仁川國際機場 인천국제공항 |
机场类型 | 公共商业 | ||
管理机构 | 仁川國際機場股份(有限)公司 | ||
啟用日期 | 2001年 | ||
關閉日期 | {{{closed}}} | ||
服务城市 | 首爾 | ||
市區距離 | |||
海拔高度 | 7米 | ||
机场代码 | |||
IATA | ICAO | ||
ICN | RKSI | ||
地理位置 | |||
坐标:北纬37度27分48秒,东经126度26分24秒 | |||
跑道 | |||
方向 | 長度 | 表面 | |
呎 | 米 | ||
15R/33L | 12,303 | 3,750 | 混凝土/沥青 |
15L/33R | 12,303 | 3,750 | 混凝土/沥青 |
{{{runway3_heading}}} | {{{runway3_feet}}} | {{{runway3_meter}}} | {{{runway3_surface}}} |
{{{runway4_heading}}} | {{{runway4_feet}}} | {{{runway4_meter}}} | {{{runway4_surface}}} |
{{{runway5_heading}}} | {{{runway5_feet}}} | {{{runway5_meter}}} | {{{runway5_surface}}} |
{{{runway6_heading}}} | {{{runway6_feet}}} | {{{runway6_meter}}} | {{{runway6_surface}}} |
{{{runway7_heading}}} | {{{runway7_feet}}} | {{{runway7_meter}}} | {{{runway7_surface}}} |
直升機停機坪 | |||
編號 | 長度 | 表面 | |
zh-hans:英尺;zh-hk:呎 | 米 | ||
{{{helipad1}}} | {{{helipad1_feet}}} | {{{helipad1_meter}}} | {{{helipad1_surface}}} |
統計 | |||
{{{stat_year}}} | |||
乘客流量 | {{{stat_passenger}}} | ||
貨運量 | {{{stat_cargo}}} | ||
升降班次 | {{{stat_flight}}} |
仁川國際機場(韓語:인천국제공항;英語:Incheon International Airport)(IATA: ICN,ICAO: RKSI)是大韓民國最大的民用機場,亦是亞洲其中最大的機場之一,在2001年啟用。
目录 |
[编辑] 概況
仁川國際機場位於韓國仁川市西側永宗─龍遊島(Yeongjong-Yeongyu Island)上,鄰近黃海。以往,永宗島與龍遊島是兩個分離的個島嶼,在經填海造地後才合而為一。這兩個島皆在仁川廣域市的行政範圍內,故取名仁川國際機場。除了藉由往來於仁川附近海港的渡輪,國道130號上連接島嶼與大陸的永宗橋亦兼負起運輸的工作,來自南韓各地如巴士等車輛皆得以自如出入機場。每整點亦有從首府首爾出發的接送巴士。此外其他次要幹道沿線亦有公車接送旅客不論從首爾城內或城外前往機場。
仁川機場在第一屆國際航空運輸協會暨國際機場協會全球機場服務品質評比中獲得「最佳服務獎」(Best in Service Award in Class)及「全球最佳機場」第二名,僅次於香港國際機場,先於新加坡樟宜國際機場。仁川亦為國際機場協會排為全球第一。
[编辑] 歷史
[编辑] 大事記
- 1992年2月: 總體規劃藍圖批准
- 1992年11月: 場址整地及一期工程開工
- 1994年7月: 南北防護堤完成
- 1996年3月: 正式取名「仁川國際機場」
- 1996年5月: 旅客大樓開工
- 1996年12月: 跑道工程開工
- 2000年6月30日: 眾基本設施完工
- 2000年7月: 試營運開始
- 2000年11月: 開幕日期公布
- 2001年3月29日: 機場正式啟用
- 2002年2月: 二期工程展開
- 2002年11月: 新客運停機坪完工 (二期)
- 2003年10月: 新貨運大樓工程展開 (二期)
- 2003年11月: 機場互聯運輸系統工程展開 (二期)
- 2003年12月: 第三跑道開工 (二期)
- 2004年6月: 遠端旅客登機廊開工 (二期)
- 2004年9月: 導航燈裝設完成(Navigational lights installed.) (二期)
- 2005年1月: Power distribution grid constructed. (二期)
- 2005年4月: Final construction of passenger concourse. (二期)
[编辑] 建造階段
[编辑] 第一期
機場目前已經過了第一期計畫,目前正如火如荼地進行二期工程。第一期計畫的內容包括每年客流量3000萬人次及貨流量170萬公噸。在一期計畫中,將會建成一座樓板面積496,000平方公尺的客運大樓航廈、兩平行跑道、一座塔臺、行政管理中心、綜合運輸大樓(以Terry Farrell & Partners風格設計)、中央營運中心、三座貨運中心、國際商務中心以及一座政府督導辦公室。目前一期工程皆已完工。
[编辑] 第二期
[编辑] 第三期
[编辑] 第四期
預計將於2020年完工,是仁川機場計畫的最終極目標。在全體完工後, 仁川國際將擁有2個旅客航站大樓、4座衛星客運廊、128個登機門及4個平行的跑道。仁川每年將能處理1億人次的旅客及700萬公噸的貨物。仁川預估能在2020前成為成為全球十大繁忙機場,而且還有擴張的空間。
[编辑] 旅客設施
[编辑] 主客運大樓
