葡萄牙语 Português |
通行区: | 巴西, 葡萄牙, 安哥拉, 莫桑比克和数个葡萄牙语国家共同体 (CPLP) 国家 | |
总使用人数: | 2.08 - 2.18亿 1 | |
排名: | 5–7 (母语) | |
语言系属分类: | 印欧语系 意大利语族 罗曼语族 Italo-Western Western Gallo-Iberian 伊比利亚-罗曼语支 West-Iberian 葡萄牙-加利西亚语 葡萄牙语 |
官方地位 | ||
作为官方语言的国家或组织: | 10个国家和地区、多个国际组织 | |
管理机构: | 国际葡萄牙语学院 (International Portuguese Language Institute); 葡萄牙语国家共同体 (CPLP) | |
语言代码 | ||
ISO 639-1: | pt | |
ISO 639-2: | por | |
ISO 639-3: | por | |
注意:本頁包含 Unicode 的 國際音標 |
目录 |
[编辑] 歷史
[编辑] 羅馬化
[编辑] 魯西塔尼亞羅曼語
[编辑] 原始葡語時期
中世紀葡萄牙語詩歌節選 |
Das que vejo |
non desejo |
outra senhor se vós non, |
e desejo |
tan sobejo, |
mataria um leon, |
senhor do meu coraçon: |
fin roseta, |
bela sobre toda fror, |
fin roseta, |
non me meta |
en tal coita voss'amor! |
João de Lobeira (1270?–1330?) |
[编辑] 古葡萄牙語:葡萄牙語-加利西亞語時期
葡萄牙於1143年成爲獨立的國家,當時的國王是阿方索·翰利戈斯(Afonso Henriques)。在古葡萄牙語的第一階段(12世紀到14世紀),這種語言逐漸開始被全民使用。1290年,國王迪尼玆(Diniz)在里斯本創辦了第一所葡萄牙語大學(Estudo Geral),並下令表示,人們應該首先使用葡萄牙語(當時稱爲“俗語”)而不是拉丁語。1296年,Royal Chancellary接受了葡萄牙語,而葡萄牙語當時已經不僅在文學領域,而在法律等領域使用。
直到1350年,葡萄牙語-加利西亞語(Portuguese-Galician)仍然只是葡萄牙和加利西亞的本地語言,但是到了14世紀,隨著大量文學的產生,葡萄牙語成爲一門成熟的語言,並在伊比利亞半島的詩界流行起來,包括里昂、卡斯蒂利亞、阿拉貢和加泰羅尼亞的詩人。例如,《Cantigas de Santa Maria》就是由當時的卡斯蒂利亚國王阿方索十世所作。遲後,當西班牙語成爲卡斯蒂利亞地區的書面語言後,加利西亞語開始受到卡斯蒂利亚語的影響,而其南方的變體,則成爲葡萄牙的一種方言。
[编辑] 古葡萄牙語:地理大發現的時期
古葡萄牙語的第二個階段為十四世紀到十六世紀。隨著葡萄牙航海家的地理大發現,葡萄牙語散播到了亞洲、非洲及美洲的許多地方。到了十六世紀時,葡萄牙語在亞洲及非洲成了一種通用語(lingua franca),不僅在殖民地的行政及貿易中使用,非殖民地的當地政權與各國籍的歐洲人之間的溝通也使用葡萄牙語。 在當時的錫蘭(現在的斯里蘭卡),有一些國王能說流利的葡萄牙語,貴族也常常取葡萄牙語的名字。葡萄牙人與當地人的通婚(這在世界其它地方也十分普遍)幫助了葡萄牙語的傳播。天主教的傳教活動也使得葡萄牙語在許多地方被稱為“克里斯丹(Cristão)(基督教徒)”。即使後來荷蘭在錫蘭及印尼採取了嚴厲的措施要廢除葡萄牙語,葡萄牙語或以葡萄牙語為基礎的克里奧爾語還是在一些地方流行著。
[编辑] 當代葡萄牙語
1516年,《Cancioneiro Geral de Garcia de Resende》的出版標誌著古葡萄牙語的終結。但是古葡萄牙語的變體作爲一種方言仍然存在,特別是在聖多美及普林西比、巴西、葡萄牙和安哥拉。在現代葡萄牙語時期(16世紀至今),伴隨著文藝復興,大量古典拉丁語源和希臘語源的詞彙加大了葡萄牙語的複雜性。葡萄亞語歷史上重要的詩人賈梅士(Luís de Camões)便是這個時代——十六世紀——的詩人,葡萄牙語也被稱做“賈梅士的語言”。
[编辑] 分類和相關的語言
- Ela fecha sempre a janela antes de jantar. (葡萄牙語)
- Ella cierra siempre la ventana antes de cenar. (西班牙語)
- Ela encerra sempre a janela antes de cear. (不太常用的葡文),或
- Ella hecha siempre la ventana antes de yantar. (不太常用的西文)
- "Trazer-vos-emos o vosso ceptro."
