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Rolling Stones - Wikipedia

Rolling Stones

Van Wikipedia

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De Rolling Stones is 'ne pop/rockband oet Groot-Brittanië. Ze zeen biejein gekaome in 1962. Ze höbbe in de 45 jaor dao nao al flink gét bandlidwisselinge, hits en albums gehad. De naam vanne band is te danke aan 'n leedje van Muddy Waters.


[bewirk] Bezitting

De oorsjpronkelikke bezitting woor:

  • Mick Jagger (zang)
  • Brian Jones (gitaar)
  • Keith Richards (gitaar)
  • Ian Stewart (piano)
  • Charlie Watts (drums)
  • Bill Wyman (bas)

Ian Stewart is nooit officieel bandlid gewaes omdet det neet biej 't imago van de band zou passe. In 1969 waerde Brian Jones oet de band gezat en vervange door Mick Taylor. Nog gén maondj later waerde Brian Jones dood in zien zjwumbad gevonje. In 1974 sjtapte Mick Taylor weer oet de band en waerde vanaaf 1975 vervange door Ron Wood dae nog steeds in de band zit. Ian Stewart sjtòrf plotseling in 't jaor 1985. En in 1992 sjtapte de bassis Bill Wyman oet de band, hae waerde vervange door Darryl Jones. 'n Anger te vernömme bandlid is de saxofonis Bobby Keys dae al sins 1971 de Rolling Stones ongersjteund.

[bewirk] Discografie

[bewirk] Albums

Albums mit hitnoteringe in de Nederlandse Album Top 20/50/100
Titel Datum van
Datum van
The Rolling Stones 4-1964
The Rolling Stones: England's newest hit makers 5-1964
12 x 5 10-1964
Rolling Stones Nr. 2 1-1965
The Rolling Stones, Now 2-1965
Out of our heads 7-1965
December's children 11-1965
Aftermath 4-1966
Between the buttons 1-1967
Their satanic majesties request 11-1967
Beggar's banquet 11-1968
Let it bleed 11-1969 20-12-1969 1 14
Sticky fingers 4-1971 8-5-1971 1 23
Exile on Main Street 5-1972 10-6-1972 1 13
Goat's head soup 8-1973 22-9-1973 2 12
It's only rock'n roll 10-1974 26-10-1974 6 10
Black and blue 4-1976 1-5-1976 1 26
Some girls 6-1978 17-6-1978 2 19
Emotional rescue 6-1980 12-7-1980 1 15
Tattoo you 8-1981 5-9-1981 1 27
Undercover 11-1983 19-11-1983 2 20
Dirty work 3-1986 5-4-1986 1 16
Steel wheels 8-1989 9-9-1989 1 40
Voodoo lounge 1994 23-7-1994 1 39
Bridges to Babylon 1997 11-10-1997 1 12 *
A bigger bang 9-2005
Got LIFE if you want it 1966
Get yer ya-ya's out! 1970 19-9-1970 4 11
Love you live 1977 1-10-1977 5 15
Still life 1982 12-6-1982 1 22
Flashpoint 1990 13-4-1991 5 27
Stripped 1995 25-11-1995 3 23
No security 1998 1-9-1999
Live licks 2004 6-11-2004
Stone age 3-4-1971 19 11
Gimme shelter 25-9-1971 17 4
Metamorphosis 28-6-1975 22 9
Made in the Shade 28-6-1975
Stones story 15-5-1976 1 22
Heartbreakers 7-1982
Greatest hits 9-1984
The London years 1989
Rewind 1971-1984 28-4-1990 4 30
Hot rocks 1964-1971 12-5-1990 9 14
The singles collection 19-5-1990 14 17
Jump back (The best of 1971-1993) 4-12-1993 15 36
Rock 'n roll circus 2-11-1996 26 9
40 licks 2002 4-1-2003 55
* = notering t/m 27 december 1997

[bewirk] Singles

Singles mit hitnoteringe in de Nederlandse Top 40
Titel Datum van
Datum van
Pre-Top 40
It's all over now 18-7-1964 1 22
Tell me (you're coming back) 3-10-1964 11 13
Empty heart / Around and around 31-10-1964 47 6
Time is on my side 31-10-1964 6 9
Top 40
Time is on my side 2-1-1965 10 7
Little red rooster 2-1-1965 4 12
Tell me (you're coming back) 2-1-1965 11 10
Last time 20-3-1965 2 19
Heart of stone (EP) 3-4-1965 6 16
Got live if you want it (EP) 3-7-1965 9 8
(I can't get no) Satisfaction 14-8-1965 1(5wk) 19
22-8-1970 19 6
6-12-1975 tip
17-11-1990 18 5
Get off my cloud 13-11-1965 3 14
Rolling Stones (EP) 25-12-1965 28 3
As tears go by / 19th nervous breakdown 19-2-1966 2 15
Paint it, black 28-5-1966 1(3wk) 13
5-5-1990 1(4wk) 12
Lady Jane 16-7-1966 5 14
Mother's little helper 20-8-1966 7 9
Have you seen your mother baby, standing in the shadow 15-10-1966 3 11
Let's spend the night together 21-1-1967 2 16
We love you / Dandelion 2-9-1967 1(2wk) 12
She's a rainbow / 2000 light years from home 23-12-1967 3 10
Jumpin' Jack flash 8-6-1968 2 10
Street fighting man 21-9-1968 8 5
(maxi-single) 28-8-1971 tip
Honky tonk women 19-7-1969 4 13
Little queenie 13-2-1971 16 4
Brown sugar 1-5-1971 1(2wk) 11
Tumbling dice 29-4-1972 6 7
Sad day 9-6-1973 18 5
Angie 8-9-1973 1(4wk) 17
30-6-1990 13 6
Sympathy for the devil 20-10-1973 14 5
Star star 26-1-1974 21 5
It's only rock and roll 17-8-1974 17 5
Ain't too proud to beg 11-1-1975 tip
Fool to cry 8-5-1976 8 6
Miss you 10-6-1978 2 13
Respectable 28-10-1978 18 6
Emotional rescue 5-7-1980 8 9
She's so cold 18-10-1980 tip
Start me up 5-9-1981 9 7
Waiting on a friend 5-12-1981 9 8
Going to a go-go (live) 12-6-1982 4 7
Undercover of the night 12-11-1983 5 8
She was hot 18-2-1984 20 4
Harlem shuffle 15-3-1986 5 10
One hit (to the body) 28-6-1986 tip
Mixed emotions 2-9-1989 10 8
Rock and a hard place 9-12-1989 27 4
Almost hear you sigh 19-5-1990 13 7
Highwire 30-3-1991 8 8
Ruby Tuesday (live) 22-6-1991 tip
Sexdrive 14-9-1991 22 4
Love is strong 9-7-1994 16 6
You got me rocking 15-10-1994 35 2
Out of tears 26-11-1994 tip
I go wild 3-6-1995 tip
Like a rolling stone 18-11-1995 14 4
Wild horses 30-3-1996 tip
Anybody seen my baby 4-10-1997 12 5
Saint of me 7-2-1998 tip
Don't stop 12-10-2002 tip
Sympathy for the devil (Neptunes remix) 13-9-2003 15 6
Sad sad sad
Sex drive
Streets of love 14-8-2005 12 6
Rain fall down 10-12-2005 tip
Biggest Mistake 2006

[bewirk] Externe link

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