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Wikipedia:Requests for adminship/Front matter - Wikipedia

Wikipedia:Requests for adminship/Front matter

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Requests for adminship (nae ti be confounded wi requests for arbitration at WP:RFAr) is a page ti nominate yersel or ithers for ti become a Wikipedia administrator. Admins hae access til a puckle technical featurs that help wi Wikipedia maintenance. Please see the readin list an wey-to guide afore appleein here.

Administrators the nou | Neow admins | Unsuccessful candidacies (since September 2005)

[edit] Aboot RfA

Administrator status is grantit ti trustie members o the commonty that's fameiliar wi Wikipedia policies. Admins dinna hae ony byordinar authority on Wikipedia, but is hauden ti heich standards, sin they are seen bi some uisers as the "offeicial face" o Wikipedia. Admins shuid be mainerlie, an shuid shaw guid juidgment an patience in dealin wi ithers. Nominees shuid hae been on Wikipedia lang eneuch for fowk ti see gif they hae thir qualities or no. Houaniver, adminship shuidna be a muckle thing. Admin actions is reversible; bein an admin is maistlins an extra responsibeility, sin there are rules an policies that juist applees til admins.

Nomination staundarts
Maist neow admins haes mair nor three month o parteecipation an mair nor 1000 edits. See the standards for adminship expectit bi some raigulars on this page. Ye can uise kate's tool ti coont a nominee's edits; mind that # of edits micht be inflated bi frequent smaa edits.

Ye dow nominate yersel.

Anonymous users canna be nominated, nor nominate ithers, nor vote. They are alloued ti comment tho.

Nomination process
Nominations stay for seiven days, for votes an comments. Bureaucrats dow at their discretion extend this whan consensus isna clair; the threshold for consensus on this page is rochlie 75-80 percent support. In extraordinar circumstances, bureaucrats micht chuise forbye ti void the walins cast an require a rewale. Thae nominations that will clairly fail micht be taen awa aerlier for ti stop collogues that causes ill will; houaniver, sin maist editors disna veisit Wikipedia ilka day, a raisonable time shuid be gien. Some uisers opposes aerlie removal under onie circumstances. Gin yer nomination is rejectit, please wait a raisonable time afore appleein ance mair (say, a month).

Sel-nominations Please review the qualifications abuin. Some editors feels that sel-nominees shoud "exceed the ordinar guidelines by guid meisur", hae an accoont name that is mony months auld an hae mnny hunders o edits (in practice onybody wi less nor 1000 edits haesna a real chance o passin). This is no tae say that sel-nominators is necessar ony less qualifee'd nor "sponsored" nominations. Maist voters can be presumed tae conseeder aw nominees on their ain merits, an there's e'en a few that leuks wi speicial favour on sel-nominations as expressin a suitable independence. A guid solit backgrund is equally important for baith kynd o nomination. Obviously unqualifee'd nominations o aither kynd micht coud be removed athoot discussion.

For tae eik your vote, edit the section for that candidate. Aw Wikipaedians wi an accoont is walcome tae vote. Lang discussions shoud be hauden in the Comments section.

Please shaw whither ye uphaud or oppose the candidate. Ye can cast a neutral vote that winna be tabulated in the final calculations an aw. Whan ye cast yer vote, please conseeder providin an expoondin, specially on oppose an neutral votes, sae the candidate or ither voters can unnerstaund an address it. In a close nomination, aw explanations an comments will be conseedered, includin thaim that's in neutral votes. Ye shoud can update the vote tot whan votin an aw.

In yer comments an responses, please be respectfu o ithers. Some dialogs micht become contentious an emotional. Mynd that we are aw fowk wi feeling, emotions an pride.

For tae nominate somebody (includin yersel)

  1. Edit this page an eik the follaein text abuin the maist recent nomination:
    {{Wikipedia:Requests for adminship/UserName}}
  2. Follae the reid airtin tae Wikipedia:Requests for adminship/UserName an eik the follaein:
    '''[{{SERVER}}{{localurl:Wikipedia:Requests for adminship/UserName|action=edit}} Vote here] (0/0/0) ending {{subst:CURRENTTIME}} [[00 Month]] [[2005]] (UTC)'''
    {{User|USERNAME}} - Yer nomination/descreeption o the uiser --~~~~
    {{subst:Wikipedia:Requests for adminship/Candidate quaistens}}
  3. Preview yer nomination for tae check it; replace [[00 Month]] wi the date fae yer seegnatur but mak the date sieven days efter.
  4. Gin the nominatit uiser is on the List o non-admins wi a heich edit coont, please update their status for tae reflect the new nomination, wi an airtin tae the nomination page.

