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Demokrasi İndeksi - Vikipedi

Demokrasi İndeksi

Vikipedi, özgür ansiklopedi

Democracy index map, with brighter colours representing more democratic countries. Countries with DI below 2 (clearly authoritarian) are black.
Democracy index map, with brighter colours representing more democratic countries. Countries with DI below 2 (clearly authoritarian) are black.

The Economist'deki bir çalışma, 167 ülkede demokrasinin durumunu sınadı ve beş genel kategoride odaklanan demokrasinin bir indeksle bunu ölçmeyi denedi: özgür ve adil seçim, vatandaş özgürlükleri, devlet fonksiyonları, politik katılım ve politik kültür. İsveç, 10 üzerinden 9,88 alarak birinciliği taşırken, listenin sonunda 1,03 puan ile Kuzey Kore var. [1][2] "Tam Demokrasiler", "Yarı Demokrasiler", ve "Karma Rejimler" demokrasi olarak nitelendirildi ve "Otoriter Rejimler" diktatörlük olarak değerlendirildi..

Konu başlıkları

[değiştir] Metoloji

As described in the report, the democracy index is a kind of weighted average based on the answers of 60 questions, each one with either two or three permitted alternative answers. Most answers are "experts' assessments"; the report does not indicate what kinds of experts, nor their number, nor whether the experts are employees of The Economist or e.g. independent scolars, nor the nationalities of the experts. Some answers are provided by public opinion surveys from the respective countries. "In the case of countries for which survey results are missing, survey results for similar countries and expert assesments are used in order to fill in gaps."

The questions are distributed into the five categories enumerated supra. Each answer is translated to a mark, either 0 or 1, or for the three answer alternative questions, 0.5. With the exceptions infra, seemingly, the sums are added within each category, multiplied by ten, and divided by the total number of questions within the category. There are a few modifying dependencies, which are explained much more precisely than the main rule procedures. In a few cases, an answer yielding zero for one question voids another question; e.g., if the elections for national legislation and head of government are not considered free (question 1), then the the next question, "Are elections... fair?" is not considered, but automatically marked zero. Likewise, there are a few questions considered so important that a low score on them yields a penalty on the total score sum for their respective categories, namely

  1. "Whether national elections are free and fair";
  2. "The security of voters";
  3. "The influence of foreign powers on government";
  4. "The capability of the civil servants to implement politics".

The five category indices, which all are listed in the report, then are averaged to find the democracy index for a given country. Finally, the the democracy index, rounded to one decimal, decides the classification of the country, as quoted:

  1. Full democracies—scores of 8-10.
  2. Flawed democracies—scores of 6 to 7.9.
  3. Hybrid regimes—scores of 4 to 5.9.
  4. Authoritarian regimes—scores below 4.

The report discusses other indices of democracy, as defined e.g. by Freedom House, and argues for some of the choices made by the team from The Economist. E.g., in this comparison, a higher emphasis has been put on the public opinion and attitudes, as measured by public surveys, but on the other hand, economic living standard has not been weighted as one criterion of democracy (as seemingly some other investigators have done).

There is no indication whatsoever that this report has been presented or is planned to be presented in any academic context, or in any manner has been checked by or will be checked by a peer review.

[değiştir] Ocak 2007 sıralaması

Country Index Category
1 İsveç 9,88 İşleyen demokrasi
2 İzlanda 9,71 İşleyen demokrasi
3 Hollanda 9,66 İşleyen demokrasi
4 Norveç 9,55 İşleyen demokrasi
5 Danimarka 9,52 İşleyen demokrasi
6 Finlandiya 9,25 İşleyen demokrasi
7 Lüksemburg 9,10 İşleyen demokrasi
8 AvustralyaAvusturalya 9,09 İşleyen demokrasi
9 KanadaKanada 9,07 İşleyen demokrasi
10 İsviçreİsviçre 9,02 İşleyen demokrasi
11 Resim:Flag of Republic of Ireland.svgİrlanda 9,01 İşleyen demokrasi
11 Yeni Zelanda 9,01 İşleyen demokrasi
13 AlmanyaAlmanya 8,82 İşleyen demokrasi
14 Avusturya 8,69 İşleyen demokrasi
15 Malta 8,39 İşleyen demokrasi
16 İspanyaİspanya 8,34 İşleyen demokrasi
17 Amerika Birleşik Devletleri 8,22 İşleyen demokrasi
18 Çek Cumhuriyeti 8,17 İşleyen demokrasi
19 Portekiz 8,16 İşleyen demokrasi
20 Belçika 8,15 İşleyen demokrasi
20 Japonya 8,15 İşleyen demokrasi
22 Yunanistan 8,13 İşleyen demokrasi
23 Birleşik Krallık Birleşik Krallık 8,08 İşleyen demokrasi
24 FransaFransa 8,07 İşleyen demokrasi
25 Mauritius 8,04 İşleyen demokrasi
25 Kosta Rika 8,04 İşleyen demokrasi
27 Slovenya 7,96 İşleyen demokrasi
28 Uruguay 7,96 İşleyen demokrasi
29 Güney Afrika Cumhuriyeti 7,91 Flawed democracy
30 Şili 7,89 Flawed democracy
31 Güney Kore 7,88 Flawed democracy
32 Tayvan 7,82 Flawed democracy
33 Estonya 7,74 Flawed democracy
34 İtalyaİtalya 7,73 Flawed democracy
35 HindistanHindistan 7,68 Flawed democracy
36 Botswana 7,60 Flawed democracy
36 Kıbrıs 7,60 Flawed democracy
38 Macaristan 7,53 Flawed democracy
39 Cape Verde 7,43 Flawed democracy
39 Litvanya 7,43 Flawed democracy
41 Slovakya 7,40 Flawed democracy
42 BrezilyaBrezilya 7,38 Flawed democracy
43 Letonya 7,37 Flawed democracy
44 Panama 7,35 Flawed democracy
45 Jamaika 7,34 Flawed democracy
46 Polonya 7,30 Flawed democracy
47 İsrail 7,28 Flawed democracy
48 Trinidad ve Tobago 7,18 Flawed democracy
49 Bulgaristan 7,10 Flawed democracy
50 Romanya 7,06 Flawed democracy
51 Hırvatistan 7,04 Flawed democracy
52 Ukrayna 6,94 Flawed democracy
53 Meksika 6,67 Flawed democracy
54 Arjantin 6,63 Flawed democracy
55 Sırbistan 6,62 Flawed democracy
56 Moğolistan 6,60 Flawed democracy
57 Sri Lanka 6,58 Flawed democracy
58 Karadağ 6,57 Flawed democracy
59 Namibya 6,54 Flawed democracy
59 Papua Yeni Gine 6,54 Flawed democracy
61 Surinam 6,52 Flawed democracy
62 Moldova 6,50 Flawed democracy
63 Lesotho 6,48 Flawed democracy
63 Filipinler 6,48 Flawed democracy
65 Endonezya 6,41 Flawed democracy
65 Resim:Flag of Timor-Leste.svgDoğu Timor 6,41 Flawed democracy
67 Kolombiya 6,40 Flawed democracy
68 Resim:Flag of Republic of Macedonia.svgMakedonya 6,33 Flawed democracy
69 Honduras 6,25 Flawed democracy
70 El Salvador 6,22 Flawed democracy
71 Paraguay 6,16 Flawed democracy
71 Benin 6,16 Flawed democracy
73 Guyana 6,15 Flawed democracy
74 Resim:Flag of Dominican Republic.svgDominik Cumhuriyeti 6,13 Flawed democracy
75 Bangladeş 6,11 Flawed democracy
76 Peru 6,11 Flawed democracy
77 Guatemala 6,07 Flawed democracy
78 Hong Kong 6,03 Flawed democracy
79 Filistin 6,01 Flawed democracy
80 Mali 5,99 Flawed democracy
81 Malezya 5,98 Flawed democracy
81 Bolivya 5,98 Flawed democracy
83 Arnavutluk 5,91 Hybrid regime
84 Singapur 5,89 Hybrid regime
85 Madagaskar 5,82 Hybrid regime
85 Lübnan 5,82 Hybrid regime
87 Bosna Hersek 5,78 Hybrid regime
88 Türkiye 5,70 Hybrid regime
89 Nikaragua 5,68 Hybrid regime
90 Tayland 5,67 Hybrid regime
91 Fiji 5,66 Hybrid regime
92 Ekvador 5,64 Hybrid regime
93 Veneuzela 5,42 Hybrid regime
94 Senegal 5,37 Hybrid regime
95 Gana 5,35 Hybrid regime
96 Mozambik 5,28 Hybrid regime
97 Zambia 5,25 Hybrid regime
98 Liberya 5,22 Hybrid regime
99 Tanzanya 5,18 Hybrid regime
100 Uganda 5,14 Hybrid regime
101 Kenya 5,08 Hybrid regime
102 Rusya 5,02 Hybrid regime
103 Malavi 4,97 Hybrid regime
104 Gürcistan 4,90 Hybrid regime
105 Kamboçya 4,77 Hybrid regime
106 Etiyopya 4,72 Hybrid regime
107 Burundi 4,51 Hybrid regime
108 Gambiya 4,39 Hybrid regime
109 Haiti 4,19 Hybrid regime
110 Ermenistan 4,15 Hybrid regime
111 Kırgızistan 4,08 Hybrid regime
112 Irak 4,01 Hybrid regime
113 Pakistan 3,92 Authoritarian regime
113 Ürdün 3,92 Authoritarian regime
115 Komor 3,90 Authoritarian regime
115 Fas 3,90 Authoritarian regime
115 Mısır 3,90 Authoritarian regime
118 Ruanda 3,82 Authoritarian regime
119 Burkina Faso 3,72 Authoritarian regime
120 Kazakistan 3,62 Authoritarian regime
121 Sierra Leone 3,57 Authoritarian regime
122 Nijer 3,54 Authoritarian regime
123 Bahreyn 3,53 Authoritarian regime
124 Küba 3,52 Authoritarian regime
124 Nijerya 3,52 Authoritarian regime
126 Nepal 3,42 Authoritarian regime
127 Fildişi Sahili 3,38 Authoritarian regime
128 Beyaz Rusya 3,34 Authoritarian regime
129 Azerbaycan 3,31 Authoritarian regime
130 Kamerun 3,27 Authoritarian regime
131 Resim:Flag of Congo.svgKongo 3,19 Authoritarian regime
132 Cezayir 3,17 Authoritarian regime
133 Moritanya 3,12 Authoritarian regime
134 Kuveyt 3,09 Authoritarian regime
135 Afganistan 3,06 Authoritarian regime
135 Tunus 3,06 Authoritarian regime
137 Yemen 2,98 Authoritarian regime
138 Çin 2,97 Authoritarian regime
139 Svaziland 2,93 Authoritarian regime
139 İran 2,93 Authoritarian regime
141 Sudan 2,90 Authoritarian regime
142 Katar 2,78 Authoritarian regime
143 Umman 2,77 Authoritarian regime
144 Resim:Flag of Democratic Republic of the Congo.svgDemokratik Kongo Cumhuriyeti 2,76 Authoritarian regime
145 Vietnam 2,75 Authoritarian regime
146 Gabon 2,72 Authoritarian regime
147 Bhutan 2,62 Authoritarian regime
147 Zimbabve 2,62 Authoritarian regime
149 Tacikistan 2,45 Authoritarian regime
150 Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri 2,42 Authoritarian regime
151 Angola 2,41 Authoritarian regime
152 Cibuti 2,37 Authoritarian regime
153 Suriye 2,36 Authoritarian regime
154 Eritre 2,31 Authoritarian regime
155 Laos 2,10 Authoritarian regime
156 Ekvator Ginesi 2,09 Authoritarian regime
157 Gine 2,02 Authoritarian regime
158 Gine Bissau 2,00 Authoritarian regime
159 Suudi Arabistan 1,92 Authoritarian regime
160 Özbekistan 1,85 Authoritarian regime
161 Libya 1,84 Authoritarian regime
162 Türkmenistan 1,83 Authoritarian regime
163 Myanmar 1,77 Authoritarian regime
164 Togo 1,75 Authoritarian regime
165 Çad 1,65 Authoritarian regime
166 Resim:Flag of Central African Republic.svgOrta Afrika Cumhuriyeti 1,61 Authoritarian regime
167 Kuzey Kore 1,03 Authoritarian regime

[değiştir] References

[değiştir] Dış bağlantılar

  • "The Economist Intelligence Unit's index of democracy" [1]

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