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Niyowton - Wikipedia


Wikipedia جه، رهائه فه‌رئنگ نومه.

<ltr> Sir Isaac Newton, (4 Zhanviya 1643 – 31 Mars 1727) biye etta Ingilisij, fizik kare, Riyazi kare, Nejom kare, nacheral filzoof, o chimi kare, Dundenen ve re elm re pile o gat mella. Ingiliskij sha'er Alexander Pope mote'aser baye niyowton re karan ke baowte iv vefat nume re:

Nature and nature's laws lay hid in night;
God said "Let Newton be" and all was light.


Tebiyet o Tebiyet re qevanin xosenen show re dele;
Xeowda baowte "Les Niyowton buwe" o hame biye nima.

فهرست مندرجات

[دچی ین] Niyowton re rah dashenden Qevanin

  1. Niyowton re Ekeom Ghanoon (Ishnasenen hem hool re qanoon).
  2. Niyowton re dewom Ghanoon baowtea, F=ma, ke F hesse force yeni niroo o m hesse mass yeni jerm ke dass yarnen ve re p=dm/dv o a hesse accelerate yeni hool (Shetab) ke a=dv/dt, essa dv boore, F=dp/dt moondene.
  3. Niyowton re Thewom Ghanoon baowtea har harket dayne etta aksol-emel, Fab=Fba.

[دچی ین] Bene Banvishan

[دچی ین] Menabe

  • Bell, E.T. (1937). Men of Mathematics. New York: Simon and Schuster. ISBN 0-671-46400-0. Excerpt
  • Christianson, Gale (1984). In the Presence of the Creator: Isaac Newton & his times. New York: Free Press. ISBN 0-02-905190-8. This well documented work provides, in particular, valuable information regarding Newton's knowledge of Patristics
  • interview with James Gleick: "Isaac Newton" (Pantheon). WAMU's The Diane Rehm Show Friday, June 13 2003 (RealAudio stream). Retrieved on 8 March, 2005.
  • Sir Isaac Newton. School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of St. Andrews, Scotland. Retrieved on 8 March, 2005.
  • The Newton Project. Imperial College London. Retrieved on 8 March, 2005.
  • Westfall, Richard S. (1980, 1998). Never at Rest. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-27435-4.
  • Craig, John (1963). "Isaac Newton and the Counterfeiters", Notes and Records of the Royal Society (18). London: The Royal Society.
  • "The Invisible Science." Magical Egypt. Chance Gardner and John Anthony West. 2005.

[دچی ین] Vishter dunden

  • Berlinski, David, Newton's Gift: How Sir Isaac Newton Unlocked the System of our World, ISBN 0-684-84392-7 (hardback), also in paperback, Simon & Schuster, (2000).
  • Christianson, Gale E. In the Presence of the Creator: Isaac Newton and His Times. Collier MacMillan, (1984). 608 pages.
  • Dampier, William C. & M. Dampier. Readings in the Literature of Science. Harper & Row, New York, (1959).
  • Gjertsen, Derek. The Newton Handbook, Routledge & Kegan Paul, (1986).
  • Gleick, James. Isaac Newton. Knopf, (2003). hardcover, 288 pages, ISBN 0-375-42233-1.
  • Hawking, Stephen, ed. On the Shoulders of Giants. ISBN 0-7624-1348-4 Places selections from Newton's Principia in the context of selected writings by Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo and Einstein.
  • Hart, Michael J. The 100. Carol Publishing Group, (July 1992), paperback, 576 pages, ISBN 0-8065-1350-0.
  • Keynes, John Maynard. Essays in Biography. W W Norton & Co, 1963, paperback, ISBN 0-393-00189-X. Keynes had taken a close interest in Newton and owned many of Newton's private papers.
  • Newton, Isaac. Papers and Letters in Natural Philosophy, edited by I. Bernard Cohen. Harvard University Press, 1958,1978. ISBN 0-674-46853-8.
  • Newton, Isaac (1642-1727). The Principia: a new Translation, Guide by I. Bernard Cohen ISBN 0-520-08817-4 University of California (1999) Warning: common mistranslations exposed!
  • Shapley, Harlow, S. Rapport, and H. Wright. A Treasury of Science; "Newtonia" pp. 147-9; "Discoveries" pp. 150-4. Harper & Bros., New York, (1946).
  • Simmons, J. The giant book of scientists -- The 100 greatest minds of all time, Sydney: The Book Company, (1996).
  • Richard de Villamil. Newton, The man. G.D. Knox, London, 1931. Preface by Albert Einstein. Reprinted by Johnson Reprint Corporation, New York (1972).
  • Isaac Newton, Sir; J Edleston; Roger Cotes, Correspondence of Sir Isaac Newton and Professor Cotes, including letters of other eminent men, London, John W. Parker, West Strand; Cambridge, John Deighton, 1850. – Google Books

[دچی ین] Daya Linkan

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