- (我們會帶給您您的權杖。)
"trazer-vos-emos"字面上的翻譯是: (我們帶給)
- trazer(帶給(動詞詞幹))-vos(您(正式),間接受詞)-emos(表示“我們”的簡單未來時動詞詞尾)
"Nós vos traremos o vosso ceptro."這樣的形式是一種地方性的用法,而且主要用在口語上。第一種形式主要用在書面語上。
[编辑] 地理分布
葡语国家及区域 | |||
国家 | 使用人口比例 (母语) |
使用人口比例 | 人口 (2003年7月) |
非洲 | |||
安哥拉 | 60% | NA | 10,766,471 |
佛得角 | NA | 72% | 412,137 |
几内亚比索 | NA | 14% | 1,360,827 |
莫桑比克 | 9% | 40% | 17,479,266 |
圣多美及普林西比 | 50% | 95% | 175,883 |
赤道几内亚 | NA | NA | 504,000 |
非官方语言: | |||
纳米比亚 | 20% | 20% | 1,927,447 |
南非共和国 | 2% | 2% | 42,768,678 |
亚洲 | |||
东帝汶 | NA | 15% | 997,853 |
澳门(中国) | 2% | 3% | 469,903 |
非官方语言: | |||
达曼(印度) | 10% | 10% | NA |
果阿(印度) | 3-5% | 5% | NA |
欧洲 | |||
葡萄牙 | 100% | 100% | 10,102,022 |
加利西亞(西班牙) | 100% | 100% | 2,900,000 |
非官方语言: | |||
卢森堡 | 14% | 14% | 454,157 |
安道尔 | 11% | 11% | 69,150 |
瑞士 | 2% | 2% | 7,318,638 |
法国 | 1% | 1% | 60,180,529 |
美洲 | |||
巴西 | 99% | 100% | 182,032,604 |
非官方语言: | |||
百慕达 | 4% | 4% | 64,482 |
委内瑞拉 | 1–2% | 1–2% | 24,654,694 |
加拿大 | 1–2% | 1–2% | 32,207,113 |
荷属安地列斯群岛 | 1% | 1% | 216,226 |
表格“葡语国家和领地”包括了把葡语作为官方语言和不作为官方语言的国家和地区(只列出葡语使用人口超过总人口1%的国家和地区)。这些数据是通过当地政府、学院、协会以及官方人口语言普查得到的(安哥拉— 1983年; 莫桑比克 — 1997年)。在西班牙的加利西亞自治區2和Vale do Xalima3也有人口使用葡语。但是这些数据不被包括在内,因为这种语言并没有被正式认为是葡语。
[编辑] 南美
[编辑] 欧洲
在欧洲,以葡萄牙语为第一语言的人口包括葡萄牙的1030万人和西班牙的290万人,同时也在受到葡萄牙影响的国家使用,包括超过10%人口的卢森堡和安道尔。 在比利時、法國、德國、澤西島及瑞士等地區也有大的葡萄牙語社群,但是因為葡萄牙往這些地方的移民減少的原因,某些地方的葡萄牙語使用者人數可能會減少。一個例外是盧森堡,葡萄牙語在盧森堡札下了根,大部分葡萄牙裔的盧森堡人可以說流利的葡萄牙語,當地有葡萄牙語廣播電台及電視台,在一些學校裡也教授葡萄牙語。2003年一月時,14.3%的盧森堡人口是葡萄牙裔。在西班牙也有些地方說葡萄牙語,特別是加利西亞(官方稱加利西亞當地的語言為加利西亞語)、Olivenca、Vale do Xalima(在當地稱為法拉語(Fala))。葡萄牙語也是歐洲十一個國家的選修學習語言(其中九個國家是歐盟成員)。
Most linguists have always recognized the unity of these linguistic varieties (for instance, Joan Corominas, Lindley Cintra, Coseriu), as they were once just the same language and both are relatively conservative varieties. However, in practice, they are normally treated as different languages by both populations mainly due to sociolinguistic factors. During the Middle Ages, Galician and Portuguese were undoubtedly the same language, nowadays known as Portuguese-Galician, a language used for poetic works even in Castile. The Galician deputies in the European Union Parliament, Jose Posada (1994–1999) and Camilo Nogueira (1999–2004), spoke in Portuguese and said that his language is already official in the EU, that is Portuguese. There are many Galician groups that demand the reunification of the language.
[编辑] 非洲
In sub-Saharan Africa, Portuguese is a growing language and is projected by UNESCO to be one of the most spoken languages within 50 years. As the populations of Angola and Mozambique continue to grow, their influence on Portuguese will becoming increasingly important. Angola and Mozambique, along with Sao Tome and Principe, Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau are known as the Paises Africanos de Lingua Oficial Portuguesa (Official Portuguese Language African Countries) or PALOP, forming a community of some 16 million speakers (9 million use it has first or only language, the rest are bilinguals, using the language daily). The Portuguese language especially grew in use after the independence of Portugal's former colonies. Independence movements from Guinea-Bissau to Mozambique saw it as an instrument to achieve their countries development and national unity. Portuguese is spoken and a learning language in Malawi, Namibia, Senegal, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. Spoken by 20% of the population of Namibia and by more than one million people in South Africa.
In the south of Senegal, known as Casamance, an active Portuguese creole community linked culturally and linguistically to Guinea-Bissau, learning the history and language of Portugal is popular, and people feel they are learning part of their own background, since they are desdendants of both Portuguese and Africans. A Portuguese creole linked to Sao Tome and Principe is the language of the island of Annobon, Equatorial Guinea.
In Angola, Portuguese is quickly becoming a national language rather than only an official language or a cohesion vehicle. By the census of 1983, in the capital, Luanda, Portuguese was the first language of 75% of a population of 2.5 million. In the entire country 60% of the 12.5 million inhabitants spoke Portuguese as their main spoken language . Most younger Angolans can only speak Portuguese. Angola receives several Portuguese and Brazilian televison stations. There are also many other native languages in Angola, some words from those languages have been borrowed by Portuguese, when the retornados returned to Portugal after Angola's independence. Words like ia (yes), bue (many) or bazar (going away), common in the young and urban Portuguese population have their origin in Angolan languages, used in Angolan Portuguese.
Mozambique is among the countries where the Portuguese has the status of official language, being spoken essentially as a second language. However, it is the main language in the cities. According to the Census of 1997, Portuguese speakers account for more than 40% of the population, this number rises to more than 72% in the urban areas. But only 9% consider Portuguese as their main language (26% in the cities). All the Mozambican writers write in Portuguese, it has become attached to the colour and texture of the Mozambican culture.
In Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau, the most widely spoken languages are Portuguese creoles known as Crioulos, and the informal use of the Portuguese language seems to decrease. Most Cape Verdians can also speak Standard Portuguese, used formally. There is some decreoulization due to education and the popularity of Portugal's national TV channels. The case is a bit different in Guinea-Bissau where, Portuguese and its Creole is spoken by more than 60% of the inhabitants, of which Portuguese itself is only spoken by 14%.
In Sao Tome and Principe, the Portuguese used by the population is an archaic Portuguese, known as Sao Tomean Portuguese, presenting many similarities with Brazilian Portuguese. Politicians and the upper classes use the modern European Portuguese variety, much like the other PALOP countries. Three different Portuguese creoles are also spoken in Sao Tome and Principe. Usually, Children can only speak Portuguese, because of their parents preference, and not because of school, by the time they are adults they usually have learned a Portuguese Creole known as Forro. But more than 50% of the population keeps using Portuguese informally and its use seems to increase. Almost all the population can speak Portuguese.
[编辑] 亚洲
In Malacca in Malaysia, there is a Portuguese creole known as Cristao or Papia Kristang still spoken by some of the Eurasian population. There are also active Portuguese creoles, especially in India and Sri Lanka. In Japan, Portuguese is spoken by Brazilians of Japanese descent, known as dekassegui, who number approximately 250,000 people.
In East Timor, the most spoken language is Tetum, an Austronesian language, but it has been heavily influenced by Portuguese. The reintroduction of Portuguese as an official language has caused suspicion and resentment among some younger East Timorese who have been educated under the Indonesian system, and do not speak it. Portuguese in East Timor is spoken by less than 20% of its population, mostly the elder generation, though this percentage is increasing as Portuguese is being taught to the younger generation and to interrested adults. East Timor asked the other CPLP nations to help it to reintroduce Portuguese as an official language. East Timor uses Portuguese to link itself to a larger international community and to differentiate itself from Indonesia. Xanana Gusmao, president of East Timor, believes that Portuguese will be widely spoken again within 10 years.
[编辑] 官方地位
The CPLP or Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries is an international organization consisting of the eight independent countries which have Portuguese as an official language. Portuguese is also an official language of the European Union, Mercosul and the African Union (one of the working languages) and one of the official languages of other organizations. Except for the Asian territories (East Timor and Macau), Portuguese is the sole official language in each country.
[编辑] 方言
Portuguese language speakers do not understand their dialects as "dialects", but as "accents" (Port. sotaques) or even pronunciation (Port. pronuncia), even if in different countries, but especially within the same. Mostly because the term "dialect" has been used to classify a language without prestige.
Standard European Portuguese has changed more than the other varieties. Still, all aspects and sounds of all Portuguese (nation) dialects can be found in some Brazilian (nation) dialect. African Portuguese especially Sao Tomean Portuguese has many similarities with Brazilian Portuguese, also Southern Portugal dialects presents many similarities, especially, the excessive use of the geround. In Europe, Alto-Minhoto and Transmontano are very similar to Galician.
Even with independence of the former African colonies, the standard Portuguese of Portugal is still the preferred standard for the African Portuguese countries. Thus, Portuguese has only two learning accent standards, the European and the Brazilian. Note that: in Portuguese there are four preferred accents: Coimbra's, Lisbon's, Rio de Janeiro's and Sao Paulo's and these four influence most other dialects.
- Caipira — not actually a particular regional dialect, this term roughly means "rustic" or "yokel" and is sometimes used to refer to the way people from the countryside or from some regions of agricultural background speak (eg. Goias, Minas Gerais); some people might find the term offensive
- Cearense — Ceara
- Baiano — Region of Bahia
- Fluminense (listen) — States of Rio de Janeiro and Espirito Santo (the city of Rio de Janeiro has a particular way of speaking)
- Gaucho — Rio Grande do Sul
- Mineiro — Minas Gerais
- Nordestino (listen) — northeastern states of Brazil (the interior area and Recife have particular ways of speaking)
- Nortista — Amazon Basin states
- Paulistano — 圣保罗市
- Sertao — States of Goias and Mato Grosso
- Sulista — 巴西南部
- Acoriano (听) — Azores
- Alentejano (听) — Alentejo
- Algarvio (听) — Algarve (there is a particular small dialect in the western area)
- Alto-Minhoto (听) — North of Braga (interior)
- Baixo-Beirao; Alto-Alentejano (listen) — Central Portugal (interior)
- Beirao (听) — central Portugal
- Estremenho (听) — Regions of Coimbra and Lisbon (can be subdivided in Lisbon Portuguese and Coimbra Portuguese)
- Madeirense (听) — Madeira
- Nortenho (听) — Regions of Braga and Porto
- Transmontano (听) Tras-os-Montes
- Benguelense — Benguela province
- Luandense (听) — Luanda province
- Sulista — South of Angola
- Caboverdiano (听) — 佛得角
- Guineense (听) — Guinea-Bissau
- Macaense (听) — Macau, China
- Mocambicano (听) — Mozambique
- Santomense (听) — Sao Tome and Principe
- Timorense (听) — East Timor
- Galician — Galiza, Spain
- 安哥拉: bazar, ir embora
- 巴西: ir embora, (or "vazar" as a slang);
- 葡萄牙: ir embora, (or bazar among teenagers);
- 葡萄牙: autocarro
- 巴西: onibus
- 安哥拉: machimbombo
slum quarter
- Angola: muceque
- Brazil: favela
- Portugal: bairro de lata
[编辑] Derived languages
Main article: Portuguese Creole
Portugal in the period of discoveries and colonization created a linguistic contact with native languages and people of the discovered lands and thus pidgins were formed. Until the 18th century, these Portuguese pidgins were used as Lingua Franca in Asia and Africa. Later, the Portuguese pidgins were expanded grammatically and lexically, as it became a native language. These creoles are spoken, mostly, by inter-racial communities (Portuguese people with natives).
