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Miscellaneous technology in Stargate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Miscellaneous technology in Stargate

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This article lists prominent technologies in the Stargate universe that cannot be categorised by race due to the race's lack of prominence.
A less specific overview of Stargate technology may be found at the main technology article.

These are technological advancements made by miscellaneous other civilizations in Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis. These are generally made by the more advanced human civilizations that have appeared. As numerous advanced technologies exist, only important ones are listed here.

It is not known if the Asuran pistol is based on a model originally created by the Ancients (like the rest of their civilization) or is an original design.


[edit] Aschen technology

In both episodes of "2010" and "2001", the Aschen possessed advanced technology that were commented by Samantha Carter as being at least a hundred years ahead of Earth.[1]

Impressive examples of their superior technology are Harvesters, enormous floating craft used to harvest crops. These crops are later transported to the Aschen homeworld or other Confederation planets offworld through the Stargate. The Aschen have also developed teleportation technology, capable of transporting persons between continents in only seconds, and advanced bio-weapons.[1] Aschen medicine is also very advanced, capable of developing vaccines against deadly diseases including cancer, drugs to double human life-span, and machines that can mend broken bones in seconds.[2]

[edit] Anti-aging Vaccine

In an alternate timeline where Earth became a member of the Aschen Confederation, the Aschen provided Earth's population a powerful anti-aging drug, capable of doubling the life expectancy of humans. However, the vaccine intentionally causes an enormous amount of the population to become sterile in order to rapidly decrease the birthrate on a world within the Aschen Confederation. Almost a decade after the introduction of the drug about 91% of the population is unable to procreate.

This intentional sterilization is part of the Aschen's strategy to conquer other planets. [2] Eventually there are so few individuals left that the Aschen can effectively conquer the world, making it suitable for farming. [1]

[edit] Biogenic Weapon

The Aschen have developed a living radioactive material that can be programmed to target and destroy a specific type of DNA. This devastating weapon is capable of wiping out entire select species while leaving others unharmed.

The Aschen possess a number of efficient delivery systems, including glowing spheres that can be launched from the ventral side of Harvesters through the Stargate. The range of these devices is unknown, though it can be assumed that a single one of these orbs can inflict enormous damage, possibly even eradicating entire planets. [1]

[edit] Defense Drone

The Aschen Defense Drone is a small black dome attached to the walls of strategically important rooms. Several moments are required for the drones to charge, after which they fire thin energy bolts at enemy targets, leaving small burns on the body of individuals. Several shots are required to kill a target. However, the defense drones are quite vulnerable to Goa'uld weapons, including staff weapons and zats. This defense technology was only encountered in the '2010' episode in the year 2010 where Earth had become a member of the Aschen Confederation.[2]

[edit] Harvester

The Harvester is an automated farming machine that traverses the skies above Aschen farming planets. Relying on anti-gravity technology to float over entire fields, the Harvester is used to collect the crops by some unknown means when the field it is assigned to is at the peak of growth. The collected crops are stored in one of three large compartments on board, eventually being transported through the Stargate to the Aschen homeworld. The Harvester can also transport other objects through the Stargate, including biogenic weapons, making the Harvester much more than just a farming tool.

The inside of the Harvester has at least one room in which occupants can reside, and underneath the ship to one end of the room is an open balcony where occupants can view out. There is also a lavatory on board, and an Aschen Transporter. One of these flying machines was encountered on the Volian homeworld. [1]

[edit] Holographic Projector

The Aschen have developed technology to project three-dimensional objects into the air. This technology is incorporated into the conference rooms of their Harvesters [1] and science laboratories in an alternate timeline on Earth. [2]

[edit] Medicine

Aschen medicine is much more advanced compared to Earth medicine. Examples of their medical technology include advance diagnostic machines, and machines that can mend broken bones in seconds. The Aschen have also developed drugs that can double human life expectancy and vaccines against cancer. [2]

[edit] Transporter

The Aschen Transporter consists of a platform and pedestal that allows instantaneous transport to different locations on a planet. At least four people can be transported at a time over significant distances, even across entire continents. An interface is incorporated in the pedestal, where the user enters the desired destination. Immediately after, the travelers are transported to an identical platform at the intended location. [2]

[edit] Starships

As noted by Daniel Jackson after discovering the old Volian library, the Aschen first came to Volia not through the Stargate, but in ships. The specifications of these vessels is unknown, but they are obviously capable of interstellar travel.

[edit] Athosian fire starter

A device that shoots a laser beam to make fire for heat or cooking. It is evidence that the Athosians were once technologically advanced.

[edit] Atanik armbands

An Atanik armband
An Atanik armband

The Ataniks were the subject of legends across the galaxy because of a technology which gave them unprecedented speed and strength. These devices turned out to be real; they were armbands discovered by the Tok'ra Anise in an archaeological survey of the Atanik planet.

The armbands used a virus to cause the change in the subjects. Eventually the Atanik warriors developed an immunity to the virus, causing the armbands to become ineffective. The armbands are ineffective on the Goa'uld, Tok'ra, and Jaffa likely because of the healing powers of the symbiote.

Anise brought the armbands to Earth where Jack O'Neill, Samantha Carter and Daniel Jackson put on the armbands, significantly increasing their abilities. Carter is able to see well in the dark and is able to write a thousand-page book on wormhole physics in under two hours, while Daniel and Jack are able to read books in a matter of seconds. Feeling SG-1's judgement has been impaired by the armbands, Hammond removes them from active duty. When SG-1 learns of a prototype mothership being built by Apophis, SG-1 leaves the base and infiltrates the facility to destroy the ship. While in the facility, the members of SG-1 develop an immunity to the virus produced by the armbands and are no longer able to pass through the Goa'uld force-shields leaving them stranded until Teal'c arrives to rescue them.

The arm bands seemed to increase the natural abilities of the wearers. For some the enhancement was tenfold were for some it was fiftyfold. When Jack O'Neill was tested on the tread mill he was running fifty times the normal rate for a human his age and training. An increased reaction time and processing of information would be a byproduct of this.

[edit] Technology of Euronda

The planet Euronda has been locked in a world war between two advanced human races for an entire generation. The Eurondans lived and reproduced based entirely on a concept of genetic purity. They grew disgusted with another nation on their world, which they referred to as "Breeders" due to the fact that they reproduced indiscriminatley, resulting in a more ethnically diverse population. The Eurondans made plans to eradicate the Breeders by poisoning the atmosphere of the planet, making it unlivable. The Breeders discovered this, and took preemptive action against their neighbors. The Eurondans sequestered themselves in a vast underground base, and continued the war through the use of their advanced technology. However, due to the actions of SG-1 while visiting Euronda through the Stargate, "The Other Side" the Eurondan facility was heavily damaged, and all apparent information leads to the Breeders retaking complete control of the planet.

[edit] Breeder Recon Drone

These Breeder devices are red in coloration, and their appearance has been compared to that of a bi-plane by earth personnel. They are operated through an unmanned remote control system, and were used to gather information about the state of Eurondan territory after a bombing run.

[edit] Breeder Bomber

These ships are manned, and designed with a forward cockpit which seats two, possibly a pilot and a bomber. Behind the forward section are two large wings and what appears to be an energy-based, single engine propulsion system. Below the wings is a weapon that drops energy explosives. These ships are roughly twice the size of a Eurondan Aero-Fighter, and are colored red like the Breeder Recon Drone.

[edit] Beta-Kanten

This medicinal device is used to treat a variety of wounds. The appearance of the tool is somewhat similar to a metallic syringe. It seems to function through the injection of a curative substance and is administered through the side of the neck. Beta-Kanten is capable of curing physical afflictions, such as concussions, almost instantly.

[edit] Eurondan Pistol

This small firearm is designed to fit easily into the grip of a human hand, and fires a pulse of energy that travels at a speed similar to the projectile of a staff weapon. However, the pistol itself is frail, and can be broken easily.

[edit] Eurondan Stasis Chamber

This device is capable of slowing the heart rate of a human to only a few beats every hour, and can nourish the other needs of the body for a significant length of time.

[edit] Eurondan Data Storage Canister

Used by the Eurondans to encode information, these devices are shaped like a large metal cylinder with differently colored crystals projecting from the top. They are apparently highly efficient, as the one seen contained data on almost every facet of Eurondan technology.

[edit] Eurondan Aero-Fighter

These small, unmanned ships are the mainstay of the Eurondan defense. The ships are triangular, with the point facing forwards, and have a blue coloration. They are armed with two energy cannons similar to the pistols used by Eurondan security. An entire squadron of fighters can be operated remotely from a single neural interface.

[edit] Eurondan Defense Field

The Defense Field was responsible for ongoing protection of Eurondan territory. The Field itself was powered by a massive fusion generator. It is unknown in what capacity the Field functioned, but it is possible that it was a type of force shield, a series of remote artillery emplacements, or a signal jammer that made it difficult for Breeders to aim their weapons.

[edit] E.M. Field generator

The EM field generator
The EM field generator

A generator built by the Ancients in the Pegasus galaxy on planet M7G-677 which emits and sustains an EM field which disables the Wraith's technology thus protecting the villages near the gate from being culled. This technology utilizes a ZPM and was first discovered by the Atlantis team in Childhood's End.

[edit] Gadmeer terraformer

When the benevolent race known as the Gadmeer came to extinction, they programmed a ship to find and locate a suitable planet to restart their civilization. Equipped with DNA samples, records of their history, art and culture and the resources needed to terraform an entire planet. After scanning a million planets, some inhabited, the ship managed to find a planet perfect enough to terraform. However, the systems discovered that the human race known as the Enkarans, had already settled. With barely enough resources to restart on another world, the computers scanned a few of the Enkarans and created a similar yet different representation of them, a biomechanical being called Lotan. Lotan's purpose was to convince the Enkarans to leave. However, Sg-1 planned to use a naquadah generator as a bomb to destroy the ship, since the Gadmeer are already dead. Daniel Jackson told Lotan he must stop the terraforming or else he would be destroying the Gadmeers' very belief in life. Using the ship, Lotan brought the Enkarans to their original homeworld and it later came back to terraform.

[edit] Genii Technology

The Genii are a race of people in the Pegasus Galaxy that appear to be simple, Amish-like farmers but are a more advanced, militaristic culture that is technologically equivalent to Earth in the 1940s.

[edit] Genii Computer

Given that the rest of Genii technology indicates an equivalence to 1940s, these computers are remarkably advanced; they feature monochrome screens and are more compact than any computers on Earth from before 1960s or even the early 1970s, and are correspondingly more common. While there were several electronic computers in the 1940s, particularly in the codebreaking sections of the militaries of the United States and United Kingdom, they were the size of several rooms. Genii contact with Wraith computing doubtlessly allowed them to make such great advances in this area of technology.

[edit] Genii Firearms

The Genii, being extremely militaristic, have several types of firearms, and make them in large quantities.

[edit] Genii Rifles

Genii rifles tend to be a lever-action longarm that has three barrels, arranged in an obtuse isosceles triangle, with the central barrel on top and the vertex of the obtuse angle. The Genii Rifles, like those of the Tau'ri, are projectile based; they are, however, considerably inferior due to their size and cartridge capacity.

[edit] Genii Pistols

The barrel of a Genii pistol is very distinctive, having the form of a cylinder approximately the size of an American can of soda. There is a hole in the middle, apparently the muzzle of the weapon. It is cocked by sliding a movable section to the side, rather than the backwards-cocking familiar on Earth.

[edit] Genii Nuclear Weapons

One of the primary goals of the Genii throughout the early series was the development of nuclear weapons, and most of their efforts for the first year of Earth's involvement in the Pegasus Galaxy were directed at extracting the necessary high explosives (namely C-4) to compress the sub-critical mass of plutonium. The weapons were heavily redesigned by Doctor Rodney McKay during the short lived first alliance between the Genii and Earth to correct several critical flaws and were successfully tested against a Wraith Hiveship in 'The Siege Part III'

[edit] Memory-grafting device (Galarans)

Invented by the Galarans, a civilization that developed to roughly the same technological level as on Earth under the protective umbrella of the Protected Planets Treaty. Before becoming a Protected Planet, it had been under Goa'uld rule, and it appears that a Goa'uld memory device had been left by the previous rulers of the planet; the Galaran government conducted extensive research into creating a successful device with the same function. The memory-grafting device allows individuals to share memories almost seamlessly, with great military and professional applications (for example, learning to become a fighter pilot or learning a new language in a matter of weeks rather than years). Stargate Command obtained at least one such device from the Galaran government in exchange for Earth's hyperdrive designs and made a few modifications. [3] The device was later used on several occasions, most notably by Cameron Mitchell to help a dying friend[4]. One of the most important uses, was giving Vala a false memory of the infinite treasure known as Clava Thessara Infinitas in order to capture the Orici Adria.

[edit] The Link

When the planet known to the SGC as P3X-289 became covered in poisonous gas, the inhabitants took shelter in a protective dome and were given information from a computer known as the Link meant to maintain the community. However, 200 years ago, the geothermal vents that powered the dome cooled and the dome began to shrink. To compensate for the loss, the Link sent people out into the poisonous environment and erased anyones' memory of the person. However, it didn't anticipate outside interference from SG-1 and when they discovered what happened, the Link tried to assimilate them. However, one of the villagers, Pallan, erased everyone's memory of SG-1 through the Link before revealing the truth.

[edit] Mimic Devices

Used by unnamed aliens from P3X-118 in an attempt to establish a foothold in the SGC, Mimic Devices enable their bearer to look and sound like someone else. Seen in "Foothold" and "Smoke & Mirrors".

[edit] Orbanian Naqahdah reactor

The Naqahdah reactor technology was the first such technology encountered by the SGC, in fact it was the Orbanian girl Marin who taught the then Major Samantha Carter how to build the first Naqahdah reactor which then slowly evolved into the more compact naquadah generator, and paved the way for the starship hyperdrive based on the Naqahdria isotope reactor generator. The Orbanian Naqahdah reactor is covered in an ornate cuboid radiation shield decorated aesthetically with the Orbanians linear design. As for the Orbanians themselves, nothing has been mentioned of them since season 3.

[edit] Quantum Mirror

Daniel Jackson being transported by the Quantum Mirror
Daniel Jackson being transported by the Quantum Mirror

The Quantum Mirror is a mirror-like device made of Naquadah (of unknown origin) discovered by Daniel Jackson on the planet P3R-233[5]. Its purpose is similar to a Stargate, except that it transports the traveler between parallel universes, not planets.

Because of Daniel Jackson's experience with this device, he was able to learn that the Goa'uld were sending an attack in ships to Earth, which was subsequently thwarted as a result[6]. The device was recovered by the SGC and put in Area 51; there, it lay dormant for two years until it was activated by alternate universe versions of Dr. Samantha Carter and Maj. Charles Kawalski in their flight from an Earth under Goa'uld domination. With SG-1's help, they managed to contact the Asgard in their own universe, saving their version of Earth[7]. The mirror was later destroyed.

Seven years later, the SGC regretted destroying the mirror when many versions of SG-1 from alternate realities started coming through the gate.[8]

[edit] Tollan technology

[edit] Emotion Recorder

This device was used by Narim in 1998, after he had become stranded on Earth along with several other members of his people. With his personal emotion recorder, he was able to communicate his feelings for Samantha Carter to her before he left. [9]

[edit] Force Fields

Important Tollan government buildings, such as High Chancellor Travell's office, were protected by powerful force fields. If touched, the force field transmits a painful electrical jolt to the person who touches it. [10]

[edit] FTL Communication Device

The device in use by Omoc
The device in use by Omoc

In 1998, SG-1 rescued several Tollan from their original homeworld that was being destroyed by severe volcanic eruption. The surviving Tollan were subsequently detained on Earth, forced by the NID to provide information regarding their advanced technology. SG-1 eventually violated their orders, and helped the Tollan contact the Nox using this device.

The communication device does not work by warping or bending space, and does not require a Stargate. Its use was cryptically explained by mentioning how the two ends of a branch are not so distant when brought together. The actual mechanics of the device were never explained beyond this. [9]

One of these devices was given by the Tollan to their allies, the Tok'ra, who in turn gave it to Stargate Command. This way, the SGC could contact the Tok'ra at any time. In exchange, the SGC gave the Tok'ra a GDO.

[edit] Health Implant

Every Tollan had a small implant in his/her body, monitoring the wearer's health. In case of a medical emergency, this implant would automatically alert the emergency services. The maximum response time was only five minutes. This small device could also be used to track one's position, although this was highly illegal. [10]

[edit] Holographic Recording Device

This small device which fits into the palm of the hand is capable of recording and playing back a three-dimensional figure of a person in a detailed message of varying length. This device was given to Samantha Carter by Narim to warn her of a conspiracy in the Tollan Curia posing a potential danger to Earth. [10]

[edit] Ion cannon

Ion cannons were powerful planetary defence weapons in the Stargate universe. Tollana was protected by these weapons, and were the only line of defence against the Goa'uld. A single shot could destroy a Ha'tak Mothership and the only way to circumvent these weapons was destroying all of them simultaneously, as demonstrated by the Goa'uld Zipacna. The cannons normally fire automatically, although they can also be manually controlled. [11]

However, Anubis eventually was able to develop shields capable of resisting these weapons, based on Ancient technology. With Tollana's only defensive measures rendered useless, the Tollan were eventually wiped out by the Goa'uld. [10]

[edit] Phase-shifting device

These small devices carried on a person's wrist allow person-sized objects to pass through solid matter. The phase-shifting effect can be transmitted to another person by holding hands. Not only does this device allow the wearer to walk through walls and doors, it can also be used to pass through Earth's Iris. The phase-shifter can also be used on animals, such as cats. [11]

[edit] Phase-shifting weapon

After Anubis developed shields capable of resisting the Tollan Ion cannons, the Curia was forced to make a deal with Anubis' minion Tanith, and agreed to produce advanced weapons for the Goa'uld in exchange for Tollana's survival.

These weapons of mass destruction could obliterate huge areas of a planet's surface, and were equipped with a phase-shifting device. This device enabled the weapon to penetrate solid matter, including Earth's iris. The phase-shifting device was housed in a trinium casing.

It was Anubis' intention to force the Tollan to use the weapon to attack Earth, a planet protected by the Asgard according to the Protected Planets Treaty. However, Narim was able to destroy the weapons construction facility using an Ion cannon with the assistance of SG-1. Tanith eventually attacked the planet. [10]

[edit] Reverse-engineered Stargate

With the destruction of the original Tollan homeworld, the Tollans' Stargate was lost. Their new homeworld, Tollana, had no original Stargate, and with the assistance of the Nox, a new gate was built. Although the involvement of the Nox was only briefly mentioned, it is more than likely that, as a former member of the Four Great Races, the Nox played a greater role than the Tollans in constructing this gate.

The Tollan gate was smaller and slimmer than the Ancient's Stargates, and has a pale white color. However, it seems to lack a DHD, or even an inner track for manual dialing, suggesting more advanced remote dialing. Jack O'Neill sarcastically criticized the Tollan Stargate, saying "Ours is bigger". [11]

Eventually the Tollan Stargate was destroyed by the Goa'uld, as reported by Narim to the SGC. [10]

[edit] Detachment Device

This device was used during the "triad" of Klorel, after his host crashed on Tollana and asked the Tollan to have his symbiote removed. The silencer can subdue a Goa'uld symbiote's control over the host, allowing the host to speak for themselves. This allowed Skaara to speak on his own behalf without interference from Klorel. The device is worn over the chest, and is equipped with a light on the front - red shines when the symbiote is in control, blue when the host is. [11]

[edit] Starships

The Tollan have starships capable of interstellar travel, but when the Goa'uld invaded, the Tollan stated that their (then) ineffectual Ion Cannons are the only Tollan technology that could take out a Mothership, so it stands to reason that Tollan starships are either unarmed or have inferior weapons. Also, evacuating starships after Tollana's destruction by the Goa'uld were easily destroyed by a Ha'tak, suggesting these ship's defensive capabilities are also inferior. [10] When stranded on Earth, Narim commented that the distance between Earth and Tollana was too far to hope for a ship in his lifetime. It is therefore likely that Tollan starships are also much slower than Goa'uld motherships, which can cross the galaxy in a matter of mere months. Considering the somewhat isolationist policies of the Tollans, it would make sense that they wouldn't invest heavily into stellar engineering. [9]

[edit] Stunner

This triangle-shaped weapon was used by the Tollan security forces. The small weapon was steel gray in color, yielding a thin line of violet energy. Fitting the Tollan's peaceful nature, it normally does not kill a person, only stunning them. These weapons are immune to the weapon disabler used in several important Tollan government buildings. [10]

[edit] Weapon disabler

This small device disabled all detected weapons of visitors to the Tollan homeworld as they pass through it. The disabler is effective on both projectile weapons carried by the Tau'ri as well as the Staff weapons used by the Goa'uld. These devices were typically placed in the entranceways of important government buildings, such as a triad room. Tollan weapons however are immune to the disabler.

SG-1's weapons were the victim of the disabler in 2000 when they were invited to take part in the triad of their friend Skaara. [11] The device was stolen by Jack O'Neill a few weeks later as an elaborate plot to expose a rogue faction of the NID under the command of Harry Maybourne that stole advanced technology from several civilizations across the Milky Way. [12]

[edit] Travelers technology

The Travelers are a technologically advanced race of humans in the Pegasus Galaxy who have escaped being culled by the Wraith by hiding aboard generational ships which travel throughout the galaxy.

