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Tristan da Cunha - Wikipedia

Tristan da Cunha

Diwar Wikipedia, an holloueziadur digor

Kartenn enezeg Tristan da Cunha Tristan da Cunha zo un enezenn pell eus pep douar bras, en un enezeg anvet heñvel hag enni inizi didud, e-kreiz Meurvor Atlantel ar C'hreisteiz . 2816 km eus Suafrika ha 3360 km eus Kreisteizamerika

Edinburgh of the Seven Seas eo ar gêrbenn.


[kemmañ] Istor

Kentañ ma voe spurmanet an inizi a voe e 1506 gant ur moraer portugalat anvet Tristão da Cunha, met ar mor a oa rust ha ne voe ket gallet aochañ. An enez vrasañ a voe anvet Ilha de Tristão da Cunha gantañ, a droas da Tristan da Cunha Island e saozneg.

Ret e vo gortoz ken na vo 1767 evit gwelout a lestr gall L'Heure du Berger o tostaat. Sontet e voe an dour en-dro d'an inizi, taolet ur sell ouzh an aod a-ziwar al lestr. Evezh a voe taolet ouzh dour pezh lamm-dour Big Watron ha hini ul lenn en hanternoz, hag embannet e voe an evezhiadennoù gant un douroniour saoz eus ar Royal Navy e 1781.

An den kentañ a eas da chom di a oa nvet Jonathan Lambert, a oa eus Salem, Massachusetts, SUA, a zegouezhas e in 1810. Diskleriañ a reas e oa eñ an hini a oa perc'henn an inizi, hag o envel Inizi ar Freskadurezh. Mervel a reas daou vloaz war-lerc'h, e 1812. E 1815 e tisklerias Breizh-Veur bezañ mestrez d'an inizi, ha staget e voent ouzh melestradurezh Trevadenn ar C'hab, e Suafrika.

]</ref>. As the Governor resides permanently in Saint Helena, an Administrator is appointed to represent the Governor in the islands. The Administrator acts as the local head of government, and takes advice from the Island Council, made up of eight elected and three appointed members. Policing in Tristan da Cunha is undertaken by one full time police officer and three special constables. Tristan da Cunha has its own legislation, but the law of Saint Helena applies to the extent that it is not inconsistent with local law, insofar as it is suitable for local circumstances and subject to such modifications as local circumstances make necessary. -->

[kemmañ] Douaroniezh

Kartenn enezeg  Tristan da Cunha, gant Enez Gough Island

The name "Tristan da Cunha" is also used for the archipelago, which consists of the following islands (areas given in km²):

Inaccessible Island and the Nightingale Islands are located 35 km (22 mi) southwest of the main island, while Gough Island is located 395 km (245 mi) SSE. The main island is quite mountainous; the only flat area is the location of the capital, Edinburgh on the Northwestern coast (sometimes known as "Edinburgh of the Seven Seas"). The highest point is a volcano called Queen Mary's Peak (2,062 m, 6,765 ft); it is covered by snow in winter. The climate is marine subtropical with small temperature differences between summer and winter and between day and night. The other islands of the group are uninhabited, except for Gough Island Weather Station on the namesake island, which has been operated by South Africa since 1956 (since 1963 at its present location at Transvaal Bay on the Southeast coast), with a staff of six. Tristan da Cunha is the nesting place of Tristan Albatrosses.

Tristan da Cunda is thought to have formed by a long-lived center of upwelling magma called the Tristan hotspot.

[kemmañ] Economy

The only landing point on the island
The only landing point on the island

All Tristan families are farmers, owning their own stock. All land is communally owned. Livestock numbers are strictly controlled to conserve pasture and to prevent better off families accumulating wealth. No outsiders are allowed to buy land or settle on Tristan.[1]

The islands' main source of foreign income is the lobster factory and the sale of stamps and coins to overseas collectors. Most people have dual occupations, often working for the local government. Many inhabitants have plots of land (at the patches) on which they grow potatoes.

The 1961 volcanic eruption destroyed the Tristan da Cunha canned crayfish factory, which was rebuilt a short time later. The crayfish farmers work for the South African company Ovenstone which has an exclusive contract to sell crayfish to the United States and Japan. Even though Tristan da Cunha is a UK overseas territory, it is not permitted direct access to European Union markets. Recently the decline in interest in Tristan crayfish in the United States has meant that the islanders have had to borrow from their reserves. The islands' financial problems may cause delays in updating communication equipment and improving education on the island.

