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Sacramento, California - Wikipedia

Sacramento, California

Ibat king Wikipedia

Sacramento, California
—  '  —
Sacramento, California
Skyline of Sacramento, California
Bandera ningSacramento, California
Official seal of Sacramento, California
Palayo: Ilug Lakanbalen (River City)
Karinan ning Sacramento king California
Karinan ning Sacramento king California
County Sacramento
 - Mayor Heather Fargo
Populasyun (2006)[1] [2]
 - City 457,514 (city proper)
 - Metro 2,042,283
Oras Zona PST (UTC-8)
 - Summer (DST) PDT (UTC-7)
Website: http://www.cityofsacramento.org/
Sacramento inyang 1849.
Sacramento inyang 1849.
Ing makatalakad a California's State Capitol
Ing makatalakad a California's State Capitol
Ing makatalakad a California's State Capitol
Ing makatalakad a California's State Capitol
Ing makatalakad a Ziggurat king lakanbalen dane albugan ning Sacramento, mayayakit sumngid ning Ilug Sacramento king albugan danggut ning Sacramento
Ing makatalakad a West America Bank
Ing makatalakad a West America Bank
Image:US Bank Tower Sacramento.JPG
US Bank Tower mayari ya keng Spring 2008
Ing Ilug Sacramento malapit keng stasyun bomba
Ing Ilug Sacramento malapit keng stasyun bomba


[mag-edit] Demographics

Population by year
1860 13,785
1870 16,283
1880 21,420
1890-1910 N/A
1920 65,908
1930 93,750
1940 105,958
1950 137,572
1960 191,667
1970 254,413
1980 275,741
1990 369,365
2000 407,018
2007 467,343
Ing  Romanu Catholicu Cathedral na ning Blessed Sacrament king Cathedral Square, Downtown.
Ing Romanu Catholicu Cathedral na ning Blessed Sacrament king Cathedral Square, Downtown.
Sacramento State pangulung piluban
Sacramento State pangulung piluban
Ing gagawan dang pasibyung California's ing mumunang permanenting theatre, ing  Eagle Theatre
Ing gagawan dang pasibyung California's ing mumunang permanenting theatre, ing Eagle Theatre
Ding Apat a Maragula Makatalakad king Matuang Sacramento
Ing  Community Center Theatre
Ing Community Center Theatre
Ing  Crocker Art Museum
Ing Crocker Art Museum
Raley Field, karinan da reng Sacramento River Cats
Raley Field, karinan da reng Sacramento River Cats
Ing mayayakit keng lakanbalen ibat keng Raley Field
Ing mayayakit keng lakanbalen ibat keng Raley Field
Image:Sacramento 007.jpg
Amtrak's Ing Sacramento Valley Rail Station iya ing susuyu keng tren lakanbalen a palub.
Image:Sacramento 004.jpg
An RT light rail ing tren palub ya keng Cathedral Square.

[mag-edit] Lawen ya rin

  • List of mayors of Sacramento
  • C. M. Goethe Arboretum

[mag-edit] Dalerayan

  1. E-1 Population Estimates for Cities, Counties and the State with Annual Percent Change — January 1, 2005 and 2006 (PDF). California Department of Finance (May 1 2006). Retrieved on November 16, 2006.
  2. [1]
  3. Tree City USA at arborday.org (HTML). arborday.org (January 1 2007). Retrieved on February 13, 2007.

[mag-edit] Suglung Palwal


Template:Cities of Sacramento County, California

Bandera ning California State ning California

Paksang California | Pamagsiasat | Gubyernu | Amlat | California Republika | Deng Californian

Tungku Sacramento
Labuad Antelope Valley | Big Sur | Central Valley | Central Coast | Channel Islands | Coachella Valley | Conejo Valley | Death Valley | Eastern California | Emerald Triangle | Gold Country | Greater Los Angeles | Imperial Valley | Inland Empire | Mojave | Northern California | North San Diego County | Owens Valley | Pomona Valley | The Peninsula | Redwood Empire | Sacramento Valley | San Fernando Valley | San Francisco Bay Area | San Gabriel Valley | Santa Clara Valley | Santa Clarita Valley | San Joaquin Valley | Shasta Cascade | Sierra Nevada | Silicon Valley | Southern California | Wine Country
Metropolitan areas Bakersfield | Chico | Fresno | Los Angeles-Long Beach-Glendale | Modesto | Napa | Oakland-Fremont-Hayward | Oxnard-Thousand Oaks-Ventura | Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario | Sacramento-Roseville | Salinas | San Diego-Carlsbad-San Marcos | San Francisco-San Mateo-Redwood City | San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara | San Luis Obispo-Paso Robles | Santa Ana-Anaheim-Irvine | Santa Barbara-Santa Maria | Santa Cruz-Watsonville | Santa Rosa-Petaluma | Stockton | Vallejo-Fairfield | Visalia-Porterville | Yuba City
Note: Deng syudad a miki maiggit 400,000 keng populasyun
Deng Counties Alameda | Alpine | Amador | Butte | Calaveras | Colusa | Contra Costa | Del Norte | El Dorado | Fresno | Glenn | Humboldt | Imperial | Inyo | Kern | Kings | Lake | Lassen | Los Angeles | Madera | Marin | Mariposa | Mendocino | Merced | Modoc | Mono | Monterey | Napa | Nevada | Orange | Placer | Plumas | Riverside | Sacramento | San Benito | San Bernardino | San Diego | San Francisco | San Joaquin | San Luis Obispo | San Mateo | Santa Barbara | Santa Clara | Santa Cruz | Shasta | Sierra | Siskiyou | Solano | Sonoma | Stanislaus | Sutter | Tehama | Trinity | Tulare | Tuolumne | Ventura | Yolo | Yuba
Note: Counties with over 1 million in population are bolded

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