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Yezhoù indezeuropek - Wikipedia

Yezhoù indezeuropek

Diwar Wikipedia, an holloueziadur digor

Image:32px-Labour_zo.png Labour zo d'ober c'hoazh a-raok peurechuiñ ar pennad-mañ. Ma fell deoc'h reiñ un tamm skoazell, krogit e-barzh. Mar karfec'h reiñ hoc'h ali ha netra ken, grit 'ta e pajenn ar gaozeadenn.

Orange: countries with a majority of speakers of IE languagesYellow: countries with an IE minority language with official status
Orange: countries with a majority of speakers of IE languages
Yellow: countries with an IE minority language with official status

Ur familh-yezhoù eo ar yezhoù indezeuropek, ennañ 449 yezh (hervez SIL International/Ethnologue) komzet en Europa dreist-holl met ivez en Azia ha Norzhamerika.

Ar familh se a gaoud an hevelep kentyezh : an indez-europeg.

about half (219) belonging to the Indo-Aryan sub-branch.including most of the major languages of Europe, as well as many spoken in the Indian subcontinent (South Asia), Southwest Asia and Central Asia.

Indo-European has the largest numbers of speakers of the recognised families of languages in the world today, with its languages spoken by approximately 3 billion native speakers.

Contemporary languages in this family with more than 100 million native speakers each include Hindi, Spanish, English, Portuguese, Bengali, Russian, French, German and Punjabi

Setu penaos e vez renket ar yezhoù er familh-mañ hervez Ethnologue ([1])

      • Central zone (76)
        • Bhil (19)
        • Dom (1)
        • Gujarati (9)
        • Khandesi (3)
        • Panjabi (1)
        • Powari [pwr] (India)
        • Rajasthani (18)
        • Romani (7)
        • Unclassified (5)
        • Western Hindi (12)
      • East Central zone (5)
        • Awadhi [awa] (India)
        • Bagheli [bfy] (India)
        • Dhanwar [dha] (India)
        • Hindustani, Fijian [hif] (Fiji)
        • Chhattisgarhi [hne] (India)
      • Eastern zone (42)
        • Bengali-Assamese (16)
        • Bihari (12)
        • Oriya (8)
        • Unclassified (6)
      • Northern zone (21)
        • Central Pahari (1)
        • Eastern Pahari (2)
        • Garhwali (1)
        • Western Pahari (17)
      • Northwestern zone (39)
        • Dardic (27)
        • Lahnda (7)
        • Sindhi (5)
      • Nuristani (6)
        • Ashkun [ask] (Afghanistan)
        • Kati [bsh] (Afghanistan)
        • Prasuni [prn] (Afghanistan)
        • Tregami [trm] (Afghanistan)
        • Waigali [wbk] (Afghanistan)
        • Kamviri [xvi] (Afghanistan)
        • Sanskrit [san] (India)
      • Sinhalese-Maldivian (3)
        • Maldivian [div] (Maldives)
        • Sinhala [sin] (Sri Lanka)
        • Veddah [ved] (Sri Lanka)
      • Southern zone (12)
        • Konkani (7)
        • Marathi [mar] (India)
        • Unclassified (4)
      • Unclassified (13)
        • Chinali [cih] (India)
        • Dhanwar [dhw] (Nepal)
        • Darai [dry] (Nepal)
        • Kanjari [kft] (India)
        • Kumhali [kra] (Nepal)
        • Lohar, Lahul [lhl] (India)
        • Memoni [mby] (Pakistan)
        • Mina [myi] (India)
        • Od [odk] (Pakistan)
        • Pali [pli] (India)
        • Tippera [tpe] (Bangladesh)
        • Usui [usi] (Bangladesh)
        • Vaagri Booli [vaa] (India)
      • Iranian (87)
        • Eastern (14)
        • Northeastern (3)
        • Southeastern (11)
        • Unclassified (1)
          • Tangshewi [tnf] (Afghanistan)
        • Western (72)
          • Northwestern (54)
          • Southwestern (18)
          • Unclassified (2)
            • Badeshi [bdz] (Pakistan)
        • Romanian [ron] (Romania)
        • Romanian, Istro [ruo] (Croatia)
        • Romanian, Macedo [rup] (Greece)
        • Romanian, Megleno [ruq] (Greece)
      • Italo-Western (38)
        • Italo-Dalmatian (6)
        • Western (32)
      • Southern (5)
        • Corsican (1)
        • Sardinian (4)
      • Belarusan [bel] (Belarus)
      • Rusyn [rue] (Ukraine)
      • Russian [rus] (Russia (Europe))
      • Ukrainian [ukr] (Ukraine)
    • Yezhoù ar su
      • Yezhoù ar reter
      • Bulgarian [bul] (Bulgaria)
      • Slavonic, Old Church [chu] (Russia (Europe))
      • Macedonian [mkd] (Macedonia)
      • Yezhoù ar c'hornôg
      • Bosnian [bos] (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
      • Croatian [hrv] (Croatia)
      • Slovenian [slv] (Slovenia)
      • Serbian [srp] (Serbia and Montenegro)
    • Yezhoù ar c'hornôg
      • Czech-Slovak (3)
        • Czech [ces] (Czech Republic)
        • Knaanic [czk] (Czech Republic)
        • Slovak [slk] (Slovakia)
      • Lechitic (3)
        • Kashubian [csb] (Poland)
        • Polish [pol] (Poland)
        • Polabian [pox] (Germany)
      • Sorbian (2)
        • Sorbian, Lower [dsb] (Germany)
        • Sorbian, Upper [hsb] (Germany)

Static Wikipedia 2008 (March - no images)

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Static Wikipedia 2007 (no images)

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