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बीकानेर जिला - विकिपीडिया

बीकानेर जिला

विकिपीडिया, एक मुक्त ज्ञानकोष से


 - जिले
 - बीकानेर
स्थान 28.1° N 73.19° E
क्षेत्रफल 30247.90  वर्ग की.मी
समय मण्डल IST (UTC+5:30)
जनसंख्या (2001)
 - घनत्व
 - /वर्ग.कि.मी.

बीकानेर भारतीय राज्य राजस्थान का एक जिला है ।

जिले का मुख्यालय बीकानेर है ।

क्षेत्रफल - 27,244 वर्ग कि.मी.

जनसंख्या - 1673562 (2001 जनगणना)

साक्षरता - 57.54%

एस. टी. डी (STD) कोड - 0151

जिलाधिकारी - (सितम्बर 2006 में)

समुद्र तल से उचाई -

अक्षांश - 28.01 उत्तर

देशांतर - 73. 19 पूर्व

औसत वर्षा - 243 मि.मी.

[संपादित करें] बाहरी कड़ियां


Bikaner is one of the desert districts situated in the north-west of Rajasthan. It is bound in the north by districts of Sriganganagar, on the west by Jaisalmer and Pakistan , Churu in the east and Nagaur and Jodhpur in the south-east. Climate Maximum temperature in the district is 48 degrees celsius Minimum temperature is minus one degree celsius Infrastructure

Electricity The capacity of existing Grid sub-stations in Bikaner district is 62.0 MVA.

Water Ground water occurs in the rocks of the trans-Aravalli, Vindhyan and territory formations at depth of 60 meters which increases towards the west and north. Around Kolyat, the depth ranges from 100 m to 135 m. The Indira Gandhi Nahar Project will benefit 188 villages of the district and 2.60 million acres of land.

Road Transport The district is well connected with metallic roads with all nearby district namely Jodhpur, Nagaur, Churu and Sri Ganganagar. The National Highway No.11 connecting Bikaner with Agra also ends in Bikaner itself. The total length of different category of roads in the district is about 3,624 kms as on 31 March 2000.

Rail Transport The total rail network found in the district has the rail length of 234.96 kms. The district is connected with Howrah by broad gauge and with Delhi, Jodhpur, Jaipur, Sri Ganganagar, Agra and Bhatinda by metre gauge railway line.

Air Transport The nearest airport is at Jaipur (320 Kms)

Communication Facilities Post offices -221 Telegraph offices -97 Telephone exchanges -61

Industrial Scenario

No. of Large and Medium Scale Running: No. of Small Scale Units: 5,310 No of Industrial Areas: 7

               Bikaner ( Rani Bazar)
               IGC Khara

Main Existing Industries Bathroom fittings, Bikaeri bhujia, carpet and shoddy yarn, cattle feed, cement, ceramic tiles, cotton (in bales) textiles, dairy products, groundnut oil, gypsum grinding, handicraft items, leather footwear, machine tools and parts, mosaic tiles, mustard oil, oil extraction and refinery, papad and mangori, plaster of Paris, polyethene film and bags, PVC cables, rasagollas, textiles, woollen blankets and shawls, woollen carpets, wood and wooden products.

Main Minerals

Clay, Fire Clay, Ochre, Gypsum

राजस्थान के जिले
अजमेर जिला | अलवर जिला | उदयपुर जिला | करौली जिला | कोटा जिला | गंगानगर जिला(श्रीगंगानगर ) | चित्तौरगढ़ जिला | चुरू जिला | जयपुर जिला | जालौर जिला | जैसलमेर जिला | जोधपुर जिला | झालावाड़ जिला | झुंझुनू जिला | टोंक जिला | दौसा जिला | धौलपुर जिला | डूंगरपुर जिला | नागौर जिला | पाली जिला | बाराँ जिला | बांसवाड़ा जिला | बाड़मेर जिला | बूंदी जिला | भीलवाड़ा जिला | भरतपुर जिला | बीकानेर जिला | राजसमन्द जिला | सवाई माधोपुर जिला | सीकर जिला | सिरोही जिला | हनुमानगढ़ जिला
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