[edit] Current nominations

Wikipedia:Requests for adminship/OchAyeTheNoo

--Honestsoap 09:02, 5 Apryle 2008 (UTC)===Milesdata=== Vote here (1/0/0) ending 20:28 17 Apryle 2005 (UTC)

Candidate, please shaw gin ye accept the nomination here: Ye


  1. Weel, ye canna write in Scots, ye canna feenish sentences (see abuin), ye're ill-mootht an ye act like a bairn. Fu merks fir tryin, but. Bazza 13:16, 3 Apryle 2008 (UTC)
  2. You hae been here for twa meenits, an ye haena pruived yersel yet. Gin ye hang aroond an gie some guid inpit tae the Wiki, mebee than ye can think aboot Adminship. The nou, ye are juist makkin airticles in wrangous Scots. Nane o us are perfit at writin in Scots acause we war ne'er teacht it, but uisin the airtins on yer Collogue page ye'll be scrievin guid Scots afore ye ken it. An gif A war an ill-thochtit body a wad be think it gey orra that baith User:Roomtouch an User:Simple11 makkit an accoont at aboot the same time an uphaudit yer RfA at aboot the same time, juist 10 meenites efter. Scroggie 16:58, 3 Apryle 2008 (UTC)
  3. Awa. Fowk canna waltz in here an ask tae be made admins efter makkin twa-three contreebutions in wrangous Scots an haein yer freends leave threatenin comments on fowk's collogue pages ("you leave milesdata -alone or youll pay"). "I tink I noo mae oon langweege" -- thon isna Scots. Nae Scots dialect stops 'th' (maks it intae a 't'). Nae Scots dialect uises the soondin [nu] <noo> for Eng. 'know'/Eastren Scots 'ken'. Nae Scots dialect uises [un] <oon> for 'ain'/Eng. 'own'. Gin ye'r sairious aboot this -- and A dout thon -- then mak some mair contreebutions in something that's near tae richt Scots, become pairt o oor community, stop registerin sockpuppets for tae uphaud yer adminship application, an we micht think aboot it. As it is, ye maun think we're saft in the heid. Mendor 11:15, 4 Apryle 2008 (UTC)


  1. I dont know who you think you are Bazza but miles data is a good friend of mine and i know what hes like and he would not badmouth you i think you're a bit dillusional but if anyones the villain here then its you so i strongly support this RFA.Simple11 15:01, 3 Apryle 2008 (UTC)
  2. I do not personally know him, but the stuff he wrote (before it was deleted for a strange reason, where is it now?) I found really helpful. I think his scottish is a lot better than any others I have heard. I think your discriminating because of his northern aberdeen language.Roomtouch 15:08, 3 Apryle 2008 (UTC)
    1. Wad that be Aiberdeen in Mississipi or Aiberdeen in Sooth Dakota coz naebody fae Aiberdeen in Scotland wad cry it "northern aberdeen language" ? -- 14:58, 4 Apryle 2008 (UTC)
  3. So what if hes only been here a short while, he has the potential, my students at my scottish school can actually understand him, unlike some of the others such as Bazza who can only speak basic scottish.Honestsoap
  4. Why should it matter how long hes been here i have decided to make an account to vote because of you lo Qwerty123 08:20, 4 Apryle 2008 (UTC)
    1. Tellin us thon is a guid wey o makkin shuir that the vote willna be coontit. Mendor 11:15, 4 Apryle 2008 (UTC)


You need an admin that can speak alternative forms of scotish like milesdata. None of the kids in my school im teaching at can understand any of you, but I found out about this Milesdata person and he speaks EXACTLY how we do.--Honestsoap 09:54, 4 Apryle 2008 (UTC)

Firstlins it's cried Scots no Scottish. A di' ken hou ye'd ken hou User:Milesdata speaks fae the wey he writes, but gin he's tryin tae pit ower some dialect featurs that's missin fae the Scots the rest o us speak, then it's a gey queer dialect o Scots that nane o the lave o us hiv ever come across. Mendor 11:15, 4 Apryle 2008 (UTC)
Acht, they're aw sockpuppets. Ah'm guessin Milesdata an aw his aliases'll get bored suin an gae play on anither wiki. Bazza 11:45, 4 Apryle 2008 (UTC)

I just found out you people opposing are not even Scots. Milesdata actually is, surely you need Scots on the Scots page.--Honestsoap 11:55, 4 Apryle 2008 (UTC)

A'm Dundee born an bred masel, so ye'r no ontae a winner wi this airgiement. Mendor 12:12, 4 Apryle 2008 (UTC)

Do you want a medal for that Mendor? but the rest of the admins aren't you blind fool--Honestsoap 12:24, 4 Apryle 2008 (UTC)

Hiya :-) An aye, Ah'm Inglis born an bred. Dae Ah get a medal? Bit it's no aboot whaur fowk come fae, bit aboot the leid. An it's clear as watter at ye dinna ken the leid. This isnae a wikipedia fir fowk frae Scotland - it's a wikipeda in the Scots leid. Bazza 15:05, 4 Apryle 2008 (UTC)


Nou thon juist winna dae. Ar ye sairiously suggestin that ainlie fowk that's Scottish an tocht auld fermin wurds on their grandmithir's knee suld use the leid? Thon's the ae maist sure-fire gate tae kill wir leid - stappin new fowk learnin it, fremmit or no. Whit a gowk. Ma vote, fer whit its wurth, is "Na" - not until ye gie us proper fou-length airticles an stap greitin like a wean. Mind ye've nae richt tae be an admin till ye can pruive yersel. There's monie fowk here that's duin a guid sicht mair nor yersel on here that dinna thriep they suld hae the pouer tae rin the wiki, sic as masel, fer ensample. - Duncan Sneddon (no loggit in the the nou).

[edit] OchAyeTheNoo

Vote here (1/0/0) ending 20:28 17 Apryle 2005 (UTC) OchAyeTheNoo (talkcontribs) - Weel, I'v nae been here fer awer lang, an ma Scots isnae ootstaundin, but A wuld really like tae help oot further by fixin links an creating pages an ether stuff. Cheers --OchAyeTheNoo 20:28, 10 Apryle 2007 (UTC)

Candidate, please shaw gin ye accept the nomination here: Ye


  1. Aye, how no. Gin we can get mair fowk tae help tidy up (mair ae a scaffy nor an admin:-)) then that's got tae be guid. Bazza 09:43, 19 Apryle 2007 (UTC)


  1. Ye needna be an Admin for dae dae wi ye mention abuin. 10:26, 11 Apryle 2007 (UTC)
Syne A wrate thon Mendor mentiont his poseetion here as oor quasi-benevolent-dictator. A'v aye been blythe wi that sae gin Mendor wants tae mak ye an Admin that's fine wi me. A wad recommend ye tak the time tae read oor page anent writin Scots an gin ye can find the time hae a read o the wabsteids an airticles that it airts tae.



  • Ocht you're a grumpy auld sowel 84.135 ;-) Mynd you it is a pynt -- ye dinna need admin pouers tae dae whit OchAyeTheNou is wantin tae dae. Haein sayed thon, pouers o deletion an protectin pages can be uissfu. Like A sayed here (no that oniebodie peyed onie attention tae me *sniff*) A'm myndit tae gie admin pouers tae onie sairious contreebutor (an OATN is sairious) that wants thaim. Whit dis a'body else think? Mendor 16:44, 13 Apryle 2007 (UTC) (PS: "colour" vs "color"-type disputes wadna happen on the Scots Wikipedia?! Ye dae ken aboot a' the bluid, sweat an tears been spilt ower the years airgiein aboot Scots spellin, dae ye no...? Mendor 16:44, 13 Apryle 2007 (UTC))
  • Thanks, Mendor, that cheered ma up a bit :) OchAyeTheNoo 20:42, 13 Apryle 2007 (UTC)
  • I'm gettin a wee bit impaetient, can sumwan hurry up an vote? Please? OchAyeTheNoo 21:06, 13 Apryle 2007 (UTC)
  • What happens if no-one votes? OchAyeTheNoo 19:31, 17 Apryle 2007 (UTC)

Quaistens for the candidate
A few generic quaistens tae gie guidance tae the voters:

1. Whit sysop chores, if ony, wad ye foresee yersel holpin wi? (Please read the page aboot administrators an the administrators' readin leet.)
A. I wuld definitely mak some new pages, fix brakit links, an revert the vandils waulk.
2. Amang yer ain airticles or contreibutions tae Wikipaedia, are there ony that ye'r rael prood o, an whit wey?
A. None A'm too prood o, A'm anly helpin oot.
3. Hiv ye been in ony fechts ower editin in the past or div ye feel that ither uisers haes caused ye pain? Whit hiv ye duin aboot it and whit will ye dae aboot it in the futur?
A. There haes been a few disputes, like the "Color v Colour" gain on, but that wuldnae happen en the Scots Wikipaedia.

Nominations maun be acceptit by the uiser in quaisten. Gin ye nominate a uiser, lea' a message on their talk page an speir at them tae repone here gin they accept the nomination.

Eik new requests at the tap o this section (an update the vote-tots in the heiders whan votin)

The time the nou is 21:25, 23 Juin 2008 (UTC)

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