
 - % watter

17,075,400 km²
 - 2006 Estimate Density
 - Declarit
 - Finalisit

12 June 1990
25 December 1991
Siller Ruble (RUB)
Time zone UTC +2 tae +12, Summer: UTC +3 tae +13
Naitional anthem Hymn o the Russian Federation
Internet TLD .ru
Cawin code +7

Roushie (offeecially the Roushie Federation Roushie: Российская Федерация, or Россия) is a kintra on the Asie an Europe continent. It is bund bi twa oceans (the Artic an Paceefic), an bi the kintras Norrowey, Finland, Estonie, Latvie, Lithuanie, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgie, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Cheenae, Mongolie an North Korea. Its caipital is Moscow, an its current Preses is Dmitry Medvedev.

[edit] History

The airts aboot Moscow becam pairt o tha Kievan Rus Empire in the 800's AD. The Ceety-states o Vladimir-Suzdal an Novgorod becam independent whan Kievan Rus gat weaker. Vladimir Suzdal is conseedert the stairt o Roushae. Bi 1300, Kievan Rus wis weak, an the Mongols syne invadit. Roushae wad be ruled bi the Mongols for ower 200 year. In this time, Moscow, that haed stairtit oot as a wee veelage in Vladimir-Suzdal, becam the maist pouerfu o the Roushae Ceety-States. Ivan the Great o Moscow unitit the smaa Roushae Ceety-States, an bi 1471, Novgorod the maist pouerfu o the Roushae ceety-States wis annext in Moscow. Moscow wis aye still a puppet o the Mongol's Gowden Horde, tho thay becam independet bi 1480. The Gowden Horde sindert intae the Crimean Khanate, Kazan Khanate, Astrakhan Khanate, an Siberie Khanate.

Ivan the Terrible conquered the Kazan Khanate, an the Astrakhan Khanate bi 1550, haily endin Mongol rule in the hail o Roushae. In 1580, Yermak Timofeyevich gaed tae the Siberie Khanate wi 1636 men for tae tak owerance o't. He got close, but drount in the Irtysh River in 1584. Houaniver, Mair Roushae sodgers gaed tae Siberia an it wis owerhailt bi 1600. The Cossacks cam ower Loch Baikal bi 1610.

Frae 1598 tae 1610 wis the time o tribbles for Roushae, an Poland invadit an capturt Moscow in 1607. The Poles wis beaten oot o Moscow, but they still wun some laund. Roushae conteenad tae rax intae Siberia, an foondit the fort o Yakutsk in 1637, an 2 year efter raxed tae the Sea o Okhotsk. Roushae syne gaed on tae owerhail Chukotka an Kamchatka. They ettled tae grip owerance ower Cheenae laund, but failt, an haed tae gree no tae attack Cheenae in 1689.

In the 1720's, Peter the Great makkit Roushae a pouerfu kintra, an haed owerance ower Swadish laund. He biggit a new Ceety, cried Saunt Petersburg. It wis the caipital o Roushae frae 1712 til 1918. Roushae annext the Crmian Khanate in the 1780's. It wis the last o the Mongol Khanates tae be annext bi Roushae. Georgie, Ukraine an Kazakhstan becam pairt o Roushae an aw, an Poland wiz Conquered bi an alliance o Roushae, Proushie, an Austrick bi 1800. In 1808, Finland wis owerhailt bi the Roushie.

Napoleon invadit in 1810, an won til Moscow. He wis suin defeatit bi the Roushie, tho. Roushie wis syne a pouerfu kintra, an conquered Turkestan. They taen some laund frae Cheenae in 1858, an foundit the ceeties o Khabarovsk an Vladivostok. In 1900, Roushae tak ower the hail o Manchurie for a whilie, but wis defeatit bi Japan in 1905. Roushie wis becomin weak.

Whan the World War I, happent, Rousshie wis invadit bi Germany. The Roushie Govrenment wis destroyed in 1917, an a Ceevil war brak oot, tho they war at peace wi Germany nou. In 1922, Vladimir Lenin unitit the kintra, e'en tho ither kintra ettelt tae hinder him. He wis the first Communist leader. Bi the time he dee'd, in 1924 Roushie wis rebiggit frae the wars. It wis renamed the Soviet Union. Efter Lennin, Josef Stalin wis leader till 1953. He makkit the economy strang wi "5 year plans", an bi 1939, it wis a strang kintra. He wis allee'd tae Germany, first, but Germany invadit in 1941. The Soviet Union tint aw the land aboot Moscow. The Germans failt tae owerhail Moscow, an ettelt tae attack Stalingrad. They faild there an aw, an wis defeatit bi the Soviet Union in 1945. Stalin rebiggit the kintra bi his daith in 1953. Nikita Khrushchev becam leader, but unlike Stalin he wantit peacefu coexistenc wi the Wast. The Soviet Union conteenad tae growe. In 1965 He wis follaed bi Leonid Brezhnev. The Soviet Union wis the strangest nation in the warld bi thon time, Whan he dee'd in 1982, the kintra wis gettin weak. Efter Yuri Andropov (1982-1984) an Konstantin Chernenko (1984-1985) cam Mikhail Gorbachev (1985-1991). Mikhail Gorbachev wis the hintmaist Soviet leader.

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