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د Wikipedia لخوا

روغتيا په هر وخت او زمان کې، په دواړو، سلولي، حجروي او نړېواله کچه، د يوه اورګانيزم يا يو ژواندي مېټابوليکي او ژواکني (حياتي) ښه والي ته وايي. ټول اورګانيزمونه له ساده اورګانيزم نه تر ټولو پېچلو اورګانيزمونو پورې د روغتيايي مېچنې له مخې په بېلابېلو کچو وېشل شوي، چې دا ټول بيا په دغو دوو حدودو کې چې تر ټولو نه غوره روغتيا او صفر روغتيا يا مړينه ده، راځي. د طب په ډګر کې روغتيا د يوه ژواندي (اورګانيزم) هغه وړتيا بلل کېږي کوم چې په ښه توګه د خپل چاپېريال ننګونو ته د ځواب ويلو جوګه جوړوي او په ښه توګه يو توازني حالت هوميوسټاسېز پرحال او برقراره وساتي.

د روغتيا بل پراخ پېژند چې د روغتيا نړېوال تنظيم لخوا هم منل شوی پدې توګه څرګندېږي، . "روغتيا يواځې د ناروغيو او ناسمواله د نه شتون يو حالت نه دی بلکه روغتيا د بشپړ فيزيکي، عقلي، او ټولنيز ښه والي حالت ته هم وايي" [1]. په دې وروستيو کلونو کې، همدا پېژند په بل ډول بدل شوی او په دې تعريف کې دا هم ورزيات شوي چې داسې يوه وړتيا چې چا ته يو "ګټور ټولنيز او وټنيز ژوند" په برخه کوي. د روغتيا د نړېوال تنظيم دغه پېژند بې ګوتنيونې نه دی او په دې لړ کې ځينې دا دليل وايي چې روغتيا د يوه حالت په ډول هېڅ کله نه شي تعريفېدلای، خو بايده چې روغتيا ته د ژوندون د بدلېدونکو غوښتنو او د ژوندون هغه بدلېدونکي ماناګانو يوه پرله پسې روانه عيارېدونکې پروسې په سترګه وکتل شي کوم چې مونږ خپل ژوند ته ورکوو. نو په همدې خاطر د WHO يا د روغتيا نړېوال تنظيم پېژند (تعريف) د يوه خيالي وړانديز په پرتله اکثراً يوه خيالي موخه ګڼل کېږي.


[سمادول] د روغتيا ټاکونکي

د LaLonde report د راپور په وړانديز د روغتيا د ټاکنې څلور ټولګړي فکټورونه دي کوم چې هغوی د "انساني ژواکپوهنې"، "چاپېريال"، "د ژوند بڼه" او "د روغتياساتنې تنظيمونه" نومولي دي.[2] Thus, health is maintained through the science and practice of medicine, but can also be improved by individual effort. Physical fitness, weight loss, a healthy diet, stress management training and stopping smoking and other substance abuse are examples of steps to improve one's health. Workplace wellness programs are recognized by an increasingly large number of companies for their value in improving health and well-being of their employees, and increasing morale, loyalty and productivity at work. Workplace wellness programs can include things like onsite fitness centers, health presentations, wellness newsletters, access to health coaching, tobacco cessation programs and training related to nutrition, weight and stress management. Other programs may include health risk assessments, health screenings and body mass index monitoring. Mostly overseen or not mentioned is a group of determinants of health which could be called coincidence, hazard, luck or bad luck. These factors are quite important determinants of health but difficult to calculate.

An increasing measure of the health of populations is height, which is strongly regulated by nutrition and health care, among other standard of living and quality of life matters. The study of human growth, its regulators and its implications is known as auxology.

Wellness is a term sometimes used to describe the psychological state of being healthy, but is most often used in the field of alternative medicine to describe one's state of being.

[سمادول] تمرين

U.S. Marine emerges from the water upon completing the swimming portion of a triathlon.
U.S. Marine emerges from the water upon completing the swimming portion of a triathlon.

Physical exercise is the performance of some activity in order to develop or maintain physical fitness and overall health. It is often directed toward also honing athletic ability or skill. Frequent and regular physical exercise is an important component in the prevention of some of the diseases of affluence such as cancer, heart disease, cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, obesity and back pain.

Exercises are generally grouped into three types depending on the overall effect they have on the human body:

  • Flexibility exercises such as stretching improve the range of motion of muscles and joints.
  • Aerobic exercises such as walking and running focus on increasing cardiovascular endurance.
  • Anaerobic exercises such as weight training or sprinting increase short-term muscle strength.

Physical exercise is considered important for maintaining physical fitness including healthy weight; building and maintaining healthy bones, muscles, and joints; promoting physiological well-being; reducing surgical risks; and strengthening the immune system.

Proper nutrition is just as, if not more, important to health as exercise. When exercising it becomes even more important to have good diet to ensure the body has the correct ratio of macronutrients whilst providing ample micronutrients; this is to aid the body with the recovery process following strenuous exercise. When the body falls short of proper nutrition, it gets into starvation mode developed through evolution and depends onto fat content for survival. Research suggest that the production of thyroid hormones can be negatively affected by repeated bouts of dieting and calorie restriction[3]. Proper rest and recovery is also as important to health as exercise, otherwise the body exists in a permanently injured state and will not improve or adapt adequately to the exercise.

The above two factors can be compromised by psychological compulsions (eating disorders such as exercise bulimia, anorexia, and other bulimias), misinformation, a lack of organization, or a lack of motivation. These all lead to a decreased state of health.

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness can occur after any exercise, particularly if the body is in an unconditioned state relative to that exercise.

[سمادول] Nutrition

The updated USDA food pyramid, published in 2005, is a general nutrition guide for recommended food consumption.
The updated USDA food pyramid, published in 2005, is a general nutrition guide for recommended food consumption.

Nutrition is a science which studies the relationship between diet and states of health and disease. Dietitians are Health professionals who are specialized in this area of expertise. They are also the only highly trained health professionals able to provide safe, evidence-based and accurate dietary advice and interventions.

Between extremes of optimal health and death from starvation or malnutrition, there is an array of disease states that can be caused or alleviated by changes in diet. Deficiencies, excesses and imbalances in diet can produce negative impacts on health, which may lead to diseases such as scurvy, obesity or osteoporosis, as well as psychological and behavioral problems. Moreover, excessive ingestion of elements that have no apparent role in health, (e.g. lead, mercury, PCBs, dioxins), may incur toxic and potentially lethal effects, depending on the dose. The science of nutrition attempts to understand how and why specific dietary aspects influence health.

[سمادول] عقلي روغتيا

Mental health is a concept that refers to a human individual's emotional and psychological well-being. Merriam-Webster defines mental health as "A state of emotional and psychological well-being in which an individual is able to use his or her cognitive and emotional capabilities, function in society, and meet the ordinary demands of everyday life."

According to the World Health Organization, there is no one "official" definition of mental health. Cultural differences, subjective assessments, and competing professional theories all affect how "mental health" is defined. In general, most experts agree that "mental health" and "mental illness" are not opposites. In other words, the absence of a recognized mental disorder is not necessarily an indicator of mental health.

One way to think about mental health is by looking at how effectively and successfully a person functions. Feeling capable and competent; being able to handle normal levels of stress, maintain satisfying relationships, and lead an independent life; and being able to "bounce back," or recover from difficult situations, are all signs of mental health.

Encompassing your emotional, social, and—most importantly—your mental well-being; All these aspects—emotional, physical, and social—must function together to achieve overall health.

[سمادول] دا هم وګورۍ

Main article: List of basic health topics
  • Health (portal)
  • General Fitness Training
    • Physical fitness
    • List of basic exercise topics
  • روغتيا ساتنه
    • Health care delivery
    • د روغتيا زده کړه
    • Health profession
  • Environmental health
  • Hygiene
    • Mental hygiene
    • Oral hygiene
    • Sleep hygiene
  • Medicine
    • Alternative medicine
    • Traditional Chinese medicine
  • عقلي روغتيا
  • Longevity
    • List of life extension related topics
  • Nutrition
    • ويټامينونه
    • Minerals
    • Healthy diet
    • List of basic nutrition topics
  • عامه روغتيا
    • Population health
  • Reproductive health

[سمادول] اخځونه

  1. WHO. د روغتيا د نړېوال تنظيم کړنلاره , جنيوا, ۱۹۴۶. لاسرسی د اکتوبر ۳۰مه، ۲۰۰۶.
  2. Lalonde, Marc. "A New Perspective on the Health of Canadians." Ottawa: Minister of Supply and Services; 1974.
  3. Common fitness mistakes people make Stay Fit retrieved on 11-13-2006
  • WHO (1979) Health for All, Sr. Nos. 1, 2

[سمادول] باندنۍ تړنې

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