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अफ्रीकी संघ - विकिपीडिया

अफ्रीकी संघ

विकिपीडिया, एक मुक्त ज्ञानकोष से

{{{common_name}}} का ध्वज
[[Flag of {{{common_name}}}|ध्वज]]
Location of {{{common_name}}}
[[Demographics of {{{common_name}}}|(and largest city)]]
आधिकारिक भाषाएं {{{official_languages}}}
सरकार {{{government_type}}}
 - Chairman Jakaya Kikwete
 - Commission Chairperson Jean Ping
 - as the OAU May 25 1963 
 - as the African Union July 9 2002 
 - कुल {{{area}}} km² (1st1)
{{{areami²}}} sq mi 
 - 2005 अनुमान 850 million ({{{population_estimate_rank}}})
 - जन घनत्व {{{population_density}}}/km² (177th1)
{{{population_densitymi²}}}/sq mi
GDP (PPP) 2003 अनुमान
 - कुल US$ 1.515 Trillion (16th1)
 - प्रति व्यक्ति $1,896 ([[List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita|]])
GDP (nominal) 2003 अनुमान
 - कुल $514 billion ([[List of countries by GDP (nominal)|]])
 - Per capita $643 ([[List of countries by GDP (nominal) per capita|]])
समय जो़न {{{time_zone}}} (UTC-1 to +4)
Internet TLD {{{cctld}}}

साँचा:Spoken Wikipedia-4 साँचा:Life in the African Union The African Union (AU) is an intergovernmental organization consisting of fifty-three African states. Established in 2001, the AU was formed as a successor to the amalgamated African Economic Community (AEC) and the Organization of African Unity (OAU). Eventually, the AU aims to have a single currency (the Afro) and a single integrated defense force, as well as other institutions of state, including a cabinet for the AU Head of State. The purpose of the union is to help secure Africa's democracy, human rights, and a sustainable economy, especially by bringing an end to intra-African conflict and creating an effective common market.


[संपादित करें] Membership

मुख्य लेख: Enlargement of the African Union
Map of the African Union.
Map of the African Union.
वर्तमान सदस्य

{{ {{{1}}}

alias = अल्जीरिया shortname alias = अल्जीरिया flag alias = Flag of Algeria.svg देश नाम = अल्जीरिया size = name = variant = sport =

Flag of the Republic of the Congo कॉन्गो
{{ {{{1}}}

alias = मिस्र shortname alias = मिस्र flag alias = Flag of Egypt.svg देश नाम = मिस्र size = name =


{{ {{{1}}}

alias = लीबिया flag alias = Flag of Libya.svg flag alias-1951 = Flag of Libya (1951).svg flag alias-naval = Naval Ensign of Libya.svg link alias-naval = Libyan Navy size = name = altlink = variant =

{{ {{{1}}}

alias = मौरिशियाना flag alias = Flag of Mauritania.svg size = name = altlink =


{{ {{{1}}}

alias = सूडान flag alias = Flag of Sudan.svg flag alias-1956 = Flag of Sudan (1956-1970).svg size = name = altlink = variant =

{{ {{{1}}}

alias = ट्यूनीशिया flag alias = Flag of Tunisia.svg size = name = altlink =


Former members

Flag of मोरोक्को मोरोक्को left the AU's predecessor (the Organization of African Unity) in 1984; See below.

[संपादित करें] Organs of the AU

The African Union has a number of official bodies:

Pan-African Parliament (PAP) 
To become the highest legislative body of the African Union. The seat of the PAP is at Midrand, South Africa. The Parliament is composed of 265 elected representatives from all fifty-three AU states, and intended to provide popular and civil-society participation in the processes of democratic governance. The current President of the Pan African Parliament is Gertrude Mongella of Tanzania.
Assembly of the African Union 
Composed of heads of state and heads of government of AU states, the Assembly is currently the supreme governing body of the African Union. It is gradually devolving some of its decision-making powers to the Pan African Parliament. It meets once a year and makes its decisions by consensus or by a two-thirds majority. The current Chairman of the Assembly is Jakaya Kikwete, president of Tanzania.
African Union Commission 
The secretariat of the African Union, composed of ten commissioners and supporting staff and headquartered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. In a similar fashion to its European counterpart, the European Commission, it is responsible for the administration and co-ordination of the AU's activities and meetings.
African Court of Justice 
To rule on human rights abuses in Africa. The court will consist of eleven judges elected by the Assembly. Kenya and Uganda have expressed interest in hosting the court.
Executive Council
Composed of ministers designated by the governments of members states. It decides on matters such as foreign trade, social security, food, agriculture and communications, is accountable to the Assembly, and prepares material for the Assembly to discuss and approve.
Permanent Representatives' Committee
Consisting of nominated permanent representatives of member states, the Committee prepares the work for the Executive Council. (European Union equivalent: the Committee of Permanent Representatives (COREPER).
Peace and Security Council
Proposed at the Lusaka Summit in 2001. It has fifteen members responsible for monitoring and intervening in conflicts, with an African force at its disposal. Similar in intent and operation to the United Nations Security Council.
Economic, Social and Cultural Council
An advisory organ composed of professional and civic representatives, similar to the European Economic and Social Committee. The interim chair of ECOSOCC is Nobel prizewinner Wangari Maathai of Kenya.
Specialised Technical Committees
These address Rural Economy and Agricultural Matters; Monetary and Financial Affairs; Trade, Customs, and Immigration Matters; Industry, Science and Technology, Energy, Natural Resources, and Environment; Transport, Communications, and Tourism; Health, Labour, and Social Affairs; Education, Culture, and Human Resources.
Financial institutions
African Central Bank, African Investment Bank, African Monetary Fund.
Human rights institutions
The African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights is not established under the Constitutive Act of the African Union, but is a key African continental organ, with responsibility for monitoring compliance with the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (the African Charter). The African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights was established in 2006, to supplement the work of the Commission, following the entry into force of a protocol to the African Charter providing for its creation. It is likely that the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights will be merged with the African Court of Justice: a protocol providing for merger of the two bodies is under discussion and likely to be adopted during 2007.

[संपादित करें] See also

  • African Century
  • African Development Bank
  • African diaspora
  • African nationalism
  • African Renaissance
  • African Unification Front
  • Africanization
  • Black nationalism
  • Continental union
    • Asian Union
    • North American Union
    • Central Asian Union
    • European Union
    • Pacific Union
    • Union of South American Nations
  • Indigenous peoples of Africa
  • New Partnership for Africa's Development
  • Non-Aligned Movement
  • Pan-Africanism
  • Scramble for Africa
  • United States of Africa

[संपादित करें] References

[संपादित करें] Bibliography

[संपादित करें] External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to:


साँचा:Africa topics साँचा:Pan-Africanism साँचा:Supranav

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