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User talk:Mendor - Wikipedia

User talk:Mendor

Frae Wikipedia


I made you sysop. If anyone complain, please tell us. Anthere 11:41, 23 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Table o contents

[edit] Interface translation

Hi Mendor,

To expedite the translation of the intrface t Scots, I racommend that you assist that other guy who doin it now.


Thx :))

[edit] Sicilian

A'm Sicilian. Please, could you put our Sicilian Wikipedia in the list of the ones that have more than 1.000 articles ? Thank you very much !

[edit] Scots speir on the 2011 census

Aiblins ye coud pit the bittie anent the Scots speir on the 2011 census on the Gaun on the nou page, efter aw, is thon no for newsins an siclike?

Jimmy 23:43, 23 Julie 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Babel

Hi Mendor,

I took the liberty (as a freshman on this wikipedia) to create the Template:User en-2 and Template:User nl templates. I will be happy to create the Template:User nl-1, Template:User nl-2 and Template:User nl-3, but I thought maybe better ask first... regards, Moribunt 20:16, 2 Augist 2005 (UTC)

[edit] doitit lass

thanks, darnit I spelled it nae the first time but then looked it up. :( Couldn't find dog. thank you thank you! (and if you're wondering what a non-Scots speaker is doing here, I'll be more than happy to answer but its a little long and not very informative. Please post on my uiser collogue page if your curiosity compels...) KillerChihuahua 19:57, 12 October 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Help


"User" has edit every page I made yesterday adding the fixscots thing to the top of it. I know my work isn't perfect, but I've been trying to use only my print dictionary and Scots-Online's as you advised to stop old words. See I've tried to configure to this sites tastes, and yet with each of these fix scots banners emblazened on the page I'm alienated from the rest of the group. Maybe I'm being too sensitive, and part of me can really believe that, but the greater part knows that this isn't right.

He also seems to particularly fond of such rude phrases as "ye'r taen the pish again." further insults...I'd quite editing here all together if I didn't like to "translate" pages (maybe into gibberish if you must) and seeing the tally go up another notch. Nou Uiserr

Ah've jist had a wee keek at the pages ye made, and they dae read like they've been written bi a non-native speaker. Maist ae it luiks like English owerset intae Scots, likes. Mibbes that's how yer man wis adding the Fixscots tag. Bazza 7/7/06.

[edit] Wird Help

I need help again. This time it's for a word. I can't find it (or it's translation) on D.S.L, Scots-Online, my print dictionary, or really any others I can think of. The word is Vespae.

[edit] Spam

Hope you don't mind me writing in English. Thought I should give you a heads-up that has spammed the main page again, and you warned them that they would get blocked if they did so. Cheers. OpenToppedBus -- 14:44, 21 Dizember 2005 (UTC)

Cheers for that. (A dinna mynd English on collogue pages ava.) Mendor 15:45, 21 Dizember 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Kurów

Could you please write a stub http://sco.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kur%C3%B3w - just a few sentences based on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kur%C3%B3w ? Only 2 -5 sentences enough. Please. Pietras1988 21:53, 30 Januar 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Thanks for correcting my extras in What Wikipedia isna

Hiya. I told Derek Ross last night that my command of Scots is not perfect, I am roughly SCO-1 level wise... Just want to say thank you for correcting what I added to that area. Its appreciated. Do you know of any good resources where I can get better at Scots??? Cheers. Thor24 22:42, 5 Februar 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Bot

Hello. Would you mind taking a peek at my request, please? Cheers. --Rebel 13:19, 19 Februar 2006 (UTC)

Thank you. --Rebel 12:26, 20 Februar 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Fraunce an Ower

I won't change them any more. The first I changed because I thought it was the proper form having found it elsewhere in the article. I'll change them to "fraunce". Thanks, Nou Uiserr 19:27, 26 Mairch 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Article request

Hello. Could You create article about en:Katowice in Scotich wikipedia. Just a few sentences, please. Best Regards from Poland Stimoroll

[edit] Bureaucrat

Mendor, I'm proponin that ye be the first bureaucrat for the Scots Wikipaedia. As ye ken, we dinna hae ane the nou an there's a puckle fowk that micht weel hae been made admin bi nou gin we did. Say you're it! -- Derek Ross 06:01, 17 Julie 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Growing the Wiki

Ah was speakin with Jimbo Wales aboot buildin the commonty on the wiki here, an this is what he said, Ah thought ye may be interested:

I would say that some of the things that lead to success on small wikis are:

1. Don't have too many rules. Try not to make up or copy any rules from en.wikipedia until you have clear and overwhelming need for it. Gentle talk and loving friendship is always a better way.
2. Reach out to people in the broader commnity... language preservationists, community groups, professors.

Cheers, ✎ Wizardry Dragon (Ma Collogue) (Ma Contreibutions) 20:49, 12 Dizember 2006 (UTC)

Ha! Dinna hae ower monie rules! He micht be better tellin the Wikimedia stewards thon! They're still nae lattin us hae a bureaucrat less we lowp ower their hurdles. A'll hae tae draft a daft bit o policy on the wey tae pick ane afore they'll gie us ane. -- Derek Ross 05:48, 13 Dizember 2006 (UTC)

Heh. Derek, can ye pynt me tae whaur a' this debate is takkin place? A didna e'en ken ye were still at thaim aboot it. Guid on ye, mibbe we'll can get a bureaucrat suin.

Aboot reaching oot tae the braider commonty, we gied that a shottie back whan we set up the wiki an it didna seem tae attract ower muckle interest. Mibbe we shuid gie it anither shot. As for professors, A shuid really talk wi some o the professors in the Linguistics and English Language department here. A'll be daein a coorse cryed Scots: history and structure in the New Year, sae mibbe A'll can get some contacts/interestit persons that wey. Mendor 22:20, 13 Dizember 2006 (UTC)

Ach, weel. Still at them oniewey. Nae wi muckle result though. Readin atween the lines, A jalouse that, gin we set a policy on walin bureaucrats, an gin we hae anither successfu walin, we micht get ye made up tae bureaucrat. But naethin's definite...
Anent the braider community, A wad sey that it has tae be an ongaein effort. Maist fowk arena that like tae contribute tae Wikipedia oniewey, sae ye hiv tae spread the word tae a wheen o likely chiels afore ye'll get a puckle guid editors. -- Derek Ross 23:49, 13 Dizember 2006 (UTC)

Im sorry this response is English however I'm in a hurry and I'm rather stressed at the moment so it'd be overly difficult for me to communicate outside of my native tounge.

That being said, I would not worry overly much about the bureaucratship at this juncture, as Jimbo says, we need to avoid having too much authority creep - this may scare away the volunteers that are neccesary to the growth of the wikipedia. I think an important step is to reach out to language conservationalists, researchers, and professors, to get a little more of a community going.

Personally I post here out of great interest and in hopes that I can improve my Scots, s many have pointed out it is quite terrible. Thusfar though, while people have been a little frustrated and have made some mistakes this place has been a good environment for that - and that's something I'd encourage too. If we can help get more people into the language, that's not just a bigger Wikipedia community, that's a service to the Scots community as a whole :)

Anyways just my two cents, ✎ Wizardry Dragon (Ma Collogue) (Ma Contreibutions) 00:32, 14 Dizember 2006 (UTC)

But it's got naething tae dae wi authority, WD. It maks nae differ tae me whether the bureaucrat is Mendor, me or yersel. Ony trusty body'll dae. It's juist that there are a puckle things on ony wiki that ye need a bureaucrat for, cause naebody else can dae them. Tae gie ye an example, ye maun hae noticed a gey lot o bots fullin up the Scots Recent Chynges list. That's cause naebody here can mark them as bots. Ye maun be a bureaucrat afore ye can dae that. On the Scots Gaelic WP they hae a bureaucrat (me), so they dinna hae the same problem wi bots that we div. Likewise the raison that we juist hae twa admins the nou is that we dinna hae a bureaucrat. Gin we did, there's a puckle mair fowk wid be admins as weel. I've taen the policy on the Gaelic wiki of makkin onybody that taks a serious interest intil an admin an A wid hope that we'd follae a seemlar policy here. We're nae aifter the authority; juist the abeelity. -- Derek Ross 03:01, 14 Dizember 2006 (UTC)

A read the collogue at "requests for permission", and I dinnae unnerstaund whit the oncairy is aboot. Sae we are smaa. Whit's that gat tae dae wi onything? Gin anither vote is taen, A'll uphaud whit yuise that hae been here longer propone. Aleta 06:25, 14 Dizember 2006 (UTC)

I understand the concern over bureaucratship, however, could we also talk about my other points? :) Thanks, ✎ Wizardry Dragon (Ma Collogue) (Ma Contreibutions) 20:51, 14 Dizember 2006 (UTC)

Weel, A dinna see ony need for collogue on yer ither pynts, WD. Aye, we need tae reach oot tae fowk. Aye, we're nae big eneuch tae hae muckle need for hierarchy. Aye, we're daein Scots spikkers a service gin we grow the Scots Wikipedia. Nae disagreement on ony o thon. -- Derek Ross 05:11, 15 Dizember 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Re:

Heer maet, am no seein hau a hif tae ryt wae englis orthografee ... saylint Es, euslis Cs and aa that ... nor dae a see hau a hif tae euz Teuchtir taak an no euz Glesga taak whin that iz ma aktual taak. wi seud ryt the wae wee taak an bee consistint. An hau kum Y an AY ur the saem let'erz whin thur no akteulie that wy in Scot'land, lyk AYE an fYf? 21:27, 2 Februar 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Guid on ye!

Aifter sax month, ye've bin made bureaucrat. It's bin a sair trauchle but it's come richt at the end. Sae guid on ye! Noo that ye haev the powers, could you look at mairkin some o thae bots as bots, sae they dinna show up on Recent Chynges. Ye'll finnd the needfu page on the puckle neow "Byordinar pages" that's bin eikit for ye. Cheers -- Derek Ross 08:27, 4 Februar 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Thanks

I'm scottish (live in edinburgh) and I am trying to get my scots improved. your changes to tenacious d helped no end. Tenacious D Fans 21:07, 24 Februar 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Reenaiming ma accoont

Och aye, "Maclennan o' Kintail", that's the wan. Gang richt aheid an' dae et.--Maclennan of Maclennan 23:11, 30 Mairch 2007 (UTC)

Thankye awfy much like. - Maclennan o' Kintail 14:31, 2 Apryle 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Requests for Adminship

What happens if no-one votes? OchAyeTheNoo 19:36, 17 Apryle 2007 (UTC)

Hullo Mendor, A read the thing on the Mercant Cross Page...I left a comment. A like the idea, an A'm gonnae ask gin A can be an Admin. Ther ye go, ye can decide. Please? :) OchAyeTheNoo 18:19, 19 Apryle 2007 (UTC)
Aha! Result! :) I got one vote...Of course IP's cant vote but Bazza did! It WAS two days late but its still a vote... :)

Aye aye. Ah widnae mind bein an Admin an aa. An aye, it wis me at voted fae OATNBazza 09:45, 20 Apryle 2007 (UTC)

Mendor, A'm in full support o yer proposals for giein adminship tae onybody that seems ready for't. It's fit A dae masel ower on the Gaelic Wikipedia. But A think it's aye the case that fowk hae to pruive themsels ower time. Bein ready for adminship is a maiter o shawin yersel trusty tae the regulars here and that canna happen owernicht. But richt noo, we're a smaw eneuch commonty that formal walin is a bit owermuckle process. Collogue shuid be eneuch. The ae thing tae mind is that it's aesier tae mak an admin nor tae unmak ane. Sae ye want tae caw canny an mak shuir. -- Derek Ross 03:57, 21 Apryle 2007 (UTC)

[edit] New user page

There's some error on the New User Created page "== Guid tae see ye, Alton! == Yer accoont haes been creatit. Mynd an chynge yer Wikipedia preferences." Alton 06:13, 8 Mey 2007 (UTC)

  • Also, is it more appropriate to use "æ" or "ae" in the name of this edition? ALTON .ıl 07:05, 8 Mey 2007 (UTC)
  • How about namespace names? For example, should it be "Uiser:Mendor"? What about "Uiser collogue"?