主客運大樓共有44個登機門(全都可供空中巴士 A380使用)、50個海關檢查臺、2個生物檢疫櫃檯、6個固定及4個活動的旅客健康檢疫櫃檯,此外還有120個抵境證照查驗臺、8個抵達安檢通道、28出發安檢通道、252個報到櫃台及120個出境證照查驗臺。
當第二期工程完工時,位於大堂的衛星型登機層將會利用2條設於地底,長870米的機場捷運系統與主大樓連接。而通往國際商務中心 (IBC, International Business Center)會以自動行人道連接。
- 地庫1樓:此層主要是方便旅客及機場職員的設施,例如咖啡店、麵包餅店、餐廳、銀行、書店、超級市場等等。
- 1樓:此層是入境層,是抵達首爾的乘客離開飛機並辦妥入境手續後的必經之路。此層設有交通、觀光、機場資訊、找換店、精品店等設施。
- 2樓:此層分為2部分。其中一部分是在禁區內,此部分有登機橋、隔離站等設施。另一部分是在禁區外,此部分的中典有一個大廳,設施包括:銀行、郵政局、商務中心、資訊系統等等。此層亦設有轉機設施,方便經此機場轉機的旅客;另外亦設有5條玻璃觀光橋連接公共運輸交匯處。
- 3樓:此層是離境層,與2樓一樣,也是分為禁區內和禁區外兩部分。禁區外設有大量商店,包括服裝、紀念品等;禁區內則設有離境有關的設施,包括海關、保安檢查處、等候處、閘口等,此外亦設有免稅店、便利店、餐館及找換店等設施。
- 4樓: 此層設有高級餐廳、精品店、機場照相館、轉機乘客專用酒吧等設施。
[编辑] A客運廊
位於禁區(Airside)的CIP 和中轉乘客休息室特別位于提供一處飛機場的特別的風景 ,禱告空間和各種各樣的其他服務。 這設備是在建設中的,並且預計在2008年8月打開。 這設備是單獨的遙遠concouse, 並且與主要有關係 透過兩IATs(IntraAirport 運輸)的客運碼頭並且透過一種經前期綜合症(往來于兩個固定地點的載客快速交通工具系統)連接IBC(國際商業中心)。 新遙遠concouse是尺寸16.5平方公引, 並且將以包括地下室的3 層為特色。 將有32個登機口 [1],其全部將能容納A380號空中客車, 144 入口檢查處,48個護照進入檢查柜台,24個海關檢查柜台和2個生物學的檢疫柜台。 安全檢查港口將與主要客運碼頭同享,要求那些乘客首先透過它,為了到達聚集。
[编辑] 行李揀選系統
行李處理系統在仁川國際機場被最初用于處理每個小時31,000件行李, 當飛機場成熟和更進一步的擴大被進行時,增加。 它利用一個中心的計算機控制自動的傾斜托盤系統, 那自動種行李和運送他們到他們正確到達站在讀條形碼標籤時這件行李穿越系統。 故意,平均設計處理時間5 分鐘給到達,15 分鐘給啟程,10 分鐘給行李在飛機之間轉移。 系統完全自動,除非條形碼之一不能被條形碼讀者讀。 那樣的話, 有不能讀的條形碼標籤的這件行李被對飛機場雇員手工讀條形碼的設備自動安排, 並且這件行李手工到他們的正確的到達站定線。 在飛機場的開始上,系統發現有與它自動控制一起的瑕疵和設備必須動手術一半自動化基礎。 瑕疵后來已經被改正並且除去了。 系統由一條20 公里長的傳送帶組成。 他們被分成標準貨物處理和大的貨物處理。 標準貨物被定義為有高度, 寬度, 長度, 以及重量不到700毫米, 450毫米, 900毫米, 並且50 千克分別和大貨物被確定為有高度, 分別的寬度,長度和重量不到700毫米,600毫米,1500毫米和70 千克。 大的貨物被分別經營並且被寄給到不同的領取行李柜台。 因此,它被要求在一個單獨的入口登記。 目前,大的貨物處理系統是唯一的,脆的項目可能被除了運送它在上到一架飛機上安全裝。
[编辑] Cargo Terminal Complex
The Cargo Terminal Complex comprises three cargo terminals, five separate warehouses, 24 parking stands, and administration offices. Each cargo terminal is designed to provide each carrier with unique services, and a cargo warehouse (approximately 3,500 square meters). They are separated into three areas, import, passing and export. The logical manner in which the terminals were designed allow for a highly efficient operation. The cargo terminals also comes with an advanced computer system that helps track each cargo in real time. Using the systems, managers can view individual package information, tracking information, storage information, etc in real time. The terminals also feature various other high tech technologies.
