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Участник:MaxSem/Список государственных девизов — Википедия

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Этот список содержит девизы суверенных государств и некоторых их регионов. Также приведены девизы

This page lists state and national mottos for the world's independent states and if applicable, their component states. Some of the mottos in this list may be outdated. The mottos for some states lacking general international recognition and some extinct states are also listed.



[править] А

  • Албания: Сильная и свободная
  • Алжир: من الشعب و للشعب (Революция людей и для людей)
  • Американское Самоа: Samoa, Muamua Le Atua (Samoan, "Samoa, Let God Be First")
  • Андорра: Virtus Unita Fortior (Latin, "Strength united is stronger")
  • Ангола: Virtus Unita Fortior (Latin, "Unity Provides Strength")
  • Антигуа и Барбуда: Each endeavouring, all achieving
  • Аргентина: En Unión y Libertad (Spanish, "In Union and Liberty")
    • Провинция Коррьентес: Patria, Libertad, Constitución (Родина, свобода, конституция)
    • Провинция Энтре Риос: Federación, Libertad, Fuerza (Spanish, "Federation, Liberty, Strength")
  • Армения: Մեկ Ազգ , Մեկ Մշակույթ (Armenian, One Nation, One Culture)
  • Аруба: Un isla feliz (Papiamento, "A Happy Island")
  • Австралия: нет
    • Australian Capital Territory: For the Queen, the law and the people
    • New South Wales: Orta recens quam pura nites (Latin, "Newly risen, how brightly you shine")
    • Northern Territory: none
    • Квинсленд: Audax at fidelis (Latin, "Bold but faithful")
    • South Australia: United for the common wealth
    • Тасмания: Ubertas et fidelitas (Latin, "Fertility and faithfulness")
    • Victoria: Peace and Prosperity
    • Western Australia: Cygnis Insignis (Latin, "Distinguished by its swans")
  • Австрия: none. Formerly AEIOU, possibly standing for Austriae est imperare orbi universo (Latin, "It is Austria's destiny to rule the world")
  • Австро-Венгрия: Indivisibiliter ac Inseparabiliter (Latin, "Indivisible and inseparable")
  • Азербайджан: Odlar Yurdu (Azeri, "The Land of the Eternal Fire")

[править] Б

  • Багамы: Forward upward onward together
  • Барбадос: Pride and Industry
  • Белоруссия: Жыве Беларусь! (Belarusian, Long Live Belarus!)
  • Бельгия: L'union fait la force, Eendracht maakt macht and Einigkeit gibt Stärke (French, Dutch and German, "Strength lies in unity")
  • Белиз: Sub umbra floreo (Latin, "Under the shade I flourish")
  • Бенин: Fraternité, Justice, Travail (French, "Fellowship, Justice, Labour")
  • Бутан: One Nation, One People
  • Боливия: La Unión es la Fuerza (Spanish, "The Union is the Strength")
  • Бразилия: Ordem e progresso (Portuguese, "Order and progress")
    • Сан-Паулу: Pro Brasilia fiant eximia (Latin, "For Brazil do the best")
    • Город Сан-Паулу: Non ducor duco (Latin, "I am not led, I lead")
    • Minas Gerais : Libertas quæ sera tamen (Latin, "Liberty even when it comes late")
  • Бруней: Brunei darussalam (Malay, "Brunei, the abode of peace")
  • Болгария: Съединението прави силата (Bulgarian, "Strength lies in unity")
  • Буркина-Фасо: Unité, Progrès, Justice (French, "Unity, Progress, Justice")
  • Бурунди: Unité, Travail, Progrès (French, "Unity, Work, Progress")

