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Nanotechnology - Wikipedia


Ibat king Wikipedia

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Kabaldugan o Implikasiun
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Subfields and related fields

Carbon nanotubes


Molecular self-assembly
Self-assembled monolayer
Supramolecular assembly
DNA nanotechnology

Molecular electronics

Scanning probe microscopy
Atomic force microscope
Scanning tunneling microscope

Molecular nanotechnology
Molecular assembler
Productive nanosystems

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(Larawan a) kikimut ning dudurut a nanotube nung nu makalto ing kayang balangkas a 3D.
(Larawan a) kikimut ning dudurut a nanotube nung nu makalto ing kayang balangkas a 3D.

King maleparan a kabaldugan, ing nanotechnology tutunggen ne ing metung a larangan ning siyensiyang magagamit (applied science) ampong teknolohiyang, a makaparikil king pamagkontrol o pamanagin king pekasangkap (matter) king degulan o lebel ning atom ampong molecule, keraklan manibat metung (1) anggang dinalan (100) a nanometer, ampo i ing pamangawa kareng gamit a makanyan la dagul deng pekamaulaga dang parti/dake.

Iti metung yang larangan a tutung multidisciplinary (tatagkil kareng miyayaliwang larangan): mandam ya king pisikang megamit, siensia da reng panyangkap (materials science), w:interface and colloid science, device physics w:supramolecular chemistry (ing dake ning kimikang manigaral king pamiugnayan dang noncovalent deng molecule, w:self-replicating machine at saka w:robotics, w:chemical engineering, w:mechanical engineering, w:biological engineering, ampong w:electrical engineering. Maragul ing dibati nung nanu ing lualan ning pamamanyaliksik kareng karinan a reti. Malyari yang lon ing nanotechnology antimong pamaglub o pamituglung da reng siensia king nanoscale o lebel a misnang latiktik, o antimong pamanyamasan king kabaldugan da reng siensiang atyu na ba yang mas bayu at bage king salukuyan.

Adua la reng manimunang magagamit a paralan (approaches) king nanotechnology. Ketang paralan a "bottom-up" (manibatan lalam), mititikdo la reng sangkap (materials) ampong gamit (devices) ibat kareng dakeng (component) gawa kareng molecule, at miyugne-ugne la reti at mititikdo kapamilatan da reng prinsipiu ning pamangilala kareng molecule. Keta namang paralan a "top-down" (manibatan babo), mititikdo la reng nano-objects o bageng misnang latiktik ibat kareng gamit a mas maragul a e la matatagin deti king lebel a pang-atom. Linto ing nanotechnology uli ning mibayung interes king interface and colloid science, kayabe ing bayung dai o henerasiun da reng kasangkapan king pamagaral antimo ing atomic force microscope (AFM), ampo ing scanning tunneling microscope (STM). Kayagum la reng prosesu antimo ing w:electron beam lithography ampo ing molecular beam epitaxy, gewa rang posibling deng gamit a reti ing sasarian a pamanagin kareng misnang latiktik a bage (nanostructures), at uli na niti, dakal a bayung kapaliarian (novel phenomena) a mesuri.

Kayabe la kareng alimbawa ning nanotechnology deng pamangawa da reng polymer basi king pangabalangkas a molecular, ampo ing pamagdiseniu king planu o layout da reng computer chip basi king surface science. LIpat ning maragul a pangaku da reng dakal a uri ning nanotechnology, kayabe no reng quantum dot ampong nanotube, keraklan, den pamung komersial a gamit ning teknolohiyang iti keta pamung pamangamit da reng colloidal o marayuput a nanoparticle a tsarakal, antimo king suntan lotion, cosmetics (pakasanting itsura), balut a pangambil, panatad panulu,[1] ampong imalan a e mimamantsan.

[mag-edit] Pikuanan

  1. Abdelwahed W, Degobert G, Stainmesse S, Fessi H, (2006). "Freeze-drying of nanoparticles: Formulation, process and storage considerations". Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews. 58 (15): 1688-1713. 

[mag-edit] Lon la murin deti

  • American National Standards Institute Nanotechnology Panel (ANSI-NSP)
  • Energy Applications of Nanotechnology
  • IEST
  • List of emerging technologies
  • List of nanotechnology organizations
  • List of nanotechnology topics
  • Molecular modelling
  • Nanoengineering
  • Nanobiotechnology
  • Nanofluidics
  • Nanoethics
  • Nanoscale iron particles
  • Nanotechnology education
  • Nanotechnology in fiction
  • Plug-in hybrid
  • Supramolecular chemistry
  • Top-down and bottom-up

[mag-edit] Karagdagan a babasan

  • David M. Berube 2006. Nano-hype: The Truth Behind the Nanotechnology Buzz. Prometheus Books. ISBN 1-59102-351-3
  • Jones, Richard A. L. (2004). Soft Machines. Oxford University Press, Oxford, United Kingdom. ISBN 0198528558. 
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia (ed) (2004). The Handbook of Nanotechnology. Nanometer Structures: Theory, Modeling, and Simulation. SPIE Press, Bellingham, WA, USA. ISBN 0-8194-5186-X. 
  • Fei Wang & Akhlesh Lakhtakia (eds) (2006). Selected Papers on Nanotechnology -- Theory & Modeling (Milestone Volume 182). SPIE Press, Bellingham, WA, USA. ISBN 0-8194-6354-X. 

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