The Cargo Terminal Complex was designed to be able to process 1.7 million tons of cargo per year. However, due to the increased demands, the operators of Cargo A Terminal and Cargo B Terminal has opted to expand their facilities onto the land that is available nearby. As a result, the total processing ability of the complex is currently rated at 2.7 million tons per year. The C Terminal, was not able to expand however, due to the lack of direct airside access. Once Phase II expansion is complete, the airport will have a processing ability of around 4.9 million metric tons per year. This is because the expansion which was originally designed to allow an expansion to 4.5 million tons per year would be adding on top of the current processing ability, which includes the expansions by Korean Air Cargo and Asiana Air cargo which was conducted separately on a piece of land that did not conflict with the airport expansion plans.
The Cargo Terminal Complex is operated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, nonstop. In addition, the automation systems had been upgraded. As a result, it is typical for the airport to output an extra 2 million tons per year processing capability than the original design.
[编辑] A Terminal
This Cargo Terminal is operated by Korean Air Cargo. It is the largest cargo terminal by both size and capacity. It has a special ability to be able to process special types of cargo such as those requiring refrigeration, or those carrying live animals. This facility has been expanded once in March 2 of 2005 to allow a total processing capability of 1.35 million tons per year. The terminal has an area of 60,000 square meters.
[编辑] B Terminal
This Cargo Terminal is operated by Asiana Air Cargo. Although its capacity was to be expanded to 800,000 tons per year, the diminished demand for cargo transportation on Asiana originating from a pilot strike in 2005 has caused the plans to be modified. Currently, the terminals are capable of processing 750,000 tons per year. The terminal has an area of 40,000 square meters.
[编辑] C Terminal
This Cargo Terminal is operated by the Incheon International Airport Foreign Carrier Cargo Terminal Company. Its users include FedEX, UPS, KAS, AAS, DHL, as well as other airlines. Due to its location, it could not expand its facilities as with the other terminals without conflicting with the existing plans for airport expansion. As a result, the IIAC is currently constructing a new terminal that would by operated by the IIAC Foreign Carrier Cargo Terminal Co. Once this new terminal is constructed, FedEx and UPS is expected to move into the new terminal while other cargo operators are expected to use the existing terminal.
The terminal is 420 meters long, 120 meters wide, and 19.65 meters tall. Its first floor (warehouse) has a total area of 54,203.32 square meters, and other floors occupy 12,708.88 square meters. Its current total processing capability is 600,000 metrics tons per year. 51 different cargo companies use this complex. This cargo terminal also has an administrative building nearby which houses a snack store, three restaurants, recreation facility, administrative offices, and stationary stores as well as various other facilities. The building is 63m X 36m X 21.55m in dimensions and has a total of 6 floors; one basement, four regular floors, and one roof top floor. Its total area is 8,619.23 square meters and houses 120 different companies and government agencies.
[编辑] Operation facilities and infrastructures
[编辑] Control tower
Commented out because image was deleted:
Located at the center of the airport, the 22 story Control Tower is 100.4 meters tall and is illuminated 24 hours a day. On its highest floor is located a parabolic antenna that is used by the Airport Surface Detection Equipment (ASDE) to detect all airplanes and obstacles within 5 km of the tower. The upper floors are used by ground and tower controllers while the lower floors are mostly for support operations. The control tower has a total area of 179 square meters making it the 3rd largest in the world as of 2001.
[编辑] 跑道
在仁川國際機場, there are two parallel paved asphalt 跑道運作中, 15R/33L 和 15L/33R. 每條跑道長 3,750米,闊 60 米, 和 1.05 米厚. Currently, 跑道 15R/33L is used mostly for departures while 跑道 15L/33R is used mostly for arrivals. This is especially evident from the amount of rubber present on each 跑道; 跑道 15L/33R has more rubber on it due to the constant landings. A third parallel 跑道 4,000 米 long is currently under construction as part of phase II construction. It is expected to be completed by 2008年7月. Once this 跑道 opens, landing and takeoffs of most passenger flights will be done on the new 跑道 and the existing 跑道 15R/33L while 跑道 15L/33R will be done mostly for cargo flights due to its proximity with the cargo terminals. Once Phase 4 construction is complete, 機場 will have 4 parallel 跑道, two of them 3,750 米 long and the other two 4,000 米 long. Currently, 所有跑道配備了 ILS CAT IIIb at both sides allowing for operation in visibility conditions as low as 50 米. As of the date of upgrade, 仁川國際機場 was 唯一亞洲機場有 full ILS CAT IIIb capability. The 跑道 lightings at 仁川國際機場 (as well as the taxi lights) are tied into special computers at the control tower. As a result, the Air Traffic Controllers can easily provide progressive taxiing to an aircraft by setting the computer to manipulate the taxi and 跑道燈 so that it will lead them to their designated gate or parking stand.
[编辑] Navigation and communication facilities
- Instrument Landing System: The airport was originally certified for ILS CAT-IIIa operation, but it was upgraded to CAT-IIIb in December 2003 following the recommendation of ICAO in order to reduce flight diversions and cancellations during low visibility conditions. As a result, Incheon International Airport is currently the only airport in Asia to have ILS Cat-IIIb, allowing for operation in visibility conditions as low as 50 meters. Unlike some airports where different runways may have different categories of Instrumental Landing Systems, all runways at Incheon International Airport are equipped with the CAT-IIIb ILS.
- Airport Surveillance Radar(ASR/MSSR): Three different radar sites are used for detecting airplanes near Incheon International Airport. They are located at Wangsan, Shinbuldo, and Gimpo International airport. Each facility has both ASR (Airport Surveillance Radar) and SSR (Secondary Serveillance Radar). Information from all three radar sites are multi-tracked (MRT) using the ARTS and displayed to the controller.
- Airport Surface Detection Equipment (ASDE): Also known as Ground Radar, it scans the ground within 5 km of the control tower. The antenna is located 100.4 meters above ground level on the top floor of the control tower. It is a facility that is required for CAT-III operation of the airport, and uses sophisticated algorithms to automatically assign flight numbers and other information to aircraft within range. It also detects maintenance vehicles as well as various obstacles that my interfere with the operation of aircraft. During the phase II construction of the airport, the ASDE which operates on the Ku-band will be replaced with the ASDE-X to ensure a perfect ground system for CAT-IIIb operation.
- Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (A-SMGCS): This system is tied into the ALS (Airport Lighting System) and was designed to work together. It provides surface movement surveillance, surface movement guidance, and route planning. Its most important feature is its ability to relay taxiing instructions to the pilot. By changing the blinking sequence or the intensity of taxi lights, it can safely guide pilots to their gates or the runway. Because it is computer controlled, it significantly reduces the workload of ground traffic controllers as well as provide an efficient and safe traffic flow.
- PDC/D-ATIS: Incheon International Airport is equipped with a PDC (Pre Departure Clearance) system and a D-ATIS (Digital Airport Terminal Information System). The PDC system allows specially equipped airplanes to receive IFR clearances without the need to contact the Air Traffic Controllers. It is simply stored in a system that can be accessed by the pilots using specialized devices. the D-ATIS automatically generates ATIS information and also provides the ability to send the same information to the pilots using digital texts. These two devices were installed to reduce work load on the air traffic controllers as well as reduce the chances of misunderstandings.
- Communications Navigation Surveillance (CNS/ATM): A high tech satellite is used to provide digital communication, navigation, and surveillance information. The communication and navigation system is available for use to pilots on aircraft that have specially equipped devices. This satellite is also used by the Air Traffic Controllers for Air Traffic Management (ATM) purposes.
[编辑] Meteorological facilities
The Meteorological System at Incheon International Airport consists of a Automatic Weather Observation System (AWOS), Low level Wind shear Alert System (LWAS), Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR), Long Range Doppler Radar, Weather Station Headquarter, and a Weather Balloon Launching facility.
- Automated Weather Observation System (AWOS): This system observes basic weather conditions and has instruments for detecting wind direction, wind speed, and visibility as well as other instruments such as the ceilometers. Information obtained through this system is directly used by the air traffic controller.
- Low level Wind shear Alert System (LWAS): This system is capable of detecting and/or predicting wind shears occurring at low altitudes. It can also predict wind conditions and storm developments at low altitudes in the immediate area.
- Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR): This Doppler radar is used for directly providing visual information to the air traffic controllers in the control tower. It was designed to sense wind strength, wind speed, precipitation rate, precipitation type, lightning occurrence, lightning frequency, wind gusts, and wind gust strength within 90 kilometers of the airport.
- Weather Station Headquarters: This is part of the Korea Meteorological Administration and is used to observe the weather in the area and predict future conditions. Information gathered from this facility is shared world wide and is used to aide aviation. Weather experts work 24 hours a day in this building.
- Weather Balloon Launch Facility: This facility launches remote controlled sound wave weather balloons to continuously observe weather conditions around the airport and transmits the information directly to navigational personnel and the air traffic controller.
- Long Range Doppler Weather Radar: Located at the Weather Station Headquarters, it operates 24 hours a day to observe weather conditions within 480 km of the airport and provide it to the weather experts at the Weather Station HQ, where the information is analyzed and recorded for use by air navigation personnel. The information is also used by the Korea Metrological Administration to provide weather prediction for civilians.
[编辑] Emergency response
[编辑] Airport Security Task Force
The Airport Security Task Force is in charge of patrolling the airport perimeter, passenger terminal, transportation center, auxiliary facilities and free economic zones. They are trained to deal with a wide variety of conditions and situations. As a response to on going terrorist threats and various epidemics in the region, they are equipped with the latest gears and specially trained to deal with situations involving terrorists or epidemic control. The security task force consists of police officers from the Cheongwon Police Department. Only the specially trained officers are allowed onto the task force and they are on duty 24 hours a day over three different shifts. The facilities related to the Airport Security Task Force are the Airport Security Force Headquarters (Guardhouse), Airport Security Force Branch Office, and the Weapons armory.
- Airport Security Force Headquarters (Guardhouse): The Airport Security Force Headquarters provides the Airport Security Task Force with training, resting, and various recreation. It is also used for administration. The building has a wide variety of options for training, and even includes a swimming pool.
- Airport Security Force Branch Office: The function of this building is very similar to the Airport Security Force Headquarters. One of the major difference is that it is located very close to the control tower, allowing for the deployment of forces anywhere on the airfield within 1 to 2 minutes under ideal conditions. This facility was built to enhance security and efficiency.
- Armory: Located at an undisclosed confidential location, this heavily guarded facility contains automatic firearms and ammunitions as well as various other tactical gear for emergency situations.
[编辑] Fire Department
This facility is responsible for all emergency situations relating to fire and search and rescue missions. The firefighters are specially trained for dealing with jet fires as well as conducting search and rescue missions on burning planes. They are also trained to be able to respond to natural disasters. There are two fire departments at Incheon International Airport. One is located near the north side of runway 15L/33R and the other is located at the south side of runway 15R/33L near the passenger terminal. Together, they are capable of responding to incidents on the runway usually within 2 minutes, 3 minutes max under ideal conditions.
- Fire Station Headquarters: The Fire Station HQ is located near runway 15L/33R on the west side of the eastern administrative area. They are responsible for extinguishing fire and conducting search and rescue missions on the runways and airport facilities near the eastern administrative area. The Fire Station Headquarters is composed of vehicle, equipment maintenance/storage facilities, office buildings, convenience facilities and welfare facilities.
- Fire Station Branch Office: Located about 500 meters south east of passenger terminal 1 and 650 meters south of runway 15R/33L, its functions are similar to that of the Fire Station Headquarters. The only differences are that this facility is in charge of conducting fire extinguishing, searching, and rescue missions occurring within the passenger terminal and facilities around it. It is also capable of responding to incidents on the runway.
[编辑] Accidents and incidents
[编辑] Accidents and incidents at the airport
No serious fatal accidents or incidents have been recorded to date.
[编辑] Accidents and incidents involving the airport
- On September 11, 2001, a Korean Air Flight 85, bound for John F. Kennedy International Airport was diverted and escorted by military fighter jets to Whitehorse International Airport after a transponder malfunctioned and caused ground facilities to think that the aircraft had been hijacked. Although the plane was low on fuel, it turned out that the plane had not been hijacked. The diversion occurred during Operation Yellow Ribbon as part of the Canadian response to the September 11 Attacks in New York City, Washington D.C. and Pennsylvania.
- On December 17, 2005 a GE90-94B failed on an Air France Boeing 777 flying from Incheon International Airport to Charles de Gaulle International Airport resulting in an unscheduled landing in Irkutsk, Siberia.
[编辑] 航空公司
[编辑] 客運
- 俄羅斯航空 (莫斯科)
- Air Astana (阿拉木图)
- 蒲甘航空 (仰光)
- Aircalin (努美亞,2008年起)
- 加拿大航空 (多倫多-皮爾遜、溫哥華)
- 中國國際航空 (北京、成都、大連、貴陽、杭州、天津、青島)
- 歐洲航空 (Air Europa,2007年起)
- 法國航空 (巴黎-戴高樂)
- 印度航空 (香港、新德里、孟買)
- 澳門航空 (澳門)
- 全日空 (名古屋-中部、大阪-關西、東京-成田)
- 太平洋航空 (南迪)
- Asian Spirit (長灘島)
- 韓亞航空 (阿拉木图、旭川市、曼谷、北京、釜山、宿务、長沙、长春、成都、芝加哥-奧黑爾、重庆、大連、法兰克福、福冈、福岛、广州、桂林、杭州、河内、哈尔滨、广岛、胡志明市、香港、济州、哈巴罗夫斯克、亞庇、熊本、伦敦-希斯路、洛杉矶、馬尼拉、松山市、宫崎、牡丹江、名古屋、南京、新德里、纽约-甘迺迪、冲绳、大阪-關西、金邊、普吉、青岛、塞班、旧金山、西雅圖-塔科馬、仙台、上海-浦東、沈阳、深圳、暹粒、新加坡、悉尼、台北-桃園、高松、塔什干、天津、东京-成田、富山、威海、西安、延吉、烟台、米子、南薩哈林斯克)
- 國泰航空 (香港、台北-桃園)
- 宿霧太平洋航空 (宿霧、馬尼拉)
- 中華航空 (台北-桃園)
- 華信航空 (|台中)
- 中國東方航空 (長沙、昆明、南京、寧波、青島、三亞、上海-浦东、西安、盐城、烟台)
- 中國南方航空 (北京、长春、长沙、大连、广州、海口、哈尔滨、牡丹江、上海-浦東、沈阳、延吉)
- Dalavia Far East Airways (哈巴罗夫斯克)
- 達美航空 (亞特蘭大)
- 阿聯酋航空 (杜拜)
- 長榮航空 (台北-桃園)
- 立榮航空 (高雄)
- 遠東航空 (高雄)
- 芬蘭航空 (赫爾辛基,2008年6月起)
- 印尼航空 (雅加达、登巴薩)
- 海南航空 (海口、三亚)
- 伊朗航空 (德黑兰-梅赫拉巴德)
- 日本航空 (名古屋-中部、大阪-关西、東京-成田)
- Jet Lite (新德里,2007年11月起)
- KLM (阿姆斯特丹)
- 大韓航空 (秋田、安曼、阿姆斯特丹、青森、亞特蘭大、奧克蘭、曼谷、北京、布里斯班、釜山、開羅、開恩茲[季節性]、卡爾加里[季節性]、宿霧、長沙、芝加哥-奧黑爾、大邱、大連、達拉斯-沃斯堡、登巴薩/峇里、杜拜、法蘭克福、福岡、關島、廣州、函館、河內、胡志明市、呼和浩特[季節性]、香港、檀香山、伊爾庫茨克、伊斯坦布爾、雅加達、濟州、濟南、約翰奈斯堡、鹿兒島、加德滿都、小松、亞庇、吉隆坡、昆明、釧路[季節性]、浮羅交怡[季節性]、拉斯維加斯、倫敦-希斯洛、洛杉磯、馬尼拉、墨爾本、莫斯科、孟買、楠迪、長崎、名古屋、新德里、紐約-甘迺迪、新潟、大分、岡山、大阪-關西、巴黎-戴高樂、檳城、布拉格、青島、羅馬、聖彼得堡[季節性]、三藩市、三亞、札幌、西雅圖-塔科馬、上海-浦東、瀋陽、深圳、新加坡、悉尼、台北-桃園、特拉維夫、天津、東京-成田、多倫多-皮爾遜、烏蘭巴托、烏魯木齊[季節性]、Utapao[季節性]、溫哥華、維也納、華盛頓-杜勒斯、威海、武漢、廈門、西安、延吉、煙台、蘇黎世)
- KrasAir (克拉斯諾亞爾斯克)
- Krylo Airlines (莫斯科)
- 吉爾吉斯航空 (比什凱克)
- 漢莎航空 (法蘭克福、慕尼黑)
- 馬來西亞航空 (亞庇、吉隆坡)
- 華信航空 (台中)
- MIAT蒙古航空 (東京-成田、烏蘭巴托)
- 緬甸國際航空 (仰光)
- 西北航空 (西雅圖-塔科馬、東京-成田)
- 泰國東方航空 (曼谷)
- One-Two-GO航空 (布吉)
- 菲律賓航空 (馬尼拉、宿霧)
- PMT航空 (暹粒)
- 卡塔爾航空 (多哈、上海-浦東)
- Rossiya (聖彼得堡、伊爾庫茨克)
- 皇家高棉航空 (金邊)
- Sakhalinsky Aviatrassy (南薩哈林斯克)
- 山東航空 (濟南、威海、青島)
- 上海航空 (上海-浦東)
- 深圳航空 (深圳)
- 四川航空 (成都)
- 新加坡航空 (三藩市、溫哥華、新加坡)
- S7航空公司 (新西伯利亞)
- 泰國航空 (曼谷、台北-桃園、香港)
- 土耳其航空 (伊斯坦布爾)
- 聯合航空 (芝加哥-歐海爾、三藩市、東京-成田)
- 烏茲別克航空 (塔什干)
- 越南航空 (河內、胡志明市)
- 海參崴航空公司 (曼谷、海參崴)
- 廈門航空 (福州、廈門)
[编辑] 空運
- 香港華民航空 (Air Hong Kong)
- 韓亞空運
- Atlas Air
- Avial NV
- 盧森堡貨運(Cargolux)
- East Line
- El Al
- FedEx
- 雙子星貨運
- Kalitta Air
- 大韓空運
- 日本貨物航空(Nippon Cargo Airlines - NCA)
- 極地貨運
- TradeWinds Airlines
- Volga-Dnepr
[编辑] 交通
[编辑] 飛機場流通
- 貨物終端: 在客運碼頭和貨物終端之間的免費公共汽車服務。 在高峰時期,每20 分鐘在離開高峰時期每8 分鐘操作。
- 長期泊車場: 在客運碼頭和長期泊車場之間的免費公共汽車服務。 除了高峰它每15 分鐘操作的時代,通常每30 分鐘操作。
[编辑] 鐵路
仁川國際機場鐵路 (A'REX), was brought into service on 2007年3月23日. 車站位於交通中心 adjacent to the 主客運大樓.A'REX的列車行走速度達120 km/h, almost 比普通的地鐵列車快兩倍及縮短 the travel time from 金浦機場 to approximately 30 分鐘. As of 2007, only 第一期 the construction was opened to the public (仁川國際機場 - 金浦機場). The remaining phase of the construction 預計2010年完工 (金浦機場 - 首爾站).
[编辑] Commuter列車車站
- 仁川國際機場
- 仁川國際機場貨運 Terminal (3分鐘)
- Unseo (7分鐘)
- Geomam (21分鐘)
- Gyeyang (26.5分鐘, 轉乘 仁川地鐵1號線)
- 金浦機場 (33分鐘, 轉乘 首爾地鐵5號線)
[编辑] 特快列車車站
- 仁川國際機場
- 金浦機場 (28分鐘, 轉乘 首爾地鐵5號線))
[编辑] 自小客車
機場提供4000多個短期停車位及6000個長期停車位. When utilizing the long term parking lot, shuttle service to the passenger terminal and the cargo terminal is available. When using the short term parking lot, moving walkways are available to the passenger terminal. Car rental is located nearby the long term parking lot. Link to the main land is provided by the Yeongjong Bridge and an expressway. Tolls are collected at the bridge. There are currently plans to build a second expressway to the island from central Incheon.
[编辑] 計程車
Taxis will normally occupy the area designated as taxi stands outside the arrival floor. The taxis will have two distinct colors; white (silver) and black. The white taxis are "normal taxis" (일반 택시) which are colored in white with either a blue or green cap on the top of the car. The normal taxis have a basic fee of 1900 won (as of November 2007) and additional charges are based on how long you spend your time on your taxi. The fee rises by 100 won each time the machine counts down to zero from 200 (1 on the count-down will be much less than a full second).
Special taxis, also known as the "deluxe taxis" (모범 택시), are in black color and are more expensive than normal taxis. These taxis charge 4500 won (as of November 2007) for 1 kilometer and an additional 1500 won for every 3 kilometers the taxi runs. Differences between the normal taxi is usually limited to better cars, seats, and equipments such as GPS positioning devices and traffic situation indicators (although nowadays more than half the cabs are decorated with these machines). These deluxe cabs, unlike normal taxis which only take cash, usually carry mobile credit-card terminals which allow customers to use worldwide-accepted credit cards such as Visa, Mastercard, or American Express.
Most taxi drivers operating at the airport can speak English, but in most cases, not fluently and it will be difficult to understand. As a result, some taxi companies offer free translation via cell phone (provided by the taxi driver, to be returned after call is complete), but in most cases, the taxi drivers will not allow this service as the companies force the taxi drivers to pay for the minutes. It is recommended to have your destination written down on a piece of paper before entering a taxi. Be advised, in most cases, the passenger will be expected to pay for the tolls in addition to the taxi fare. Tips are not necessary.
[编辑] 渡輪
一個由Yeongjong-do道到仁川的渡輪服務available. However, the ferry dock is located considerable distance from the airport and an alternative transport means must be sought upon arriving at the island to be able to get to the airport.