Predloga:Navedi vizualno
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Napaka pri klicu predloge cite visual: manjka obvezni parameter title.
Ta članek (oz. del besedila) je treba prevesti. Če v nekaj tednih ne bo preveden v slovenščino, ga bomo delno ali v celoti predlagali za izbris. |
Paramaters are as follows:
- director, the director
- producer, the producer
- crew, alternative crew, actors, etc, will render as plain text, allowing for links
- title, title (required)
- url, if a url is defined, the title will link to it
- accessdate: Date (Month Day) when item was accessed. Should be ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format.
- accessyear: Year when item was accessed. (Optional if ISO 8601 date used)
- date, release date
- medium, Television series, Videotape, etc.
- distributor, distributor of the work
- location, location of the distributor
[uredi] Example
{{Cite visual|director=John Director|producer=Jane Producer|crew=And everyone else who made this possible|title=The Show|url=|accessdate=2006-07-02|date=[[1998-02-07]]|medium=DVD|distributor=Distribution Inc|location=Earth}}
Jane Producer (producent), & John Director (režiser). And everyone else who made this possible. (1998-02-07) The Show [DVD]. Earth: Distribution Inc. datum dostopa na URL: 2006-07-02.
Predloga vsebuje skrajno zapletene in/ali ezoterične skladenjske elemente. Prosimo vas, da je, če niste gotovi, da jo zares razumete in niste pripravljeni popraviti vse posledične stranske škode ob nepričakovanih rezultatih, ne spreminjate. Vse preizkušanje opravite v predlogi peskovniku oziroma v svojem uporabniškem prostoru. |