Genel |
Yaşam | tür | biyoloji |
Evrim |
Doğal seçilim | genetik birikim | cinsel seçilim | evrimleşme | mutasyon | gen akışı |
Yaşam ağacı |
Cladistics | Hayvans | Bitkis | mantar | protistas | bakteri | archaea | Prokaryot | Ökaryot | three-domain system | angiosperms | böceks | nematodes | viruses |
İnsanın sınıflandırılması |
Primat | memeli | omurgalı | craniata | chordate | deuterostome | hayvan |
Biyoloji Tarihi |
Great Chain of Being | omne vivum ex ovo | timeline of biology and organic chemistry |
Tarihçeler |
ecology | evolutionary biology | geography | model organisms | molecular biology | paleontology |
Biochemistry |
DNA | RNA | protein | enzyme | protein folding | carbohydrate | lipid | glycolysis | citric acid cycle | electron transport chain | oxidative phosphorylation | photosynthesis | protein structure |
Genetik |
Gene | genome | karyotype | transcription | translation | recombination | chromosome | Mendelian inheritance | phenotype | genotype | epigenetics | splicing | mutation | genetic fingerprint | chromatin | classical genetics | ecological genetics | molecular genetics | population genetics | quantitative genetics |
Hücre |
Hücre duvarı | Hücre Membranı | cytoskeleton | mitokondri | kloroplast | çekirdek | endoplazmik retikulum | Golgi cisimciği | Hücre Devri | mitoz | metabolizma | cell signaling | protein targeting |
Life cycle |
DNA replication | reproduction | ploidy | spermatogenez | alternation of generations | oogenesis | parasitism | evolution of sex | meiosis | senescence |
Development |
Tissues | fertilization | embryogenesis | gastrulation | neurulation | organogenesis | differentiation | morphogenesis | metamorphosis | ontogeny |
Lab Teknikleri |
Genetic engineering | transformation | gel electrophoresis | chromatography | centrifugation | cell culture | DNA sequencing | DNA microarray | green flourescent protein | vector | enzyme assay | protein purification | Western blot | Northern blot | Southern blot | restriction enzyme | polymerase chain reaction | two-hybrid screening | in vivo - in vitro - in silico |
Yaşam Tarihi |
Altricial - precocial | sex ratio |
Davranış |
Altruism - cooperation - foraging - learning - çocuk bakımı - sexual conflict - territoriality |
Ecology |
Biomass | food chain | indicator species | extinction | habitat | species distribution | Gaia theory | metapopulation |
Conservation |
Biodiversity | biodiversity hotspot | nature reserve | edge effect | Allee effect | corridor | fragmentation | pollution | invasive species | in situ - ex situ | seedbank | environmental economics |
Field techniques |
Belt transect | mark and recapture | species discovery curve |
Other fields |
Anatomi | astrobiyoloji | biological anthropology | botanik | biomühendislik | bioinformatics | environmental science | ethology | human biology | marine biology | microbiyoloji | natural history | origin of life | paleontology | parasitology | patoloji | farmakoloji | phylogenetics | psikoloji | systems biology | taxonomy | zooloji |
Assessment |
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine |
Ayrıca |
Template:Bioloji Tarihi |