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U.S. state - Wikipedia

U.S. state

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Ing U.S. state maski nanu yang state kareng limangpulung subnational entities na ning United States, agiang deng apat a states gagamit lang opisyal a pamansag a "commonwealth".

Deng 50 United States ning America
Opisyal State Lagyu Common IPA USPS Petsa Populasyun Tungku Pekamarakal a Populasyun a Lakanbalen Bandera
State of Alabama Alabama /ˌæləˈbæmə/ AL 181912141819-12-14 04,627,851 Montgomery Birmingham
State of Alaska Alaska /əˈlæskə/ AK 195901031959-01-03 00,683,478 Juneau Anchorage
State of Arizona Arizona /ˌærɪˈzoʊnə/ AZ 191202141912-02-14 06,338,755 Phoenix Phoenix
State of Arkansas Arkansas /ˈɑrkənsɔː/ AR 183606151836-06-15 02,834,797 Little Rock Little Rock
State of California California /ˌkælɪˈfɔrnjə/ CA 185009091850-09-09 36,553,215 Sacramento Los Angeles
State of Colorado Colorado /ˌkɒləˈrædoʊ/ CO 187608011876-08-01 04,861,515 Denver Denver
State of Connecticut Connecticut /kəˈnɛtɪkət/ CT 178801091788-01-09 03,502,309 Hartford Bridgeport[1]
State of Delaware Delaware /ˈdɛləwɛər/ DE 178712071787-12-07 00,864,764 Dover Wilmington
State of Florida Florida /ˈflɒrɪdə/ FL 184503031845-03-03 18,251,243 Tallahassee Jacksonville[2]
State of Georgia Georgia /ˈdʒɔrdʒə/ GA 178801021788-01-02 09,544,750 Atlanta Atlanta
State of Hawaiʻi
Mokuʻāina o Hawaiʻi
Hawaii /həˈwaɪi/, [haʋaiʔi] HI 195908211959-08-21 01,283,388 Honolulu Honolulu
State of Idaho Idaho /ˈaɪdəhoʊ/ ID 189007031890-07-03 01,499,402 Boise Boise
State of Illinois Illinois /ɪlɪˈnɔɪ/ IL 181812031818-12-03 12,852,548 Springfield Chicago
State of Indiana Indiana /ˌɪndiːˈænə/ IN 181612111816-12-11 06,345,289 Indianapolis Indianapolis
State of Iowa Iowa /ˈaɪəwə/ IA 184612281846-12-28 02,988,046 Des Moines Des Moines
State of Kansas Kansas /ˈkænzəs/ KS 186101291861-01-29 02,775,997 Topeka Wichita
Commonwealth of Kentucky Kentucky /kənˈtʌki/ KY 179206011792-06-01 04,241,474 Frankfort Louisville
State of Louisiana
État de Louisiane
Louisiana /luːˌiːziːˈænə/ LA 181204301812-04-30 04,293,204 Baton Rouge New Orleans
State of Maine Maine /ˈmeɪn/ ME 182003151820-03-15 01,317,207 Augusta Portland
State of Maryland Maryland /ˈmɛrələnd/ MD 178804281788-04-28 05,618,344 Annapolis Baltimore[3]
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Massachusetts /ˌmæsəˈtʃuːsɪts/ MA 178802061788-02-06 06,449,755 Boston Boston
State of Michigan Michigan /ˈmɪʃɪgən/ MI 183701261837-01-26 10,071,822 Lansing Detroit
State of Minnesota Minnesota /ˌmɪnɪˈsoʊtə/ MN 185805111858-05-11 05,197,621 Saint Paul Minneapolis
State of Mississippi Mississippi /ˌmɪsɪˈsɪpi/ MS 181712101817-12-10 02,918,785 Jackson Jackson
State of Missouri Missouri /mɪˈzʊəri, mɪˈzʊərə/ MO 182108101821-08-10 05,878,415 Jefferson City Kansas City[4]
State of Montana Montana /mɒnˈtænə/ MT 188911081889-11-08 00,957,861 Helena Billings
State of Nebraska Nebraska /nəˈbræskə/ NE 186703011867-03-01 01,774,571 Lincoln Omaha
State of Nevada Nevada /nəˈvædə/ NV 186410311864-10-31 02,565,382 Carson City Las Vegas
State of New Hampshire New Hampshire /njuːˈhæmpʃər/ NH 178806211788-06-21 01,315,828 Concord Manchester[5]
State of New Jersey New Jersey /njuːˈdʒɝzi/ NJ 178712181787-12-18 08,685,920 Trenton Newark[6]
State of New Mexico
Estado de Nuevo México
New Mexico /njuːˈmɛksɪkoʊ/ NM 191201061912-01-06 01,969,915 Santa Fe Albuquerque
State of New York New York /njuːˈjɔrk/ NY 178807261788-07-26 19,297,729 Albany New York
State of North Carolina North Carolina /ˌnɔrɵˌkɛrəˈlaɪnə/ NC 178911211789-11-21 09,061,032 Raleigh Charlotte
State of North Dakota North Dakota /ˌnɔrɵdəˈkoʊtə/ ND 188911021889-11-02 00,639,715 Bismarck Fargo
State of Ohio Ohio /oʊˈhaɪoʊ/ OH 180303011803-03-01 11,466,917 Columbus Columbus[7]
State of Oklahoma Oklahoma /ˌoʊkləˈhoʊmə/ OK 190711161907-11-16 03,617,316 Oklahoma City Oklahoma City
State of Oregon Oregon /ˈɒrɪgən/ OR 185902141859-02-14 03,747,455 Salem Portland
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Pennsylvania /ˌpɛnsɪlˈveɪnjə/ PA 178712121787-12-12 12,432,792 Harrisburg Philadelphia
State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations Rhode Island /roʊdˈʔaɪlənd/ RI 179005291790-05-29 01,057,832 Providence Providence
State of South Carolina South Carolina /ˌsɑʊɵkɛrəˈlaɪnə/ SC 178805231788-05-23 04,407,709 Columbia Columbia[8]
State of South Dakota South Dakota /ˌsɑʊɵdəˈkoʊtə/ SD 188911021889-11-02 00,796,214 Pierre Sioux Falls
State of Tennessee Tennessee /ˌtɛnɪˈsiː/ TN 179606011796-06-01 06,156,719 Nashville Memphis[9]
State of Texas Texas /ˈtɛksəs/ TX 184512291845-12-29 23,904,380 Austin Houston[10]
State of Utah Utah /ˈjuːtɔː/ UT 189601041896-01-04 02,645,330 Salt Lake City Salt Lake City
State of Vermont Vermont /vɚˈmɒnt/ VT 179103041791-03-04 00,621,254 Montpelier Burlington
Commonwealth of Virginia Virginia /vɚˈdʒɪnjə/ VA 178806251788-06-25 07,712,091 Richmond Virginia Beach[11]
State of Washington Washington /ˈwɒʃɪŋtən/ WA 188911111889-11-11 06,468,424 Olympia Seattle
State of West Virginia West Virginia /ˌwɛstvɚˈdʒɪnjə/ WV 186306201863-06-20 01,812,035 Charleston Charleston
State of Wisconsin Wisconsin /wɪsˈkɒnsɪn/ WI 184805291848-05-29 05,601,640 Madison Milwaukee
State of Wyoming Wyoming /waɪˈoʊmɪŋ/ WY 189007101890-07-10 00,522,830 Cheyenne Cheyenne

[mag-edit] Sugung Palwal

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