On Wednesday, 13 February 2008, the Fishing Factory was destroyed by fire and along with it the island's only source of power. Emergency power was restored for a limited period, and the island was awaiting the visit of insurance loss adjusters to investigate the source and cause of the fire. The cost to the Island's economy was not immediately known. Patrom:Facts

[kemmañ] Demographics

The islands have a population of 271 people.[2] The main settlement is Edinburgh of the Seven Seas (known locally as "The Settlement"). The main religion is Christianity, with denominations of Anglican and Roman Catholic. There are instances of health problems because of endogamy, including asthma and glaucoma, largely because of the inevitable marriages among distantly related couples, for example marriages between second degree cousins, that comes with having such a small gene pool.

Housing in Tristan da Cunha
Housing in Tristan da Cunha

The remote location of the islands makes transport to the outside world difficult. There is no airport, and the islands can only be reached by boat. Fishing boats from South Africa regularly service the islands. The RMS Saint Helena formerly connected the islands to South Africa, and the United Kingdom via Saint Helena and Ascension Island, but she no longer calls at Tristan da Cunha.

[kemmañ] Society

On Tristan da Cunha the population of 271 people share just seven surnames: Glass, Green, Hagan, Lavarello (a typical Ligurian surname), Repetto (another typical Ligurian surname), Rogers and Swain. There are 80 families on the island.

Health care is free, but with just one resident doctor from South Africa and five nurses, the delivery and surgery are limited and serious injury can mean necessitating sending signals to passing fishing vessels, so that the injured person can be transferred to Cape Town. As of late 2007 IBM and Beacon Equity Partners, co-operating with Medweb, the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and the government of Tristan da Cunha on ”Project Tristan”, has availed the island doctor with access to long distance tele-medical help, making it possible to send EKG and x-ray pictures to doctors in other countries for instant consultation.

Television did not arrive on the island until 2001, and the sole channel available is the British Forces Broadcasting Service from the Falkland Islands. Education is rudimentary; children leave school at fifteen, and although it is possible to take GCSEs a year later, results are poor.[3][4]

[kemmañ] Yezh

Tristan da Cunha's isolation has led to an unusual, patois-like dialect of English. Bill Bryson documents some examples of the island's dialect in his book, The Mother Tongue.

[kemmañ] Viral outbreak

On 4 December 2007 the BBC World News reported an outbreak of an acute viral strain which causes Viral Induced Asthma. This outbreak was compounded by Tristan's lack of suitable medical supplies.[5] The British Coast Guard in Falmouth are co-ordinating international efforts to get appropriate medicines to Tristan in order to treat the virus. Tristan’s elderly population and the very young are most at risk. However, telephone contacts with islanders indicate that only four elderly people are now hospitalized. -->

[kemmañ] Inizi all

Sede anvioù inizi all an enezeg:

Didud int holl.

Gough Island, en enezeg Tristan da Cunha
Gough Island, en enezeg Tristan da Cunha

[kemmañ] Istor

Dizoloet e voe gant ar Portugalad Tristão da Cunha, a roas e anv dezhi.

Dalc'het eo gant ar Rouantelezh Unanet, ha stag ouzh gouarnerezh an enez saoz Saint Helena, a zo 2173 km km aleshont er gwalarn.

En 1961 e tarzhas menez-tan an enezenn , ma rankas an dud (meur a gant den) tec'hel da Vro-Saoz, goude ma tistroas meur a hini goude, un toullad bloavezhioù war-lerc'h.

[kemmañ] Pell

Diaes eo monet di: pell emañ diouzh Breizh, ha gwall nebeut a listri a ya betek eno.

[kemmañ] Poblañs

271 a dud zo o chom en enezenn.[6] En Edinburgh of the Seven Seas (lesanvet "The Settlement") emañ an darn vuiañ. Kristenien int: darn zo anglikaned re all katoliked.

Tier e  Tristan da Cunha
Tier e Tristan da Cunha

[kemmañ] Lennegezh

  • Meneget eo e levr Jules Verne, Les Enfants du Capitaine Grant.
  • Gant Hervé Bazin eo bet kontet monet-kuit ha distro annezidi Tristan da Cunha en e levr Les Bienheureux de la Désolation.

[kemmañ] Notennoù

  1. Economy of Tristan de Cunha. Tristan da Cunha Government and the Tristan da Cunha Association, June 2005. [1]
  2. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7126939.stm
  3. Crossan, Rob 'Return to the Last Outpost' Telegraph Magazine 11/11/02
  4. CNN Traveler: A long way from anywhere
  5. Patrom:Cite news
  6. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7126939.stm

[kemmañ] Liammoù diavaez

Tristan da Cunha
Tristan da Cunha | Inaccessible Island | Inizi an Eostig (Enez an Eostig | Middle Island | Enez Stoltenhoff) | Enez Gough
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