出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
フランツ・クサーヴァー・ヴィンターハルター(Franz Xaver Winterhalter,1805年4月20日 - 1873年7月8日)は、ドイツ・バーデン大公国のシュヴァルツヴァルト生まれの肖像画家。
目次 |
[編集] 前半生
フランツ・クサファー・ヴィンターハルターはバーデン大公国、シュヴァルツヴァルトにあるメンツェンシュヴァントという小さな村に1805年4月20日に生まれた。彼はフィデル・ヴィンターハルターの6人目の子供であった。フィデルは農民で、村の松脂取り、その妻エーファ・マイヤーは旧家の出であった。彼の父は、彼の人生においては力強い影響を与えた。8人兄弟のうち、4人が生き残った。生涯を通じて彼は家族と、特に同じく画家であった弟のヘルマン・フィデル・ヴィンターハルター(1808年 - 1891年)と大変親しい関係を保った。
ザンクト・ブラジーン(St.Blasien)のベネディクト派修道会に学んだのち、ヴィンターハルターは1818年に、素描とリトグラフを学ぶため、13歳で故郷メンツェンシュヴァントを離れた。彼はフライブルク=イム=ブライスガウのルードヴィヒ・シューラーの下で1818年から1824年までリトグラフの職業訓練を受けた。その後、18歳で奨学金を得てミュンヘン芸術アカデミーに留学、ペーター・コルネリウスの下で絵画を学んだ。コルネリウスのアカデミックなメソッドは彼を不快にさせた。ヴィンターハルターは、流行の肖像画家ヨーゼフ・シュティーラー(Joseph Stieler)の下で働き、お気に入りの師匠を見出した。この時、彼はまたリトグラファーとしても活動していた。
ヴィンターハルターは、1828年にカールスルーエのバーデン大公レオポルト1世の妃ゾフィーの絵描き(drawing)の師範になったとき、社交界に足を踏み入れた。身を立てる機会は1832年に到来した。イタリア旅行(1832年 - 1834年)がレオポルト大公の支援によって可能になったのである。ローマでは彼はロマン主義的なジャンルを、ルイ=レオポール・ロベールの技法で製作し、自身をフランス学士院理事en:Horace Vernetの集まりに関与させた。カールスルーエに戻ると、彼はレオポルト大公夫妻の肖像画を描いた。彼は大公宮廷の画家となった。
しかしその後、彼はバーデンを離れフランスへと移った。フランスはイタリア・ジャンルである場面「Il dolce Farniente」が1836年のサロンの一目を引いた場所であった。1年後の「デカメロン(Il Decameron)」もまた賞賛された。両方の作品はラファエロ様式において、アカデミックな構成であった。1838年のサロンにおいて、彼は娘ワグラム公と彼の令嬢の肖像を展示した。 彼の肖像画家としてのキャリアはたちまち確固たるものになった。彼は同じ年、ベルギー王妃ルイーズ=マリーと彼女の息子の肖像を描いた。 もしかしたらこの画業を通じて、ヴィンターハルターはベルギー王妃の父で、フランス王ルイ・フィリップの関心を引いたかもしれない。
[編集] 宮廷画家
この態度はヴィンターハルターのキャリアを通じて固執した。絵画のヒエラルキーおける彼自身のカテゴリーたいする彼の作品を非難しながらである。ヴィンターハルター自身は彼の最初の王家の依頼を、絵画とthe field of academic respectabilityを我が物とするための回帰の前の一時的な休みとして認識していていたが、彼は彼自身の成功の犠牲だったし、彼の余生の間、彼は殆どexclusively肖像画家として活動することになった。肖像絵画とは、彼が成功した分野のみならず、彼を豊かにさせた。ヴィンターハルターは王侯貴族のパトロネージュを謳歌する国際的な大立者になった。
彼のたくさんのregal sittersにはヴィクトリア女王もいた。1842年、ヴィンターハルターは初めて英国を訪問してから、何度かヴィクトリア女王、アルバート公と二人の家族を描く為にに再訪しており少なくとも120点の絵画を英国王室のために製作している。ヴィンターハルターは英国の貴族の肖像を何点か製作しており、その殆どが宮廷のサークルにメンバーであった。1848年のルイ・フィリップの亡命は画家に評判に影響を与えなかった。ヴィンターハルターはスイスへ行き、ベルギーと英国の依頼を受け、描いた。
Persistence saw Winterhalter survived from the fall of a dynasty to the rise of another. Paris remained his home until a couple of years before his death. A halt in portrait commissions in France allowed him to return to subject painting with : Florinda (1852)(Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York) a joyous celebration of female beauty, inspired by a Spanish legend. In this same year he made a marriage proposal but was rejected, Winterhalter remained a bachelor committed to his work.
After the accession of Napoleon III, his popularity grew. From then on, under the second Empire, Winterhalter became the chief portraitist of the imperial family and court of France. The beautiful French Empress Eugénie became a favorite sitter and she treated him generoulsy. In 1856 Winterhalter painted his masterpiece: Empress Eugénie sourrended by her ladies in waiting. He set the French Empress a in a pastoral setting gathering flowers in a harmaoiuos circle with her ladies in waiting. The painting was acclaimed and exhibit in the universal exposition in 1853. This painting remains Winterhalter most famous work.
In 1852, he went to Spain to paint Queen Isabella II and worked for the Portuguese royal family. Russian aristocratic visitors to Paris also liked to have their portraits executed by the famous master. As the "Painter of Princes”, Winterhalter was thereafter in constant demand by the courts of Britain (from 1841), Spain, Belgium, Russia, Mexico, the German courts, and France. In the following years Winterhalter was in high demand, and in 1856 he went to Poland to paint for the aristocracy there and in 1857 in Upper Bavaria he painted the tsarina Maria Alexandrovna. Over the course of the next years he painted many Russian commissions through the 1860s.
During the Second Mexican Empire in the 1860's, headed by Maximilian I of Mexico, Winterhalter was commissioned to paint portraits of the Imperial couple. The Empress consort of Mexico, Charlotte of Belgium was the daughter of Louise-Marie of France, Queen of the Belgians, who had used Winterhalter at the beginning of his career in France. Some of Winterhalter's paintings of the Mexican monarchs still remain in their Mexico City palace, now the National Museum of Anthropology.
To deal with the pressure of portrait commissions, many of them calling for multiple replicas, Winterhalter made extensive use of assistants. No portrait painter ever enjoyed such an extraordinary royal patronage as Winterhalter, only Rubens and Van Dyck worked as he did in an international network.
[編集] 晩年
Winterhalter sought respite from the pressures of his work with holidays abroad in Italy, Switzerland and above all in Germany. In spite of his many years living in France, he remained deeply attached to his native country. For all his success and popularity, Winterhalter continued to live simply and abstemiously. In 1859 he bought a villa in Baden-Baden, his favorite vacation spot.
In 1864 Winterhalter made his last visit to England. In the autumn of that year he traveled to Vienna to execute the portraits of Emperor Franz Joseph and Empress Elisabeth that remain among his most well-known works. As he grew older, Winterhalter links with France weakened while his interest in Germany grew. He was taken a cure in Switzerland at the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War that ended the second Empire in September of 1870. After the war, the painter did not return to France going instead to Baden. Without traumatism, he decided to retire in Germany. He was officially still accredited at the court of Baden and he settled in Karlsruhe. During the last two years of his life Winterhalter painted very little. During a visit to Frankfurt am Main in the summer of 1873 he contracted typhus and died on July 8 1873. He was sixty-eight years old.
[編集] 様式
Winterhalter came into his own as a portrait painter during the second Empire and he painted his best work during the last two decades of his life. He matched his style to the luxury and relaxed atmosphere of the age, its hedonism and gaiety. His female sitters of the 60s and 50s inhabit a different physiological climate from those he painted earlier, they are not reticence and reserved. His male sitters inspired few original or memorable compositions.
Winterhalter never received high praise for his work from serious critics, being constantly accused of superficiality and affectation in pursue of popularity. However, he was highly appreciated by his aristocratic patrons. The royal families of England, France, Spain, Russia, Portugal, Mexico and Belgium all commissioned him to paint portraits. His monumental canvases established a substantial popular reputation, and lithographic copies of the portraits helped to spread his fame.
Winterhalter's portraits were prized for their subtle intimacy; the nature of his appeal is not difficult to explain. He created the image his sitters wished or needed to project to their subjects. He was not only skilled at posing his sitters to create almost theatrical compositions, but also was a virtuoso in the art of conveying the texture of fabrics, furs and jewellery, to which he paid no less attention than to the face. He painted very rapidly and very fluently, designing most of his compositions directly in the canvas. His portraits are elegant, refined life-like and pleasantly idealized.
His style was suave, cosmopolitan and plausible. As an artist he remained a difficult figure to place, there are few painters with whom to compare him and he does not fit into any school. His early affinities were neoclassical but his style can be described as Neo-Rococo. After his death, his painting fell out of favor being considered romantic, glossy, and superficial. Little was known about him personally and his art was not taken seriuosly until recently. However, a major exhibition of his work at the National Portrait Gallery in London and the Petit Palais in Paris in 1987 brought him into the limelight again. His paintings are exhibited today in leading European and American museums.
[編集] 伝記
- Ormond, Richard and Carol Blackett – Ord, Franz Xaver Winterhalter: And the Courts of Europe, 1830-70, Exh. cat. National Portrait Gallery, London, 1987. ISBN 0-8109-3964-9
[編集] ギャラリー
フランス皇女マチルド・ボナパルト |