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[edit] Casliber 11Jun08

User: User:Casliber (mainspace)
(updated 11Jun08 with all the latest goodies)

Total Contrib's: 20270 - Total pages: 3304

Edits Article Article Class Rating Former
629 Vampire Featured (Former FA)
473 Lion Featured Top
291 Schizophrenia Featured Top
284 Amanita muscaria B-class Mid
277 Red-tailed Black Cockatoo Featured Mid
265 Amanita phalloides Featured Top
249 Banksia spinulosa Featured Mid*
239 Banksia ericifolia Featured Mid*
236 Emperor Penguin Featured Top
236 White-winged Fairy-wren Featured Low
217 Common Raven Featured Top
196 Gyromitra esculenta Good Top*
185 Superb Fairy-wren Featured Low
172 Stegosaurus Featured
167 Sirius Featured Mid
156 Banksia integrifolia Featured Top*
153 Triceratops Featured
141 Red-winged Fairy-wren Featured Low
132 Variegated Fairy-wren Featured Low
126 Diplodocus Featured
122 Splendid Fairy-wren Featured Low
107 Amanita ocreata Featured Mid*
99 Bipolar disorder B-class Top
99 Puerto Rican Amazon Good Mid
96 Entoloma sinuatum Good* Mid
95 Paxillus involutus Good* Mid
92 Red-backed Fairy-wren B-class Low
90 European Robin Good Top
85 Banksia B-class Top*
83 King Penguin B-class Mid
83 Humpback Whale Featured Top*
83 Bird Featured Top
81 Borderline personality disorder Good Top
78 Blue Whale Featured Top
76 Omphalotus nidiformis Good Mid*
76 Deinonychus Featured
68 Willie Wagtail B-class Mid*
67 Major depressive disorder B-class Top (Former GA)
67 Tarbosaurus Featured
65 Osprey Good Top*
59 Boletus edulis B-class Mid*
59 Tuber (genus) B-class Top
58 Australian Magpie B-class Top*
57 Hooded Crow Good Mid
57 Fungi of Australia Start Mid
54 Cultural depictions of lions B-class* Top*
54 Bulldogs Rugby League Football Club B-class Top
53 Agaricus bisporus B-class Top*
53 Amanita Start Top
52 Polar bear B-class Mid
52 Iguanodon Featured
50 Boletus satanas Start Mid
50 Archaeopteryx Featured Top
49 Leopard B-class Top
49 Red-capped Robin B-class* Low
48 American Goldfinch Featured Low
48 Gorgosaurus Featured
48 Kunzea ambigua Start Mid*
48 Kakapo Featured Top*
47 Compsognathus Featured
46 Kea B-class* Mid
45 Tricholoma pardinum B-class Mid
44 Eastern Whipbird Start Low
42 White-throated Treecreeper B-class Low
41 Melaleuca quinquenervia Start Mid*
41 Banksia menziesii B-class Mid*
40 List of deadly fungi Start Top
40 Gray Wolf B-class Top (Former FA)
39 Psychiatry B-class Top
38 Blue-faced Honeyeater Start Low
38 Palazzo Pitti Featured Top*
37 Hygrocybe B-class Mid
37 Diocletian Featured Top*
37 Reactive attachment disorder Featured Mid
36 Chlorpromazine B-class Top
36 Cain and Abel B-class Top*
34 Pork Start Top
34 Amanita virosa Start Low
34 Asperger syndrome Featured Top*
34 Clozapine B-class
33 Crescent Honeyeater Start* Low
33 Leaden Flycatcher Start Low
33 Styracosaurus Featured
32 Boletus luridus Start Low
32 Elk Featured Top*
32 Bulldogs Rugby League Football Club history B-class Mid
31 Cultural depictions of spiders Good Top
31 Lactarius deliciosus B-class Top*
31 Tricholoma Stub Mid
31 Tiger B-class Top*
31 Hakea teretifolia Start Low
31 Callisto (moon) Featured
31 Cortinarius Start Top
31 Polacanthus
30 Guettarda speciosa Start Low
30 Tricholoma equestre Start Mid
30 Fairy ring Start Mid*
30 Aseroë rubra Start Low
30 Phallus impudicus Start Mid
30 Bolete Start Mid
29 Boletus barrowsii Stub Low
29 Ramaria formosa Start Low
29 Stegosauria
28 Nebular hypothesis Featured Mid
28 Blue Iguana Featured Low
28 Allosaurus Featured
28 Poliomyelitis Featured Top*
28 Lepiota Start Mid
27 Gomphus floccosus Start Low
27 Canopus Start
27 Zuclopenthixol Start Low
27 Eucryphia lucida Stub Mid
27 Tyrannosaurus Featured
26 René Maire Start* Mid*
26 White-browed Scrubwren Start Low
26 Werewolf B-class Top
26 California Condor Featured Top*
26 Parasaurolophus Featured
26 Belgrade Featured Top
25 American Robin Good Mid
25 Fungus B-class Top*
25 Humidicutis lewelliniae B-class* Low
25 Yellow-eyed Penguin Start Mid
25 Mushroom poisoning Start Top*
25 Wood Thrush Good Mid
25 The Lions No talk pg
25 Spinosaurus Good
25 Crimson Rosella Start Mid*
24 White-breasted Robin Start Low
24 Hippopotamus Featured
24 Platypus Featured Top (Former FA)
24 Emu Featured Top*
24 Russula emetica B-class Low
24 Banksia telmatiaea Featured Mid*
24 Plateosaurus
23 Huia B-class Mid*
23 Appaloosa Good Mid
23 Cattle Egret Featured Mid
23 Inocybe erubescens Start Mid
23 Lactarius helvus Start Mid
23 Birmingham campaign Featured
23 Brown Songlark B-class Low
23 Peregrine Falcon Featured Mid
23 Uranus Featured
23 Hakea Start Mid
23 Currawong Start Mid
23 Psilocybe B-class Top
22 Forest Kingfisher Start Low
22 Pied Currawong Start Mid*
22 Entoloma Start Mid
22 Boletus pulcherrimus Start Mid
22 Tricholoma sulphureum Stub Mid
22 Belarus Featured Top
22 Cactus B-class Top
22 Gray Whale B-class Top
21 Pale-yellow Robin Start
21 Glossy Black Cockatoo Start Mid*
21 Bald Eagle Featured Top
21 Orange-bellied Parrot Start Mid*
21 Herpes zoster Good* Top*
21 Clitocybe rivulosa Start Low
21 Ostrich B-class Top*
21 Southern Right Whale Stub Top
21 Parrot B-class Top
21 Kererū Good Mid
21 Taxonomy of Banksia Start Top*
21 Thescelosaurus Featured
20 Ficus aurea B-class Low
20 Alphitonia excelsa Start Mid*
20 Sertraline Featured Top*
20 Aspirin Good* Top
20 Tel Aviv Good Top
20 List of Russula species Start Mid
20 Hypholoma fasciculare Start Mid
20 Alpha Kappa Alpha Featured Top*
20 Yellow-throated Scrubwren Start Low
20 Javan Rhinoceros Featured Mid*
20 Zeta Orionis Stub
20 Actinotus helianthi Stub Mid
20 Scarlet Honeyeater Start Low
20 Flora of Australia A-class Top
20 Banksia prionotes B-class Mid*
20 Destroying angel Start Mid
20 André Kertész Featured
20 Plymouth Colony Featured Top
19 Hibernian F.C. Good Mid

(* denotes conflicting assessments, highest one is shown)

[edit] Jimfbleak 09Jun08

User: User:Jimfbleak (mainspace)
(updated 02:13 11 Jun 08 UTC - list status included OK)

Total Contrib's: 25432 - Total pages: 5001
Warning: Page summary overflow, 34920 tot contribs, 25432 summary contribs

Edits Article Article Class Rating Former
546 List of birds of Thailand Featured Top
404 Barn Swallow Featured Low
322 Red-billed Chough Featured Top
289 Blackbird Featured Mid
263 Song Thrush Featured Mid
255 Pamela C. Rasmussen Good Mid
201 Chiffchaff Featured Low
189 House Martin Featured Low
173 Cattle Egret Featured Mid
153 Common Treecreeper Featured Low
140 Columbidae B-class Top
138 Tawny Owl Start Low
134 Osprey Good Top
133 Duck B-class Top
132 Aerodramus Good Mid
131 Northern Pintail Featured Low
128 American Robin Good Mid
123 List of birds List
119 White-eyed River Martin Good Mid
118 Flamingo Start Top
113 Bald Eagle Featured Top
111 Peafowl Start Mid
103 Peregrine Falcon Featured Mid
103 Bird Featured Top
101 Goose Start Top
100 List of birds of Great Britain List Top
99 Red-tailed Hawk Good Mid
88 Turkey (bird) Start Mid
88 Orange-headed Thrush B-class Low
88 List of birds of Costa Rica List Top
87 Hummingbird B-class Top
86 Owl B-class Top
84 Bird migration B-class Top
83 Gull Start Top
82 Eagle B-class Top
79 Quail Start Top
78 Toucan Start Top
76 Golden Eagle B-class Mid
76 European Robin Good Top
74 Pheasant B-class Top
73 Canada Goose Start Mid
69 Rock Pigeon Good Top
68 Swan Start Mid
68 Snowy Owl Start Mid
62 Mockingbird Stub Mid
60 White Wagtail Start Low
60 Falcon Start Top
60 Raven Stub Mid
60 Mallard Start Mid
59 Puffin Start Mid
58 Sunflower Start Top
58 Finch Start Top
57 Ibis Start Mid
56 Muscovy Duck B-class Low
56 Banana B-class Top (Former GA)
55 Swallow Start Top
53 Stork Start Top
52 Cardinal (bird) Start
52 Hawk Start Top
51 Macaw Start Top
51 Woodpecker Start Top
51 True parrots Stub Top
50 Sparrow Start Top
49 Dragonfly A-class Mid
49 Common Raven Featured Top
48 Blue-footed Booby Start Low
48 Pelican Start Top
48 Thrush (bird) Start Top
48 Bunting (bird) Start
47 Short-toed Treecreeper Stub Low
47 Wild Turkey B-class Low
47 Albatross Featured Top
46 Hooded Crow Good Mid
46 List of birds of Trinidad and Tobago List Top
45 Ostrich B-class Top
44 Vulture B-class Top
44 Common Pheasant B-class Low
44 Lists of birds by region B-class Top
42 Ashby-de-la-Zouch Start Mid
42 Cuckoo Start Top
42 Mute Swan B-class Mid
41 Egg (biology) Start Top
41 Crane (bird) B-class Top
41 Barn Owl Start Mid
41 Condor Start Mid
41 Cormorant B-class Top
41 Bird of prey Start Top
41 Turkey Vulture Featured Low
40 House Sparrow Start Top
40 Parrot B-class Top
40 Snipe Start Low
39 Atlantic Puffin B-class Low
38 Magpie Start Mid
38 Shrike Start Top
38 Guineafowl Start Top
37 List of birds of Singapore Start Mid
36 Oystercatcher Stub Mid
36 List of birds of The Gambia List Top
36 Birdwatching B-class Top
36 List of birds of South Africa Start Top
36 Tern Start Mid
36 List of bird genera
35 Redwing Start Low
35 Nightingale Start Mid
35 American Harpy Eagle Start Low
34 Blue Jay Start Low
34 Lark Stub Mid
34 Wader Start Top
34 Dodo Good Top
33 List of extinct birds List Top
32 Tit (bird) Start Top
32 Great Blue Heron Start Low
32 Swift Start Top
32 Rose-ringed Parakeet B-class Top
32 Passerine B-class Top
31 Heron Start Low
31 Canary Stub Mid
31 Old World warbler Start Top
31 Emperor Penguin Featured Top
31 Black Kite B-class Mid
31 Nightjar Start Top
31 Great Northern Diver Start Mid
31 Slender-billed Curlew Start Low
31 Corvidae B-class Top
31 Chicken A-class Top
30 European Starling B-class Mid
30 Starling Start Mid
30 Hornbill Start Top
30 Old World flycatcher Start Top
30 Common Kestrel B-class Mid
30 New World warbler Start Top
29 Partridge Start Top
29 Winter Wren Start Low
29 Rallidae Start Top
29 Buzzard Start Mid
29 Blue Tit Start Mid
29 Hen Harrier Start Mid
29 Anatidae B-class Top
29 Auk B-class Top
28 List of birds in Canada and the United States Featured Top
28 Black Swan B-class Top
28 Woodcock Start Mid
28 Northern Cardinal Good Mid
28 True owl Start Top
28 Tyrant flycatcher Start Top
28 Emberizidae Start Top
28 Chat (bird) Start Mid
28 Penguin B-class Top
28 Dolphin
27 Grebe Start Top
27 Common Buzzard Start Low
27 American Goldfinch Featured Low
27 Grouse Start Mid
26 Northern Mockingbird Start Low
26 American Kestrel B-class Low
26 Wren Start Top
26 Mourning Dove Featured Mid
26 Caribbean Flamingo Start Low
26 List of birds of Norway
25 Geococcyx Start Mid
25 Goshawk Start Low
25 Scarlet Macaw Start Mid
25 Coot Start Mid
25 Monk Parakeet Start Mid
25 Striped Kingfisher B-class Low
25 Arctic Tern Featured Mid
24 Plover Start Mid
24 Eurasian Eagle-owl Start Mid
24 Gyrfalcon B-class Mid
24 Quetzal Start Mid
24 Booby Start Mid
24 List of birds of Vietnam List
23 Herring Gull Start Mid
23 Jay Start
23 African Penguin B-class Top
23 Red Knot Start Low
23 Wheatear
23 Purple Swamphen B-class Low
23 Phasianidae Start Top
23 Old World vulture Start Mid
23 List of birds of Brazil Start Mid
22 Anhinga Start Low
22 Lapwing Start Mid
22 Black-throated Diver Start Low
22 Kingfisher Start Top
22 California Condor Featured Top
22 Wagtail Start Mid
22 Icterid Stub Top
21 Red Kite B-class Mid
21 Galliformes Start Top
21 Greater Roadrunner Start Low
21 Greater Flamingo Stub Mid
21 Carrion Crow Start
21 Egret Start Mid
21 Tinamou Start Top
21 Seabird Featured Top
21 Ortolan Bunting Start Low
21 Frigatebird Start Mid
21 Scops-owl B-class Mid
21 Cisticola Start Low
21 Chaffinch Start Mid
21 Darter B-class Low
20 Weaver Start Top
20 Mary Seacole Good
20 Benzylpiperazine Good Mid
20 List of Japanese birds: passerines List
20 List of birds of Sweden B-class Top
20 Oilbird Start Top
20 Everglades B-class Top
20 Tanager B-class Top
19 Spurn Start Mid

[edit] RJHall 09Jun08

User: User:RJHall (mainspace)
(updated 11Jun08)

Total Contrib's: 22311 - Total pages: 5001
Warning: Page summary overflow, 29591 tot contribs, 22311 summary contribs

Edits Article Article Class Rating Former
425 Earth Featured Top
339 Jupiter Featured Top
326 Supernova Featured Top
321 Atom Featured Top
321 List of craters on the Moon List Low
319 Star Featured Top
288 Cygnus X-1 Featured
249 Vega Featured
240 List of science fiction films Start
231 Western Front (World War I) Featured
221 Galaxy Featured
208 IK Pegasi Featured
199 List of molecules in interstellar space Featured Mid
180 Neptune Featured
165 Asteroid belt Featured
151 Xenon Featured Top
145 Sirius Featured Mid
137 Kidney stone sufferers
136 Dungeons & Dragons Featured Top
125 Astronomy Good Top
113 Main sequence Good
107 Tau Ceti Featured
99 Andromeda Galaxy Good
98 Globular cluster Featured
83 Science fiction film B-class Top
76 List of features on the Moon List
74 Planet Featured
71 61 Cygni Good
69 Orion Nebula Good
68 Poison gas in World War I B-class (Former FA)
66 Mercury (planet) Featured Top
66 Eclipse Start Low
64 Nature Good Top
58 Geology of the Moon B-class Top
57 List of nearest bright stars
56 Moon Featured Top
54 253 Mathilde Good
53 Science B-class Top
51 Lists of stars
50 Kidney stone B-class Top
47 Mars Featured Top
46 2 Pallas Good
43 Shackleton (crater) Good Top
40 Hydrogen Featured Top
40 Aristarchus (crater) Good Mid
40 Sergey Korolyov B-class Top
39 List of orders of battle Start
38 Proxima Centauri B-class
37 Project Gutenberg B-class
37 Stellar rotation Good
37 Alphonsus (crater)
35 Faerûn
35 Space manufacturing
34 Natural science Start
34 List of craters on the Moon, G-K
34 List of craters on the Moon, O-Q Low
32 Type II supernova Good
32 List of craters on the Moon, L-N No talk pg
31 Betelgeuse Start
30 History of supernova observation Good Mid
30 Debris disk Start
30 Rural school districts in Washington No talk pg
30 Type Ia supernova Good
28 Constructed world
28 Copernicus (lunar crater) Start Mid
27 Epsilon Eridani Start
27 Pendulum B-class
26 Type Ib and Ic supernovae B-class
26 Solar wind B-class Top
26 Wolf 359 Start
25 List of craters on the Moon, C-F No talk pg
24 Barbara Carrera Start Low
24 List of mountains on the Moon List
24 Asteroid mining Start Mid
23 82 Eridani Stub
23 Universe B-class Top (Former GA)
22 Eratosthenes (crater) Start Mid
22 Carbon A-class Top
21 Palomares hydrogen bombs incident Start
21 Aitken (crater)
21 Great Red Spot B-class (Former GA)
21 Epsilon Indi Start
20 List of craters on the Moon, T-Z No talk pg
20 GJ 440 Start
20 Albategnius (crater) No talk pg
19 Sigma Draconis Stub

[edit] SandyGeorgia 10Jun08

User: User:SandyGeorgia (mainspace)
(updated 11Jun08 to test bugfixes)

Total Contrib's: 24065 - Total pages: 2698

Edits Article Article Class Rating Former
1218 Tourette syndrome Featured Mid
897 Asperger syndrome Featured Top
700 Hugo Chávez B-class (Former FA)
263 Ima Hogg Featured Top
253 Ronald Reagan Featured Top
233 Sociological and cultural aspects of Tourette syndrome
233 Joe Lieberman B-class Mid
194 Criticism of Hugo Chávez B-class
185 Súmate
183 Autism Featured Top (Former FA)
183 Tuberculosis Featured Top
182 Schizophrenia Featured Top
180 Hispanic Americans in World War II Featured
177 Israel-Venezuela relations B-class Mid
171 Venezuelan constitutional referendum, 2007
162 Stuttering B-class Mid (Former FA)
155 ¿Por qué no te callas?
147 Sociological and cultural aspects of autism
119 Venezuelan presidential election, 2006
112 RCTV
111 El Hatillo Municipality, Miranda Featured Low
107 Autism rights movement
107 People speculated to have been autistic
99 Fetal alcohol syndrome Good Mid
98 Intrusive thoughts Start Mid
98 Michael Wolff (musician) Start Low
96 Thor Halvorssen Hellum B-class
95 Deep brain stimulation B-class Top
93 Bolivarian Revolution
93 Heritability of autism Start Mid
87 Nat Wolff Stub Mid
84 Tic B-class Top
83 Thor Halvorssen Mendoza B-class
82 South Australian state election, 2006 Featured Top
82 Chris Shays Start
80 Alex Wolff Stub Mid
79 The Office (U.S. TV series) B-class Mid (Former FA)
78 Reactive attachment disorder Featured Mid
78 Japan Featured Top
77 Military brat (U.S. subculture) Featured
76 Treatment of Tourette syndrome
76 Bird Featured Top
76 Preity Zinta Featured Top
73 Gerald Ford Featured Top
73 Causes of autism Start Mid
72 The Naked Brothers Band: The Movie
71 The General in His Labyrinth Featured Mid
71 May 2007 RCTV protests
70 World energy resources and consumption B-class Top
69 Roman Catholic Church Good Top
69 Savant syndrome Start Mid
69 Ernest Emerson Featured Low
67 Atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor Start Mid
66 List of people on the autistic spectrum List
66 Chess Featured Top
65 Applied behavior analysis
64 Beagle Featured Low
64 Alexithymia B-class Low
64 Cleveland, Ohio Featured Top
62 Electronic fluency devices
62 Yosemite National Park Featured Top
61 Samuel Johnson B-class Mid
61 Ohio Wesleyan University Featured Top
60 Rotavirus Featured Top
58 Gettysburg Address Featured Top
58 Parâkramabâhu I B-class
58 Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Start Low
58 Foreign policy of Hugo Chávez
57 Rodney Marks (astrophysicist) Start Low
57 October 2007 California wildfires B-class Mid
56 Parallel computing Featured Top
56 Causes and origins of Tourette syndrome B-class Low
56 Valijagate
56 Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
54 F-4 Phantom II Featured
54 AIDS B-class Top (Former FA)
54 Microsoft Featured Top
53 Barack Obama Featured Top
53 United States Senate election in Connecticut, 2006
52 Trichotillomania Start Mid
52 Le Petit Tourette Start
51 The Naked Brothers Band (TV series) Start Mid
51 Venezuelan recall referendum, 2004
50 Coprolalia B-class Low
50 Social stories
49 Down syndrome Featured Top
47 Chagas disease Featured Top
47 Diane Farrell Start
46 Vaccine controversy B-class Mid
46 Robert Lawson (architect) B-class Top (Former FA)
46 FairTax Featured
46 Chicago Board of Trade Building Featured Top
46 Venezuela B-class
44 I Have Tourette's but Tourette's Doesn't Have Me Stub Mid
44 Alzheimer's disease Good Top
44 Anne Frank Featured Top
44 Titanium Featured Top
43 Youngstown, Ohio Featured Top
43 Carmona Decree
43 Zacarias Moussaoui B-class
43 James Robert Baker Featured
43 Christopher Reeve B-class Top
43 Milgram experiment A-class Mid (Former FA)
41 Echolalia Stub
41 The Tic Code Stub Low
40 Autism Speaks
40 High-functioning autism Start Mid
40 U2 Featured Top
40 2002 Venezuelan coup d'état attempt B-class
40 Dalek Featured Top
38 Donna Williams (author) Start Low
38 Autistic culture
38 PANDAS Start Mid
38 Galileo Galilei Good Top (Former FA)
38 Gilbert and Sullivan Good Top
38 Sydney Riot of 1879 A-class Low (Former FA)
37 Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder treatments Start Mid
37 Roe v. Wade Featured Top
37 Superman Featured Top
36 Action potential Featured Top
36 Manhattan Good Top
36 María Corina Machado
36 Mozambican War of Independence Featured Top
35 Maletinazo Start
35 Autistic art
34 Autistic savant Start Mid
34 Ketogenic diet B-class Mid
34 Austin Nichols Featured
34 Drudge Report B-class
34 Michael Jordan Featured Top
33 Selena Featured Low
33 Tourettism B-class Low
33 New York City Featured Top
33 Tay-Sachs disease A-class Top
33 Tulsa, Oklahoma Featured Top
33 Leopoldo López Start
32 Simon Baron-Cohen Start
32 Controversies in autism
32 Edward Teller Featured Top
32 Pyroluria
32 Same-sex marriage in Spain Featured Top
31 Bolivarian Missions
31 Mario Vargas Llosa Featured Top
31 History of the Jews in Venezuela
31 Nick van Bloss Start
31 List of autism-related topics List Mid
31 United States Congress B-class Top (Former FA)
31 Bill Russell Featured Top
31 Westboro Baptist Church B-class
31 Military history of Puerto Rico Featured Top
31 Omnipotence paradox Featured Mid
30 Neurodiversity Start Mid
30 California Condor Featured Top
30 Pedro Carmona
30 History of Poland (1945–1989) Featured Top
30 History of the Netherlands B-class (Former FA)
30 Christopher Gillberg B-class Mid
29 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart B-class Top (Former FA)
29 7 World Trade Center Featured Top
29 Domestic sheep Featured Top
29 Introduction to evolution Featured
29 Chennai Featured Top
29 Song Dynasty Featured Top
29 History of Puerto Rico Featured Top
29 Eurovision Song Contest Featured
29 Minnesota Featured Top
29 Acute myeloid leukemia Featured Top
28 TS
28 Autism spectrum Start Top
28 Child development Start Top
28 John Melendez Start Low
28 Nancy Reagan Featured Top
28 Lung cancer Featured Top
28 2007 World Series B-class Top
28 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens Featured Top
28 Nafaanra language Featured
28 Punk rock Featured Top
28 Valley of the Kings Good Top
27 Autism therapies
27 Wrong Planet
27 J. R. R. Tolkien Featured Top
27 Genetics Featured Top
27 Shoe polish Featured Mid
27 Dengue fever B-class Top
27 Barry Bonds B-class Top
27 Oklahoma Featured Top
27 Mauna Loa Featured Top
27 Belgium Featured (Former FA)
27 Duran Duran B-class (Former FA)
27 Psycho (1960 film) Good Top
27 Global warming Featured Top
27 Fred Phelps A-class Low (Former FA)
26 DNA Featured Top (Former FA)
26 Bette Davis Featured
26 Chelation therapy B-class Mid
26 United Nations Parliamentary Assembly Featured Top
26 Geology of the Bryce Canyon area Featured Low
26 Lesch-Nyhan syndrome B-class Mid (Former FA)
26 Sly & the Family Stone Featured Mid
26 London Underground A-class Top (Former FA)
25 Michigan State University Featured Top
25 Labrador Retriever Good Mid
25 Monte Ne Featured
25 Zhou Tong (archer) Featured Mid
25 Smells Like Teen Spirit Featured Top
25 Tamil language Featured Top
25 Encyclopædia Britannica Featured
25 Latter Days Featured Low
24 Asperger syndrome and interpersonal relationships
24 Autistic community
24 United States Senate B-class Top (Former FA)
24 Stereotypy (psychiatry) Start Low
24 Tau Ceti Featured
24 Ramón Emeterio Betances Featured Top
24 Iron Maiden B-class (Former FA)
24 Connecticut's 4th congressional district election, 2006
23 NeXT Featured
23 History of Tourette syndrome
23 Charles H. Zeanah Start Low
23 Oxygen Featured Top
23 Conditions comorbid to autism spectrum disorders
23 Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale Good Top
23 2007 Venezuelan demonstrations
23 Moon Featured Top
23 Peru Featured Top
23 History of Baltimore City College Featured Mid
23 Manuel Rosales
23 Tornado Featured Top
22 El Señor Presidente Featured Mid
22 University of California, Riverside Featured Top
22 Autistic Pride Day
22 Autistic enterocolitis Start Mid
22 Colombia-Venezuela relations Start Top
22 Poliomyelitis Featured Top
22 Brad Cohen
22 Hey Jude Featured Top
22 Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction event Featured Top
22 Golden Retriever B-class Mid
22 Languages of Argentina
22 Psychosis B-class Top (Former FA)
21 Son-Rise
21 Paracetamol Featured Top
21 Tourette Syndrome Association No talk pg
21 Connecticut Wing Civil Air Patrol Good
21 Seattle, Washington Featured Top
21 Stanley Cup Featured Top
21 The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest A-class Mid
21 Influenza Featured Top
21 List of organ transplant donors and recipients List Low
21 USS Wisconsin (BB-64) Featured Top
20 Hillary Rodham Clinton Good Top
20 Hydrogen Featured Top
20 TSA No talk pg
20 John McCain Good Top
20 Triton (moon) Featured Top
20 Birmingham campaign Featured
20 Louis Riel Featured Top
20 Liz Birt Start
20 Laika Featured Top
20 Karen McCarron Start
20 Homeopathy Good Top
20 Indonesia Featured Top
20 Ellis Paul Featured
20 Laura Schlessinger B-class
20 Robert Oppenheimer B-class Top (Former FA)
20 Panavision Featured
19 Able Archer 83 Featured Top

[edit] Cla68 10Jun08

User: User:Cla68 (mainspace)

(updated with latest statusfix 00:47 11Jun08)
(prev version temp retained for reference)
Total Contrib's: 8577 - Total pages: 1425

Edits Article Article Class Rating Former
678 Naval Battle of Guadalcanal Featured
370 Guadalcanal Campaign Good
370 1994 Black Hawk shootdown incident Featured
302 Ten-gō sakusen Featured
252 Battle of the Eastern Solomons Featured
206 Battle for Henderson Field Featured
185 Battle of Tassafaronga Featured
183 Battle of Edson's Ridge Featured
181 2007 United States Air Force nuclear weapons incident Featured Low
176 Paul Nobuo Tatsuguchi Featured Low
173 Ehime Maru and USS Greeneville collision Featured Mid
169 Battle of Cape Esperance Featured
165 Battle of Savo Island Featured
136 Actions along the Matanikau Featured
131 Battle of Mount Austen, the Galloping Horse, and the Sea Horse Start
126 Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands Featured
123 Michael Brown Okinawa assault incident Featured Low
117 Carlson's patrol Featured
114 Battle of the Tenaru Featured
114 Matanikau Offensive Featured
112 Invasion of Tulagi (May 1942) Featured
100 Enshin kaikan Start
89 1994 Fairchild Air Force Base B-52 crash Featured
84 Battle of Tulagi and Gavutu-Tanambogo Featured
81 Koli Point action Featured
78 Operation Hailstone Start Top
72 Attack on Pearl Harbor B-class Top (Former FA)
68 Asama-Sanso incident Good
67 Battle of Rennell Island Featured
66 Kyokushin kaikan Start
62 Cactus Air Force Start
58 Bombing of Rabaul (November 1943) B-class
49 Bougainville campaign (1943–45) Start
36 Jōkō Ninomiya Start
34 Battle of the Java Sea Start
34 Masutatsu Ōyama Start
33 Gus Kohntopp B-class
32 Japanese war crimes B-class Top (Former GA)
30 Battle of New Georgia Start
28 190th Fighter Squadron B-class
27 190th Fighter Squadron, Blues and Royals friendly fire incident B-class
23 Battle of the Bismarck Sea Start
23 USS Iowa turret explosion Start Mid
23 Battle of Empress Augusta Bay Start
22 Aleutian Islands Campaign Start Top
22 John S. McCain, Sr. Start Top
22 Gary Weiss Start
21 Battle of Blackett Strait Start
21 Linda Ham Start Mid
21 Battle of the Treasury Islands Stub Mid
19 Raid on Choiseul Stub

(previous version for reference - updated version above)
(note ampersand-titles still not retrieving status)
User: User:Cla68 (mainspace)

Total Contrib's: 8577 - Total pages: 1425

Edits Article Article Class Rating Former
678 Naval Battle of Guadalcanal Featured
370 Guadalcanal Campaign Good
370 1994 Black Hawk shootdown incident Featured
302 Ten-gō sakusen Featured
252 Battle of the Eastern Solomons Featured
206 Battle for Henderson Field Featured
185 Battle of Tassafaronga Featured
183 Battle of Edson's Ridge
181 2007 United States Air Force nuclear weapons incident Featured Low
176 Paul Nobuo Tatsuguchi Featured Low
173 Ehime Maru and USS Greeneville collision Featured Mid
169 Battle of Cape Esperance Featured
165 Battle of Savo Island Featured
136 Actions along the Matanikau Featured
131 Battle of Mount Austen, the Galloping Horse, and the Sea Horse Start
126 Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands Featured
123 Michael Brown Okinawa assault incident Featured Low
117 Carlson's patrol
114 Battle of the Tenaru Featured
114 Matanikau Offensive Featured
112 Invasion of Tulagi (May 1942) Featured
100 Enshin kaikan Start
89 1994 Fairchild Air Force Base B-52 crash Featured
84 Battle of Tulagi and Gavutu-Tanambogo Featured
81 Koli Point action Featured
78 Operation Hailstone Start Top
72 Attack on Pearl Harbor B-class Top (Former FA)
68 Asama-Sanso incident Good
67 Battle of Rennell Island Featured
66 Kyokushin kaikan Start
62 Cactus Air Force Start
58 Bombing of Rabaul (November 1943) B-class
49 Bougainville campaign (1943–45) Start
36 Jōkō Ninomiya Start
34 Battle of the Java Sea Start
34 Masutatsu Ōyama Start
33 Gus Kohntopp B-class
32 Japanese war crimes B-class Top (Former GA)
30 Battle of New Georgia Start
28 190th Fighter Squadron B-class
27 190th Fighter Squadron, Blues and Royals friendly fire incident B-class
23 Battle of the Bismarck Sea Start
23 USS Iowa turret explosion Start Mid
23 Battle of Empress Augusta Bay Start
22 Aleutian Islands Campaign Start Top
22 John S. McCain, Sr. Start Top
22 Gary Weiss Start
21 Battle of Blackett Strait Start
21 Linda Ham Start Mid
21 Battle of the Treasury Islands Stub Mid
19 Raid on Choiseul Stub

[edit] FeloniousMonk 10Jun08

User: User:FeloniousMonk (mainspace)

Total Contrib's: 7432 - Total pages: 582

Edits Article Article Class Rating Former
1150 Intelligent design Featured Top
378 Teach the Controversy B-class Top
377 Intelligent design movement A-class Top
305 Discovery Institute B-class Top
152 Wedge strategy B-class Top
136 William A. Dembski B-class Top
109 Sternberg peer review controversy B-class Mid
108 Kansas evolution hearings B-class Mid
106 Irreducible complexity B-class Top
100 Francis J. Beckwith Start Low
96 Jonathan Wells (intelligent design advocate) B-class Mid
80 Godless: The Church of Liberalism Start Low
79 Center for Science and Culture B-class Top
76 Neo-creationism Start Mid
68 Intelligent designer A-class Top
68 Critical Analysis of Evolution Start Mid
67 Denialism
64 Fox News Channel controversies
63 Liberty University B-class
62 Christopher Michael Langan Start Low
62 Phillip E. Johnson Start Top
60 Move America Forward
60 Paul Weyrich
56 Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed B-class Low
53 Politicization of science B-class Mid
53 Dominionism B-class Mid
53 Faith and rationality Start Top
52 Rick Santorum B-class Low
52 Battle of 73 Easting Start
51 Michael Behe Start Top
49 Fine-tuned Universe B-class Mid
49 Uncommon Dissent Start Low
45 Family Research Council B-class
45 Thomas More Law Center Start Low
45 International Society for Complexity, Information, and Design Start Mid
45 Operation Bulmus 6 Start
44 Jonathan Sarfati Start Low
42 A Scientific Dissent From Darwinism Start Mid
41 Stephen C. Meyer Start Mid
40 D. James Kennedy Start Mid
39 Bruin Alumni Association Start Low
38 Henry F. Schaefer, III Start Mid
38 WebEx
37 Patrick Henry College Good Mid
36 Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District A-class Top
36 EHarmony B-class Mid
36 Human B-class Mid (Former GA)
35 Fox News Channel
34 Creationism B-class Top (Former GA)
33 Specified complexity Start Top
33 Atheism Featured Top
32 Intelligent design in politics Start Mid
32 Creation science B-class (Former GA)
31 Darwin's Black Box
31 David Berlinski Start Low
30 Santorum Amendment Start Top
29 Richard Sternberg Start Low
29 Of Pandas and People B-class Mid
28 Creation-evolution controversy B-class Top (Former GA)
27 Focus on the Family Start Low
27 Pseudoscience Start Top
26 PZ Myers B-class
25 Antony Flew B-class Mid
24 Guillermo Gonzalez (astronomer) Start Mid
24 Metanexus Institute
23 Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting
23 Icons of Evolution Start Top
23 Eugenie Scott B-class
23 Jerry Bergman
22 Eagle Forum
22 List of people and organizations associated with Dominionism
22 Wilberforce Forum Start Low
20 Discovery Institute intelligent design campaigns Start Mid
20 TheocracyWatch
20 List of scientific societies rejecting intelligent design B-class Mid
19 Christian Coalition of America

[edit] Matthewedwards 11Jun08

User: User:Matthewedwards (mainspace)

Total Contrib's: 1676 - Total pages: 365

Edits Article Article Class Rating Former
313 Degrassi: The Next Generation Featured Mid
121 Degrassi: The Next Generation (season 1) Featured Low
116 List of Degrassi: The Next Generation episodes Featured Mid
103 Degrassi: The Next Generation (season 2) Featured Low
47 Degrassi: The Next Generation (season 3) Featured Low
47 List of 7th Heaven episodes Start Low
44 List of Scripps National Spelling Bee champions FL-class
43 Degrassi: The Next Generation (season 7) A-class Low
40 Degrassi: The Next Generation (season 4) Featured Low
40 One Tree Hill DVD releases
31 Degrassi: The Next Generation (season 6) Featured Low
29 Weddings, Parties, Anything (D:TNG episode) No talk pg
27 Concert for Diana
26 Degrassi: The Next Generation (season 5) Featured Low
20 List of Los Angeles Police Department officers killed in the line of duty List
19 List of awards won by Degrassi
17 Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office Featured
13 List of Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department officers killed in the line of duty List
8 List of Degrassi: The Next Generation web series episodes

[edit] Guettarda 11Jun08

User: User:Guettarda (mainspace)

Total Contrib's: 13217 - Total pages: 3305

Edits Article Article Class Rating Former
415 List of palms of the Caribbean Featured Mid
329 Trinidad and Tobago B-class Top
222 List of birds of Trinidad and Tobago List Top
157 List of trees of the Caribbean List Low
149 List of cities and towns in Trinidad and Tobago
136 List of snakes of Trinidad and Tobago Featured Low
114 Global warming Featured Top
113 Evolution Featured Top (Former FA)
109 Ficus aurea B-class Low
104 Port of Spain B-class Top*
101 Intelligent design Featured Top
96 Deforestation B-class
93 Trinidad Start Top
84 Patrick Manning B-class* Top
81 Tobago Start Top
76 Basdeo Panday B-class Top*
72 Chaguanas B-class Mid
70 Jamaica B-class Top
70 Amazon Rainforest B-class Top
66 San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago B-class Mid
65 Daily Kos
63 History of Trinidad and Tobago
57 List of schools in Trinidad and Tobago List Low
57 Democratic Labour Party (Trinidad and Tobago) B-class Mid (Former FA)
54 Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed B-class Low
52 Barbados B-class Top
49 Ecology B-class Top
49 Eric Williams B-class Top
47 List of works on intelligent design Start Mid
47 Caribbean Start Top
43 Markos Moulitsas B-class Low
43 Indo-Trinidadian
40 Michael Behe Start Top
39 Jonathan Wells (intelligent design advocate) B-class Mid
36 George Maxwell Richards Start Top*
35 People's National Movement B-class
34 Ecosystem Start Top
34 Politics of Trinidad and Tobago B-class
33 List of Trinidad and Tobago-related topics List
33 United National Congress B-class
32 Tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests
32 Elections in Trinidad and Tobago
31 Culture of Trinidad and Tobago B-class
31 Trinidad and Tobago national football team
31 West Indies Federation B-class
30 Complementary and alternative medicine Start
30 List of Eastern Caribbean people List
29 Rainforest
29 Natural selection Good Top
29 Macroevolution B-class Top
29 William A. Dembski B-class Top
29 Naparima College Start Low
29 Ann Coulter B-class Mid*
28 Tropical and subtropical dry broadleaf forests
28 House of Representatives of Trinidad and Tobago
27 Ecological succession Start Top
27 Jamaican dry forests Start
26 Steelpan B-class
26 University of the West Indies Start Top
25 Creation-evolution controversy B-class Top (Former GA)
25 Noor Hassanali Start
25 Ecological effects of biodiversity
25 Charles Darwin Featured Top
25 Taíno A-class Top
24 List of people and organizations associated with Dominionism
24 List of ethnic slurs Start
24 Eric Pianka Start Low
24 Foxy Brown (rapper) Start Low
23 Ellis Clarke Start Mid*
23 Jonathan Sarfati Start Low
23 A. N. R. Robinson Start Top*
22 Puerto Rico Good Top
22 Regional Corporations and Municipalities of Trinidad and Tobago Stub
22 National Alliance for Reconstruction Start
21 Aiphanes horrida Start Mid
21 History of the Caribbean Start Top
21 Arima Start Top*
21 Armando (blogger)
21 List of political parties in Trinidad and Tobago List
20 Hugh Ross (creationist) B-class Low
20 List of scientists opposing the mainstream scientific assessment of global warming List
20 The Bahamas B-class Top
19 Attalea crassispatha Start Mid

(* denotes conflicting assessments, highest one is shown)

aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - bcl - be - be_x_old - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - co - cr - crh - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dsb - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - ext - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gan - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - hak - haw - he - hi - hif - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kaa - kab - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mdf - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - mt - mus - my - myv - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - quality - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - rw - sa - sah - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sr - srn - ss - st - stq - su - sv - sw - szl - ta - te - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu -