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List of dissolved districts of Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of dissolved districts of Japan

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A district of Japan is dissolved when all towns or villages in the district become cities or are merged into the city. The following is a list of dissolved districts of Japan.

The date shown is the day the district was dissolved -- i.e. the district was active until that date -- and the reason why the district was dissolved is also shown.


[edit] Before Edo Period

  • Unknown Suruga District (駿河郡), Suruga, Tokaido (Renamed to Suntō District)
  • Unknown Kudara District (百済郡), Settsu, (Merged into either Higashinari and Sumiyoshi Districts)
  • Unknown Nuttari District (沼垂郡), Echigo, Hokurikudo (Merged into Kanbara District)
  • Sengoku Era Hiuchi District (比内郡), Mutsu, Tozando (Merged into Akita District in Dewa Province)
  • Sengoku Era Ogashima District (小鹿島郡), Dewa, Tozando (Merged into Akita District)
  • Sengoku Era Yamada District (山田郡), Owari, Tokaido (Split and merged into Kasugai and Aichi Districts)
  • Early Edo Period Hanawa (鼻和郡), Hiraka (平賀郡), and Inaka (田舎郡) Districts, Mutsu, Tozando (Merged to form Tsugaru District)
  • Early Edo Period Hiyama District (檜山郡), Dewa, Tozando (Renamed to Yamamoto District)
  • Early Edo Period Toshima District (豊島郡), Dewa, Tozando (Renamed to Kawabe District)
  • Early Edo Period Yamamoto District (山本郡), Dewa, Tozando (Renamed to Senboku District)
  • Early Edo Period Yuza District (遊佐郡), Dewa, Tozando (Renamed to Akumi District)
  • Early Edo Period Kujibiki District (櫛引郡), Dewa, Tozando (Merged into Tagawa District)
  • Edo Period Shikama District (色麻郡), Mutsu, Tozando (Merged into Kami District)
  • 1634 Nukanobe District (糠部郡), Mutsu, Tozando (Split into Kita, Sannohe, Ninohe, and Kunohe Districts)
  • 1700 Noto District (能登郡), Noto, Hokurikudo (Renamed to Kashima District)
  • 1700 Kaga District (加賀郡), Kaga, Hokurikudo (Renamed to Kahoku District)
  • Edo Period Mashiki District (益城郡), Higo, Saikaido (Split into Kamimashiki and Shimomashiki Districts)

[edit] 1868 to 1895

  • 1878 Kita District (北郡), Mutsu (Split into Kamikita and Shimokita Districts in Aomori Prefecture)
  • 1878 Tsugaru District (津軽郡), Mutsu (Split into Kitatsugaru, Minamitsugaru, Higashitsugaru, Nishitsugaru and Nakatsugaru Districts in Aomori Prefecture)
  • 1878 Hei District (閉伊郡), Rikuchu (Split into Kitahei, Minamihei, Higashihei, Nishihei and Nakahei Districts in Iwate Prefecture)
  • 1878 Iwai District (磐井郡), Rikuchu (Split into Higashiiwai and Nishiiwai Districts in Iwate Prefecture)
  • 1878 Akita District (秋田郡), Ugo (Split into Kitaakita and Minamiakita Districts in Akita Prefecture)
  • 1878 Tagawa District (田川郡), Uzen (Split into Higashitagawa and Nishitagawa Districts in Yamagata Prefecture)
  • 1878 Murayama District (村山郡), Uzen (Split into Kitamurayama, Minamimurayama, Higashimurayama, and Nishimurayama Districts in Yamagata Prefecture)
  • 1878 Okitama District (置賜郡), Uzen (Split into Higashiokitama, Nishiokitama, and Minamiokitama Districts in Yamagata Prefecture)
  • 1878 Aizu District (会津郡), Iwashiro (Split into Kitaaizu and Minamiaizu Districts in Fukushima Prefecture)
  • 1878 Shirakawa District (白川郡), Iwaki (Renamed to Higashishirakawa District in Fukushima Prefecture)
  • 1878 Shirakawa District (白河郡), Iwaki (Renamed to Nishishirakawa District in Fukushima Prefecture)
  • 1878 Ibaraki District (茨城郡), Hitachi (Split into Higashiibaraki and Nishiibaraki Districts in Ibaraki Prefecture)
  • 1878 Tsuga District (都賀郡), Shimotsuke (Split into Kamitsuga and Shimotsuga Districts in Tochigi Prefecture)
  • 1878 Habu District (埴生郡), Kazusa (Renamed to Kamihabu District in Chiba Prefecture)
  • 1878 Habu District (埴生郡), Shimousa (Renamed to Shimohabu District in Chiba Prefecture)
  • 1878 Souma District (相馬郡), Shimousa (Split into Kitasouma District in Ibaraki Prefecture and Minamisouma District in Chiba Prefecture)
  • 1878 Katsushika District (葛飾郡), Shimousa (Split into Nishikatsushika District in Ibaraki Prefecture, Nakakatsushika District in Saitama Prefecture, and Higashikatsushika District in Chiba Prefecture)
  • 1878 Katsushika District (葛飾郡), Musashi (Split into Kitakatsushika District in Saitama Prefecture and Minamikatsushika District in Tokyo Prefecture)
  • 1878 Saitama District (埼玉郡), Musashi (Split into Kitasaitama and Minamisaitama Districts in Saitama Prefecture)
  • 1878 Adachi District (足立郡), Musashi (Split into Kitadachi District in Saitama Prefecture and Minamiadachi District in Tokyo Prefecture)
  • 1878 Toshima District (豊嶋郡), Musashi (Split into Kitatoshima and Minamitoshima Districts in Tokyo Prefecture)
  • 1878 Tama District (多摩郡), Musashi (Split into Higashitama District in Tokyo Prefecture, Kitatama, Minamitama, and Nishitama Districts in Kanagawa Prefecture)
  • 1878 Kanbara District (蒲原郡), Echigo (Split into Kitakanbara, Minamikanbara, Higashikanbara, Nishikanbara and Nakakanbara Districts, and the borough of Niigata in Niigata Prefecture)
  • 1878 Uonuma District (魚沼郡), Niigata (Split into Kitauonuma, Nakauonuma, and Minamiuonuma Districts in Niigata Prefecture)
  • 1878 Kubiki District (頸城郡), Echigo (Split into Higashikubiki, Nakakubiki, and Nishikubiki Districts in Niigata Prefecture)
  • 1878 Niikawa District (新川郡), Ecchu (Split into Kaminiikawa and Shimoniikawa Districts in Toyama Prefecture)
  • 1878 Tsuru District (都留郡), Kai (Split into Kitatsuru and Minamitsuru Districts in Yamanashi Prefecture)
  • 1878 Yamanashi District (山梨郡), Kai (Split into Higashiyamanashi and Nishiyamanashi Districts in Yamanashi Prefecture)
  • 1878 Yatsushiro District (八代郡), Kai (Split into Higashiyatsushiro and Nishiyatsushiro Districts in Yamanashi Prefecture)
  • 1878 Koma District (巨摩郡), Kai (Split into Kitakoma, Nakakoma, and Minamikoma Districts in Yamanashi Prefecture)
  • 1878 Saku District (佐久郡), Shinano (Split into Kitasaku and Minamisaku Districts in Nagano Prefecture)
  • 1878 Takai District (高井郡), Shinano (Split into Kamitakai and Minamitakai Districts in Nagano Prefecture)
  • 1878 Minochi District (水内郡), Shinano (Split into Kamiminochi and Shimominochi Districts in Nagano Prefecture)
  • 1878 Ina District (伊那郡), Shinano (Split into Kamiina and Shimoina Districts in Nagano Prefecture)
  • 1878 Chikuma District (筑摩郡), Shinano (Split into Higashichikuma and Nishichikuma Districts in Nagano Prefecture)
  • 1878 Azumi District (安曇郡), Shinano (Split into Kitaazumi and Minamiazumi Districts in Nagano Prefecture)
  • 1878 Ishizu District (石津郡), Mino (Split into Kamiishizu and Shimoishizu Districts in Gifu Prefecture)
  • 1878 Shitara District (設楽郡), Mikawa (Split into Kitashitara and Minamishitara Districts in Aichi Prefecture)
  • 1878 Kamo District (加茂郡), Mikawa (Split into Higashikamo and Nishikamo Districts in Aichi Prefecture)
  • 1878 Kasugai District (春日井郡), Owari (Split into Higashikasugai and Nishikasugai Districts in Aichi Prefecture)
  • 1878 Muro District (牟婁郡), Kii (Split into Kitamuro and Minamimuro Districts in Mie Prefecture and Higashimuro and Nishimuro Districts in Wakayama Prefecture)
  • 1878 Azai District (浅井郡), Ōmi (Split into Higashiazai and Nishiazai Districts in Shiga Prefecture)
  • 1878 Kuwata District (桑田郡), Tanba (Split into Kitakuwada and Minamikuwada Districts in Kyoto Prefecture)
  • 1878 Ukena District (浮穴郡), Iyo (Split into Kamiukena and Shimoukena Districts in Ehime Prefecture)
  • 1878 Uwa District (宇和郡), Iyo (Split into Higashiuwa, Nishiuwa, Kitauwa, and Minamiuwa Districts in Ehime Prefecture)
  • 1878 Matsuura District (松浦郡), Hizen (Split into Higashimatsuura, Nishimatsuura, Kitamatsuura, and Minamimatsuura Districts in Nagasaki Prefecture)
  • 1878 Sonogi District (彼杵郡), Hizen (Split into Higashisonogi and Nishisonogi Districts, and the borough of Nagasaki in Nagasaki Prefecture)
  • 1878 Takaki District (高来郡), Hizen (Split into Kitatakaki and Minamitakaki Districts in Nagasaki Prefecture)
  • 1878 Kunisaki District (国東郡), Bungo (Split into Higashikunisaki and Nishikunisaki Districts in Ōita Prefecture)
  • 1878 Amabe District (海部郡), Bungo (Split into Kitaamabe and Minamiamabe Districts in Ōita Prefecture)
  • 1878 Usuki District (臼杵郡), Hyuga (Split into Higashiusuki and Nishiusuki Districts in Kagoshima Prefecture)
  • 1878 Naka District (那珂郡), Hyuga (Split into Kitanaka and Minaminaka Districts in Kagoshima Prefecture)
  • 1878 Ōsumi District (大隅郡), Ōsumi (Split into Kitaōsumi and Minamiōsumi Districts in Kagoshima Prefecture)
  • 1878 Soo District (囎唹郡), Osumi (Split into Higashisoo and Nishisoo Districts in Kagoshima Prefecture)
  • 1878 Isa District (伊佐郡), Satsuma (Split into Kitaisa and Minamiisa Districts in Kagoshima Prefecture)
  • July 8, 1881 Abashiri District (網尻郡), Kushiro, Hokkaidō (Merged into Abashiri District in Kitami Province)
  • July 27, 1881 Tsugaru (津軽郡) and Fukushima (福島郡) Districts, Oshima, Hokkaidō (Merged to form Matsumae District)
  • May 9, 1883 Morokata District (諸県郡), Kagoshima (Due to the split of Kagoshima Prefecture, the area became part of the new Miyazaki Prefecture becomes Kitamorokata District and parts remaining in Kagoshima Prefecture became Minamimorokata District)
  • April 1, 1889 Samukawa District (寒川郡), Tochigi (Merged into Shimotsuga District)