[править] C

  • Камбоджа: Nation, Religion, King
  • Камерун: Paix, Travail, Patrie (French, "Peace, Work, Fatherland")
  • Канада: A mari usque ad mare (Latin, "From sea to sea")
    • Альберта: Fortis et liber (Latin, "Strong and free")
    • Британская Колумбия: Splendor sine occasu (Latin, "Splendour without diminishment")
    • Манитоба: Gloriosus et liber (Latin, "Glorious and free")
    • New Brunswick: Spem reduxit (Latin, "Hope was restored")
    • Newfoundland and Labrador: Quaerite primum regnum dei (Latin, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God")
    • Northwest Territories: none; One people, many voices is inscribed in several languages on the ceremonial mace of the Northwest Territories Legislature
    • Nova Scotia: Munit haec et altera vincit (Latin, "One defends and the other conquers")
    • Nunavut: Nunavut sanginivut (Inuktitut, "Nunavut our strength" or "Our land, our strength")
    • Ontario: Ut incepit fidelis sic permanet (Latin, "Loyal she began, loyal she remains")
    • Prince Edward Island: Parva sub ingenti (Latin, "The small under the protection of the great")
    • Quebec: Je me souviens (French, "I remember")
    • Saskatchewan: Multis e gentibus vires (Latin, "From many peoples, strength")
    • Юкон: нет
  • Кабо-Верде: Единство, труд, прогресс
  • Центрально-Африканская Республика: Unité, Dignité, Travail (French, "Unity, Dignity, Work")
  • Чад: Unité, Travail, Progrès (French, "Unity, Work, Progress")
  • Чили: Por la razón o la fuerza (Spanish, "By reason or by strength")
    • Post Tenebras Lux (Latin, "After darkness, Light") (Old one)
    • Aut concilio, aut ense (Latin, "By the reason or by the sword") (Old one)
  • Колумбия: Libertad y orden (Spanish, "Freedom and order")
  • Коморы: Unité, Justice, Progrès (French, "Unity, justice, progress")
  • Confederate States of America: Deo Vindice (Latin, "God will vindicate")
  • Демократическая Республика Конго: Justice, Paix, Travail (Правосудие, мир, работа)
  • Республика Конго: Unité, Travail, Progrès (French, "Unity, Work, Progress")
  • Коста-Рика: ¡Vivan siempre el trabajo y la paz! (Spanish, "May work and peace be always alive!")
    • (unofficial): ¡Pura vida! (Spanish, "Pure life!")
  • Côte d'Ivoire: Unity, Discipline and Labor
  • Куба: Patria o muerte venceremos (Spanish, "Fatherland or death, we will win!")
  • Чехия: Pravda vítězí! (Czech, "Truth prevails!")

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[править] Ф

[править] Г

  • Габон: Union, Travail, Justice (French, "Union, Work, Justice")
  • Гамбия: Progress, Peace, Prosperity
  • Грузия: ძალა ერთობაშია! (Dzala ertobashia) (Georgian, "Strength is in Unity")
  • Германия: Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit (German, "Unity and justice and freedom")
  • Гана: Freedom and Justice
  • Греция: Ελευθερία ή θάνατος (transliterated as "Eleutheria i thanatos") (Greek, "Liberty or death")
  • Гренада: The Land, the People, the Light
  • Гуам: Where America's Day Begins
  • Гватемала: El País de la Eterna Primavera (Spanish, "The country with the eternal spring ")
  • Гвинея: Travail, Justice, Solidarité (French, "Work, Justice, Solidarity")
  • Гвинея-Биссау: Unidade, Luta, Progresso (Portuguese, "Unity, Struggle, Progress")
  • Гайана: One people, one nation, one destiny

[править] H

  • Гаити: L'union fait la force (French, "Unity is strength")
  • Гондурас: Libre, Soberana E Independiente(Spanish, "Free, sovereign and independent")
  • Венгрия: none, formerly Regnum Mariae Patrona Hungariae (Latin, "Kingdom of Mary, the Patron of Hungary")

[править] И

  • Индия: सत्यमेव जयते (Satyameva Jayate) (Sanskrit, "Truth alone triumphs")
  • Индонезия: Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Old Javanese, "Unity in diversity")
  • Иран: Esteghlâl, Azâdi, Jomhouri-ye Islâmi (Persian, "Independence, Freedom, Islamic Republic")
  • Ирак: الله أكبر (Allahu Akbar) (Arabic, "God is Great")
  • Ирландия: none
  • Израиль (неофициальный): אִם תִרְצוּ, אֵין זוֹ אַגָדה ("If it is your will it won't be a dream" or "When there's a will, there's a way")
  • Италия: нет

[править] J

  • Ямайка: Out of many, one people
  • Япония: Peace and Progress (Emperor's motto)
  • Иордания: الأردن أوّلاً, | الله، الوطن، الملك (Allah Al-Watan Al-Malek) (Arabic, "God, the Homeland, the King")

[править] K

[править] Л

  • Лаос: Peace, independence, democracy, unity and prosperity
  • Латвия: Tēvzemei un Brīvībai (Latvian, "For Fatherland and Freedom")("Отечество и Свобода")
  • Ливан: Koullouna Lil Watan, Lil Oula wal'Allam (Arabic, "Us all! For our Nation, for our Emblem and Glory!")
  • Лесото: Khotso, Pula, Nala (Sotho, "Peace, Rain, Prosperity")
  • Либерия: The love of liberty brought us here
  • Ливия: Freedom, socialism, unity
  • Литва: Vienybė težydi (Lithuanian, Let unity bloom)
  • Люксембург: Mir wëlle bleiwe wat mir sin (Luxembourgeois, "We want to stay what we are")

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[править] П

  • Пакистан: Yaqeen-mukkam , ittihad , nizam (Urdu, "Faith (self-confidence), unity, discipline")
  • Палау: Rainbow's End
  • Панама: Pro mundi beneficio (Latin, "For the benefit of the world")
  • Папуа — Новая Гвинея: Unity in Diversity
  • Парагвай: Paz y justicia (Spanish, "Peace and justice")
  • Филиппины: Maka-Diyos, Makatao, Makakalikasan at Makabansa (Tagalog, "God, People, Nature and Country")
    • Former: Isang bansa, isang diwa (Tagalog, "One nation, one spirit")
  • Перу: Firme y feliz por la Unión (Spanish, "Steady and happy for the union")
  • Польша: none; unofficially, Bóg, Honor, Ojczyzna (Polish, "God, Honour, Fatherland")
  • Португалия: none
    • Азоры: Antes morrer livres que em paz sujeitos (Portuguese, "To die free rather than to be subjugated in peace")
    • Мадейра: Das ilhas, as mais belas e livres (Portuguese, "Of the islands, the most beautiful and free")
  • Пуэрто-Рико: Joannes Est Nomen Eius (Latin, "John is his name")

[править] R

  • Republika Srpska: Samo Sloga Srbina Spašava (Serbian), "Only Unity Saves the Serbs"
  • Roman Republic and Roman Empire: Senatus Populusque Romanus (Latin, "The Senate and the Roman people", often abbreviated SPQR)
  • Romania: Deşteaptă-te, române! (Romanian, "Wake up, Romanian!")
  • Rwanda: Unity, Work, Patriotism

[править] S

  • Saint Kitts and Nevis: Country Above Self
  • Saint Lucia: The land, the people, the light
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Pax et justitia (Latin, "Peace and justice")
  • Samoa: Fa'avae i le Atua Samoa (Samoan, "Samoa is founded on God")
  • San Marino: Libertas (Latin, "Liberty")
  • Saudi Arabia: لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله (lā ilāhā illā-llāhu; muhammadu-r-rasūlu-llāhi) (Arabic, "There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His Prophet")
  • Senegal: Un peuple, un but, une foi (French, "One people, one goal, one faith")
  • Serbia: Samo Sloga Srbina Spasava (Serbian, "Only solidarity will save the Serbs")
  • Seychelles: Finis coronat opus (Latin, "The end crowns the work")
  • Sierra Leone: Unity, freedom, justice
  • Singapore: Majulah Singapura (Malay, "Onward Singapore")
  • Solomon Islands: To lead is to servent
  • South Africa: !ke e: /xarra //ke (/Xam, "Diverse people unite" or "Unity in Diversity")
    • Former: Ex Unitate Vires (Latin, "From unity, strength", under apartheid)
  • Soviet Union: Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь! (Russian, "Workers of the world, unite!")
  • Spain: Plus Ultra (Latin, "Further beyond")
    • Former: Una, grande y libre (Spanish, "One, great and free", under Franco's regime)
    • Andalusia: Andalucía por sí, para España y la Humanidad (Spanish, "Andalusia for herself, for Spain, and for Mankind")
    • Asturias: Hoc signo tuetur pius, Hoc signo vincitur inimicus (Latin, "This sign defends the pious, this sign defeats the enemy")
    • Catalonia: Som i serem (Catalan, "We are and will be")
  • Sudan: Al-Nasr Lana (Arabic, "Victory is Ours")
  • Suriname: Justitia, pietas, fides (Latin, "Justice, piety, loyalty")
  • Swaziland: Siyinquaba (Swati, "We are the fortress")
  • Sweden: För Sverige i tiden (Swedish, "For Sweden, with the times") (See all royal mottos)
  • Switzerland: Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno (Latin, "One for all, all for one", traditional, but not official)
  • Syria: Umma arabia wahida that risala khalida (Arabic, "One Arab nation. One Eternal Message")

[править] T

  • Tanzania: Uhuru na Umoja (Swahili, "Freedom and Unity")
  • Thailand: ไทยนี้รักสงบ แต่ถึงรบไม่ขลาด
  • Togo: Travail, Liberté, Patrie (French, "Work, liberty, homeland")
  • Tonga: Ko e ʻOtua mo Tonga ko hoku tofiʻa (Tongan, "God and Tonga are my Inheritance")
  • Trinidad and Tobago: Together we aspire, together we achieve
  • Tunisia: Order, Freedom,and Justice
  • Turkey: Yurtta Sulh, Cihanda Sulh (Turkish, "Peace at home, peace in the world")
  • Tuvalu: Tuvalu mo te Atua (Tuvaluan, "Tuvalu for the Almighty")

[править] U

  • Uganda: For God and My Country
  • Ukraine: none; unofficially: Воля, злагода, добро (Ukrainian, "Freedom, Concord, Goodness")
  • United Kingdom: Dieu et mon droit (French, "God and my right", Royal motto)
    • Scotland: Nemo me impune lacessit (Latin, "No one provokes me with impunity")
    • Wales: Ich Diene (German, "I serve", Prince's motto), Y ddraig goch ddyry cychwyn (Welsh, "The red dragon inspires action"), Cymru am byth (Welsh, "Wales for ever", unofficial)
    • Northern Ireland: Dieu et mon droit (French, "God and my right", Royal motto)
    • Isle of Man: Quocunque jeceris stabit (Latin, "Whithersoever you throw it, it will stand")
    • Anguilla: Each Endeavouring, All Achieving
    • Bermuda: Quo Fata Ferunt (Latin, "Whither the Fates carry [us]")
    • British Indian Ocean Territory: In tutela nostra Limuria (Latin, "Limuria is in our charge")
    • British Virgin Islands: Vigilate (Latin, "Be Watchful")
    • Cayman Islands: He hath founded it upon the seas
    • Falkland Islands: Desire the right
    • Gibraltar: Nulli expugnabilis hosti (Latin, "Conquerable by no enemy")
    • Montserrat: Each Endeavouring, All Achieving
    • Saint Helena: Loyal and Unshakeable
    • South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands: Leo Terram Propriam Protegat (Latin, "Let the lion protect its own land")
    • Tristan da Cunha: Our faith is our strength
    • Turks and Caicos Islands: Each Endeavouring, All Achieving
  • United States: In God We Trust (official) and E pluribus unum (Latin, "Out of many, one") (de-facto)
    • There is a separate list of U.S. state mottos
  • Uruguay: Libertad o Muerte (Spanish, "Liberty or Death")

[править] V

  • Vanuatu: Let us stand firm in God
  • Venezuela: none
    • Amazonas: Honor y Lealtad (Spanish,"Honor and Loyalty")
    • Anzoátegui: Tumba de sus tiranos (Spanish, "Tomb of its tyrants")
    • Barinas: Dios y Federación (Spanish, "God and Federation")
    • Carabobo: Ocassus servitutis (Latin, "Decline of the servitude"; but also: "End of slavery")
    • Cojedes: Ad Sum (Latin, "I am here")
    • Delta Amacuro: La Paz en la Federación (Spanish, "The Peace in the Federation")
    • Falcón: Dios y Federación (Spanish, "God and Federation")
    • Guárico: Si amas la libertad, ven a mis pampas (Spanish, "If you love liberty, come to my plains")
    • Monagas: Resistió con valor (Spanish, "It resisted with courage")
    • Portuguesa: Honor y Gloria (Spanish, "Honor and Glory")
    • Vargas: Igualdad, Libertad, Propiedad y Seguridad (Spanish, "Equality, Liberty, Property -possibly Propriety- and Security")
  • Vietnam: Ðộc lập, tự do, hạnh phúc (Vietnamese, "Independence, liberty and happiness")
  • Virgin Islands (US): United in Pride and Hope

[править] Й

[править] З

  • Замбия: One Zambia, One Nation (Одна Замбия, один народ)
  • Западная Сахара (САДР): حرية ديمقراطية وحدة (Свобода, демократия, единство)
  • Зимбабве: Unity, Freedom, Work (Единство, свобода, работа)

aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - bcl - be - be_x_old - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - co - cr - crh - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dsb - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - ext - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gan - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - hak - haw - he - hi - hif - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kaa - kab - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mdf - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - mt - mus - my - myv - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - quality - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - rw - sa - sah - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sr - srn - ss - st - stq - su - sv - sw - szl - ta - te - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu -