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Goa'uld technology in Stargate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Goa'uld technology in Stargate

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This article provides a more exhaustive list of the fictional technologies used by the Goa'uld race in the Stargate universe.
For a listing of their more prominent technologies see the main technology article.

The Goa'uld are a strictly parasitic race. They rely on hosts for life, Jaffa for strength, and deception for power. Their technology is no different. The Goa'uld are scavengers, and their technology is a conglomeration of the discoveries and ingenuity of multiple races, most of which seems to come from the Ancients.

All (or the vast majority) of their technology contains, in some form or another, naqahdah, the material of which the Stargates are constructed. This material also flows in Goa'uld veins, and is often used as a key to their technology, much like the ATA gene. The devices of the Goa'uld, it will be noted, are mostly warlike in nature, reflecting the megalomaniac nature of the species.


[edit] Aging Nanocytes

Microscopic devices capable of infiltrating human cells and manipulating their DNA structure. The Goa'uld Pelops once experimented with nanocytes on the population of the planet Argos. Using the nanocytes, the local population aged at an incredible rate. As a result, their lifespan was extremely short, and no one on the planet lived longer than a hundred days. These nanocytes were only activated during night time, when their subjects were asleep. They were instructed to activate through a radiation field emitted by a device near Argos' Stargate.

However, the nanocytes were unable to accelerate the aging process in adults, and were only successful in doing so if the person in question was infested with the devices from childhood. When Jack O'Neill was infected by the nanocytes during SG-1's visit to Argos, they were merely able to imitate the aging process. When Samantha Carter realized the function of the nanocytes, she was able to deactivate the devices, making the Argosians age at a more normal rate.[1]

Another version of this nanocytes were used for the Harcesis child Shifu but Oma Desela stopped the aging process.

[edit] Anti-gravity Dry dock

Station designed to serve as the construction platform for Goa'uld Ha'tak vessels. A dry dock hovers over the surface of a world where a ship is being constructed, and is maintained by four anti-gravity emitters beneath it. As naqahdah is mined, processed and purified below, cargo ships transport the refined ore to the ship, where it is put to work in the immediate and continued construction of the vessel. The anti-gravity systems however will shut down if several control crystals are destroyed, causing the dry dock to crash on the surface below.

One such platform hovered over the encampment on the planet Erebus, where slave Jaffa were used. As Rya'c and Bra'tac had been captured and forced to work in the labor camp, the SGC sent SG-1 along with several Rebel Jaffa to rescue the two. As they needed a distraction to successfully attack the camp, Samantha Carter sabotaged the dry dock, which subsequently crashed on the surface.[2]

[edit] "Blood of Sokar"

Hallucinogenic substance possessed by Bynarr on the prison moon of Ne'tu. Apophis, after murdering the underlord, used the substance in an attempt to extract vital information from several SG-1 members and Martouf. Through the substance, Apophis attempted to use false memories to torture his prisoners, and trick them into revealing information. However, he was unsuccessful as all subjects realized the hallucinations were false.[3]

[edit] Camera

A small, spherical device that can record both picture and sound. It looks remarkably similar to a Goa'uld shock grenade. The camera is activated and deactivated by waving one's hand over the device.

One of these devices was used by Terok, during his torture of Teal'c. Terok had attempted to force Teal'c, who had become an inspiration to the Jaffa Resistance, to admit that the Goa'uld were gods. However, when Teal'c held his ground, Terok himself was humiliated, and destroyed the camera out of anger.[4]

[edit] Cloaking Device

The Goa'uld, like several other races in the Stargate universe, also possess the technology to hide objects from both the naked eye and their own sensors.

The existence of Goa'uld cloaking technology was first revealed when Daniel Jackson, Samantha Carter, and Jack O'Neill saw Hathor use it, and then when Nirrti used it to frame Teal'c in an assault on Cronus. When the fact that Nirrti had developed personal cloaking technology based on Re'tu phase shifting was revealed, the other Goa'uld were outraged that she had not shared this technology with the System Lords.[5]

Shortly thereafter, SG-1 discovered that the Goa'uld were able to cloak small Goa'uld ships such as the Tel'tak.[6] Over a year later, Apophis was able to cloak an entire fleet of Ha'taks - a feat that, according to Jacob Carter, who witnessed the event, had never before been accomplished.[4]

After another two years had passed, an Ash'rak used a personal cloaking device to implicate Jaffa and Tok'ra in the murder of one another. Whether or not this device is related to the device Nirrti had previously surrendered to the System Lords is unknown.[7]

[edit] Data display device

A palm-sized triangular tablet, similar to a Tau'ri Personal digital assistant. The device could contain an enormous amount of data, and was designed to work in conjunction with a stone-shaped device. By waving the stone-device over the tablet, the text of the previous page vanished and is replaced by the "next page" of text.[1] The Tok'ra used a similar device, although of slightly different design and without the stone-device.[8]

One of these devices was used by the Goa'uld Pelops, which contained his notes regarding the actions he took on the local population and their DNA.[1] Another display device was used by the Linvris, nine minor Goa'uld opposing the System Lords. They were killed by one of Ma'chello's anti-Goa'uld inventions hidden in a fake page-turning stone.[9]

[edit] Defense Satellite

Constructed by Daniel Jackson when he was put into a dream state by the Harseis child, the satellites were placed in precise orbits to protect Earth from an attack. Jackson says they are powered by "heavy liquid naqahdah fuel cells" and can detect a Goa'uld Ha'tak thousands of light years away. The satellites are designed in a perfect pyramid triangular shape and there weapons are mounted on the very tips. When engaging an enemy, the satellites open their tips and fire a very powerful plasma beam weapon, something never seen on any other Goa'uld ship. Jackson says that the plasma is not radioactive and can easily destroy a Ha'tak. Curiously, the beam looks similar to the Ori's main cannon on their ships. These satellites were never actually created.

[edit] Eye of Ra

A circular crystal approximately five inches in diameter, which is designed to work in conjunction with five other crystals, also called "Eyes". When used together, their power is increased tenfold. The jewels may serve as a power source and/or a control mechanism, as other Goa'uld technology is also crystal-based.

According to legend, there were six Eyes, including those held by Apophis, Osiris, and Tiamat, among others.[10] A Russian team once managed to locate Tiamat's eye, although they were unable to bring it back to Earth.[11] However, eventually Anubis was able to locate all of the eyes, except the one formerly owned by Ra, which was hidden on Abydos. SG-1 helped the Abydonians to resist the System Lord, although they were later forced to hand the eye over to him.[10] Anubis subsequently used the eyes to create an extremely powerful super-weapon, which he used against his fellow System Lords with great success. Eventually, the super-weapon was destroyed by the SGC in a daring raid against Anubis' mothership.[12]

[edit] Gate Shield

Force field encompassing a Stargate to prevent unwanted intruders from arriving on a planet. The shield is similar to Earth's Iris, although the shield encompasses the entire gate. Also like an iris, it can be deactivated by a specific code transmitted through the gate. Some energy shields have been known to allow the energy-resistant armor of the Kull warriors through.[13] Since the shield is quite obviously not less than three micrometres (the distance established for iris-type barriers), it is likely that the shield disintegrates the victim as they reintegrate, rather than prevent the integration itself.

Known shielded gates included:

  • Erebus: A prisoner of war camp where Jaffa prisoners were forced to construct Goa'uld Ha'tak vessels until they were worked to death.[2]
  • Tartarus: A planet under the control of Anubis that housed a factory used for the making of Kull Warriors. A Kull Warrior, with his energy-absorbing suit, can easily pass through the shield.[13]
  • Dakara: Although unconfirmed, it was stated by Teal'c that Dakara would most likely be shielded.[14]

[edit] Goa'uld Probe

A Goa'uld adaptation of the SGC's MALP, used to scout planets before sending Jaffa troops. This technology has only been encountered twice, and was used by the Goa'uld Anubis.[13] This Goa'uld MALP was equipped with sensors, a large database, shields that protected it from projectile weapons and weapon systems firing energy bolts similar to those of a Staff weapon, although much faster. It did not require the activation of the Stargate to send information back to its master, instead using a long-range subspace communication device. Also, it hovered several feet over the ground, relying on anti-gravity technology instead of wheels, being both a MALP and UAV at the same time. It resembles the probe droid from Star Wars: Empire Strikes back.[15]

[edit] Hand device

Hand Device
Hand Device

Referred to as a "Ribbon" device by the SGC, the hand device is a metal, glove-like object with a large red gem set in the palm. The personal weapon of the Goa'uld themselves, it fits snugly around the left forearm and fingertips and has a red convex crystal disk in the palm. It can only be used by those who have Naqahdah in their blood. Unlike other Goa'uld weapons they are used only by Goa'uld and not by the Jaffa. Some are keyed to the DNA of specific users (like Osiris). It has a variety of uses; it is an instrument of torture, an effective defensive device, and a flashy weapon used to inspire awe and terror of its god-like user. When used it can generate a force-wave that knocks away nearby foes. At close range, the device can subdue an enemy when placed over their head, inducing a sort of trance; this effect can be extended to torture or kill the victim. Sometimes the hand device is used to put lies in the victims head that can be used purely for the service of the Goa'uld.

  • The center gem can emit a powerful shockwave which radiates outward from the device. Anyone hit by the shockwave will be thrown backwards and sent flying through the air for several feet, as if struck by a physical force of great size and velocity, while the Goa'uld using it suffers no blowback.[16] This can kill the target if used to slam them into a wall or other hard surface[17], but damage is usually limited to massive bruising if their travel backwards is unimpeded. What this attack lacks in lethality, it makes up for in the awe and intimidation it creates. Jaffa attribute the Goa'uld ability to throw people through the air as a sign of their divine power.[18]
  • The center gem can also emit an energy stream that causes severe pain when applied to a victim's head, and which will eventually kill the victim by causing fatal damage to the victim's brain. This function of the hand device is usually used by the Goa'uld to punish their servants and to torture prisoners.[19] It operates by creating a mental link between the Goa'uld and the victim, using the very hostility and anger of the Goa'uld to inflict pain. Somehow, if the Goa'uld is inattentive or preoccupied, the host of the Goa'uld using the hand device can send a message through the energy stream to the person being tortured; communicating mind-to-mind and without the notice of outside observers.[20]
  • The gem can be used to "catch" zat blasts and render them harmless.[21]
  • Buttons on the wrist portion of the hand device can be used to remotely control Goa'uld technology, such as opening and closing doors on board a mothership and activating a Ring Transporter.[22]
  • Certain hand devices are equipped with an energy shield which, when activated, surrounds the user and gives them total protection from both bullets and energy blasts.[23] This function is usually only available on the hand devices belonging to particularly powerful Goa'ulds, such as the System Lords. The energy shield's only weakness is that it does not block objects with little kinetic force, such as hand thrown knives[24] or slow-moving tranquilizer darts.

Not just anyone can put on a hand device and operate it. Most of the device's functions are activated telepathically, and thus the user needs to know how to mentally control the device. The user also requires naqahdah in their bloodstream to make the device function. This mostly restricts use of the device to Goa'uld (as Jaffa do not have the training to mentally operate them). However, ex-hosts who were previously possessed by a Goa'uld and retain trace memories as well as naqahdah in their blood can also use the device, albeit not quite as reliably.

[edit] Hara'kesh

An elaborate ring shaped device used by the Ash'rak, Goa'uld assassins and torturers. The device emits a directional energy field that can affect the brain, capable of causing an increase in suggestibility, and of causing memory loss and disorientation. It can also be used to cause pain and after prolonged exposure, death. It is used by Ash'raks to gain access to, torture, and assassinate their targets.

Whether the user is required to have naquadah in their blood to operate the Hara'kesh is unknown, although the fact that only Goa'uld have been seen using it and that the device has no visible switches or buttons on it suggests that it can only be operated by mind-control by current or previous Goa'uld hosts.[25]

[edit] Healing device

The Goa'uld healing device is a small device worn on the hand in a manner similar to a hand device. It allows a Goa'uld or former host to heal injuries of friends. It can cure almost any disease or injury. However, it is not as powerful as the sarcophagus, and its healing has limits. It cannot revive the dead, and cannot heal people if their wounds are too severe. This, like the hand device, can only be used by someone with naqahdah in his or her bloodstream, meaning a Goa'uld, or a former host.

The device takes the form of a jewel attached to a metal band; the jewel is supposed to be placed under the hand. It is used the most extensively by the Tok'ra for healing as they do not use the sarcophagus because of its psychological effects. SGC has obtained at least one of these devices, which was kept in reserve for occasional use by Samantha Carter, temporary host of the Tok'ra Jolinar, although Vala Mal Doran, ex-host to Qetesh, is also capable of using it, and has displayed considerably more skill than Col. Carter, most likely due to her having been a host for a far longer period than Carter. Thus, Vala is presently the SGC member most often asked to operate the device.

[edit] Holographic Projector

A small device capable of projecting three-dimensional objects in the air. The projector was used by both the Goa'uld and the Tok'ra alike.[26] According to Nerus, he had invented the device a long time ago. Apparently, the device can receive data from a Goa'uld spy satellite.[27] It is unknown how exactly the device works, although it is far beyond Earth holograms, as Samantha Carter was clearly amazed by its function.[26]

The projector was first encountered during the Tok'ra's search for Seth, as Selmak used one of these devices to project the family tree of the Goa'uld System Lords.[26] The Tok'ra later used one of their projectors to demonstrate their plan to collapse Vorash' sun, taking Apophis' fleet with it.[28] When Nerus visited the SGC several years later during the Ori's first attempt to create a Supergate, he used a projector to display the data gathered by his spy satellite in orbit.[27]

[edit] Intar

A weapon invented by the Goa'uld for training purposes. Intars can be produced in different forms to look like any of a multitude of weapons (including the Goa'uld Staff weapon and projectile weaponry in use by the Tau'ri). The only distinguishable feature of the Intar is a glowing red crystal on the lower surface of the weapon. Intars fire what appear to be red balls of energy which stun their target, leaving them with a painful but temporary headache that varies in intensity depending on the level the Intar is set at. It is unknown if all Goa'uld have access to Intars, as the only non-SGC personnel seen to use the Intar have been loyal to Apophis.

The Intar first appeared in the third season episode "Rules Of Engagement", where they were used by human slaves of Apophis for training purposes. One part of the human contingent posed as Jaffa while the others disguised themselves as members of the SGC (their unit designated as SG-X on their uniform patches), both parties engaging in wargames against one another. All their weapons were Intars in different forms (e.a. Staff weapons and MP5s), allowing them to gain the knowledge and experience of actual combat without losing their personnel before entering battle. When SG-1 visited the planet, stumbling upon the wargame and attempting to insert themselves into the battle on the side of the "SG Team", they were stunned by the Intars and, after Teal'c identified the weapons, the SG team took several of them to Earth for their own training.

The Intars are later used by SGC for training purposes the episode "Proving Ground." The closed captioning for this episode spells the device as "Int'ar."

[edit] Jaffa Converter

Device of Goa'uld origin, used to convert ordinary humans into Jaffa. The device creates a symbiote pouch in the subject's abdomen, and modifies his DNA extensively. After the converter's transformation, the new Jaffa requires a Goa'uld symbiote to sustain his immune system or he will die. The converter is pressed against the subject's abdomen before activation, and is probably operated by mind control. A recent transformation into a Jaffa can be undone by placing the victim in a Sarcophagus.

The only two Jaffa converters ever encountered by SGC were used by priests or actual Goa'uld. The first was worn by Hathor. After being awakened from stasis in South America by a team or archeologists, she was drawn to the Stargate in Cheyenne Mountain. Realizing that, as a former System Lord, she would never be allowed to leave the planet, she attempted to take over the base. She succeeded in brainwashing the male personnel, and used the converter to transform Jack O'Neill into a Jaffa. However, after she was defeated by several female SGC officers, she was forced to flee. O'Neill was subsequently healed with a Sarcophagus.[29] During Hathor's next encounter with SG-1, she didn't use the device, although she did threaten several other SGC troops with transforming one of them into Goa'uld. [30]

[edit] Jaffa/Goa'uld mask

Worn by many high-ranking Jaffa in the direct entourage of a powerful Goa'uld, often a System Lord, or sometimes by the Goa'uld its self, this retractable mask was concealed inside the collar of a standard Jaffa uniform. The mask was designed to look like a lesser form of the god whom that Jaffa worships, a birdlike head resembling the Egyptian god Horus for the Horus Guards of Heru-ur and Ra[16], a cobra for the Serpent Guards of Apophis[31], unnamed, demon headed guards used by Sokar[32], and a long-nosed animal of unknown origin for the Setesh Guards that supposedly once followed Seth.[26] Ra was seen in the movie wearing a mask resembling a Pharaoh's death mask.

The Horus masks were constructed of a large number of folding metal plates that would retract the entire headpiece into the collar[16], while Apophis helmet was a simpler design, with the top flipping back and the faceplate dropping down.[31] This was probably because the complex retracting effects from the original Stargate film could not be done often during the run of the show due to cost. In fact, Horus guards only removed their helmet twice on screen (in "Secrets" and "Moebius"), as they mostly did so offscreen with the audience only hearing the associated sound effect. (As Heru-ur once did in "Thor's Chariot")

The mask appeared to have a dual function, both shielding the user from direct facial blows and intimidating slaves who believed the Goa'uld are gods. The mask provided views of the wearer's surroundings with a HUD projected on its inside while hiding their identity, a tactic exploited on several occasions by SG-1 to infiltrate the Goa'uld.[33][34] The "eyes" of the Serpent Guard helmets glow red as long as the wearer is still alive and, in the same sense, stop glowing soon after their death.[31]

[edit] Kormak linking bracelets

Bracelets once used by the Goa'uld Cronus to insure the most obedience among his Jaffa. Designed to work in pairs, once they are attached to two individuals, the two cannot be separated for more than a short period of time without collapsing and eventually dying. Also, if one user dies, the other eventually dies as well. They are extremely durable, and were almost impossible to forcibly remove.[35] The only way to take them off, and allowing the wearers to again leave each others company, is deactivating them with a small, red crystal key.[36]

According to Teal'c, Cronus would strap one bracelet to a prisoner and one to the Jaffa in charge of that prisoner. If the prisoner was killed, the Jaffa would die. If the prisoner escaped, the Jaffa then, too, would die. The bracelets insured that the prisoner was taken to the desired location and the Jaffa responsible for him would be at his side.[35] However, if the wearers are exposed to powerful energy spikes, the physiological bond between them could be sustained, even after the bracelets are removed.[37]

These bracelets were used by Vala Mal Doran, who linked herself to Daniel Jackson. They were for a time unable to separate[35], even after removing them, although this was probably a unique side effect caused by their use of the Ancient Communication Device.[37]

[edit] Long-range visual communication device

A featureless metallic sphere enabling communication over light years without the use of a Stargate. When in use, the face of the other person ripples onto its surface. Introduced as a large sphere floating within an inactive Stargate[38], it has since appeared as a smaller, hand-held version.[39] The larger version seemed to draw power from the Stargate, and may be used specifically for communication between distances even greater than a few light years.[38]

The smaller ones have been mostly used for secret communications, such as Cordesh betraying the Tok'ra[39], Colonel Maybourne communicating with his off-world teams to steal technology[40], and Tanith informing Apophis of the Tok'ra base.[28] Although these devices are extremely useful and easy to hide, the Tok'ra do not use them because the system is not secure.[39] O'Neill has called them "Goa'uld TV", "teleball dealies", and "Goa'uld communication balls" on several occasions.

[edit] Memory Downloader

A small, multi-pronged sphere developed by the Goa'uld Anubis, probably by using Ancient knowledge he had obtained through ascension. When activated, the black sphere protrudes multiple spikes which make direct contact with parts of the brain when implanted.

After activation, the victim's knowledge will be downloaded into a computer database. However, a developed mind can also use the link between the computer and memory downloader to affect several computer systems. The device is compatible with both human and Asgard brain tissue.

The device was used several times by Anubis. After his underling, Osiris, had captured Thor, he extracted the Asgard knowledge from his mind by using the memory downloader. This allowed Anubis to acquire the Asgard holographic and beaming technology.[41] The device was later used on Jonas Quinn, after he was captured by Anubis.[42]

[edit] Memory Recall Technology

The Goa'uld Memory Recall Technology covers a broad spectrum of Goa'uld technology dealing with the mind. A device of Goa'uld/Tok'ra origin, it is shaped like a large drawing pin(thumb tack). The 'needle' is concealed within the 'head' of the device and rapidly extends with an audible ping when it is pressed against a persons forehead. The needle causes a brief moment of pain upon insertion but no further discomfort is experienced by the wearer. Once activated by a handheld controller, the device stimulates the wearer's memory centers, allowing them to recall events with perfect precision.

The device has also been seen to be used by in conjunction with a holographic projector, allowing other people to see what the wearer is recalling. Although the Tok'ra consider this to be an invasion of the individual's privacy and have only been seen to use the function once.[43]

The device has different purposes. The Goa'uld use it more or less as a mind probe. The goa'uld usually use it to obtain information from enemies. It sometimes accompanies torture. There are a few cases where they have used it deceptively. Osiris used it on Daniel Jackson so he could unwittingly translate a tablet for her. The Tok'ra however use it to study the thoughts of others. This is useful for recalling in detail crucial suppressed (or forgotten) memories, as well as for gaining useful information from the enemy. It has been suggested that two can be used in conjunction with each other to allow two people to share the same memory, thought, dream, or even interact with one another on an unconscious basis. The Tok'ra later adapted this technology to operate as a za'tarc detector, by using it to analyze the subconscious mind and compare it to the conscious as a person recounts their memories and activities. Earth later uses the memory recall device to on a Kull warrior to obtain its homeworld. The device used probably belonged to the Tok'ra, as Selmak was present at the time.

[edit] Nish'ta

A biological compound employed by the Goa'uld as a powerful form of mind-control. Nish'ta is an organism delivered in a green gaseous form and is absorbed by the body's tissues, rendering the subject's mind extremely open to suggestion. However, an electrical shock, such as that delivered by a zat gun discharge, will kill the organism and free the victim from its control. Afterwards, the subject is immune from repeat infection. It is also known that a high pitched electronic ear device also killed the organism[26]

Nish'ta was used by Apophis to turn Teal'c's son Rya'c against his father, and attempted to use him in a play to destroy the Tau'ri. However, SG-1 was able to reverse the effects by stunning him with a zat.[44] The former System Lord Seth, who hid on Earth since the time of Ra's death, also used nish'ta to convert his followers. For a short period of time, SG-1 was under the control of the Nish'ta, until Major Carter's invention knocked them out of it.[26] Hathor used a similar, yet less powerful substance during her attempted takeover of the SGC, however it was dispelled from her breath.[29]

[edit] Pain stick

A weapon used by the Goa'uld to torture their prisoners, sometimes for information, sometimes for entertainment. It causes extreme pain and light to shine out of the victim’s mouth, ears, eyes and scars. Extended exposure is lethal.[45]

After the fall of the Goa'uld, they were used by Gerak's Traditionalist faction to extract information from Goa'uld-possessed Tau'ri businessmen who were members of The Trust and hence had information pertaining to the whereabouts of Ba'al. Gerak famously noted that the Goa'uld "should never have invented such an effective means of torture".[46] The Lucian Alliance also used them.[47] Also, when Samantha Carter accidentally travelled to an alternate reality where the Stargate program was made public, Secret Service agents were seen to use pain sticks to subdue a man accusing President Landry of abusing his power.[48]

[edit] Ring transporter

Ring transporters were apparently invented by the Alterans and copied by the Goa'uld with little or no modification; the primary difference appears to be that the control panel on Goa'uld-constructed rings have green buttons with Goa'uld-language letters on them, while the control panel of Alteran rings have blue buttons with Alteran letters on them.

[edit] Sarcophagus

SG-1 inspect a sarcophagus.
SG-1 inspect a sarcophagus.

A chamber shaped like a coffin that, when activated, heals the living or revives the dead within. Sarcophagi were first seen in the film. According to Stargate Command, the sarcophagi of ancient Egypt were built to emulate the look of these devices. The Goa'uld themselves based the technology on a reverse-engineered Ancient healing device. They also serve to extend the life of the Goa'uld. Prolonged use of the device, especially superfluous use, leads to an effect on judgment and creates an addiction like a narcotic, also making the user more and more megalomaniacal. In addition, the sarcophagus can heal life-long ailments, such as bad eyesight, as observed with Daniel Jackson. The Tok'ra refuse to use the devices because they believe that the sarcophagus, along with Goa'uld genetic memory, is what makes the Goa'uld evil.

The first sarcophagus was created by an ancient Goa'uld known as Telchak. The sarcophagus was derived from the Ancient's healing device (a sample of which was recovered from South America in season 7 by Jackson), a technology which was too powerful itself to be used upon normal humans. However, a sarcophagus is known not only to give life, but to actually sustain life in a form of stasis for several thousand years (As demonstrated by the Goa'uld Hathor , who had been sealed away in a sarcophagus for almost 2,000 years, without any age or ill-term effects). Another Goa'uld, Marduk, was known to have been sealed away in a sarcophagus for 4,000 years, along with a vicious and dangerous creature intended to devour the Goa'uld. Because of the sarcophagus's special ability to keep the Goa'uld alive, it may have taken the vicious creature a long while to slowly devour the Goa'uld. For the Goa'uld trapped inside, it was a long, painful, and agonizing process that resulted in an "eternal torture" (But the Goa'uld itself possessed the creature's body). The Goa'uld use the device on prisoners when their torture methods accidentally or intentionally kill their victims. The limits of the sarcophagus were demonstrated by Lord Yu, whose extreme age reduced the effectiveness of the sarcophagus's regenerative powers. This confirmed that as powerful as sarcophagus technology is, it cannot grant true immortality.

[edit] Shields

  • Ship Shields: Enormous force fields protecting a vessel from direct attacks. They could not be penetrated by a naqahdah enhanced nuclear warhead[38], but were originally no match for more advanced weapons, such as a Tollan Ion cannons.[49] Also, the SGC has developed missiles equipped with a frequency modulator chip that theoretically allows them to pass through shields, although they haven't been tested.[50] Upgraded shields were developed by Anubis, which were immune to the Tollan Ion cannons[51] and were more resistant to Asgard weapons. However, they were still useless against Ancient Drone weapons.[52] and ori cannons
  • Force Shields: The Goa'uld use frequency oscillation principles for their force shields, meaning that at the right velocity they can be penetrated by something moving sufficiently slowly or quickly.[53] These forms of shields have also been used to perform as an iris stopping matter from reintegrating, unless the user is fitted in Kull warrior armor.[13] It has also been used to create a one-way doorway to hold prisoners who are of extreme danger to the SGC.[54]
  • Personal Shields: These types of shields are generally used by System Lords to defend themselves in personal combat, and use the same oscillating frequency principle as their larger shield counterparts. They are projected by a hand device, and is designed to deflect energy weapons or high-speed projectiles, like stones skipping off water. However, it is not designed to stop slower moving objects like thrown knives, rocks, fists, etc, as a solid shield would not have allowed the user to walk freely or to breathe.[55]
  • Shield wall: Shield, used by Hathor, to block the retreating SG teams path to the gate. The shield uses large amounts of energy and so a large generator is required. As long as the shield has power, the shield cannot be penitrated from ground level, above or below (Sam tried to go under the shield using tokra tunnels). Apophis used this shield in the episode Upgrades to protect his new Mother ship.

[edit] Shock grenade

A re-usable, fist-sized grenade that looks similar to a Magic 8-Ball. They can be rolled into a group of enemies or under doors and will emit a blinding light and a deafening sound, which will render the enemy unconscious. It also causes great pain, similar to a Zat'n'ktel blast. However, unlike a Zat, these grenades can cover a very large area with one explosion. SG-1 suffered temporary blindness as a result of their exposure to this device.[38]

A variant of the standard Goa'uld stun grenade was used by the former System Lord Seth. These devices exploded instead of emitting a stunning pulse. Seth used these weapons to destroy his sect's compound when he was about to be killed by SG-1.[26]

[edit] Sun Shield

Powerful energy field which protects everything below from harmful interstellar radiation and ultraviolet rays. The shield, capable of making the sky an orange hue, is projected by two generators which lock on to each others' coordinates.

Two of these projectors were encountered on P3X-513, a planet flooded with harmful ultraviolet radiation. To escape the deadly radiation, the population fled into caves, although legends of the cave-dwellers spoke of an "orange sky", indicating the device was used by the Goa'uld centuries ago. When Jonas Hansen of Earth appointed himself leader of the cave-dwelling tribe, he claimed he had the power of the sun shield and the ability to make the sky orange. However, he did not know how to activate the device, and relied on Samantha Carter to activate it. With the help of Jack O'Neill and Teal'c, the shield was raised, disproving Hansen's claims of his own divine origin.[56]

[edit] Staff cannon

The staff cannon is a variant of the Goa'uld staff weapon. It is heavier and more powerful, and is typically placed on a mount and used to defend a Stargate on a Goa'uld- or Jaffa-controlled planet; much as the gateroom defense teams do on Earth.[30] In addition to Gate-defense, they are the Death Glider offensive weapon, with two forward-mounted staff cannons on their wings. A strong Jaffa warrior, such as Teal'c, can carry a staff cannon around by pointing it forward with the back resting on the hip, supported by and secured with a shoulder strap.[57][58] An Al'kesh is equipped with an enlarged version of the staff cannon that deploys from its belly; the weapon is carried retracted into the ship when not in use.

The weapons of a Ha'tak mothership have the same visual effect as staff cannons, but on a larger scale.

[edit] Staff tower

Large Goa'uld weapon implacement. These towers were several meters high, and mounted a Staff cannon on top. The cannon was operated by a single Jaffa soldier, seated right below the cannon. Although the towers possessed potent weaponry, they were not shielded, and could easily be destroyed by Death glider weaponry.

After Hathor had captured SG-1 and imprisoned them in an elaborate plot to extract information from them, the Stargate on the planet she had taken them to was guarded by several of these towers. When the SGC sent troops to retrieve SG-1, they were fired upon by the towers and forced to take cover. Only after General Hammond and Teal'c were able to destroy the weapon implacements with their Needle Threader, the troops were able to turn the tide on the Jaffa guards and incapacitate them. These towers have not been seen since.[30]

[edit] Staff weapon

Energy Staff Weapon
Energy Staff Weapon

The staff weapon is a common weapon for Jaffa soldiers, both serving in the armies of the Goa'uld and under their own rule. The weapon is powered by liquid naqahdah. There is a switch along the staff that opens an almond-like head at the tip; the same switch then delivers a strong energy blast from the opened end. The energy bolts from a staff weapon penetrate armor easily, and the blast is powerful enough to punch a hole the size of a man's head through the target. A single clean hit to the chest is usually sufficient to kill, although a hit to the thigh or shoulder areas may be survived if the target is lucky. It is shown, in one episode that the SGC developed a defence against the staff weapon, in form of flexable, plastic-like armor, that can be fitted into the vests worn by SG teams, however the staff blasts could still kill. The heavy, rounded ends of the weapon and its sturdy length allow it to be used in melee combat for striking and knocking down an opponent when the enemy is too close to safely or effectively use the energy assault.

In highly skilled hands it can be quite effective, but its design is not optimized for military use. In the episode "The Warrior", the staff weapon was demonstrated to be significantly less accurate at long range than the FN P90, even in the hands of an exceptionally skilled Jaffa warrior. With no means of rapid-fire for engaging multiple opponents other than repeatedly pressing the button which fires it, as Bra'Tac did in one episode to confuse enemies, and equipped with no means of increasing accuracy for combat over anything beyond point-blank range, it is revealed that the Goa'uld supplied the Jaffa with weaponry that would be both awe inspiring and destructive, with no thought to its effectiveness. Jack O'Neill, comparing the staff weapon to his P90 explained, "[The staff weapon] is a weapon of terror: it's made to intimidate the enemy. This [A P90] is a weapon of war: it's made to kill the enemy."[59]

Sodan troops use a variant of the staff weapon in which the back meter or so of the weapon has been removed; it eliminates the quarterstaff function of standard staff weapons, but it makes it lighter and easier to carry; among other things, it has allowed the Sodan to strap their weapons to their backs. [60]

Kull Warriors use a wrist-mounted version of the staff weapon, but with smaller blasts and a significantly higher rate of fire. [13]

The Lucian Alliance has modified the plasma weapon into a much more user-friendly form, primarily pistols. These weapons are apparently much more accurate, and more easily handled. They have been seen to be used by both the Lucian Alliance and their mercenaries.

[edit] Starcrafts

  • Ha'tak: The Goa'uld Mothership, the most powerful standard vessel in the Goa'uld fleet. The ship is centered around a tetrahedron, and is able to land on a pyramid-shaped docking pad. According to SG-1, when the Goa'uld enslaved Egypt 3000 years ago, they commissioned the Great Pyramids of Giza specifically for this purpose. The Goa'uld Ha'tak Mothership is equipped with powerful energy weapons that can destroy an entire city with only one blast, and it is able to travel in hyperspace. They were often the residences and main transports of System Lords. Traditionally they do not possess cloaking technology, although all of them possess shields.
  • Al'kesh: A mid-range bomber, equipped with energy weapons, a cargo hold, and a Ring Transporter. It also carries energy bombs for close air-support. They are capable of hyperspace travel and are frequently equipped with cloaking systems.
  • Tel'tak: An unarmed cargo ship, typically carries four escape pods and a set of Ring Transporters. Some are equipped with a cloaking device. The ship is divided into two major sections - the flight deck, onto which the main entrance opens, and the cargo area. They are separated by a bulkhead, which is removable to allow for more space during flight.
  • Death glider: A small and fast attack fighter, generally piloted by a Jaffa in service to a System Lord. Mainly used in attack but can be modified as reconnaissance vessels or transport ships for passengers. These were the basic fighter air/spacecraft of the Goa'uld.
  • Needle Threader: A variation of the standard Death glider, designed by Apophis. Capable of passing through a Stargate, the craft was extremely difficult to fly, and eventually had to be abandoned.
  • Troop transport: Large, heavily armored Goa'uld transport vessel. The troop transport can carry a large army of Jaffa ground forces into battle. The only System Lord using this vessel was Anubis.

[edit] Stasis jar

A container, resembling a canopic jar, with life support sufficient to keep a single Goa'uld symbiote alive at minimal metabolism for thousands of years. According to SG-1, these are the bases for the canopic jars of the ancient Egyptians, who tried to copy the design to preserve organs.

The device consists of a jar containing a fluid in which a powerful sedative is dissolved, and a small naqahdah power source. One such device preserved Osiris for over 5000 years. A similar one preserved his queen Isis for a similar period, until the seal was broken en route to the United States from the archaeological dig in Egypt where the jars were found.[61]

[edit] Transphase Eradication Rod (TER)

A Transphase Eradication Rod (or TER) was introduced to the SGC by the Tok'ra. It was originally designed by the Goa'uld as a device to help find and defeat the Re'tu. The TER has two functions, a scanning light which causes cloaked objects to appear (or at least those 180 degrees out of phase with our own reality), and an energy weapon capable of killing a Re'tu in one shot. The TER light has been shown to work not only on Re'tu, but on the personal cloak Nirrti used as well.

First seen in the second season episode "Show and Tell". It is often referenced when someone at the SGC orders a "TER sweep of the base".

The original Tok'ra/Tau'ri Kull Disruptors was a modified TERs, using the energy weapon component; the more familiar attachment to a P90 and other firearms only appeared later.

[edit] Vocuum

Small, spherical Goa'uld device designed to project an enormous three-dimensional image, generally of a Goa'uld commander. The device is mostly used for summoning troops, giving orders, authorizing spokespersons, or dispensing other messages to battalions of Jaffa. However, use of the Vocuum during battle operations is forbidden. The technology can, with some work, be interfaced with Earth-based technology.

The SGC has only encountered this technology once. When SG-1 discovered humans posing as members of the SGC, it was deduced they were training to one day invade the Tau'ri. Worshipping Apophis, they possessed a Vocuum which projected an enormous holographic recording of the System Lord. However, in order to convince the humans that Apophis was not a god, Samantha Carter interfaced the vocuum with Earth-based technology, allowing a playback of the dying Apophis to be displayed to his human troops.[62]

[edit] Zae'tarc hand device

An extremely small weapon worn around the wearer's finger, much like a ring. It is designed to be concealed by a brainwashed Zatarc sleeper agent, who can then infiltrate the enemy and kill its target and as many possible bystanders before destroying themselves. The energy beam shot by this weapon is extremely powerful and has a large recoil. After the Za'tarc has fulfilled his mission, they can vaporize themselves by pressing a button on the Zae'tarc hand device.[8]

As the device is both portable and extremely powerful, they are sometimes used by the Goa'uld instead of a hand device. The former System Lord Osiris used one of these weapons during her undercover mission to extract knowledge from Daniel Jackson's subconscious mind.[63]

The weapon would be seen again in the hands of bounty hunters hired by the Lucian Alliance who hired such individual to capture SG-1.[64]

[edit] Zat'n'ktel (Zat)

A "Zat" gun held in its open configuration, ready to fire
A "Zat" gun held in its open configuration, ready to fire

A commonly used weapon shaped like a small snake, the zat'n'ktel (pronounced ZAT-nik-a-tel) is typically used to render a victim unconscious. One shot stuns, causing pain and/or unconsciousness, two shots kill, and three shots disintegrate the victim. However, the disintegration feature has been retconned out of existence after season 3, as the producers and writers regretted having introduced that function.[citation needed] Like most weapons, they have a safety mode where the "snake" is compacted and flat, and in battle the "snake" jumps up to look "alert" and is then ready to fire.[65] They are commonly referred to as "zats" or "zat guns" (both terms invented by Colonel Jack O'Neill), and are often used to disable electronics or eliminate enemies without killing them.

The Zat somewhat resembles a cobra folded in a compact "S" shape with its "tail" as the handgrip. When activated the main body pops up into a less tightly folded configuration and the head of the weapon expands slightly, and when fired it emits a type of short-ranged electrical discharge, the effects of which vary depending on how recently and frequently the target has been shot with previous Zat discharges.

The Zat is the Goa'uld equivalent to the pistol, and Jaffa tend to carry them as secondary weapons. Stargate Command forces have captured several, and sometimes use them in preference to human-made weapons. Zats are the weapon of choice of the Tok'ra. The advantages of Zats are that neither precise aiming nor reloading is necessary, as well as its capability to merely stun a target. Zat blasts also have the advantage of being immediately incapacitating, whereas a staff weapon or projectile hit to an extremity will not necessarily prevent a target from firing back. Zats have also been used on occasion to disable or destroy electronic equipment.

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b c "Brief Candle" (Stargate SG-1)
  2. ^ a b "Orpheus" (Stargate SG-1)
  3. ^ "The Devil You Know" (Stargate SG-1)
  4. ^ a b "The Serpent's Venom" (Stargate SG-1)
  5. ^ "Fair Game" (Stargate SG-1)
  6. ^ "Deadman Switch" (Stargate SG-1)
  7. ^ "Allegiance" (Stargate SG-1)
  8. ^ a b "Divide and Conquer" (Stargate SG-1)
  9. ^ "Legacy" (Stargate SG-1)
  10. ^ a b "Full Circle" (Stargate SG-1)
  11. ^ "The Tomb" (Stargate SG-1)
  12. ^ "Fallen" (Stargate SG-1)
  13. ^ a b c d e "Evolution" (Stargate SG-1)
  14. ^ "Threads" (Stargate SG-1)
  15. ^ "Heroes" (Stargate SG-1)
  16. ^ a b c "Stargate"
  17. ^ "Seth". Stargate SG-1. 1999-07-02. No. 2, season 3.
  18. ^ "Threshold". Stargate SG-1. 2001-07-06. No. 2, season 5.
  19. ^ "Children of the Gods". Stargate SG-1. 1997-07-27. No. 1, season 1.
  20. ^ "Forever in a Day". Stargate SG-1. 1999-10-08. No. 10, season 3.
  21. ^ "Double Jeopardy". Stargate SG-1. 2001-02-16. No. 21, season 4.
  22. ^ "Enemies". Stargate SG-1. 2001-06-29. No. 1, season 5.
  23. ^ "The Nox". Stargate SG-1. 1997-09-12. No. 8, season 1.
  24. ^ "Secrets". Stargate SG-1. 1998-08-28. No. 9, season 2.
  25. ^ "In the Line of Duty" (Stargate SG-1)
  26. ^ a b c d e f g "Seth" (Stargate SG-1)
  27. ^ a b "Beachhead" (Stargate SG-1)
  28. ^ a b "Exodus" (Stargate SG-1)
  29. ^ a b "Hathor" (Stargate SG-1)
  30. ^ a b c "Into the Fire" (Stargate SG-1)
  31. ^ a b c "Children of the Gods" (Stargate SG-1)
  32. ^ "Jolinar's Memories" (Stargate SG-1)
  33. ^ "Bloodlines" (Stargate SG-1)
  34. ^ "Moebius" (Stargate SG-1)
  35. ^ a b c "Avalon" (Stargate SG-1)
  36. ^ "Origin" (Stargate SG-1)
  37. ^ a b "The Ties That Bind" (Stargate SG-1)
  38. ^ a b c d "The Serpent's Lair" (Stargate SG-1)
  39. ^ a b c "The Tok'ra" (Stargate SG-1)
  40. ^ "Shades of Grey" (Stargate SG-1)
  41. ^ "Revelations" (Stargate SG-1)
  42. ^ "Homecoming" (Stargate SG-1)
  43. ^ "Evolution (Part 1)". Stargate SG-1.
  44. ^ "Family" (Stargate SG-1)
  45. ^ "Point of View" (Stargate SG-1)
  46. ^ "Ex Deus Machina" (Stargate SG-1)
  47. ^ "Company of Thieves" (Stargate SG-1)
  48. ^ "The Road Not Taken" (Stargate SG-1)
  49. ^ "Pretense" (Stargate SG-1)
  50. ^ "Tangent" (Stargate SG-1)
  51. ^ "Between Two Fires" (Stargate SG-1)
  52. ^ "Lost City" (Stargate SG-1)
  53. ^ "Upgrades" (Stargate SG-1)
  54. ^ "Prototype" (Stargate SG-1)
  55. ^ "The Nox" (Stargate SG-1)
  56. ^ "The First Commandment" (Stargate SG-1)
  57. ^ "The Fifth Man". Writ. Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie. Stargate SG-1. 2001-07-20. No. 4, season 5.
  58. ^ "48 Hours". Writ. Robert C. Cooper. Stargate SG-1. 2002-03-15. No. 14, season 5.
  59. ^ "The Warrior". Stargate SG-1. 2002-04-12. No. 18, season 5.
  60. ^ "Babylon"
  61. ^ "The Curse" (Stargate SG-1)
  62. ^ "Rules of Engagement" (Stargate SG-1)
  63. ^ "Chimera" (Stargate SG-1)
  64. ^ "Bounty" (Stargate SG-1)
  65. ^ "Within the Serpent's Grasp" (Stargate SG-1)

aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - bcl - be - be_x_old - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - co - cr - crh - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dsb - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - ext - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gan - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - hak - haw - he - hi - hif - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kaa - kab - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mdf - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - mt - mus - my - myv - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - quality - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - rw - sa - sah - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sr - srn - ss - st - stq - su - sv - sw - szl - ta - te - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu -