English: White Army propaganda poster from the Russian Civil War era (1919), depicting a caricature Leon Trotsky (as a large demon like figure with bright red skin. The depiction attempts to appeal to antisemitism.) and Chinese soldiers (below, wearing braids and blue and gold uniforms).
There was a notable number of them in the Red Army. They are depicted executing a prisoner and shoveling bones.
Texts are in pre-reform Russian orthography.
- "Peace and Freedom in Sovdepiya"
- R.S.F.S.R.
- "Workers' and Peasants' Government" (abbreviated)
- "Decree ...(illegible)... Signed: Lev Trotsky"
The wall is supposed to be the Kremlin wall (Kutafya Tower, to be precise).
Notice also the Red Star (drawn as a pentagram) on Trotsky's neck.
Français : Affiche de propagande antibolchevique des armées blanches diabolisant Léon Trotski en diable rouge. La légende indique : « Paix et Liberté en Sovdepie » (Russie soviétique).
日本語: 白軍によるプロパガンダポスター トロツキーを"ユダヤの悪魔"として描いている.
Italiano: Poster propagandistico antibolscevico dell'Armata Bianca che paragona Trockij ad un demonio. Il titolo significa: «Pace e libertà in Sovdepia». "Sovdepia" era il nome dato dai contro-rivoluzionari alla Russia sovietica.
Español: Sátira referida a Trotsky. 1919 Poster de progapanda del Ejército Blanco. Soldados chinos llevando tranzas con uniformes azules y dorados, ejecutando prisioneros y apilando huesos.
中文: 托洛斯基在白军的宣传画上成了魔鬼,依靠水兵和中国人杀害俄国人.
Norsk (bokmål): Den russiske hvite armés framstilling av kommunisten Leo Trotskij som blodrødt monster med Davidstjerne-liknende symbol.
Slovenčina: Trockij na protiboľševickej karikatúre Bielej armády.
Česky: Bělogvardějský propagandistický plakát s Trockým, naznačující spojitost mezi židovstvím a bolševismem.
Română: Afiş de propagandă al Armatei Albe înfăţişându-l pe Troţki drept "Diavol jidănesc". Textul scris deasupra spune: "Pace şi libertate în Sovdepia [1]".
Dansk: En propagandaplakat fra den Hvide Hær, der afbilleder Trotskij som en jødisk djævel. Over billede står den ironiske tekst: “Fred og frihed I Sovdepiya" (Sovdepiya var et nedsættende ord for sovjet-rusland).
עברית: פוסטר שהפיץ הצבא הלבן שמציג את ליאון טרוצקי כ"שד יהודי".
Српски / Srpski: Пропагандни постер Белих који приказује Троцког као "црвеног ђавола", настојећи да пробуди и антисемитизам. Горњи текст значи "Слобода и мир у Совдепији".
Galego: Cartaz do Exército Branco presentando a Trotski coma o diaño.
Sicilianu: Prupaganna antisimita di l'Armata Janca ca fa vìdiri Trotskij comu lu dimoniu.
Gaeilge: Póstaer/bolscaireacht ón Airm Bán (in aghaidh Trotsky).