Georg Henrik von Wright
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Georg Henrik von Wright (pronunciato, wrikt , IPA: [je:.rj h.n: rik del f.n-vrik: t]) (14 giugno 1916 – 16 giugno 2003) è stato un filosofo finlandese.
Succedette a Ludwig Wittgenstein nella cattedra di logica a Cambridge. Pubblicò in inglese, finlandese, tedesco e nella sua lingua madre lo svedese.
[modifica] Opere
- The Logical Problem of Induction, PhD thesis, 31 May 1941
- Den logiska empirismen (Logical Empirism), in Swedish, 1945
- Über Wahrscheinlichkeit (On Chance), in German, 1945
- An Essay in Modal Logic, 1951
- A Treatise on Induction and Probability, 1951
- Deontic Logic, 1951
- Tanke och förkunnelse (Thought and Preaching), in Swedish, 1955
- Logical Studies, 1957
- Logik, filosofi och språk (Logic, philosophy and language), in Swedish, 1957
- The Varieties of Goodness, 1963. He considered this his best and most personal work.
- Norm and Action, 1963
- The Logic of Preference, 1963
- Essay om naturen, människan och den vetenskaplig-tekniska revolutionen (Essay on Nature, Man and the Scientific-Technological Revolution), in Swedish, 1963
- An Essay in Deontic Logic, 1968
- Time, Change and Contradiction, 1969
- Tieteen filosofian kaksi perinnettä (The Two Traditions of the Philosophy of Science), in Finnish, 1970
- Explanation and Understanding, 1971
- Causality and Determinism, 1974
- Handlung, Norm und Intention (Action, Norm and Intention), in German, 1977
- Humanismen som livshållning (Humanism as an approach to Life), in Swedish, 1978
- Freedom and Determination, 1980
- Wittgenstein, 1982
- Philosophical Papers I-III, 1983-1984
- Filosofisia tutkielmia (Philosophical Dissertations), in Finnish, 1985
- Vetenskapen och förnuftet (Science and Reason), in Swedish, 1986
- Minervan Pöllö (The Owl of Minerva), in Finnish, 1991
- Myten om framsteget (The Myth of Progress), in Swedish, 1993
- The Tree of Knowledge, 1993
- Att förstå sin samtid (To Understand one's own Time), in Swedish, 1994
- Six Essays in Philosophical Logic, 1996
- Viimeisistä ajoista. Ajatusleikki (On the End Times. A Thought Experiment.), in Finnish, 1997
- Logiikka ja humanismi (Logic and Humanism), in Finnish, 1998
- In the Shadow of Descartes, 1998
- Mitt liv som jag minns det (My Life as I Remember it), in Swedish, 2001
Opere di Wittgenstein di cui Von Wright curò l'edizione e fece pubblicare, con Blackwell se non indicato altrimenti:
- 1961. Notebooks 1914-1916.
- 1967. Zettel.
- 1969. On Certainty.
- 1971. ProtoTractatus -- An Early Version of Tractatus Logico- Philosophicus. Cornell University Press.
- 1973. Letters to C.K. Ogden with Comments on the English Translation of the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.
- 1974. Letters to Russell, Keynes and Moore.
- 1978 (1956). Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics.
- 1980. Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology. Vols 1,2.
- 1980. Culture and Value.
- 1982. Last Writings on the Philosophy of Psychology, Vol. 1. Vol. 2, 1992.