[edit] Generational ship

The Travelers have ships similar in size to Daedalus class ships which they live onboard in order to escape being culled by the Wraith. After years of travel and lack of resources, the ships are in a somewhat dilapidated state.
They are capable of hyperspace travel and are equipped with energy shields capable of resisting moderately powerful energy weapons. They also sport at least one forward weapon that fires red energy projectiles similar to the Traveler's pistol.

[edit] Travelers Energy Pistol (Ronon's Gun)

This pistol, carried by Ronon Dex, is an energy weapon with three power settings. Its lowest setting is a stun blast capable of rendering a target unconscious for a number of hours, but leaving them otherwise unharmed. It also has a kill setting as well as an incinerate setting which has the same effect as a shotgun, capable of blowing open a hole approximately ten inches (25 centimeters) wide or larger with multiple shots. It has the appearance of a long-barreled revolver; with the rear part of the cylinder glowing red like the blasts it fires. However, the cylinder color shows what setting the weapon is on, red is stun and white is kill. [13]. Asurans are temporarily stunned when struck by this gun's power blasts, and one shot from this gun can take down a UAV. In the season 4 episode Travelers, it is shown that a race known as The Travelers who are technologically advanced were using the same guns and thus most likely invented them. It is not known how Ronon came in possession of one. The weapon has replaceable power cylinders which can be removed and reinserted at the back of the weapon. In the season 4 episode Travelers, Larrin stated that her people land on certain planets to trade, and it is logical to assume that Ronon traded for it on one of the those planets.

[edit] Force fields

Their ships are equipped with force shields that are shown as decompression devices in the cargo bay.

They also are able to install shields elsewhere, in either a stationary or portable way. They installed internal shields within an Ancient ship to protect against a radiation leak.

[edit] Misc

They have bracelets/gauntlets that are used as communication devices and radiation detectors.

[edit] The Sentinel (Latonans)

The Sentinel was a device created by the Latonans to protect their world. They regressed in technology and height to open their minds and forgot how to work it. Two rogue NID agents came to Latona to study the Sentinel to defend Earth. They took it apart and put it back together. They encountered the caretaker, a person who guards the Sentinel and they killed him. When the Goa'uld invaded Latona, SG-1 tried to find out what's wrong with the device. It requires a human to sacrifice himself/herself to activate it. It has not been revealed whether the weapon annihilates the invaders or simply makes them "go away", as the Latonan leader said. Apparently, the caretaker's position is passed on from father to son, with each of them wearing a deadman's-switch-like device which is somehow connected to a burning candle in the leader's room. If the caretaker is dead, the candle goes out; however, the NID agents rigged the device to keep transmitting the "all clear" signal to the candle after killing the caretaker. ("The Sentinel")

[edit] Touchstone

The Touchstone is a device on the planet Madrona designed to control the weather. However, if removed from Madrona, the weather starts to deteriorate. Based on what was shown in the episode "Touchstone" it might works by releasing nanites or something similar that might emit energy capable of altering weather patterns. It was stolen by men in SGC uniforms who were suspected to be NID agents. Though the NID agents escaped, SG-1 brought the Touchstone back to Madrona.

[edit] Wraith vaccination (Hoffans)

The people of the planet Hoff, were trying to create a drug that could make them immune to the Wraith feeding. With help from Carson Beckett, they managed to successfully create it. A volunteer took the drug and was tested on the captured Wraith commander Major Sheppard dubbed Steve. Steve couldn't feed on the volunteer and shortly died due to the drug side effects. However there was a 50% chance that anyone who took the vaccine would die. The Hoffans voted almost unanimously to begin wide spread inoculations despite the drawback and Sheppard's warning that the Wraith tend to annihilate any civilization that is or may become a threat to them. ("Poisoning the Well"). It was confirmed in "The Kindred" that the Wraith had in fact annihilated the Hoffans when they discovered what they were doing. After their demise, Michael (Stargate Atlantis) got his hands on the research behind the drug and improved it so there was only about 30% mortality. He started distributing the drug to randomly selected planets in order to spread chaos among the wraith prior to wiping them out.

[edit] References


aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - bcl - be - be_x_old - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - co - cr - crh - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dsb - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - ext - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gan - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - hak - haw - he - hi - hif - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kaa - kab - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mdf - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - mt - mus - my - myv - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - quality - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - rw - sa - sah - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sr - srn - ss - st - stq - su - sv - sw - szl - ta - te - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu -