नेपाली विकिपीडियाबाट
लेखाधिकार एक प्रकारको विधान हो। यो विधान अनुसार कोही व्यक्तिले केही कुराको निर्माण (आविष्कार वा शोधकार्य) गरेमा, उपरोक्त विषय वा वस्तु निजको पुंजी हुनेछ। अतः, यदि कुनै व्यक्तिले पुस्तक लेख्छ वा संगीत निर्माण गर्दछ वा चित्र कोर्दछ भने सो पुस्तक, संगीत वा पुस्तक निजको सम्पत्ति हुन्छ। अन्य व्यक्तिले यस प्रकार बनाइएको वस्तुको नक्कल गर्न वा सोको कुनै प्रतिलिपि बनाउनको लागि निजको लिखित दस्ताबेज लिन आवश्यक हुन्छ।
लेखाधिकार एक महत्त्वपूर्ण विधान हो। कुनै नयाँ कुरा बनाउन भन्दा भएकाको नक्कल गर्न सजिलो हुन्छ। कुनै किताब लेख्न निक्कै गारो हुन्छ। तर अरुले लेखेको किताबका सव्दहरू नक्कल गर्न सजिलो हुन्छ। त्यसैले धेरैले त्यसो गर्ने गर्छन। तर त्यसो गर्नाले किताब लेख्नेलाई बेच्न नसकिने हुन जान्छ। कसैले पनि त्यलाई नक्कल गर्न सक्छ, किन्न पर्दैन।
But then the person who wrote the book would have to do something else to get money. They would have less time to write books. If they write good books that would be a bad thing. We want them to have time to write books. Then we can read them and enjoy them. So we have to pay for the books, so that the person who wrote them can get money. And we have to stop people copying the books themselves, so that they have to pay for the books.
If you copy something that you did not make, and the person who made it has not said that you can copy it, then you are breaking copyright law. Usually, if the police catch you, you will have to pay a fine to the person who made the thing you copied. If you copied many things you might have to go to prison.
Some people say that Copyright law is bad. They say it does not work well. If you want to sell something you made, you have to take it to a publisher. But the publisher has many different things to sell. They may not want to sell the thing you made. Or they may sell it but not give all of the money to you. But you cannot stop them. Because without them you cannot sell the thing you made. People say this is very bad. It stops people getting money from selling things they have made. And copyright law does not help.