I'm just taking a cursory look through here and there seems to be much more interest in this project than the others, undoubtably due to Scots' similarities with English. I'm going through all the common templates right now and making initial versions, but I don't speak a lick of this language so I'm keeping them all temporary. I'm just dumping all this on your page since you seem to be the heartstring of this entire project, so bear with my rants...! ALTON .ıl 07:25, 8 Mey 2007 (UTC)

Aye aye Mendor, fit like:} cuid ye hae a keek at the collogue page here . Talk:Apologetic apostrophe‎; as am no siccar gin ma airgument is richt anent the apologetic apostrophie, and ad appreciate yer expertise in the debate:} cheers ممتاز 20:15, 15 Mey 2007 (UTC)

Thon link didnae work:] it wis til the talk page on the English version o the apologetic apostrophe airticle. Please tak a keek ower whit av skreived an contreibute tae fill in ma ignorance. Thanks (if ye can?)ممتاز 20:18, 15 Mey 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Bot statut

Hi ! My primary account have bot statut but I will now edit on my bot account User:Le Pied-bot (list of flag). Can you please switch the bot flag from my primary account User:EDUCA33E to my bot account User:Le Pied-bot ? Cordialy, EDUCA33E 04:59, 7 Juin 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Wiktionary

Hey, Mendor (English is okay for talk pages, yeah?), would you be interested in starting a Scots Wiktionary? I've already figured out how to do it, I just need a few extra people who are interested.

If you are, give me a shout, cheers. OchAyeTheNoo 19:46, 12 Juin 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Bot status for Byrialbot

Hello Mendor! I am not sure where the right place for this is, so I turn me to you as a bureaucrat.

I ask for permission to run my interwiki bot Byrialbot here at the Scots Wikipedia, and to get a bot flag for it.

  • Bot accout: User:Byrialbot (contributions)
  • Botmaster: User:Byrial
  • Botmaster's home project: da:User:Byrial
  • List of botflags on others wikipedias: als:, ar:, bat-smg:, be:, bn:, bs:, bpy:, ca:, ceb:, cs:, da:, de:, el:, en:, eo:, es:, et:, fo:, fr:, fy:, gl:, he:, hu:, id:, io:, is:, it:, ka:, ksh:, lb:, li:, lt:, lv:, mk:, ml:, mr:, ms:, nds:, nds-nl:, nl:, nn:, no:, pms:, pt:, ro:, ru:, simple:, sk:, sl:, sr:, sv:, ta:, tl:, th:, uk:, vo:
  • Purpose: Interwiki
  • Technical details: Interwiki using Pywikipediabot (constantly updated with CVS) starting from da:, nn:, no: and sv:. It mostly runs manually assisted and I try to solve found interwiki conflicts when I can.

It will soon begin to do test edits. Thank you! Byrial 15:22, 28 Juin 2007 (UTC)

Dankon pro la robotflago! Salutas Byrial 16:06, 28 Juin 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Spellin


Ah've been tryin tae find oot whit the decision wis for spelling things like "ceety"/"ceity"/"ceitie" etc, "meenister"/"meinister" etc. Ah can see loadsae debate anent the matter (dae we follae the RRSSC or no, etc), bit Ah cannae see a decision! Bazza 09:12, 9 Julie 2007 (UTC)

Thanks! Ah've been tryin tae get a staundart across the hale wikipedia, and the ee/ei hing's the maist common mishanter. It's aw a bittie tapsalteerie mind. Ah micht chynge "fitbaa" tae "fitbaw" neist. Bazza 08:51, 10 Julie 2007 (UTC)

[edit] User:SieBot

Please give a bot bit to User:SieBot so it will not flood your RC as it adds interwiki links. User:SieBot is active on about 120 Wikipedias at this moment. Cheers! Siebrand 12:00, 5 August 2007 (UTC)

[edit] BotMultichill

Hi, i request a bot bit for BotMultichill.

  • Botmaster : Multichill
  • Bot's name : BotMultichill
  • List of botflags on others wikipedias: about 100+ atm (see meta:User:Multichill for the current list)
  • Purpose: Interwiki (pywikipedia)
  • Technical details : BotMultichill is an interwiki bot starting at the Dutch wikipedia. The bot uses the pywikipedia framework and runs day and night in autonomous mode. Sometimes the bot will run in manual assisted mode to solve interwiki conflicts. Multichill 15:50, 6 September 2007 (UTC)

[edit] RRSSC PDF

Mendor, A've got a bit wabspace free on cameronross.org, gin ye want tae pit the PDF there. -- Derek Ross | News 03:04, 10 October 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Ither leids

Freends, A'v eikit a propone for a new version o the 'ither leids' on the main page. Hae a leuk. Ony chance o a sysop sneddin an batterin it intae the template? Jimmy 20:14, 14 October 2007 (UTC)

[edit] user:Gangleri

[edit] user:Gangleriלערי ריינהארט

La ligo w:yi:יידישע וויקיפעדיע#לערי_ריינהארט direktas al projekto de la Wikimedia fondaĵo al la Vikipedio en la jida lingvo.
La sekcio direktas al « לערי ריינהארט » ; la transkribo estas « lɛʁi ʁɑjnhɑʁt » ; Tio estas mi.
Vidu ankaŭ GglobalWPSearch:user:Gangleri.
Antaŭdankon! Amike Gangleri
‫·‏לערי ריינהארט‏·‏T‏·‏m‏:‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me‏·‏‬ 10:49, 6 Januar 2008 (UTC)
‫·‏לערי ריינהארט‏·‏T‏·‏m‏:‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me‏·‏‬ 01:40, 11 Februar 2008 (UTC)

[edit] Kintra names

Mendor, A'v pitten doun some thochts anent the Scots form o kintra names at Category talk:Kintras. Tak a keek an lat us ken whit ye think.Jimmy 13:23, 7 Februar 2008 (UTC)

[edit] Dundee

Hi Mendor, A noticed on yer uiser page that ye're fae Dundee an ye're aboot ma age (A wis born in '87). A wis juist wonderin whit schuil ye went tae in Dundee. Juist wonderin if A kent ye or onbody ye ken. If ye dinnae want tae say that is fine acause A ken ye hae tae be canny on the wab these days. Scroggie 01:02, 9 Februar 2008 (UTC)

Nah, A dinnae ken onybodie that went tae the Grove. A went tae Baldragon. Ah well, A wis juist wonderin. A'm on Facebook gin ye are. Scroggie 17:24, 9 Februar 2008 (UTC)

[edit] Bot Status for Purbo_T

Hi, I'd like to ask for a bot flag for Purbo_T (contributions)

  • Operator: User:Purodha = ksh:User:Purodha (b'crat @ ksh)
  • Function: interwiki link maintenance
  • Operation: manually-assisted, occasionally in automatic or autonomous mode, starting mostly from the Wikipedia of Ripuarian languages
  • Software: pywikipediabot framework updated daily from svn
  • Already has bot flag on: [../../../../../aa/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html aa], [../../../../../am/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html am], [../../../../../ar/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html ar], [../../../../../be-x-old/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html be-x-old], [../../../../../bn/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html bn], [../../../../../bo/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html bo], [../../../../../bug/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html bug], [../../../../../bxr/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html bxr], [../../../../../cdo/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html cdo], [../../../../../co/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html co], [../../../../../crh/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html crh], [../../../../../de/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html de], [../../../../../dsb/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html dsb], [../../../../../dz/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html dz], [../../../../../ee/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html ee], [../../../../../eo/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html eo], [../../../../../fa/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html fa], [../../../../../fi/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html fi], [../../../../../fj/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html fj], [../../../../../fr/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html fr], [../../../../../gv/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html gv], [../../../../../hr/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html hr], [../../../../../hsb/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html hsb], [../../../../../ht/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html ht], [../../../../../ig/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html ig], [../../../../../is/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html is], [../../../../../ja/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html ja], jbo, [../../../../../ksh/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html ksh], [../../../../../ku/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html ku], [../../../../../kv/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html kv], [../../../../../lbe/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html lbe], [../../../../../lg/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html lg], [../../../../../lmo/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html lmo], [../../../../../lo/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html lo],[../../../../../lt/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html lt], [../../../../../ml/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html ml], [../../../../../mr/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html mr], [../../../../../nds/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html nds], [../../../../../new/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html new], [../../../../../nl/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html nl], [../../../../../nn/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html nn], [../../../../../nov/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html nov], [../../../../../or/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html or], [../../../../../os/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html os], [../../../../../pms/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html pms], [../../../../../simple/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html simple], [../../../../../stq/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html stq], [../../../../../sv/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html sv], [../../../../../tg/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html tg], [../../../../../to/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html to], [../../../../../ts/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html ts], [../../../../../ty/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html ty], [../../../../../vec/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html vec], [../../../../../vi/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html vi], [../../../../../vls/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html vls], [../../../../../vo/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html vo], [../../../../../yi/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html yi], [../../../../../za/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html za], [../../../../../zea/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html zea], [../../../../../zh-classical/articles/u/s/e/Special%7EUserlist_6cfa.html zh-classical], more pending.
  • Generally, there is cumulated data on the bot (sorry, due to current technical problems at the toolserver, the data is partially not up to date, and may be inaccessible for short periods of time)

Thank you! --Purodha Blissenbach 13:41, 13 February 2008 (UTC)


"Purbo T" now has its bot flag on :sco:.

Thanks, sco:User:Mendor 18:15, 16. Feb 2008 (CET)

[edit] Hi

Aim noo to this wiki an i was a woondrin if the way i've voted in milesdatas request was alrite. Thanks Simple11 15:19, 3 Apryle 2008 (UTC)

[edit] Fraud

Your not even scottish, so how do you know every interpretation of the scottish language. I am actually Scottish. I think I know best--Milesdata 11:47, 4 Apryle 2008 (UTC)

your nothing but a fraud what gives you the right to tell scots how to speak -- 11:51, 4 Apryle 2008 (UTC)

Why don't you keep speaking your "gey queer dialect o Scots" you idiot so wots the result of milesdatas request ? 07:29, 26 Apryle 2008 (UTC)

Can ye no guess? Dae ye no think that we micht be a wee bit pit aff by sock-puppeteers comin on tae the wiki, giein us abuiss (abuiss in English or fakey Scots mind, no even guid an proper Scots abuiss!), an telling fowk that hiv ne'er bidit furth o Scotland i thair hail puff that they're "not even scottish"? Mendor 11:02, 27 Apryle 2008 (UTC)

[edit] Uisername chynge

Hello Mendor. I ken yer a beaurocrat, an sae ye can chynge uisernames. Next time yer on the Scots wiki, could ye please chynge ma uisername tae WBOSITG, tae match wi ma Inglis uisername? I ken yer awfy busy, but I'd appreciate it. Cheers, OchAyeTheNoo 15:02, 7 Mey 2008 (UTC)

Cheers. :) OchAyeTheNoo noo ken as WBOSITG 10:38, 9 Mey 2008 (UTC)

[edit] Bot flag request for User:Computer]

  • Bot operator: User:White Cat (Commons:User:White Cat) - En-N, Tr-4, Ja-1
  • List of botflags on other projects: Bot has a flag on wikimedia (meta,commons) wikipedia (ar, az, de, en, es, et, fr, is, ja, ku, nn, no, ru, sr, tr, uz, simple) (See: m:User:White Cat#Bots)
  • Purpose: Interwiki linking, double redirect fixing, commons delinking (for cases where commonsdelinker fails)

-- Cat chi? 12:41, 15 Mey 2008 (UTC)

[edit] Usurpation of User:E

Hello, In order to complete my unified login on the username E, could you please do the necessary renames to make that account available (rename E to something else) and you may leave this account (Extranet) unchanged as I will use it as an alternate account for public computers. This will allow me to login and redeem the account. I thank you for your help, Extranet 08:47, 28 Mey 2008 (UTC)

[edit] Bot policy

Hello. To facilitate steward granting of bot access, I suggest implementing the standard bot policy on this wiki. This will involve creating a redirect to this page from Project:Bot policy, and adding a line at the top noting that it is used here. In particular, this policy allows automatic acceptance of known interlanguage linking bots (if this page says that is acceptable), which form the vast majority of such requests.

Please read the text at m:Bot policy before commenting. If you object, please say so; it will be implemented in one week if there is no objection, since it is particularly written to streamline bot requests on wikis with little or no community interested in bot access requests. Carsrac 12:47, 14 Juin 2008 (UTC)

aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - bcl - be - be_x_old - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - co - cr - crh - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dsb - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - ext - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gan - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - hak - haw - he - hi - hif - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kaa - kab - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mdf - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - mt - mus - my - myv - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - quality - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - rw - sa - sah - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sr - srn - ss - st - stq - su - sv - sw - szl - ta - te - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu -