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Kullanıcı:Lord Leatherface/Deneme - Vikipedi

Kullanıcı:Lord Leatherface/Deneme

Vikipedi, özgür ansiklopedi

Zeta Prensliği
Kneževina Zeta
Кнежевина Зета

1186 – 1498
Flag Bayrak
Crnojević Hanedanı zamanında kullanılan bayrağı Balšić Hanedanı zamanında kullanılan arma
Location of
Başkent Kruševac
Resmi dili Sırpça
Dini Ortodoksluk
Yönetim Monarşi
 - 1371-1389 Lazar Hrebelyanoviç
 - 1355-1371 Stefan Lazarević
 - Kuruluş tarihi 1186
 - Yıkılış tarihi 1498

Stefan Vukçiç Kosaca, Vuka Raniç ve onun eşinin oğludur.--- (d. ? - ö. 22/23 Mayıs 1466). Ragusalılar Ragusalı eşreflerden “Bosnæ vojevodem Sandalj et consanguineous eius, knez Vukac, knez Vuk et Stephanum, filium knez Vukac” kabul etmiş ve 29 Haziran 1419 tarihli beyannameyle onlara “domum in urbe” unvanını vermişlerdir. Bosna voyvodası. STEFAN Vukčić Kosaca, VUKA Ranić & onun karısının oğlu.--- (-22/23 May 1466). The Ragusians accepted “Bosnæ vojevodem Sandalj et consanguineous eius, knez Vukac, knez Vuk et Stephanum, filium knez Vukac” among the Ragusian nobles and granted them “domum in urbe” by charter dated 29 Jun 1419[196]. Vojvode of Bosnia. He succeeded his uncle in his territories along the River Neretva and from Onogošt [Nikšić] to the coast. “Stephanus, Bosnæ magnus Vojeveda, filius fratris vojevodæ Sandalj” accepted his part of money deposited by “mango vojevoda Sandalj” by charter dated 18 Sep 1438[197]. “Stephanus, Bosnæ magnus vojevoda, et filii Vladisav et Vlatko” acknowledged receipt of money from the Ragusans by charter dated 7 May 1440[198]. He invaded upper Zeta as far as the Morača River in 1441, and Stefan Crnojević was obliged to hand over his son as hostage[199]. “Stephanus, Bosnæ magnus vojevoda, uxor eius Helena et filius Vladisav” accepted what “Helena uxor vojevodæ Sandalj” left by charter dated 1 Apr 1443[200]. He refused to accept the election of Stjepan Tomaš as King of Bosnia in 1443, triggering civil war which persisted until 1446, when peace was sealed by his daughter's marriage to the Bosnian king[201]. Under pressure from Venice along the coast, and faced with the restoration in 1444 of Djuradj Vuković as Despot of Serbia (including Zeta) and his recognition by Sultan Murad, Stefan Vukčić renounced his ambitions in Zeta, surrendering upper Zeta to Djuradj[202]. He dropped his title "Vojvode of Bosnia" in 1448, assuming the title "Herceg [Duke] of Hum and the Coast", changing it again in 1449 to "Herceg of Saint Sava"[203] in recollection of the Serbian saint[204]. According to Fine, it was this title Herceg which gave rise to the country's later name Hercegovina, meaning simply the duke's lands[205]. “Stephanus, herceg S. Sabbæ” acknowledged receipt of “trecentos aureos, fenus sex miliam aureorum” by charter dated 5 Jul 1450[206]. “Ivaniš, chlmensis vojevoda, et cognati” made a treaty with the Ragusans against “herceg Stephanum Vukčić” by charter dated 25 Mar 1452[207]. His son rebelled against him over the affair of the Sienese girl (see below) and conquered western Hum, but made peace in 1453. “Stephanus herceg S. Sabbæ” pardoned “conjugi Helenæ et filio Vladisavo sociisque eius” by charter dated 19 Jul 1453[208]. After his son's second rebellion in 1462, the Ottomans invaded Hum, temporarily forcing Stefan Vukčić to flee to the coast. The Ottomans withdrew, and Stefan returned end 1463. He named his second son Vlatko as his successor, still angered by his son Vladislav.m firstly ([Nov/Dec] 1424, repudiated [1451/53], remarried 1453) JELENA Balša, daughter of BALŠA [III] Strasimirović Duke of Zeta & his wife Mara Thopia (-Oct 1453). The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. “Stephanus, Bosnæ magnus vojevoda, uxor eius Helena et filius Vladisav” accepted what “Helena uxor vojevodæ Sandalj” left by charter dated 1 Apr 1443[209]. “Stephanus herceg S. Sabbæ” pardoned “conjugi Helenæ et filio Vladisavo sociisque eius” by charter dated 19 Jul 1453[210].Betrothed (1455) to BARBARA von Liechtenstein, daughter of GEORG IV von Liechtenstein-Nikolsburg & his wife Hedwig von Pottendorf (-1463). The primary source which confirms her parentage and betrothal has not yet been identified.m secondly (1455) VARVARA, daughter of DUCIA di Payro [del Balzo][211] & his wife --- (-Jun 1459). The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified.m thirdly (before 1460) CECILIA, a German from Barlat[212] (-after 1474). “Caecilia, herceg Stephani vidua” is named in a charter dated 28 May 1467[213].Stefan & his first wife had three children:

1.KATARINA (1424-Rome 25 Oct 1478, bur Ara Coeli). The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. Her marriage was arranged to seal the peace agreed between her father and her future husband[214]. m (Apr 1446) as his second wife, STEFAN TOMAŠ King of Bosnia, illegitimate son of STJEPAN OSTOJA King of Bosnia & his mistress --- (-murdered 10 Jul 1461)

2.VLADISLAV ([1425]-[27 Oct 1487/1 Nov 1489]). “Stephanus, Bosnæ magnus vojevoda, et filii Vladisav et Vlatko” acknowledged receipt of money from the Ragusans by charter dated 7 May 1440[215]. “Stephanus, Bosnæ magnus vojevoda, uxor eius Helena et filius Vladisav” accepted what “Helena uxor vojevodæ Sandalj” left by charter dated 1 Apr 1443[216]. He and his mother left court because of his father's relationship with a girl from Siena, brought by merchants with the aim of arranging her marriage to Vladislav. In revenge, Vladislav conquered western Hum but made peace in 1453[217]. “Stephanus herceg S. Sabbæ” pardoned “conjugi Helenæ et filio Vladisavo sociisque eius” by charter dated 19 Jul 1453[218]. He rebelled again in 1462 after his father refused to grant him an appanage, seeking help from the Ottomans who invaded Hum, after which his father was obliged to grant Vladislav an appanage on the Lim River although this was conquered by the Ottomans in 1465. “Vladisav, dominus regionis chlmensis” requested credit from Ragusa by charter dated 13 Oct 1465[219]. Vladislav left for the coast and soon emigrated to Hungary where King Mátyás granted him lands in Slavonia[220]. m (Mar 1455) ANNA [Chierina/Kyra Ana] Kantakuzene, daughter of GEORGIOS Palaiologos Kantakuzenos & his wife --- Palaiologina (-after 1476). The Masarelli Vatican names (in order) Euphrosyne, Maria, Philippa, Eirene, Cherana, Theodora, Philippa and Zoia as the eight surviving daughters of Georgios & his wife, stating that Anna married Vladislav son of Stefan duke of Bosnia[221]. Vladislav ve karısının bir çocuğu vardı: a)PETAR Balsa (-after 1511). Herceg of Saint Sava. m QUIRINA, daughter of FRANCESCO Quirini, Archbishop of Sebenico and Lesina & his wife ---. The Masarelli Vatican states that the wife of "Balsa", son of Vladislav of Bosnia, was Quirino, a Venetian, and that they had one son and one daughter[222]. Petar ve karısının iki çocuğu vardı:

i)MATIJA Balsa (-[1533). Herceg of Saint Sava. m IRINA Jaksić, daughter of ---. Matija ve karısının iki çocuğu vardı:

(a)MIKLOS Balsa (-after 1556). Herceg of Saint Sava. m ---. Miklos'un karısının adı bilinmemekte. Miklos ve karısının dört çocuğu vardı: (1) IVAN .


(3)TOMAS .

(4)daughter .

(b)daughter (-after 1552).

ii) VLADISLAV Hercegović (-after 1514). A monk.

3.VLATKO Hercegović ([1426]-Island of Rab before Mar 1489). “Stephanus, Bosnæ magnus vojevoda, et filii Vladisav et Vlatko” acknowledged receipt of money from the Ragusans by charter dated 7 May 1440[223]. He succeeded his father in 1466 as Herceg of Saint Sava, his older brother being by-passed in the succession. “Vlatko, dux S. Sabbæ” sent envoys to Ragusa by charter dated Nov 1460[224]. It is not known whether this charter is incorrectly dated or whether it means that Vlatko bore the ducal title during the lifetime of his father. The Ragusans promised credit to “filiis herceg Stephani, Vlatko et Stephano” by charter dated 13 Sep 1466[225]. Experiencing difficult relations with Hungary, he concluded a treaty with the Ottomans in 1470 and accepted their suzerainty, in return being granted Trebinje and Popovo Polje by Sultan Mohammed II (although he took back these territories in 1473)[226]. He attacked the Ottomans in 1476 jointly with his brother-in-law Ivan Crnojević of Zeta, but the two soon quarrelled, after which he made peace with the Ottomans. However, with the Ottoman capture of Novi [Herceg-Novi] in 1481, Hercegovina disappeared as a state. Protected for a while by the Ottomans, he fled to the Venetian island of Rab in [1487][227]. m firstly (1455 before 22 Mar, repudiated 1463) --- of Celje, illegitimate daughter of FREDERIC [II] Count of Celje [Cilly] & his mistress ---. The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. m secondly (1474) as her first husband, MARGHERITA di Marzano, daughter of MARIANO di Marzano Principe di Rossano, Duca di Sessa e di Squilacce & his wife Eleonora d'Aragona. The primary source which confirms her parentage and two marriages has not yet been identified. She married secondly ([1489/93]) Marco Loredano, Captain of the republic of Venice.

a)MARIJA . m ANTONIO Pesare .

b)JOVAN [Giovanni] Hercegović (-after 1546). Herceg of Saint Sava. Patrician of Venice[228]. m SOFIA Sossia, from Vicenza. m NEOPHYTA, daughter of ---. Jovan & his wife had five children:

i)VIRGINIA (-after 1559). m firstly ---. m secondly as his second wife, JEAN de Lusignan, illegitimate son of JACQUES II King of Cyprus & his mistress --- de Flètre (-Venice 29 Nov 1552).

ii)ISABELLA . m (1545) POMPEO Avogadro .

iii)SAVA . m (14 Apr 1544) PAOLO Boldú .

iv)VLATKO . m TADDEA Belazij, daughter of CHR Belazij & his wife ---. Vlatko & his wife had one child:

(a)GIOVANNI . Lived in Dubrovnik. m ISABELLA Zorzi, daughter of PAOLO Zorzi & his wife ---. Giovanni & his wife had one child:

(1)VLATKO (-after 1570). Lived in Dubrovnik. m --- Loredano, daughter of PIETRO Loredano & his wife ---. Vlatko & his wife had one child:

a.ELISABETA . m (10 Feb 1615) ANGELO Zorzi .

v)FERANTE . m (15 Dec 1564) FAUSTINA Erizzo, daughter of SEBASTIANO Erizzo & his wife --- Querini.

Stefan & his second wife had three children:

4.son (1456-young). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified.

5.MARA . The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. m (Jul 1469) as his second wife, JOVAN [Ivan] Crnojević, son of STJEPAN Crnojević Djurašević & his wife Mara Castriota (-early Jul 1490).

6.STEFAN Hercegović (Jun 1459-21 Jul 1517). The Ragusans promised credit to “filiis herceg Stephani, Vlatko et Stephano” by charter dated 13 Sep 1466[229]. He went to Constantinople in [1473/74] and converted to Islam as Hersek Ahmed[230]. Grand Vizier of Sultan Selim 1503-1506 and 1510-1514[231]. m (1482) FATIMA, daughter of Sultan BAYEZID II. Stefan & his wife had two children:

a)MUSTAFA-Beg Hercekoglu . He inherited Almosen[232].

b)ALI-Beg Hercekoglu (-in Egypt). He was a poet known as "Sicida". Grand Chamberlain of Sultan Suleiman. Sandžak-Beg of Rumelia[233].

yukarıdaki metin görüldüğü gibi İngilizce'dir.İngilizceniz varsa çevirebildiğiniz kadarını çevirirseniz metin Hersek Dükalığı maddesine eklenecek.

aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - bcl - be - be_x_old - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - co - cr - crh - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dsb - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - ext - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gan - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - hak - haw - he - hi - hif - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kaa - kab - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mdf - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - mt - mus - my - myv - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - quality - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - rw - sa - sah - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sr - srn - ss - st - stq - su - sv - sw - szl - ta - te - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu -