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6 Æfterra Gēola - Wikipedia

6 Æfterra Gēola

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6 Æfterra Gēola is se siexta dæg þæs gēares on þǣre Gregoriscan gerīmbēc. Heonan sind 359 belīfendra daga (360 in hlīepgēarum).

Stǣrlice gemynddagas
Gēolmōnaþ · Æfterra Gēola · Solmōnaþ

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[ādihtan] Belimpas

  • 1066 - Harold Godwinson crowned cyning Englalandes
  • 1205 - Philip Swabian wierþ Cyning þǣm Rōmānan
  • 1540 - Cyning Henry VIII Englalandes beweddaþ Anne of Cleves.
  • 1661 - The fifth monarchy men unsuccessfully attempt to seize control of London.
  • 1690 - Joseph, son of Emperor Leopold I wierþ Cyning þǣm Rōmānan
  • 1720 - The Committee of Inquiry on the South Sea Bubble publishes its findings
  • 1838 - Samuel Morse first successfully tested the electrical telegraph.
  • 1870 - The inauguration of the Musikverein (Vienna).
  • 1900 - It is reported that millions are starving in India.
  • 1900 - Boers attack Ladysmith - over 1000 people killed
  • 1907 - Maria Montessori opens her first school and daycare center for working class children in Rome.
  • 1912 - New Mexico is admitted as the 47th U.S. state.
  • 1930 - The first diesel-engine automobile trip is completed (Indianapolis, Indiana, to Nīweoforwicburg).
  • 1929 - Cyning Alexander Iugoslavian suspends his country's constitution (the so-called January 6th Dictatorship, Šestojanuarska diktatura.)
  • 1931 - Thomas Edison submits his last patent application.
  • 1936 - Supreme Court of the United States rules the 1933 Agricultural Adjustment Act unconstitutional in the case United States v. Butler et al.; Porky Pig premieres
  • 1940 - Mass execution of Poles, committed by Þēodisc here in the city of Poznan, Warthegau.
  • 1941 - Franklin Delano Roosevelt delivers his Four Freedoms Speech in the State of the Union Address.
  • 1942 - Pan American Airlines becomes the first commercial airline to have a flight go around the world.
  • 1946 - William Joyce (Lord Haw-Haw) hanged for treason
  • 1950 - Se Geanlǣhtan Cȳnedōm recognizes the People's Republic of China. The Republic of China severs diplomatic relations with Britain in response.
  • 1967 - United States Marine Corps and ARVN troops launch "Operation Deckhouse Five" in the Mekong River delta.
  • 1973 - Schoolhouse Rock premieres
  • 1975 - The American soap opera Another World becomes the first daytime drama to air hour-long regularly scheduled episodes.
  • 1982 - William Bonin convicted of being the "freeway killer".
  • 1992 - The United Nations Security Council votes unanimously condemning Israel's treatment of Palestinians.
  • 1994 - Nancy Kerrigan is clubbed on the right leg by an assailant under orders from figure skating rival Tonya Harding.
  • 1995 - A chemical fire in an apartment complex in Manila, Philippines leads to the discovery of plans for Project Bojinka, a mass-terrorist attack.
  • 1998 - The Lunar Prospector spacecraft is launched into orbit around the moon and later found evidence for frozen water on the moon's surface.
  • 1999 - Bob Newhart receives a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
  • 2001 - Al Gore, swā Foresittend þæs U.S. Senates, tallies the electoral votes and certifies George W. Bush swā the winner of U.S. presidential election, 2000.

[ādihtan] Byrda

  • 1367 - Cyning Richard II Englalandes (d. 1400)
  • 1412 - Joan of Arc, Frencisc Roman Catholic hālga (d. 1431)
  • 1587 - Gaspar de Guzman, Count of Olivares, Duke of San Lucar (d. 1645)
  • 1787 - Gaspard Thēodore Ignace de la Fontaine, Luxembourg polititian
  • 1822 - Heinrich Schliemann, Þēodisc archaeologist (d. 1890)
  • 1832 - Gustave Dorē, Frencisc painter and sculptor (d. 1883)
  • 1838 - Max Bruch, Þēodisc composer (d. 1920)
  • 1872 - Alexander Scriabin, Russisc composer (d. 1915)
  • 1878 - Carl Sandburg, Americanisc poet, historian (d. 1967)
  • 1880 - Tom Mix, Americanisc actor (d. 1940)
  • 1881 - Sam Rayburn, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives (d. 1961)
  • 1882 - Fan S. Noli, Albanian bishop, poet and political figure (d. 1965)
  • 1883 - Khalil Gibran, Lebanese poet, painter, novelist (d. 1931)
  • 1898 - James Fitzmaurice, Irisc aviation pioneer (d. 1965)
  • 1902 - Max Güde, attorney (d. 1984)
  • 1903 - Maurice Abravanel, Greek-born Swiss conductor (d. 1993)
  • 1913 - Loretta Young, Americanisc actress (d. 2000)
  • 1914 - Danny Thomas, Americanisc singer, actor, comedian (d. 1991)
  • 1920 - Early Wynn, Americanisc Baseball Hall of Famer
  • 1920 - Sun Myung Moon, Corisc evangelist
  • 1921 - Louis Harris, pollster
  • 1923 - Jacobo Timerman, Argentine writer (d. 1999)
  • 1924 - Earl Scruggs, bluegrass performer
  • 1925 - John De Lorean, Americanisc auto maker
  • 1931 - E. L. Doctorow, Americanisc author
  • 1931 - Dickie Moore, Canadisc ice hockey player
  • 1931 - Capucine, Frencisc actress (d. 1990)
  • 1933 - Emil Steinberger, cabaretist
  • 1933 - Oleg_Makarov, cosmonaut (d. 2003)
  • 1943 - Terry Venables, Englisc football (soccer) manager
  • 1944 - Bonnie Franklin, Americanisc actress
  • 1946 - Syd Barrett, Englisc guitarist and singer
  • 1951 - Kim Wilson, rock musician
  • 1953 - Malcolm Young, Englisc guitarist
  • 1954 - Anthony Minghella, Britisc director
  • 1955 - Rowan Atkinson, Englisc comedian, actor
  • 1957 - Nancy Lopez, Americanisc golfer
  • 1959 - Kathy Sledge, sangestre
  • 1960 - Nigella Lawson, Bryttisc celebrity chef, writer
  • 1960 - Howie Long, Americanisc football star
  • 1964 - Henry Maske, Þēodisc world champion boxer
  • 1966 - Fernando Carrillo, Venezuelan actor
  • 1968 - John Singleton, Americanisc director and writer
  • 1970 - Julie Chen, Americanisc television presenter and newsreader
  • 1976 - Danny Pintauro, Americanisc actor

[ādihtan] Dēaðas

  • 1840 - Fanny Burney, Englisc novelist and diarist (b. 1752)
  • 1852 - Louis Braille, Frencisc teacher, developed writing system for the blind (b. 1809)
  • 1884 - Gregor Johann Mendel, the father of genetics,
  • 1918 - Georg Cantor, Þēodisc mathematician (b. 1845)
  • 1919 - Theodore Roosevelt, 26a Foresittend þǣra Geānlǣhtra Underrīca (b. 1858)
  • 1928 - Alvin Kraenzlein, Americanisc athlete
  • 1937 - Brother Andre, Canadisc religious figure (b. 1845)
  • 1942 - Henri de Baillet-Latour, Belgian IOC president
  • 1949 - Victor Fleming, Americanisc director (b. 1883)
  • 1981 - A.J. Cronin, Scottisc writer (b. 1896)
  • 1993 - Rudolf Nureyev, Russisc ballet dancer (b. 1938)
  • 1993 - Dizzy Gillespie, Americanisc jazz trumpeter (b. 1917)
  • 2000 - Don Martin, Americanisc cartoonist (b. 1931)
  • 2004 - Charles Dumas, Americanisc high jumper

[ādihtan] Symbeldagas and observances

  • Se twelfta dæg Crīstesmæssan in westernum Crīstendōme.
  • Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy - Sweotolungdæg þæs Hlafordes in Crīstendōme, ēac gehaten Þrēo Cyninga Dæg and "Twelfta Dæg Crīstesmæsse".
  • Ancient Latvia - Zvaigznes Diena observed
  • In the Irish Calendar- Little Christmas or "Women's Christmas" and/or Twelfth Day.
  • Rastafarianism - Celebration of the ceremonial birthday of Haile Selassie
  • Armenisc Crīstesmæsse

5 Æfterra Gēola - 7 Æfterra Gēola - 6 Gēolmōnaþ - 6 Solmōnaþ -- Getalu ealra daga

Mōnþas þæs gēares
Se æfterra Gēola | Solmōnaþ | Hrēþmōnaþ | Ēastermōnaþ | Þrimilcemōnaþ | Sēremōnaþ | Mǣdmōnaþ | Wēodmōnaþ | Hāligmōnaþ | Winterfylleþ | Blōtmōnaþ | Gēolmōnaþ

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