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印度航空182號班機 - Wikipedia



日期   1985年6月23日
類型   恐怖襲擊
發生地   愛爾蘭以南的大西洋水域
罹難   329
受傷   0
機型   波音747-237B
經營者   印度航空
起飛地   加拿大蒙特利爾米拉貝爾國際機場 加拿大
最後停靠地   印度英迪拉·甘地國際機場 印度
飛機註冊編號   VT-EFO
名稱   迦膩色伽皇
乘客   307
機組人員   22
生還者   0

印度航空182號班機是一班由加拿大蒙特婁前往印度新德里孟買,中停英國倫敦的航班。1985年6月23日,一架波音747-237B型客機由加拿大前往英國的航段,突然神秘墜毀於愛爾蘭以南的大西洋中,全機329人罹難,當中包括280名乘客是加拿大籍[1] 及136名小孩。後來事件被確認為恐怖襲擊。



[编辑] 事件經過

當天早上,機身編號VT-EFO的波音747-237B型客機(飛機被印度航空命名為「迦膩色伽皇」,Emperor Kanishka),搭載著307名乘客及22名機員,正執行從加拿大蒙特利爾米拉貝爾國際機場飛往英國倫敦希斯洛機場的航段。負責駕駛的是機長 Hanse Singh Narendra[2]副機師 Satwinder Singh Bhinder [3],另有一名飛航工程師隨行。當飛機抵達倫敦後,將會再繼續前往印度首都新德里的英迪拉·甘地國際機場,最後目的地為印度孟買沙哈國際機場。



[编辑] 國籍

國籍 乘客 機員 總數
加拿大 加拿大 280 0 280
印度 印度 0 22 22
英国 英国 27 0 27
總數 307 22 329

[编辑] 印度航空182號班機和成田國際機場爆炸事件始末

6月22日格林威治標準時間15:50,行李名單上的 M. Singh 先生(簡稱,其後證實是假名)於溫哥華國際機場辦理登機手續並打算托運他的深啡色 Samsonite 行李,透過加拿大太平洋航空60號班機,於多倫多托運上印度航空181號班機到蒙特利爾,再托運上印度航空182號班機前往印度 。 原本航空公司地勤人員 Jeanne Bakermans 拒絕,因為 M. Singh 的印度航空181和182號班機機位未被確認,可是 M. Singh 於櫃位在眾人前向她破口大罵,令Jeanne 讓他,並給他加拿大太平洋航空60號班機機位10B。另外,有位 L. Singh 先生(簡稱,其後亦證實是假名)於溫哥華國際機場辦理登機手續,乘搭加拿大太平洋航空003號班機,被稱為澳州女皇號,前往東京成田國際機場,再轉乘印度航空301號班機到泰國曼谷國際機場

6月22日格林威治標準時間16:18,加拿大太平洋航空60號班機從溫哥華國際機場起飛,前往多倫多皮爾遜國際機場。而 M. Singh 沒有登機,只有他的行李。

6月22日格林威治標準時間20:22,加拿大太平洋航空60號班機抵達多倫多皮爾遜國際機場,並比原定時間遲了20分鐘。部份乘客的行李被送往印度航空181號班機,而 M. Singh 的行李也一樣,被送往印度航空181號班機。其他乘客的行李和來自溫哥華加拿大航空181號班機的行李,也送往印度航空181號班機。

6月22日格林威治標準時間20:37,加拿大太平洋航空003號班機從溫哥華國際機場起飛,而 L. Singh 亦沒有登機,只有他的行李。



6月23日格林威治標準時間06:19,當 L. Singh 的行李正從加拿大太平洋航空003號班機運往印度航空301號班機時,懷疑機場地勤行李搬運員用力過度導至行李於原定時間前自行發生爆炸,兩名行李搬運員當場被炸死,另外四人受傷。


炸彈於31,000上空飛機前貨倉發生爆炸,導致爆炸性減壓。飛機被炸成無數碎片,掉進離愛爾蘭科克郡190公里的6700呎 (2000米)深的大西洋

[编辑] 嫌疑犯

爆炸事件中最大的嫌疑犯,是一名名叫Babbar Khalsa的錫克教分離組織成員(此組織因涉及恐怖份子組織的剝奪人權活動,在歐洲美國被禁止於境內活動)及其他與之有關係的組織,當時他們煽動錫克派爭取於印度西北部的旁遮普邦脫離印度獨立。

[编辑] 調查




  • The bombing was the joint project of at least two Sikh terrorist groups with extensive membership in Canada, 美國英格蘭印度。Their anger had been sparked by an attack on the Golden Temple, the holiest Sikh shrine in 阿姆利則 in June 1984.[4]
  • Two men, identified by their tickets as M. Singh and L. Singh, checked in their bag bombs at Vancouver International Airport a few hours apart on June 22 1985. Both men failed to board their flights.
  • The bag checked in by M. Singh exploded aboard Air India Flight 182.
  • The second bag, checked in by L. Singh, went on CP Air Flight 003 from Vancouver to Tokyo. Its target was an Air India Flight due to leave soon with 270 passengers, but it exploded in the terminal itself, killing two baggage handlers and injuring four.
  • The identities of these two men remain unknown.
  • A key player known to police variously as The "Third Man" or the "Unknown Male" had been seen by CSIS agents who were following Talwinder Singh Parmar on June 4 1985. Described as a "youthful man"[4], he went with Parmar on a ferry ride from Vancouver to Duncan on Vancouver Island where he and Parmar participated in a test explosion of a device manufactured by Inderjit Singh Reyat. The third man has also been linked to travels done under tickets bought under the name "L. Singh" or "Lal Singh".[5]

[编辑] The Air India Trial

[编辑] Reyat's Narita conviction

On May 10 1991, after lengthy proceedings to extradite Reyat from England, he was convicted of two counts of manslaughter and four explosives charges relating to the Narita Airport bombing. He was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment.

[编辑] Malik and Bagri charged

Fifteen years after the bombing, on October 27 2000, RCMP arrested Malik and Bagri. They are charged with 329 counts of first-degree murder in the deaths of the people on board Air India Flight 182, conspiracy to commit murder, the attempted murder of passengers and crew on the Canadian Pacific flight at Japan's New Tokyo International Airport (now Narita International Airport), and two counts of murder of the baggage handlers at New Tokyo International Airport.

[编辑] Reyat turns witness

On June 6 2001, RCMP arrest Reyat to face charges of murder, attempted murder, and conspiracy in the Air India bombing. On February 10 2003, Reyat pleads guilty to one count of manslaughter and a charge of aiding in the construction of a bomb. He was sentenced to five years in jail. He was expected to provide testimony in the trial of Malik and Bagri, but prosecutors were vague.

The trial proceeds between April 2003 to December 2004 in Courtroom 20[6], more commonly-known as "the Air India courtroom". At a cost of $7.2 million, the high-security courtroom was specially-built for the trial in the Vancouver Law Courts.

[编辑] 裁決

On March 16, 2005, Justice Ian Josephson found Malik and Bagri not guilty on all counts, since the evidence was inadequate:

I began by describing the horrific nature of these cruel acts of terrorism, acts which cry out for justice. Justice is not achieved, however, if persons are convicted on anything less than the requisite standard of proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Despite what appear to have been the best and most earnest of efforts by the police and the Crown, the evidence has fallen markedly short of that standard.[7]

[编辑] 反應

In a letter to the Attorney General of British Columbia, Malik has demanded compensation from the Canadian government for wrongful prosecution in his arrest and trial. Malik owes the government $6.4 million and Bagri owes $9.7 million in legal fees.

[编辑] Reyat's perjury trial

In February, Inderjit Singh Reyat was charged with perjury with regard to his testimony in the trial. The indictment was filed in the Supreme Court of British Columbia and lists 27 instances where he allegedly misled the court during his testimony. Reyat had pled guilty to constructing the bomb but denied under oath that he knew anything about the conspiracy.

In the verdict, Justice Ian Josephson said: "I find him to be an unmitigated liar under oath. Even the most sympathetic of listeners could only conclude, as do I, that his evidence was patently and pathetically fabricated in an attempt to minimize his involvement in his crime to an extreme degree, while refusing to reveal relevant information he clearly possesses."

On July 3 2007, with perjury proceedings still pending, Reyat was denied parole by the National Parole Board who concluded he was a continued risk to the public. The decision meant Reyat had to serve his full five-year sentence, which ended February 9 2008.[8]

[编辑] Alleged confession by Parmar in 1992

In July 2007, the Indian investigative weekly, Tehelka, reported that fresh evidence had emerged from a confession by militant Talwinder Singh Parmar to the Punjab police days before his killing by Punjab Police on October 15 1992[9]. According to this article, this evidence had been collected by the Punjab Human Rights Organisation (PHRO), a Chandigarh-based group that had been conducting interviews of Parmar's associates for over seven years.

Subsequently, a translation of the confession was presented to the Inquiry Commission on September 24. The confession which had been billed as "seismic evidence", had elements that had already been investigated by RCMP, and some details were found to be false[10].

The confession had identified the mysterious Third Man or "Mr. X" as Lakhbir Singh Brar Rode, noted Sikh militant and nephew of Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale. Insp. Lorne Schwartz said that the RCMP had interviewed Lakhbir in Pakistan in 2001. At the time, he had pointed to several others as having a hand in the bombing. Also, it was unlikely that Lakhbir was Mr. X, Schwartz claimed, because Mr. X appeared considerably younger[11].

Also, the RCMP had known about the purported confession for several years. They believed, despite official denials, that Parmar had been captured alive, interrogated and only then killed.

The new evidence was presented by officials of the PHRO, which had carried out a seven year investigation. The retired Punjab Police DSP Harmail Singh Chandi, who had personally been involved in the confession, did not testify. Chandi had travelled to Canada in June to present the evidence to the Inquiry Commission, but had not testified since he could not obtain a guarantee of anonymity[11]. The story was leaked in Tehelka after his return to India.

The 'Commission of Inquiry into the Investigation of the Bombing of Air India Flight 18' expressed the view in their dossier that "Talwinder Singh Parmar was the leader of the Babbar Khalsa, a pro-Khalistan organization at the heart of radical extremism, and it is now believed that he was the leader of the conspiracy to bomb Air India flights"[12]

[编辑] Plot details

The purported confession presented the following story:

"Around May 1985, a functionary of the International Sikh Youth Federation came to me (Parmar) and introduced himself as Lakhbir Singh and asked me for help in conducting some violent activities to express the resentment of the Sikhs. I told him to come after a few days so that I could arrange for dynamite and battery etc. He told me that he would first like to see a trial of the blast...After about four days, Lakhbir Singh and another youth, Inderjit Singh Reyat, both came to me. We went into the jungle (of British Columbia). There we joined a dynamite stick with a battery and triggered off a blast. ...
Then Lakhbir Singh, Inderjit Singh and their accomplice, Manjit Singh, made a plan to plant bombs in an Air India plane leaving from Toronto via London for Delhi and another flight that was to leave Tokyo for Bangkok. Lakhbir Singh booked a seat from Vancouver to Tokyo and then onwards to Bangkok, while Manjit Singh booked a seat from Vancouver to Toronto and then from Toronto to Delhi. Inderjit prepared the bags for the flights, which were loaded with dynamite fitted with a battery and transistor." - from the confession by Talwinder Singh Parmar[9]

Lakhbir Singh Brar Rode, who is the head of the banned International Sikh Youth Federation, has an Interpol Red corner warrant A-23/1-1997 against him[9]. In 1998, he was arrested for carrying 20 kg of RDX explosive near Kathmandu, Nepal[13]. The PHRO has stated that at the time of Flight 182, Rode was an undercover Indian Agent and that Parmar was murdered in order to protect his identity and India's role in the bombing[9]. Many details of this story do not seem to be consistent with other evidence available with the investigating team. [10]

[编辑] 「加拿大的悲劇」


「印航182事件」發生後20年,死難者家屬聚集於愛爾蘭的阿哈基斯達(Ahakista,或稱Atha Ciste)哀悼。當時的加拿大總督伍冰枝,建議當時的總理保羅·馬丁公佈每年的6月23日為國家的哀悼日,以紀念空難的罹難者。在紀念日舉行當天,馬丁指出這次炸彈襲擊並非外國的問題,而是加拿大人的問題:「沒錯,這是屬於印度航空的客機,它在愛爾蘭海域墜毀,但這是加拿大的悲劇。」[14]

In May 2007, pollster Angus Reid released the results of public opinion polling of whether Canadians viewed the bombing as a Canadian or Indian tragedy and who they blamed for it. Forty-eight per cent of respondents regarded the Air India bombing as a Canadian tragedy, while 22 per cent of Canadians thought of the terrorist attack as a mostly Indian affair. Thirty-four per cent of respondents thought both the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) and airport security personnel deserved a great deal of the blame for the 1985 Air India bombing. In addition, 27 per cent of respondents believed the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) were largely to blame, while 18 per cent mentioned Transport Canada. [15]

[编辑] 鮑孛‧雷義

前任安大略省總理鮑孛‧雷義(Bob Rae) was selected by 首相 Martin to determine if a Royal Commission is needed and was asked to determine whether or not the response by Canadian agencies was sufficiently co-ordinated, and if not, to find out if those problems had been fixed.

On November 23 2005, Rae recommended further inquiry into the investigation and prosecution. In testimony before the Commission of Inquiry led by Justice John C. Major, former Ontario Lieutenant-Governor, James K. Bartleman indicated that in his prior position as the former head of intelligence for Foreign Affairs Canada he had received information about a specific threat to Air India days before Flight 182 blew up in 1985.[16] Rae's report didn't mention Bartleman's revelation. Rae said, "I didn't talk to Mr. Bartleman and he didn't talk to me. But I certainly was aware of the fact there were threat assessments that were being done on a regular basis...".[17]

[编辑] John C. Major

Following up on election commitments for a full public inquiry, on May 1 2006, new Prime Minister Stephen Harper appointed judge John C. Major to lead the Commission of Inquiry into the Investigation of the Bombing of Air India Flight 182. Testimony from witnesses begins in September 2006.

May 9, 2007 – Former Quebec police officer Serge Carignan testified that Air India bombing could have been prevented if he had the opportunity to search the flight's baggage[18]

June 20 2007 - Major adjourned proceedings as two mystery witnesses billed as having "seismic" evidence for the Air India inquiry backed out at the last minute, fearing for their safety. A third surprise witness was unable to appear because of a heart attack.[19]

[编辑] Key timelines

The bombing of Air India Flight 182 and the Narita airport launched several investigations, inquiries and trials. The trial of Malik and Bagri is known as the Air India Trial; events relating to the incident are listed below in chronological order.

  • July, 1985 – Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney calls Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi to offer his condolences, but does not call the victims' families to do the same. This causes an uproar among Indo-Canadians who feel that although this is the deadliest terrorist act to date, it is not taken seriously because the victims although mostly Canadian were not Caucasian.[20] [21]
  • November 8, 1985 – The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) charge Talwinder Singh Parmar and Inderjit Singh Reyat with weapons, explosives and conspiracy offenses after a raid on their homes. Reyat is convicted of the weapons offence and receives a fine of $2,000. Because of a lack of evidence, the charges against Parmar are dropped and no link to Air India is established.
  • January 22, 1986 – The Canadian Aviation Safety Board determines that a bomb was responsible for bringing down Air India 182.
  • February 4, 1986 – The Indian Government's Kirpal Commission of Inquiry reaches the same conclusion as the Canadian Aviation Safety Board.
  • February 1988 – Inderjit Singh Reyat is arrested by British police in Coventry, England.
  • December 8, 1989 – Following a lengthy court battle the British government agrees to extradite Reyat to Canada.
  • May 10, 1991 – Inderjit Singh Reyat receives a ten year sentence after being convicted of two counts of manslaughter and four explosives charges relating to the Narita Airport bombing.
  • October 9 to 15, 1992 – Talwinder Singh Parmar interrogated by Punjab Police; apparently names Lakhbir Singh Brar Rode as mastermind, and confesses to supplying the dynamite for the operation. The confession is destroyed, since Lakhbir is said to have been an Indian agent.
  • October 15, 1992 – Talwinder Singh Parmar is reportedly killed by Indian Police during a gun battle in the village of Kang Arian in Punjab.
  • October 27, 2000 – Ripudaman Singh Malik and Ajaib Singh Bagri are arrested by the RCMP. They are charged with 329 counts of first-degree murder in the deaths of the people on board Air India Flight 182, conspiracy to commit murder, the attempted murder of passengers and crew on the Canadian Pacific flight at Japan's New Tokyo International Airport (now Narita International Airport), and two counts of murder of the baggage handlers at New Tokyo International Airport.
  • June 4, 2001 – The British government gives Canada permission to charge Inderjit Singh Reyat in connection with the bombings.
  • June 6, 2001 – Inderjit Singh Reyat is arrested by the RCMP facing charges of murder, attempted murder, and conspiracy in the Air India bombing.
  • February 10, 2003 – Reyat pleads guilty to one count of manslaughter and a charge of aiding in the construction of a bomb. He was sentenced to five years in jail. At the time he was expected to provide testimony in the trial of Malik and Bagri but later claimed he couldn't remember.
  • April 2003 – The trial of Malik and Bagri begins after being delayed by pre-trial motions and problems with defence counsel.
  • May 18, 2004 – The Crown rests its case in the trial of Malik and Bagri after calling 80 witnesses.
  • May 31, 2004 – Malik and Bagri's defence begins.
  • October 19, 2004 – Closing arguments begin.
  • December 4, 2004 – The judge presiding over the Air India Trial, Justice Ian Josephson, says the verdict will be delivered on March 16 2005.
  • March 16, 2005 – Justice Ian Josephson delivers the verdict for Ripudaman Singh Malik and Ajaib Singh Bagri: Not guilty on all counts.

I began by describing the horrific nature of these cruel acts of terrorism, acts which cry out for justice. Justice is not achieved, however, if persons are convicted on anything less than the requisite standard of proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Despite what appear to have been the best and most earnest of efforts by the police and the Crown, the evidence has fallen markedly short of that standard.[22]

  • January 6, 2006 – Inderjit Singh Reyat, the only man convicted in the 1985 Air India bombing, was due to receive a parole hearing in March. Instead Reyat was charged with perjury on his testimony on the Air India Trial. He was denied parole and brought back to British Columbia to face the new charges. He has indicated he will plead not guilty.[23]
  • July 26, 2007 The investigative magazine, Tehelka, releases reports that retired police officer has maintained records of Parmar's confession identifying the mastermind as Lakhbir Singh Brar Rode. Most of the confession is already known to RCMP, and the new aspects appear dubious.
  • April 14, 2008 National Geographic Channel in the UK are scheduled to broadcast an Air Crash Investigation episode (Explosive Evidence) about Air India Flight 182.

[编辑] 印航182號班機及泛美103號班機




[编辑] 其他

[编辑] 參考

  1. ^ In Depth: Air India - The Victims, CBC News Online, March 16 2005
  2. ^ "Jumbo crashes killing 325." The Guardian.
  3. ^ "Two held for ’85 Kanishka crash." The Tribune.
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Salim Jiwa.zh-hans:“;zh-hant:「Unsolved mysteries as Air India trial beginszh-hans:”;zh-hant:」,flight182.com,Monday, April 28 2003 
  5. ^ Robert Matas.zh-hans:“;zh-hant:「Mystery men key to plot, Air-India defence sayszh-hans:”;zh-hant:」,The Globe and Mail Print Edition, Page A6,August 26 2004.于2007年9月24日查阅. 
  6. ^ Courtroom 20: http://www.ag.gov.bc.ca/courts/court-room20/index.htm
  7. ^ Supreme Court of British Columbia: Her Majesty the Queen Against Ripudaman Singh Malik and Ajaib Singh Bagri
  8. ^ Air India bomb maker denied parole, CBC News with files from Canadian Press, July 3 2007
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 Vikram Jit Singh.zh-hans:“;zh-hant:「Operation Silencezh-hans:”;zh-hant:」,Tehelka,issue dated 2007-08-04.于2007年7月27日查阅. 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 Kim Bolan,.zh-hans:“;zh-hant:「Confession had false details, inquiry told: RCMP 'fully' checked out alleged Parmar confession, inspector tells commissionerzh-hans:”;zh-hant:」,Vancouver Sun,September 25 2007 
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 zh-hans:“;zh-hant:「Air India inquiry will hear of alleged Parmar confessionzh-hans:”;zh-hant:」,CBC News,September 23 2007.于2007年9月25日查阅. 
  13. ^ zh-hans:“;zh-hant:「The RDX Fileszh-hans:”;zh-hant:」,India Today,,2001-02-01. 
  14. ^ Queen's Privy Council of Canada: Address by Prime Minister Paul Martin at the Air India Memorial Ceremony
  15. ^ Canadians Assess Blame in Air India Bombing, Press Release, Angus Reid Global Monitor. Retrieved on May 14 2007
  16. ^ CBC News, "Bartleman had reasons for waiting 22 years to share Air India evidence", May 4 2007.
  17. ^ Les Whittington, "Rae didn't talk about attack with Bartleman", "Toronto Star", May 7 2007.
  18. ^ CTV.ca | Air India could have been prevented: ex-officer
  19. ^ Fearful Air India witnesses refuse to testify, By Kim Bolan, CanWest News Service, Retrieved on June 22 2007
  20. ^ CTV.ca | Air India witness describes impact of wife's death
  21. ^ Mulroney worried about country's image after Air India: documents
  22. ^ Supreme Court of British Columbia: Her Majesty the Queen Against Ripudaman Singh Malik and Ajaib Singh Bagri
  23. ^ [1]Template:Dead link
  24. ^ Report of the Court Investigating Accident to Air India Boeing 747 Aircraft VT-EFO, "Kanishka" on 23rd June 1985, Hon'ble Mr. Justice B.N. Kirpal Judge, High Court of Delhi, February 26, 1986.p.172-175

[编辑] 外部連結

aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - bcl - be - be_x_old - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - co - cr - crh - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dsb - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - ext - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gan - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - hak - haw - he - hi - hif - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kaa - kab - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mdf - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - mt - mus - my - myv - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - quality - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - rw - sa - sah - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sr - srn - ss - st - stq - su - sv - sw - szl - ta - te - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu -