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Sēremōnaþ, ēac Midsumermōnaþ gehāten, is se sixta mōnaþ þæs gēares in þǣre Gregoriscan gerīmbēc, and hæfþ 30 daga. In nīwum Englisce is Sēremōnaþ June gehāten, and wæs genemnod for þǣre Rōmāniscan gydenne Juno, Iofes wīfe.
[ādihtan] Gelimpas in Sēremōnþe
- Se sunstede gelimpþ ymbe þone 21an þisses mōnþes, þēah þe hē gelimpe hwæðer on þǣm 20an oþþe on þǣm 22an. Hē is se sumor sunstede in þǣre norþlican woruldhealfe and se winter sunstede in þǣre sūþlican woruldhealfe.
- Se forma Mōnandæg in Sēremōnaþ is ān þāra Folclicra Symbeldaga in þǣre Cynewīsan Īrlandes and in þǣre Īriscan gerīmbēc hātte se mōnaþ Meitheamh and is se middla mōnaþ þǣre sumora tīde.
- Midsumor is gefrēolsod in Swēolande on þǣm þriddan Frīgedæges in Sēremōnþe.
- Fæderes Dæg is gefrēolsod in Belgium on þǣm ōðerum Sunnandæge Sēremōnaþes and in þǣm Geānlǣhtum Rīcum, þǣm Geānlǣhtan Cynerīce, þǣm Niðerland, and Canadan on þǣm þriddan Sunnandæge Sēremōnaþes.
- Mǣst þæs Portlandes Rōsanfrēolses gelimpþ
- Nān ōðer mōnaþ onginnþ on þǣm selfan dæge þǣre wuce swā Sēremōnaþ.
- Sēremōnþes blōstm is sēo rose.
- Sēremōnþes gebyrdstān is þæt meregrot.
Mōnþas þæs gēares