[edit] 1896

[edit] 1897~1912

[edit] 1912~1926

  • April 4, 1913 Kaito (海東郡) and Kaisai (海西郡) (Merged to form Ama District)
  • February 1, 1918 Muroran District (室蘭郡), Hokkaido (The town of Muroran and the villages of Wanishi, Chimaibetsu, and Motomuroran mergd to form the borough of Muroran (now the city of Muroran)
  • April 1923 Furebetsu District (振別郡), Hokkaido (The village of Furebetsu(振別村) merged with other villages to form the village of Rubetsu in Etorofu)
  • April 1, 1925 Higashinari District (東成郡), Osaka (Merged into the city of Osaka)
  • April 1, 1925 Nishinari District (西成郡), Osaka (Merged into the city of Osaka)

[edit] 1927~1945

  • April 1, 1931 Kii District (紀伊郡), Kyoto (The villages of Kamitoba, Kisshōin, Fukakusa, Shimotoba, Yokoōji, Nōso, Horiuchi,, Mukaijima, and Takeda merged into the city of Kyoto)
  • October 1, 1932 Ebara District (荏原郡), Tokyo (Merged into the city of Tokyo)
  • October 1, 1932 Toyotama District (豊多摩郡), Tokyo (Merged into the city of Tokyo)
  • October 1, 1932 Kitatoshima District (北豊島郡), Tokyo (Merged into the city of Tokyo)
  • October 1, 1932 Minamiadachi District (南足立郡), Tokyo (Merged into the city of Tokyo)
  • October 1, 1932 Minamikatsushika District (南葛飾郡), Tokyo (Merged into the city of Tokyo)
  • October 1, 1936 Kuraki District (久良岐郡), Kanagawa (The town of Kanazawa and the village of Mutsuurashō merged into the city of Yokohama)
  • October 1, 1938 Tachibana District (橘樹郡), Kanagawa (The villages of Mukaigaoka, Miyasaki, the town of Inada, and the village of Ikuta merged into the city of Kawasaki)
  • April 1, 1939 Tsutsuki District (都筑郡), Kanagawa (The village of Nitta, the town of Kawara, and the villages of Yamauchi, Nakasato, Nakagawa, Tana, Niiharu, Tsuoka, and Futamatagawa merged into the city of Yokohama; the villages of Kakioeki and Okagami merged into the city of Kawasaki)
  • September 1, 1940 Otaru District (小樽郡), Hokkaidō (The village of Asari merged into the city of Otaru)
  • September 1, 1940 Takashima District (高島郡), Hokkaidō (The town of Takashima merged into the city of Otaru)

[edit] 1945~1959

  • April 1, 1950 Kitakanra District (北甘楽郡), Gunma (Renamed to Kanra District (甘楽郡))
  • March 1, 1951 Uji District (宇治郡), Kyoto (The town of Higashiuji merged with the towns and villages from Kuse District to form the city of Uji)
  • September 30, 1956 北海道美国郡(美国町が積丹郡積丹町に編入)
  • September 30, 1956 愛知県八名郡(山吉田村が南設楽郡鳳来町に編入)
  • September 30, 1956 Kawage (河芸郡) and Ano (安濃郡) Districts, Mie (Merged to form Age District)
  • April 1, 1958 Minamiokitama District (南置賜郡), Yamagata (The village of Nakatsugawa merged into the town of Iide, Nishiokitama District)
  • July 1, 1958 Arima District (有馬郡), Hyōgo (The town of Sanda gained city status to become the city of Sanda)
  • October 1, 1958 Nakakawachi District (中河内郡), Osaka (The town of Kashiwara gained city status to become the city of Kashiwara)
  • November 3, 1958 Esashi District (江刺郡), Iwate (The town of Esashi gained city status to become the city of Esashi)

[edit] 1960~1988

  • October 1, 1962 Ashikaga District (足利郡), Tochigi (The towns of Mikuriya and Sakanishi merged into the city of Ashikaga)
  • April 1, 1963 Inaba District (稲葉郡), Gifu (The towns of Sohara, Naka, Inaha, and Unuma merged to form the city of Kakamigahara)
  • May 1, 1965 Asaka District (安積郡), Fukushima (The towns of Asaka, Hiwada, Fukuyama, Atami, and the villages of Mihota, Ouse, Katahira, Kikuta, and Konan merged into the city of Kōriyama)
  • October 1, 1966 Iwaki District (石城郡), Fukushima (The towns of Yotsukura, Ogawa, Tōno, the villages of Kawamae, Miwa, Yoshima, Tabito, 2 towns and villages from Futaba District, and the cities of Taira, Jōban, Iwaki, Nakoso, and Uchigō merged to form the city of Iwaki)
  • January 1, 1967 Chiba District (千葉郡), Chiba (The town of Yachiyo gained city status to become the city of Yachiyo)
  • April 1, 1967 Kasai District (加西郡), Hyōgo (The towns of Hōjō, Kasai, and Izumi merged to form the city of Kasai)
  • October 1, 1967 Ichihara District (市原郡), Chiba (The town of Nansō and the village of Kamo merged into the city of Ichihara)
  • May 1, 1968 Nishichikuma District (西筑摩郡), Nagano (Renamed to Kiso District (木曽郡))
  • October 1, 1968 Shinobu District (信夫郡), Fukushima (The town of Azuma merged into the city of Fukushima)
  • November 1, 1970 Chitose District (千歳郡), Hokkaidō (The town of Eniwa gained city status to become the city of Eniwa)
  • November 3, 1970 Kitatama District (北多摩郡), Tokyo (The town of Murayama gained city status to become the city of Musashimurayama)
  • December 1, 1970 Higashikasugai District (東春日井郡), Aichi (The town of Asahi gained city status to become the city of Owariasahi)
  • November 1, 1971 Minamitama District (南多摩郡), Tokyo (The town of Tama gained city status to become the city of Tama and the town of Inagi gained city status to become the city of Inagi)
  • November 3, 1971 Kitakawachi District (北河内郡), Osaka (The town of Katano gained city status to become the city of Katano)
  • April 1, 1972 Soo District (囎唹郡), Kagoshima (renamed to Soo District (曽於郡))
  • March 1, 1975 Sawara District (早良郡), Fukuoka (The town of Sawara merged into the city of Fukuoka)
  • March 1, 1988 Natori District (名取郡), Miyagi (The town of Akiu merged into the city of Sendai)

[edit] 1989~2004

[edit] 2005

[edit] 2006~


aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - bcl - be - be_x_old - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - co - cr - crh - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dsb - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - ext - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gan - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - hak - haw - he - hi - hif - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kaa - kab - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mdf - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - mt - mus - my - myv - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - quality - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - rw - sa - sah - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sr - srn - ss - st - stq - su - sv - sw - szl - ta - te - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu -