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जागतिक फुटबॉल एलो गुणांकन - विकिपीडिया

जागतिक फुटबॉल एलो गुणांकन

विकिपीडिया, मुक्‍त ज्ञानकोशातून

गुणवत्ता क्रमांक The World Football Elo Ratings (Elo is pronounced E-L-O despite not being an acronym) is a ranking system for men's national teams in football. The method used to rank teams is based upon the Elo rating system method but modified to take various football-specific variables into account. Elo should not be confused with the more prevalent FIFA World Rankings, which is the rating system used by FIFA, the international governing body of football.

The ratings take into account all international "A" matches for which results could be found. Ratings tend to converge on a team's true strength relative to its competitors after about 30 matches. Ratings for teams with fewer than 30 matches should be considered provisional.

The FIFA Women's World Rankings uses a simplified version of the Elo formula. The FIFA men's ranking, however, uses a non-Elo formula.


[संपादन] Top 40 ranking

Current table, as of September 12, 2007, of the World Football Elo rankings, compiled by the World Football Elo Ratings web site based on data provided by Advanced Satellite Consulting.

Legend: साचा:Legend साचा:Legend साचा:Legend साचा:Legend साचा:Legend साचा:Legend

Elo rank Nation Points FIFA rank
Flag of ब्राझिल ब्राझिल २०७१
Flag of फ्रान्स फ्रान्स २००२
Flag of आर्जेन्टीना आर्जेन्टीना १९९७
Flag of जर्मनी जर्मनी १९९२
Flag of इटली इटली १९८८
Flag of the Netherlands नेदरलँड्स १९६७
Flag of इंग्लंड इंग्लंड १९२९
Flag of स्पेन स्पेन १८९०
Flag of मेक्सिको मेक्सिको १८८७ १३
१० Flag of क्रो‌एशिया क्रो‌एशिया १८७९ १०
११ Flag of रोमेनिया रोमेनिया १८७७ १२
१२ Flag of पोर्तुगाल पोर्तुगाल १८५५
१३ Flag of the Czech Republic चेक प्रजासत्ताक १८४४ ११
१४ Flag of डेन्मार्क डेन्मार्क १८३२ २८
१५ Flag of स्वित्झर्लंड स्वित्झर्लंड १८०६ ४२
१६ Flag of उरुग्वे उरुग्वे १७९६ १९
१७ Flag of स्वीडन स्वीडन १७९५ २०
१८ Flag of तुर्की तुर्की १७९४ २१
१९ Flag of कोलंबिया कोलंबिया १७७८ २४
२० Flag of स्कॉटलंड स्कॉटलंड १७६७ १४
Elo rank Nation Points FIFA rank
२० Flag of इराण इराण १७६७ ४०
२२ Flag of आयव्हरी कोस्ट आयव्हरी कोस्ट १७६५ २८
२३ Flag of ग्रीस ग्रीस १७६१ १५
२४ Flag of युक्रेन युक्रेन १७५६ १७
२५ Flag of रशिया रशिया १७५४ २६
२६ Flag of Ireland आयर्लंड १७५३ ३२
२७ Flag of पोलंड पोलंड १७५० १६
२८ Flag of पेराग्वे पेराग्वे १७४८ ३१
२९ Flag of घाना घाना १७४७ ४५
३० Flag of नॉर्वे नॉर्वे १७४१ २९
३१ Flag of जपान जपान १७३७ ३४
३२ Flag of नायजेरिया नायजेरिया १७३६ २३
३३ Flag of कामेरून कामेरून १७२८ २५
३३ Flag of the United States अमेरिकेची संयुक्त संस्थाने १७२८ १८
३३ Flag of चिली चिली १७२८ ४७
३६ Flag of बल्गेरिया बल्गेरिया १७१९ ३५
३७ Flag of सर्बिया सर्बिया १७१८ २२
३८ Flag of ऑस्ट्रेलिया ऑस्ट्रेलिया १७०३ ४८
३९ Flag of इजिप्त इजिप्त १६९८ ४३
४० Flag of सौदी अरेबिया सौदी अरेबिया १६९४ ५१

[संपादन] Top 10 since 1970

The following is a list of the national teams with the highest average Elo score from Jan 1, 1970 to Oct 1, 2007. For a top 50, and top 20 lists per decade since the 1950s, see Strongest Football Nations by Elo Ratings

Rank Country Average Elo rating
Flag of ब्राझिल ब्राझिल २००४.३
Flag of जर्मनी जर्मनी[१] १९७२.३
Flag of इटली इटली १९२६.१
Flag of इंग्लंड इंग्लंड १९२१.९
Flag of the Netherlands नेदरलँड्स १९०९.४
Flag of आर्जेन्टीना आर्जेन्टीना १८९३.२
Flag of फ्रान्स फ्रान्स १८८६.५
Flag of स्पेन स्पेन १८८०.४
Flag of the Soviet Union सोव्हिएत संघ[२] १८५७.६
१० Flag of चेकोस्लोव्हाकिया चेकोस्लोव्हाकिया[३] १८४४.७

  1. Germany was also called "West Germany" from १९४९-१९९०
  2. Includes the record of Russia
  3. Includes the record of the Czech Republic

[संपादन] List of number one teams

Start Date Nation # of days
जानेवारी १, २००० Flag of ब्राझिल ब्राझिल १७८
जून २८, २००० Flag of फ्रान्स फ्रान्स ७०८
जून ०६, २००२ Flag of आर्जेन्टीना आर्जेन्टीना
जून ०७, २००२ Flag of फ्रान्स फ्रान्स
जून ११, २००२ Flag of the Netherlands नेदरलँड्स
जून १२, २००२ Flag of स्पेन स्पेन
जून १६, २००२ Flag of the Netherlands नेदरलँड्स
जून २१, २००२ Flag of ब्राझिल ब्राझिल ३५१
जून ०७, २००३ Flag of the Netherlands नेदरलँड्स
जून ११, २००३ Flag of ब्राझिल ब्राझिल
जून १९, २००३ Flag of the Netherlands नेदरलँड्स ८३
सप्टेंबर १०, २००३ Flag of फ्रान्स फ्रान्स २९१
जून २७, २००४ Flag of the Czech Republic चेक प्रजासत्ताक
जुलै ०१, २००४ Flag of फ्रान्स फ्रान्स १०
जुलै ११, २००४ Flag of ब्राझिल ब्राझिल
जुलै १४, २००४ Flag of फ्रान्स फ्रान्स ३५
ऑगस्ट १८, २००४ Flag of आर्जेन्टीना आर्जेन्टीना २९०
जून ०४, २००५ Flag of the Czech Republic चेक प्रजासत्ताक
जून ०८, २००५ Flag of आर्जेन्टीना आर्जेन्टीना २१
जून २९, २००५ Flag of ब्राझिल ब्राझिल १०२
ऑक्टोबर ०९, २००५ Flag of the Netherlands नेदरलँड्स
ऑक्टोबर १२, २००५ Flag of ब्राझिल ब्राझिल २६५
जुलै ०४, २००६ Flag of इटली इटली ४३
ऑगस्ट १६, २००६ Flag of फ्रान्स फ्रान्स ५२
ऑक्टोबर ०७, २००६ Flag of ब्राझिल ब्राझिल १२२
फेब्रुवारी ०६, २००७ Flag of फ्रान्स फ्रान्स
फेब्रुवारी ०७, २००७ Flag of ब्राझिल ब्राझिल १४०
जून २७, २००७ Flag of फ्रान्स फ्रान्स १४
जुलै ११, २००७ Flag of आर्जेन्टीना आर्जेन्टीना
जुलै १५, २००७ Flag of ब्राझिल ब्राझिल -

Complete list since 1872: see World Football Elo Ratings leaders.

[संपादन] Ranking by Days as Leader since जानेवारी १, २०००

Nation # of days Last Date as Leader
Flag of ब्राझिल ब्राझिल ११६९ [१] Current
Flag of फ्रान्स फ्रान्स १११५ १० जुलै २००७
Flag of आर्जेन्टीना आर्जेन्टीना ३१६ १४ जुलै २००७
Flag of the Netherlands नेदरलँड्स ९६ ९ ऑक्टोबर २००५
Flag of इटली इटली ४३ १५ ऑगस्ट २००६
Flag of the Czech Republic चेक प्रजासत्ताक ७ जून २००५
Flag of स्पेन स्पेन १५ जून २००२
  1. Does not include current period as rankings leader

[संपादन] History

This system, developed by Hungarian mathematician Dr. Árpád Élő, is used by FIDE, the international chess federation, to rate chess players. In 1997 Bob Runyan adapted the Elo rating system to international football and posted the results on the Internet. He was also the first maintainer of the World Football Elo Ratings web site.

[संपादन] Overview

The Elo system was adapted for football by adding a weighting for the kind of match, an adjustment for the home team advantage, and an adjustment for goal difference in the match result.

The factors taken into consideration when calculating a team's new rating are:

  • The team's old rating
  • The considered weight of the tournament
  • The goal difference of the match
  • The result of the match
  • The expected result of the match

The different weights of competitions in descending order are;

  • World Cup Finals
  • Continental championships finals
  • World Cup and Continental championship qualifiers
  • All other tournaments
  • Friendly matches

A large difference here is that FIFA ranks the Confederations Cup third highest while the Elo system ranks it fifth (treating Continental and World Cup qualifiers separately for the purposes of comparison, because FIFA does)

These ratings take into account all international "A" matches for which results could be found. Ratings tend to converge on a team's true strength relative to its competitors after about 30 matches. Ratings for teams with fewer than 30 matches should be considered provisional. Match data are primarily from International Football 1872 - Present web site.

[संपादन] Basic calculation principles

The basic principle behind the Elo ratings is only in its simplest form, similar to that of a league, unlike the FIFA tables who effectively run their table as a normal league table, but with weightings to take into account the other factors, the Elo system has its one formula which takes into account the factors mentioned above. There is no first step as in the FIFA system where a team immediately receives points for the result, there is just one calculation in the Elo system.

The ratings are based on the following formulas:

Rn = Ro + KG(WWe)


P = KG(WWe)


Rn = The new team rating
Ro = The old team rating
K = Weight index regarding the tournament of the match
G = A number from the index of goal differences
W = The result of the match
We = The expected result
P = Points Change

[संपादन] Status of match

The status of the match is incorporated by the use of a weight constant. The weight is a constant regarding the "weight" or importance of a match, defined by which tournament the match is in, they are as follows;

Tournament or Match type Index (K)
World Cup Finals 60
Continental Championship and Intercontinental Tournaments 50
World Cup and Continental qualifiers and major tournaments 40
All other tournaments 30
Friendly Matches 20

[संपादन] Number of goals

The number of goals is taken into account by use of a goal difference index. G is increased by half if a game is won by two goals, and if the game is won by three or more goals by a number decided through the appropriate calculation shown below;

If the game is won by one goal

G = 1

If the game is won by two goals

G = \frac{3}{2}

If the game is won by three or more goals

  • Where N is the goal difference
G = \frac{11+N}{8}

Table of examples:

Goal Difference Coefficient of K (G)
0 1
+1 1
+2 1.5
+3 1.75
+4 1.875
+5 2
+6 2.125
+7 2.25
+8 2.375
+9 2.5
+10 2.625

[संपादन] Result of match

W is the result of the game (1 for a win, 0.5 for a draw, and 0 for a loss).

[संपादन] Expected result of match

We is the expected result (win expectancy with a draw counting as 0.5) from the following formula:

W_e = \frac{1}{10^{-dr/400} + 1}

where dr equals the difference in ratings plus 100 points for a team playing at home. So dr of 0 gives 0.5, of 120 gives 0.666 to the higher ranked team and 0.334 to the lower, and of 800 gives 0.99 to the higher ranked team and 0.01 to the lower.

[संपादन] Examples

The same examples have been used on the FIFA World Rankings for a fair comparison. Some actual examples should help to make the methods of calculation clear. In this instance it is assumed that three teams of different strengths are involved in a small friendly tournament on neutral territory.

Before the tournament the three teams have the following point totals.

Team Points
A 630
B 500
C 480

Thus, team A is by some distance the highest ranked of the three: The following table shows the points allocations based on three possible outcomes of the match between the strongest team A, and the somewhat weaker team B:

[संपादन] Example 1

Team A versus Team B (Team A stronger than Team B)

Team A Team B Team A Team B Team A Team B
Score 3 : 1 1 : 3 2 : 2
K 20 20 20 20 20 20
G 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 1
W 1 0 0 1 0.5 0.5
We 0.679 0.321 0.679 0.321 0.679 0.321
Total (P) +9.63 -9.63 -20.37 +20.37 -3.58 +3.58

[संपादन] Example 2

Team B versus Team C (both teams approximately the same strength)

When the difference in strength between the two teams is less, so also will be the difference in points allocation. The following table illustrates how the points would be divided following the same results as above, but with two roughly equally ranked teams, B and C, being involved:

Team B Team C Team B Team C Team B Team C
Score 3 : 1 1 : 3 2 : 2
K 20 20 20 20 20 20
G 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 1
W 1 0 0 1 0.5 0.5
We 0.529 0.471 0.529 0.471 0.529 0.471
Total (P) +14.13 -14.13 -15.87 +15.87 -0.58 +0.58

Note that Team B loses more ranking points by losing to Team C than by losing to Team A.

[संपादन] See also

[संपादन] External links

इतर भाषांमध्ये

aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - bcl - be - be_x_old - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - co - cr - crh - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dsb - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - ext - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gan - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - hak - haw - he - hi - hif - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kaa - kab - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mdf - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - mt - mus - my - myv - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - quality - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - rw - sa - sah - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sr - srn - ss - st - stq - su - sv - sw - szl - ta - te - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu -