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10 Æfterra Gēola - Wikipedia

10 Æfterra Gēola

Fram Wikipedian

10 Æfterra Gēola is se tēoða dæg þæs gēares on þǣre Gregoriscan gerīmbēc. Heonan sind 355 belīfendra daga (356 in hlīepgēarum).

Stǣrlice gemynddagas
Gēolmōnaþ · Æfterra Gēola · Solmōnaþ

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31


[ādihtan] Belimpas

  • 49 BC - Iulius Cāsare crosses the Rubicon which signalled ingefeohte.
  • 1072 - Robert Guiscard conquers Palermo.
  • 1776 - Thomas Paine publishes Common Sense.
  • 1806 - Niðerlandisc folc in Cape Town surrender to the British.
  • 1810 - Se gaderscipe Napoleones and Josephinan, his bearnlēas ǣrost wīf, is forboden.
  • 1861 - Florida oflǣteþ of þǣm Geānlǣhtan Underrīcum.
  • 1863 - The first section of the London Underground Railway opens (Paddington to Farringdon Street).
  • 1870 - John D. Rockefeller incorporates Standard Oil.
  • 1901 - The first great Texas gusher, oil discovered at Spindletop in Beaumont, Texas.
  • 1920 - League of Nations holds its first meeting and ratifies the Treaty of Versailles ending Ǣrest Woruldgūþ.
  • 1922 - Arthur Griffith is gecoren Foresittend of the Irish Free State.
  • 1923 - Liþuania seizes and annexes Memel.
  • 1927 - The film Metropolis by Fritz Lang premiers.
  • 1929 - Tintin, a comic book character created by Hergē, makes his debut. He went on to be published in over 200 million comic books in 40 languages.
  • 1941 - Lend-Lease is introduced into the U.S. Congress.
  • 1946 - Ǣrost General Assembly þāra Geānlǣhtan Þēoda.
  • 1957 - Harold Macmillan wierþ Fyrmestscealc þæs Geānlǣhtan Cynerīces.
  • 1969 - After 147 years, the last issue of the Saturday Evening Post is published.
  • 1971 - Masterpiece Theatre debuts on PBS.
  • 1984 - Þā Geānlǣhtan Underrīcu and sēo Vatican establish full diplomatic relations.
  • 1989 - Cuban troops onginnaþ withdrawing from Angola.
  • 1990 - Time Warner is formed from the merger of Time Inc. and Warner Communications Inc.
  • 1994 - Lorena Bobbitt goes on trial for severing the penis of her husband John (Manassas, Virginia).
  • 2000 - America Online announces an agreement to buy Time Warner for $162 billion, the largest corporate merger in history.

[ādihtan] Byrda

  • 1769 - Michel Ney, Frencisc marshall (d. 1815)
  • 1843 - Frank James, Americisc ūtlaga (d. 1915)
  • 1849 - Francisco Ferrer Guardia, Spēonisc free-thinker (d. 1909)
  • 1858 - Heinrich Zille, Þēodisc illustrator and photographer (d. 1929)
  • 1873 - George Orton, Canadisc athlete (d. 1958)
  • 1883 - Francis X. Bushman, Americanisc actor (d. 1966)
  • 1883 - Aleksei Tolstoy, wrītere (d. 1945)
  • 1887 - Robinson Jeffers, Americanisc poet (d. 1962)
  • 1899 - Axel Eggelbrecht, journalist (d. 1991)
  • 1904 - Ray Bolger, Americanisc actor, sangere, sealmere (d. 1987)
  • 1917 - Hilde Krahl, actress (d. 1999)
  • 1917 - Jerry Wexler, Americansc record producer
  • 1923 - Benson Skoff, clergyman
  • 1921 - Rodger Ward, Americanisc auto racer, two-time Indianapolis 500 winner (d. 2004)
  • 1923 - Ingeborg Drewitz, wrītere (d. 1986)
  • 1925 - Max Roach, drummer, composer
  • 1927 - Gisele MacKenzie, Canadisc sangestre (d. 2003)
  • 1927 - Johnnie Ray, Americanisc sangere (d. 1990)
  • 1927 - Otto Stich, Swiss politician
  • 1930 - Roy Edward Disney, Americanisc film executive
  • 1931 - Viktor Liebermann, violinist (d. 1999)
  • 1935 - Sherrill Milnes, Americanisc baritone
  • 1936 - Stephen Ambrose, Americanisc stǣrmann (d. 2002)
  • 1936 - Robert Wilson, Americanisc physicist, radio astronomer
  • 1938 - Donald Knuth, Americanisc mathematician, computer scientist
  • 1938 - Willie McCovey, Americanisc Baseball Hall of Famer
  • 1939 - Bill Toomey, Americanisc track and field athlete
  • 1939 - Sal Mineo, Americanisc actor (d. 1976)
  • 1939 - William Levy, wrītere
  • 1943 - Jim Croce, Americisc sangere (d. 1973)
  • 1945 - Rod Stewart, Englisc sangere
  • 1948 - Donald Fagen, Americisc keyboardist
  • 1948 - Teresa Graves, Americisc actress, singer (d. 2002)
  • 1949 - George Foreman, boxer
  • 1949 - James Lapine, Americisc stage director
  • 1949 - Linda Lovelace, pornographic film actress (d. 2002)
  • 1953 - Pat Benatar, Polisc-Americanisc sangere
  • 1953 - Bobby Rahal, Americanisc automobile racer
  • 1955 - Michael Schenker, Þēodisc guitar player of UFO and solo career
  • 1956 - Shawn Colvin, sangere
  • 1973 - Ryan Drummond, voice actor, comedian, radio host at seaworld

[ādihtan] Dēaðas

  • 681 - Pāpa Agatho
  • 1276 - Pāpa Gregory X
  • 1778 - Carolus Linnaeus, Swēonisc botanist (b. 1707)
  • 1862 - Samuel Colt, Americanisc inventor (b. 1814)
  • 1917 - William F. Cody, Americanisc frontiersman (b. 1846)
  • 1934 - Marinus van der Lubbe, Niðerlandisc communist, accused of Reichstag fire (b. 1909)
  • 1941 - Joe Penner, comedian, actor
  • 1951 - Sinclair Lewis, Americanisc writer (b. 1885)
  • 1961 - Dashiell Hammett, Americanisc writer (b. 1894)
  • 1970 - Pavel Belyayev, cosmonaut (b. 1925)
  • 1971 - Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel, Frencisc fashion designer (b. 1883)
  • 1976 - Howlin' Wolf, Americanisc musician (b. 1910)
  • 1980 - George Meany, Americanisc labor leader (b. 1894)
  • 1981 - Katherine Alexander, Americanisc actress (b. 1898)
  • 1981 - Richard Boone, Americanisc actor (b. 1917)
  • 1981 - Fawn M. Brodie, Americanisc historian (b. 1915)
  • 1987 - Sir David Robinson, Britisc philanthropist and entrepreneur (b. 1904)
  • 1997 - Sheldon Leonard, Americanisc producer, actor, director
  • 2000 - Sam Jaffe, Americanisc producer (b. 1901)
  • 2004 - Spalding Gray, Americanisc actor, screenwriter, and monologue artist (b. 1941)

[ādihtan] Symbeldagas and observances

9 Æfterra Gēola - 11 Æfterra Gēola - 10 Gēolmōnaþ - 10 Solmōnaþ -- Getalu ealra daga

Mōnþas þæs gēares
Se æfterra Gēola | Solmōnaþ | Hrēþmōnaþ | Ēastermōnaþ | Þrimilcemōnaþ | Sēremōnaþ | Mǣdmōnaþ | Wēodmōnaþ | Hāligmōnaþ | Winterfylleþ | Blōtmōnaþ | Gēolmōnaþ

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