Cape Verde:
- Crioulo Barlavento (Criol)
- Crioulo Sotavento (Kriolu)
Equatorial Guinea:
- Falar de Ano Bom
Guinea-Bissau and Senegal:
- Crioulo da Guine (Kriol)
- Creole of Diu
- Creole of Vaipim
- Kristi
- Lingua da Casa
Macau, China:
- Macaista
Malaysia, Singapore:
- Papia Kristang
Netherlands Antilles and Aruba:
- Papiamento
Sao Tome and Principe:
- Angolar
- Forro
- Lunguye
Sri Lanka:
- Burgher
- Saramacano
Some hybrid dialects came to exist after an interaction with Spanish:
- A Fala — Spain
- Barranquenho — Portugal
- Gallego — Spain (The official variety, Galicians name it "Castrapo")
- Portunol — Uruguai, Paraguai, Brazil and Argentina
[编辑] 字母
葡萄牙语字母 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A | a | B | b | C | c | D | d | E | e | F | f | G | g | H | h | I | i | J | j | K | k | L | l | M | m | N | n | O | o |
P | p | Q | q | R | r | S | s | T | t | U | u | V | v | W | w | X | x | Y | y | Z | z |
[编辑] Sounds
Main article: Portuguese sounds
发音" | 实例" | 意义" | 备注" |
[a] | la, rato, | 那里, 老鼠 | |
ramo, luva | 树枝, 手套 | 见于欧洲的葡萄牙语。在北葡萄牙、巴西等地,读如[a]或[a] | |
[ɛ] | cafe, festa, | 咖啡, 舞会 | |
voce, medo | 您 (敬称), 恐惧 | ||
[ɨ] | leite, levar | 乳汁, 拿取 | 见于欧洲的葡萄牙语。在巴西读如[i]或[e] |
[i] | idiota, milhao | 白痴, 百万 | |
no, moda | 结, 方式 | ||
[o] | avo, olho, | 祖父母, 眼睛 |
发音" | 实例" | 意义" | 备注" |
[ɐ̃] | irma, lancar | 姐妹, 开始 | 在北葡萄牙读如[ã] |
[ẽ] | lembrar, entao | 回忆, 然后 | |
[ĩ] | limbo, brincar | 分支, 玩耍 | |
[o] | limoes, montanha | 柠檬, 山 | |
[ũ] | um, untar | 一, 浸油 |
发音" | 实例" | 意义" | 备注" |
[j] | caixa, ideia | 盒子, 想法 | |
[w] | ao, mau | 到, 坏的 |
发音" | 实例" | 意义" | 备注" |
[b] | bola | 球 | |
tosta | 烤面包 | ||
[d] | dedo | 手指 | |
[k] | casa, aquilo | 房屋, 那、那个 | |
[f] | ferro | 铁 | |
[v] | vento | 风 | |
sapo, assado | 青蛙, roasted | ||
[z] | natureza, raso | 自然, 平均 | |
[ʃ] | cheque, xadrez | 检查, 棋 | |
jogo, gelo | 游戏, 冰 | ||
[l] | logo | 立即 | |
[ɫ] | Brasil | 巴西 | 见于欧洲的葡萄牙语。在巴西读如[w] |
[ʎ] | alho | 大蒜 | |
mar, tiro | 海, 开枪 | 在巴西,结尾的'r', 如在mar中的,有许多变读。 | |
[r] | rosa, carro | 玫瑰, 车 | 见于大多数地区,里斯本除外。 |
[ʀ] | rosa, carro | 玫瑰, 车 | 主要见于里斯本。 |
[m] | mapa | 地图 | |
numero | 数 | ||
[ɲ] | ninho | 巢 |
[编辑] 语法
Main articles: 葡萄牙语语法 — Personal pronouns — Verbs conjugation
Verbs are divided into three conjugations, which can be identified by looking at the infinitive ending, one of "-ar", "-er", "-ir" (and "-or", irregular verbs). Most verbs ends with "-ar", such as cantar (to sing). All verbs with the same ending follow the same patern.
In Portuguese, verbs are divided into moods:
- Imperative. Used to express a wish, command or advice
- Indicative. Used to express a fact
- Subjective. Used to express a wish or a possibility
All Portuguese nouns have one of two genders: masculine or inclusive and feminine or exclusive. Most adjectives and pronouns, and all articles indicate the gender of the noun they reference. The feminine gender in adjectives is formed in a different way to that in nouns. Most adjectives ending in a consonant remain unchanged: homem superior (superior man), mulher superior (superior woman). This is also true for adjectives ending in "e": homem forte(strong man), mulher forte(strong woman). Except for this, the noun and the adjective must always be in agreement.
