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Alhirya - Wikipidiya



الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية
Al-Yumhūriyya al-Yazāiiriyya ad-Dīmuqrāţiyya ash-Sha`biyya
République algérienne démocratique et populaire
Alhirya Republika Runakapaq Runallaqtapas
Alhirya Alhirya
Unancha Wallqanqa
Llaqta qayanqillqa: Runallaqtap pachakutiynin runallaqtapaq
Llaqta taki: Kassaman
Situación de Alhirya
Uma Llaqta
 • Runakuna
 • Tinkurachina siwikuna
4.977.663 (2005)
36°47′ N 3°4′ E
Aswan hatun llaqta Alhir
Tukri simi Arabya simi¹
Kamachiy República democrática
Abdelaziz Bouteflika
Abdelaziz Belkhadem
 • Rimarisqa
Mama llaqtap hawan
 • Llapan hallka k'iti k'anchar
 • % yakukuna
Ñiqi: 11º
2.381.740 km²
6.343 km
998 km
 • Llapan
 • T'iqisqa kay
Ñiqi: 37º
32.531.853 (2005 est.)
14 hab./km²
Brutu ukhu hayt'uy (BUH) -
Llaqta ukhu hayt'uy (LUH)
 • Llapan (2005)
 • BUH, llapan runap
Ñiqi: 38º
US$ 232.692 millones
US$ 7.095
HDI -Runa kururay rikuchiq- (2005) 0.704 (105º) – medio
Kañina Dinar argelino (DZD)
Runa llaqtap sutin Argelino, -na
Pacha suyu UTC+1
Internet tuyru .dz
Karu rimay tuyru +213
Ankichiy tuyru 7RA-7RZ, 7TA-7YZ
ISO tuyru 012 / DZA / DZ
Kaypi wankurisqa: ONU, UA, OPEP, Liga de Estados Árabes

¹ huk rimaykuna: Birbir simikuna (Kabilya simi), Phransya simi

Alhirya icha Arhilya Afrikapi mama llaqtam.


[allichay] Allpa saywachi

[allichay] Chiriqunuy

[allichay] Flora Faunapas

[allichay] Runakuna

[allichay] Wiñay kawsay

[allichay] Pulitika Rakiy

[allichay] Hatun llaqtakuna

Llaqtakuna (Alhirya)
' Llaqta' Runakuna Pruwinsya
Transkription arabisch 1977 1987 1998 2005
1. Algier الجزائر 1.523.000 1.507.241 1.519.570 1.518.083 Algier
2. Oran وهران 491.901 628.558 692.516 771.066 Oran
3. Constantine قسنطينة 345.566 443.727 462.187 507.224 Constantine
4. Annaba عنابة 255.938 305.526 348.554 383.504 Annaba
5. Batna باتنة 102.756 181.601 242.514 317.206 Batna
6. Blida البليدة 136.033 170.935 226.512 264.598 Blida
7. Sétif سطيف 129.754 170.182 211.859 246.379 Sétif
8. Ech Cheliff ولاية الشلف 75.864 129.976 179.768 235.062 Chlef
9. El Djelfa الجلفة 47.435 84.207 154.265 221.231 Djelfa
10. Sidi bel Abbès سيدي بلعباس 112.998 152.778 180.260 208.498 Sidi bel Abbès
11. Biskra بسكرة 90.471 128.281 170.956 207.987 Biskra
12. Tébessa تبسة 61.063 107.559 153.246 203.922 Tebessa
13. Tiaret تيارت 53.277 95.821 145.332 198.213 Tiaret
14. Ouargla ورقلة 42.098 81.721 129.402 183.238 Ouargla
15. Bejaia بجاية 73.960 114.534 147.076 182.131 Bejaia
16. Skikda سكيكدة 91.395 128.747 152.335 178.687 Skikda
17. Tlemcen تلمسان 109.408 126.882 155.162 172.540 Tlemcen
18. Bordj Bou Arreridj برج بو عريريج 54.505 84.264 128.535 167.230 Bordj Bou Arreridj
19. Béchar بشار 72.790 107.311 131.010 157.430 Béchar
20. Medea ولاية المدية 57.828 84.792 123.535 155.852 Medea
21. Touggourt تقورت 42.519 70.645 113.625 153.624 Wargla
22. Jijel جيجل 35.065 62.793 106.003 148.901 Jijel
23. Souq Ahras سوق أهراس 52.144 83.015 115.882 148.328 Souk Ahras
24. Mostaganem مستغانم 85.059 114.037 124.399 140.252 Mostaganem
25. M'Sila المسيلة 33.642 65.805 99.855 140.048 M'Sila
26. El Eulma العلمة 41.564 67.933 105.130 139.808 Sétif
27. Khenchela خنشلة 44.223 69.743 106.082 138.754 Khenchela
28. Saida سعيدة 55.855 80.825 110.865 136.856 Saida
29. Ain Oussera عين وسارة 17.173 44.270 82.435 134.174 Djelfa
30. El Oued الوادي 47.173 72.065 104.801 133.933 El Oued
31. Guelma قالمة 56.106 77.821 108.734 133.127 Guelma
32. Ghardaia غرداية 70.508 89.415 110.724 127.172 Ghardaia
33. Relizane غليزان 55.450 80.091 104.285 126.794 Relizane
34. Laghouat الأغواط 40.156 67.214 96.342 126.291 Laghouat
35. Bordj el Kiffan برج الكيفان 46.590 61.035 98.135 122.875 Algier
36. Bou Saâda بو سعدة 46.760 66.688 97.031 121.301 M'Sila
37. Bab Ezzouar باب الزوار 7.100 55.211 92.200 115.444 Algier
38. Messaad مسعد 19.885 47.460 75.533 114.625 Djelfa
39. Barika بريكة 26.315 56.488 80.618 114.547 Batna
40. Ain el Beida عين البيضاء 42.578 61.997 90.560 114.107 Oum el Bouaghi
41. El Chroub الخروب 14.962 42.261 65.344 103.995 Constantine

[allichay] Yachay tarpuy

[allichay] Karu puriy

[allichay] Yachay

[allichay] Yachaychiy

[allichay] Musiku

[allichay] Apaykachana

[allichay] Paqarisqa runakuna

[allichay] Iñi

[allichay] Hawa t'inkikuna

Kay qillqasqaqa ancha huch'uyllam kachkan. Wikipidiyata yanapayta munaptiyki hatarichinam atichkan
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