[编辑] 词汇
Since Portuguese is a Romance language, most of the language comes from Latin. However, other languages that have come into contact with Portuguese have left their mark.
[编辑] Pre-Roman origin words
Very few traces of the native (Lusitanians, Conii, or Calicians) or pre-Roman settlers like the Phoenicians, Carthaginians or Celts lexicon persist in the language, but there are some exceptions, most are unconfirmed. Many places in Portugal, have pre-Roman names, such has the name of the cities of Braga and Coimbra and the rivers Minho and Tamega.
Native Iberian:
- Abobora (pumpkin)
- Bezerro (year-old calf)
- Louca (claw)
- Manteiga (butter)
- Sapo (frog)
- Cabana (hut)
- Cama (bed)
- Camisa (shirt)
- Carvalho(oak)
- Cerveja (beer)
- Touca (headress)
- Malha (mesh)
- Mapa (map)
- Saco (bag)
[编辑] From Latin to Portuguese
Portuguese, both in morphology and syntax, represents an organic transformation of Latin without the direct intervention of any foreign language. The sounds, grammatical forms, and syntactical types, with a few exceptions, are derived from Latin. And almost 90% of the vocabulary is still derived from the language of Rome. Some of the changes began during the Empire, others took place later. Since Portuguese was reinfluenced by it (reinfluence represented with 1), many original words are still familiar to Portuguese speakers.
N.B.: In the Latin examples below, we have used all-capitals so as to be in line with how the ancient language was actually written. Note also that the letter V was the vowel we know today as U, and that the C was always pronounced /k/, so CENTV was pronounced /kentu/ (the derived Cento in Portuguese is pronunced as /se~tu/).
Nasalization — A vowel before [m] and [n] has a tendency to become a nasal vowel, this occurs in many languages. In the case of Portuguese, it happened between the sixth and seventh centuries. This change sharply distinguishes Portuguese from Spanish, in which it did not occur.
- LVNA > l[ũ]a > Lua (moon).
Palatalization — Another assimilation occurs before the high vowels [i] and [e], or near the semi-vowel, or palatal [j].
- CENTV > [tj]ento > [ts]ento > cento, (hundred)
- FACERE > fa[tj]ere > fa[ts]er > fa[dz]er > fazer, (to do)
- A more ancient evolution was FORTIA > for[ts]a > forca (strength)
Elision — Simultaneous influence in a consonant by vowels, occurring a sintagmatic chain.
- DOLORE > door > dor (pain) — dolorido¹ (in pain)
- BONV > boo > bom, (good)
- ANELLV > aelo > elo (Ring) — Anel¹ (hand ring)
Voicing — some consonants did not disappear but rather evolved:
- MUTV > mudo (deaf)
- LACV > lago (lake)
- FABA > fava (broadbean)
Simplification of consonant clusters, especially doubled vowels, occurred:
- GVTTA > gota (drop)
- PECCARE > pecar (to sin)
Dissimilation — Modification of a sound by the influence of neighbouring sounds.
- Dissimilation between vowels:
- LOCVSTA > lagosta (lobster)
- CAMPANA > campaa > campa (tomb)
- Dissimilation between consonants:
- MEMORARE > nembrar > lembrar (to remember) — Memorizar¹ (to memorize)
- ANIMA > alma (soul) — Animado¹ (livened up)
- LOCALE > logar > lugar (place) — local¹ (place)
Some other alterations were semi-vowel metathesis: PRIMARIV becomes primeiro (Eng. first); consonant metathesis in [l] and [r] are rare in Portuguese (e.g. TENEBRAS > teevras > trevas, Eng. darkness); and epenthesis, where there is not a total assimilation by adding new sounds. Such as for wine: Vulgar Latin: VINO, medieval Portuguese Vi~o, Modern Portuguese (since 14th or 15th centuries): Vinho. However, the sound of medieval Portuguese is still alive in some Portuguese dialects of Brazil and Sao Tome and Principe. Another specially relevant shift was the loss of the intervocalic /l/ in a very large set of words, already described in the list above as an example of "elision" → e.g: SALIRE > sair; COLARE > coar; NOTVLA > nodoa, with the typical portuguese voicing of /t/ in /d/ (AMATVS > amado). Fewer words remaned unchanged, such as Taberna (tavern).
[编辑] Germanic origin words
The Germanic influence in Portuguese was small restricted to warfare and cloths used in war. The influence also exists in placenames such has Ermesinde and Esposende, where sinde and sende are derived from the Germanic "sinths" (military expedition).
- Barao (baron) from Germanic baro
- Ganhar (to win) from Germanic waidanjan
- Guerra (war) from Gothic *wirro
- Roubar (to rob) from Germanic raubon
- Saga (Saga) from Gothic saega
[编辑] Arabic origin words
Projections indicate 1000 Arabic loan words. In old Portuguese this represented 25% of the used lexicon, today its importance decreased has the language became richer and reinfluenced by Greek, Latin and other languages.
- Alcova (Alcove) from alkubba
- Aldeia (village) from aldaya
- Alface (lettuce) from alkhass
- Algarismo (algarism, number) from alkarizmi
- Almirante (admiral) from amir + ar-rahl
- Almofada (cushion) from almukhadda
- Ambar (amber) from anbar
- Armazem (warehouse) from almahazan (see "magazine")
- Arroz (rice) from arruz (loan from Greek oryza)
- Azeite (olive oil) from azzait
- Garrafa (bottle) from garrafa (see "caraff")
- Girafa (giraffe) from zurafa
- Jasmim (jasmin) from Persian jasamin
- Jarra (jar) from jarra
- Xadrez (Chess) from shatranj (loan from Sanscrit chaturanga)
- Xerife (sheriff) from sharif
[编辑] Asian, Amerindian and African origin Words
With the Portuguese discoveries a linguistic contact was made, and Portuguese language became influenced by other languages other than European or Arabic. Many placenames and local animals have Amerindian names in Brazil, in Angola and Mozambique, the same occurs with the local Bantu languages.
- Catana (cutlass) from Japanese Katana
- Cha (Tea), from Chinese cha
- Corja (rabble) from Malay korchchu
- Ramarrao (routinous sound), from Hindu Rama-Rama
- Manga (mango), from Malay mangga
- Ananas (a pineapple species) from Tupi-Guarani nana
- Abacaxi (another pineapple species) from Tupi iba + cati
- Jaguar (jaguar) from Tupi-Guarani jaguara
- Tatu (armadillo) from Guarani tatu
- Tucano (toucan) from Guarani tucan
Sub-saharan Africa:
- Banana (banana) from Wolof
- Bungular (to dance like African wizards) from Kimbundu kubungula
- Chimpanze (chimpanzee) from Bantu
- Cabiri (small domestic animal) from Kimbundu kabiribiri
- Cafune (affections made in the head) from Kimbundu kifumate
[编辑] Writing system
Main article: Portuguese alphabet
Portuguese is written using the Latin alphabet with 26 letters. Three of them (K, W and Y) are only used for non-Portuguese origin words, in terms like darwinismo (Darwinism, from English "Darwin"). It uses c and acute, grave, circumflex and tilde accents over vowels, as well as, in some forms and only in Brazil, diaeresis on a U as in linguistica (Linguistics, linguistica is used in the rest of the Portuguese speaking nations).
[编辑] Written varieties
Until the Ortographic Agreement is established, Portuguese has two written varieties, but Portuguese speakers prefer to name them as Padroes (Eng. Standards):
- European and African Portuguese
- Brazilian Portuguese
The differences between Brazilian Portuguese and European Portuguese varieties are in vocabulary, pronunciation and syntax, especially in popular varieties, while between upper-class Brazilians these differences ease largely. The differences are somewhat less than those between American English and British English.
Some apparent differences between the two varieties in lexicon are not really differences. In Brazil, the common term for carpet is tapete. And, in Portugal, alcatifa. However, many dialectal zones in Portugal uses tapete and other areas in Brazil uses alcatifa. This applies in almost all such apparent differences, except in the new terms, such as onibus in Brazil, that is Autocarro in Portugal.
Portugal/ Africa | Brazil | translation |
accao | acao | action |
contracto | contrato | contract |
direccao | direcao | direction |
electrico | eletrico | electric |
optimo | otimo | great |
In Brazil most first "c" when "cc", "cc" or "ct"; and "p" when "pc", "pc" or "pt" from the language were eliminated since they are not pronounced in the cultivated spoken language, a remnant from the language's Latin origin (some continue to exist in cultivated Brazilian Portuguese, some more in the European).
Also, there are differences in accent marks, due to:
- Different pronunciation. Brazil in words such as "Antonio" (Anthony) or "anonimo" (anonimous) uses close vowels, where Portugal and Africa uses open ones, "Antonio" or "anonimo", respectively. In the case of Africa, it is mostly due that the European Portuguese is preferred standard.
- Easy reading. Because "qu" can be read in two different ways in Portuguese: "ku" or "k", Brazil decided to facilitate it, using the diaeresis. Insted of "cinquenta" they write "cinquenta".
A Spelling Reform (Port. Reforma Ortografica), written in 1990, will create an International Portuguese Standard, and it was ratified by Brazil, Cape Verde and Portugal. East Timor, not an original subscriber, will ratify shortly along with Guinea-Bissau. East Timor was the biggest supporter for a fast implementation and pressured CPLP. The agreement's Implementation date is not yet set.
At first, the Agreement established that its entrance into practice would only occur when all the countries of the CPLP had ratified it. But the African countries of Portuguese language have not ratified, possibly due to problems in implementing it. In the CPLP’s summit of 26–27 July 2004, an adjustment will prompt implementation in Brazil, Cape Verde and Portugal and its use can also be done in the other countries. The agreement will eliminate most "c" when "cc", "cc" or "ct"; and "p" when "pc", "pc" or "pt" from European Portuguese, the dieresis and accent marks in words ending in "eia" in Brazil and added some new minor spelling rules. And will accept dual accentuation in words like anonimo or anonimo, now depending on a person's accent.
Another agreement was made for the new words that will enter in the language.
[编辑] 例子
- PT. - 標準葡萄牙語讀音
- BR. - 巴西發音
翻譯 | 詞彙 | 國際音標 | |
葡萄牙人(語) | português | PT. /purtu'geʃ/ BR. /portu'gejʃ/ | |
你好 | olá | /ɔ'la/ | |
再見 | adeus | PT. /ɐ'dewʃ/ BR. /a'dewʃ/ | |
請 | por favor | PT. /puɾ fɐ'voɾ/ BR. /poɾ fa'vo:/或/por fa'vor/ |
謝謝(男性用)、謝謝(女性用) | obrigado; obrigada | /obɾi'gadu/; PT. /obɾi'gadɐ/ BR. /obɾi'gada/ |
對不起 | desculpe | PT. /dɨʃkulpɨ/ BR. /diʃkulpi/ | |
那個 | aquele; aquela | PT. /ɐ'kelɨ/; /ɐ'kɛlɐ/ BR. /a'keli/; /a'kɛla/ |
多少錢? | quanto | /kwãtu/ | |
是 | sim | /sĩ/ | |
否 | não | /nãw̃/ | |
我不懂/不明白 | não entendo | /nãw̃ ẽtẽdu/ | |
廁所在哪裏? | PT. Onde fica o quarto de banho? BR. Onde fica o banheiro? |
PT. /õdɨ fikɐ u kwaɾtu dɨ baɲu/ |
乾杯! | à vossa!或Saúde! | PT. /a vosɐ/ BR. /a vosa/ | |
你講中文嗎? | Fala chinês? | PT. /falɐ/ BR. /fala/ |
[编辑] 參看
- List of tongue-twisters
- saudade — One of the ten non-English words that were voted hardest to translate in June 2004 by a British translation company
- English as she is spoke
- Portuguese in the United States
[编辑] 文學
Main articles: 葡語文學 — Camoens Prize
To English speakers, the most famous writer in the Portuguese language is the poet Luís Vaz de Camoes or Luís Vaz Camoens (1524–June 10, 1580), author of the epic poem, the Lusiad.
Several other authors and poets are also internationally known, such as: Eça de Queirós (1845–1900), the most famous Portuguese language novelist; Fernando Pessoa (1888—1935), one of the greatest poets in the language's history; Jorge Amado (1912—2001), a popular novelist; and José Saramago (born 1922) who was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1998.
[编辑] 註釋
- [1] First and Second with first language speakers, respectively. Only counting figures from countries in the table "Portuguese language countries and Territories". Considering second language speakers those people who are bilingual and use Portuguese as a second language.
- [2] Galicia is only included as a Portuguese language territory since many linguists understand both languages has being co-dialects. The government of Galicia regards Galician as a separate language.
- [3] A Fala is not recognized by the Spanish authorities to be a Portuguese dialect, although there have been attempts to consider it Galician, but the locals do not want to use the Galician orthography. A Fala differs very little from the neighbouring Portuguese dialect on the other side of the border, but it will probably be recognized (if it will be) as a separate language.
[编辑] 參看
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